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Community Answers

  1. For this one https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/sample/instancing.txt Testing the script and it crashes my server when try to enter Instancedb already updated
  2. If you believe so then you're ready to move forward, but its ok to be sad sometimes remembering the past, but dont too be attached
  3. Well.... It is our choice afterall... We can either live happily by moving forward or... still keep hanging to the past in the deep down sadness Time can't be rewind, and make sure we do our best each day
  4. Sometimes Online and Real Life almost similar. People come and go , it cant be avoided , what we can do is moving forward , meeting with new people , and never lose hope that someone we know will come back
  5. download your mapcache.dat to your own computer and add it , then reupload it use winscp for file browser
  6. You mean limit of item carried? cant bring? try emistry script here put it -1 for amount
  7. Try to download my files http://www.mediafire.com/file/wn3ucf994xby8y5/CosmosPalletesandJobSprites.rar And make sure it is included in Data.ini
  8. Do you already download the latest 3rd Job Sprites??
  9. you need to match your accname with accesoryid xD
  10. Change your line on 1560 from [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_BROWNVALK] = "_brownvalk" , into [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_brownvalk] = "_brownvalk" ,
  11. if you dont edit anything try to grab skill.c file on rathena github and replace it with your current one src/map/skill.c https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/skill.c
  12. Yatohime

    THQ Script

    Hello you can try Emistry Script here Credit to emistry, just change the item id
  13. Hello , I would like to request a shop that the item sold by NPC needed amount of point , and that point required need to be take from SQL Cheers~
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