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Posts posted by n0tttt

  1. -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else if(.@oid == .@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself.";
    		} else {
    			set @duel_creator,1;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@duel_creator) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You are the creater of the duel. Wait for the other player's answer.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(prompt("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(prompt("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					if(!.duel) {
    						message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    						announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .duel,true;
    						set .cancel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    						set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    						explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    						set .@r,rand(2);
    						set @duel,.@oid;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						attachrid .@oid;
    						set @duel,.@first_id;
    						set .@r,!.@r;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						set .@i,30;
    						while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    							if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    								announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							sleep 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						if(.@i || .cancel) {
    							announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       				} else {
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    							set .@i,0;
    							while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) {
    								sleep 5000;
    								set .@i,.@i + 5;
    							if(.@i >= .time)
    								announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						if(.logout && .duel) {
    							announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							set .logout,false;
    							set .cancel,false;
    						set .duel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    						addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						if(!@duel) {
    							atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    						} else {
    							set @duel,0;
    							set @duel_creator,0;
    							set @wait_duelaid,0;
    							set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						set .@i,5;
    						while(.@i) {
    							message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    							sleep2 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						warp "prontera",156,161;
    						pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    					} else {
    						message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    						message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			set .duel,false;
    			set .cancel,false;
    			if(playerattached()) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    				if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    					message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					set @duel_creator,0,@wait_duelcid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0,@wait_duelcid;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0,@wait_duelcid;
    					set @duel,0,@wait_duelcid;
    				set @duel_creator,0;
    				set @wait_duelaid,0;
    				set @wait_duelcid,0;
    				set @duel,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is no death duel invite for you right now.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@duel_creator) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You have to wait for your opponent to choose.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .duel,false;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		set .logout,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,20;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending

    Done. The @reject thing I did intentionally if the one who made the duel changed his mind, but now that you point out, it really makes no sense, because there's already a confirmation when the other player accepts. So that part gets executed.

  2. I understood now.

    Try changing the MorphoUnequip function to:

    function	script	MorphoUnEquip	{
    	set .@equipslot,getarg(0);
    	switch(.@equipslot) {
    		case 1: // Top
    				changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP,0;
    		case 2: //Mid
    				changelook LOOK_HEAD_MID,0;
    		case 3: //Lower
    				changelook LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM,0;


  3. dispbottom does support color.


    *dispbottom "<message>"{,<color>{,<char_id>}};

    This command will send the given message with color into the invoking character's chat
    window. The color format is in RGB (0xRRGGBB). The color is
    by default green

    For example:

    dispbottom "Example",0xff0000;


  4. I'm pretty sure that function is also attack related, since it shows this:

    	if (!skill_id) { // Normal attack checks.
    		// This mode is only needed for melee attacking.
    		if (!status_has_mode(status,MD_CANATTACK))
    			return false;
    		// Dead state is not checked for skills as some skills can be used
    		// on dead characters, said checks are left to skill.c [Skotlex]
    		if (target && status_isdead(target))
    			return false;

    Prove it and tell how it goes.

  5. // ============== Credit =====================
    // Scripted by WhiteEagle
    // =============== For =======================
    // Delphin Project
    // ===========================================
    -	script	Levelupbox	-1,{
    if(eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER) end;
    set .@item,501;	// Level 1 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item2,501;	// Level 2 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item3,501;	// Level 3 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item4,501;	// Level 4 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item5,501;	// Level 5 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item6,501;	// Level 6 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item7,501;	// Level 7 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item8,501;	// Level 8 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item9,501;	// Level 9 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item10,501;	// Level 10 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item11,501;	// Level 11 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item12,501;	// Level 12 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item13,501;	// Level 13 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item14,501;	// Level 14 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@item15,501;	// Level 15 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@effect,71;	// Specialeffect Spiral White balls
    set .@effect2,72;	// Specialeffect Bigger Spiral White balls
    set .@effect3,73;	// Specialeffect Blue/White Small Aura
    if(BaseLevel == 10) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 10!";
    if(BaseLevel == 20) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item2,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 20!";
    if(BaseLevel == 30) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item3,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 30!";
    if(BaseLevel == 40) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item4,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 40!";
    if(BaseLevel == 50) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item5,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 50!";
    if(BaseLevel == 60) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item6,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 60!";
    if(BaseLevel == 70) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item7,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 70!";
    if(BaseLevel == 80) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item8,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 80!";
    if(BaseLevel == 90) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item9,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 90!";
    if(BaseLevel == 100) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item10,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 100!";
    if(BaseLevel == 110) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item11,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 110!";
    if(BaseLevel == 120) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item12,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 120!";
    if(BaseLevel == 130) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item13,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 130!";
    if(BaseLevel == 140) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item14,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 140!";
    if(BaseLevel == 150) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item15,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 150!";

    Like this?

    • Love 1
  6. Yeah, but now I added some debug announces:

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else if(.@oid == .@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself.";
    		} else {
    			set @duel_creator,1;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@duel_creator) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You are the creater of the duel. Wait for the other player's answer.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(prompt("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(prompt("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					if(!.duel) {
    						message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    						announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .duel,true;
    						set .cancel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    						set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    						explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    						set .@r,rand(2);
    						set @duel,.@oid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						attachrid .@oid;
    						set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						set .@r,!.@r;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						set .@i,30;
    						while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    							if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    								announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							sleep 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						if(.@i || .cancel) {
    							announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       				} else {
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    							set .@i,0;
    							while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) {
    								sleep 5000;
    								set .@i,.@i + 5;
    							if(.@i >= .time)
    								announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						if(.logout && .duel) {
    							announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							set .logout,false;
    							set .cancel,false;
    						set .duel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    						addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						if(!@duel) {
    							atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    						} else {
    							set @duel,0;
    							set @duel_creator,0;
    						set .@i,5;
    						while(.@i) {
    							message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    							sleep2 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						warp "prontera",156,161;
    						pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    					} else {
    						message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    						message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			set .duel,false;
    			set .cancel,false;
    			announce "DEBUG 1: this part should be executed when one of the players choose no.",bc_all;
    			if(playerattached()) {
    				announce "DEBUG 2: this part should be executed when one of the players choose no and there's one attached.",bc_all;
    				message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    				if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    					message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					set @duel_creator,0,@wait_duelcid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0,@wait_duelcid;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0,@wait_duelcid;
    				set @duel_creator,0;
    				set @wait_duelaid,0;
    				set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is no death duel invite for you right now.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .duel,false;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		set .logout,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,20;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


  7. With cancel do you mean choosing No or the "cancel" button in the menu? Anyways I added a detection for when the player chooses "cancel" (prompt instead of select). Also added the creator's thing. Tell me how it goes.

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else if(.@oid == .@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself.";
    		} else {
    			set @duel_creator,1;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@duel_creator) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You are the creater of the duel. Wait for the other player's answer.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(prompt("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(prompt("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					if(!.duel) {
    						message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    						announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .duel,true;
    						set .cancel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    						set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    						explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    						set .@r,rand(2);
    						set @duel,.@oid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						attachrid .@oid;
    						set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						set .@r,!.@r;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						set .@i,30;
    						while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    							if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    								announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							sleep 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						if(.@i || .cancel) {
    							announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       				} else {
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    							set .@i,0;
    							while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) {
    								sleep 5000;
    								set .@i,.@i + 5;
    							if(.@i >= .time)
    								announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						if(.logout && .duel) {
    							announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							set .logout,false;
    							set .cancel,false;
    						set .duel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    						addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						if(!@duel) {
    							atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    						} else {
    							set @duel,0;
    							set @duel_creator,0;
    						set .@i,5;
    						while(.@i) {
    							message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    							sleep2 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						warp "prontera",156,161;
    						pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    					} else {
    						message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    						message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			set .duel,false;
    			set .cancel,false;
    			if(playerattached()) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    				if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    					message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					set @duel_creator,0,@wait_duelcid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0,@wait_duelcid;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0,@wait_duelcid;
    				set @duel_creator,0;
    				set @wait_duelaid,0;
    				set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is no death duel invite for you right now.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .duel,false;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		set .logout,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,20;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


  8. Thank you for the screenshots. Literally just a lack of "_".

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else if(.@oid == .@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					if(!.duel) {
    						message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    						announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .duel,true;
    						set .cancel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    						set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    						explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    						set .@r,rand(2);
    						set @duel,.@oid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						attachrid .@oid;
    						set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						set .@r,!.@r;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						set .@i,30;
    						while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    							if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    								announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							sleep 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						if(.@i || .cancel) {
    							announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       				} else {
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    							set .@i,0;
    							while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) {
    								sleep 5000;
    								set .@i,.@i + 5;
    							if(.@i >= .time)
    								announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						if(.logout && .duel) {
    							announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							set .logout,false;
    							set .cancel,false;
    						set .duel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank;
    						addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    							atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    							set @duel,0;
    						set .@i,5;
    						while(.@i) {
    							message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    							sleep2 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						warp "prontera",156,161;
    						pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    					} else {
    						message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    						message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel || .cancel) {
    				set .duel,false;
    				set .cancel,false;
    				if(playerattached()) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    						message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    						set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					if(.@id) {
    						attachrid .@id;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .duel,false;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		set .logout,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,20;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


  9. -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else if(.@oid == .@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					if(!.duel) {
    						message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    						announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .duel,true;
    						set .cancel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank;
    						set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    						explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    						set .@r,rand(2);
    						set @duel,.@oid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						attachrid .@oid;
    						set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						set .@r,!.@r;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						set .@i,30;
    						while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    							if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    								announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							sleep 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						if(.@i || .cancel) {
    							announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       				} else {
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank;
    							set .@i,0;
    							while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) {
    								sleep 5000;
    								set .@i,.@i + 5;
    							if(.@i >= .time)
    								announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						if(.logout && .duel) {
    							announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							set .logout,false;
    							set .cancel,false;
    						set .duel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank;
    						addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    							atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    							set @duel,0;
    						set .@i,5;
    						while(.@i) {
    							message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    							sleep2 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						warp "prontera",156,161;
    						pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    					} else {
    						message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    						message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel || .cancel) {
    				set .duel,false;
    				set .cancel,false;
    				if(playerattached()) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    						message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    						set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					if(.@id) {
    						attachrid .@id;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .duel,false;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		set .logout,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,20;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


  10. Had a stupid typo. Also changed the logout thing, it seems isloggedin needs some time to check the status? Anyways here it is. I also added security to avoid a situation where a player waited with the menu too long and a duel already started.


    EDIT 2: changed another thing. Damn.

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else if(.@oid == .@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					if(!.duel) {
    						message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    						announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .duel,true;
    						set .cancel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank;
    						set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    						explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    						set .@r,rand(2);
    						set @duel,.@oid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						attachrid .@oid;
    						set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    						set .@r,!.@r;
    						warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    						set .@i,30;
    						while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    							if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    								announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							sleep 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						if(.@i || .cancel) {
    							announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							if(.logout) {
    								announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    								set .logout,0;
                       				} else {
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    							setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank;
    							set .@i,0;
    							while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) {
    								sleep 5000;
    								set .@i,.@i + 5;
    							if(.@i >= .time)
    								announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    							set .cancel,false;
    						set .duel,false;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp;
    						removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank;
    						addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    						setoption 0x40,0;
    							atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    							set @duel,0;
    						set .@i,5;
    						while(.@i) {
    							message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    							sleep2 1000;
    							set .@i,.@i - 1;
    						warp "prontera",156,161;
    						pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    					} else {
    						message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    						message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago.";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel || .cancel) {
    				set .duel,false;
    				set .cancel,false;
    				if(playerattached()) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    						message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    						set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					if(.@id) {
    						attachrid .@id;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    		attachrid .@oid;
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		set .logout,1;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,10*120;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


  11. Done. Anything else, I'm here.

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else if(.@oid == .@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    					announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					set .duel,true;
    					set .cancel,false;
    					setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false;
    					set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    					explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    					set .@r,rand(2);
    					set @duel,.@oid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					attachrid .@oid;
    					set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					set .@r,!.@r;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					set .@i,30;
    					while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    						if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    							announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						set .@i,.@i - 1;
    					if(.@i || .cancel) {
    						announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id))
    							announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       			} else {
    						setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true;
    						while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) {
    							sleep 5000;
    							set .@i,.@i + 5;
    					if(.@i >= .time)
    						announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .cancel,false;
    					set .duel,false;
    					setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false;
    					addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    						atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    						set @duel,0;
    					set .@i,5;
    					while(.@i) {
    						message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    						sleep2 1000;
    						set .@i,.@i - 1;
    					warp "prontera",156,161;
    					pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel || .cancel) {
    				set .duel,false;
    				set .cancel,false;
    				if(playerattached()) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    						message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    						set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					if(.@id) {
    						attachrid .@id;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    		attachrid .@oid;
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,10*120;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


    • MVP 1
  12. This should fix the duel with yourself, and also I got rid of the OnStuck label and now is just part of the OnAccept label.

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else if(.@oid == .@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    					announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					set .duel,true;
    					set .cancel,false;
    					setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false;
    					set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    					explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    					set .@r,rand(2);
    					set @duel,.@oid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					attachrid .@oid;
    					set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					set .@r,!.@r;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					set .@i,30;
    					while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    						if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    							announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						set .@i,.@i - 1;
    					if(.@i || .cancel) {
    						announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id))
    							announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       			} else {
    						setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true;
    						while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) {
    							sleep 5000;
    							set .@i,.@i + 5;
    						set .cancel,false;
    					set .duel,false;
    					addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    						atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    						set @duel,0;
    					set .@i,5;
    					while(.@i) {
    						message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    						sleep2 1000;
    						set .@i,.@i - 1;
    					warp "prontera",156,161;
    					pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel || .cancel) {
    				set .duel,false;
    				set .cancel,false;
    				if(playerattached()) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    						message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    						set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					if(.@id) {
    						attachrid .@id;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    		attachrid .@oid;
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,10*120;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


  13. Ups. That's funny.

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    					announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					set .duel,true;
    					set .cancel,false;
    					setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false;
    					set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    					explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    					set .@r,rand(2);
    					set @duel,.@oid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					attachrid .@oid;
    					set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					set .@r,!.@r;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					set .@i,30;
    					while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    						if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    							announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						set .@i,.@i - 1;
    					if(.@i || .cancel) {
    						announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id))
    							announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       			} else {
    						setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true;
    						donpcevent "Duel_Death::OnStuck";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel || .cancel) {
    				set .duel,false;
    				set .cancel,false;
    				if(playerattached()) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    						message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    						set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					if(.@id) {
    						attachrid .@id;
    						set @wait_duelaid,0;
    						set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    		attachrid .@oid;
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Duel_Death";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) {
    		sleep 5000;
    		set .@i,.@i + 5;
    		set .cancel,false;
    	set .duel,false;
    	addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    	setoption 0x40,0;
    		atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    		set @duel,0;
    	set .@i,5;
    	while(.@i) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    		sleep2 1000;
    		set .@i,.@i - 1;
    	warp "prontera",156,161;
    	pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,10*120;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


  14. Multiprocessing again. Now only one part of the code deals with the .cancel so it doesn't interfere with the other.

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    					announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					set .duel,true;
    					set .cancel,false;
    					setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false;
    					set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    					explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    					set .@r,rand(2);
    					set @duel,.@oid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					attachrid .@oid;
    					set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					set .@r,!.@r;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					set .@i,30;
    					while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    						if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    							announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						set .@i,.@i - 1;
    					if(.@i || .cancel) {
    						announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id))
    							announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
                       			} else {
    						setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true;
    						donpcevent "Duel_Death::OnStuck";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    				if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    					message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    				set @wait_duelaid,0;
    				set @wait_duelcid,0;
    				if(.@id) {
    					attachrid .@id;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    		attachrid .@oid;
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Death_Duel";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) {
    		sleep 5000;
    		set .@i,.@i + 5;
    		set .cancel,false;
    	set .duel,false;
    	addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    	setoption 0x40,0;
    		atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    		set @duel,0;
    	set .@i,5;
    	while(.@i) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    		sleep2 1000;
    		set .@i,.@i - 1;
    	warp "prontera",156,161;
    	pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,10*120;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


  15. It shouldn't because the variable is a npc one, not a character one. But if you logout it means the variable was set to 0 again because the OnPCLogoutEvent got executed. But there's a 5 second refresh between the loops. Maybe if I refresh it so when a character logs out it's instantly canceled?

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    					announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					set .duel,true;
    					setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false;
    					set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    					explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    					set .@r,rand(2);
    					set @duel,.@oid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					attachrid .@oid;
    					set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					set .@r,!.@r;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					set .@i,30;
    					while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    						if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    							announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						set .@i,.@i - 1;
    					if(.@i || .cancel) {
    						announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id))
    							announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .cancel,false;
                       			} else {
    						setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true;
    						donpcevent "Duel_Death::OnStuck";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    				if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    					message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    				set @wait_duelaid,0;
    				set @wait_duelcid,0;
    				if(.@id) {
    					attachrid .@id;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    		attachrid .@oid;
    	if(@duel) {
    		set .cancel,true;
    		awake "Death_Duel";
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) {
    		sleep 5000;
    		set .@i,.@i + 5;
    		set .cancel,false;
    	set .duel,false;
    	addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    	setoption 0x40,0;
    		atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    		set @duel,0;
    	set .@i,5;
    	while(.@i) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    		sleep2 1000;
    		set .@i,.@i - 1;
    	warp "prontera",156,161;
    	pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,10*120;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


    • MVP 1
  16. This is one of the weirdest bugs because the variable .cancel shouldn't be defined and that var only happens if one logouts or rejects.

    I changed it a little, but tell me how it goes

    -	script	Duel_Death	-1,{
    	if(.duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish.";
    	} else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+".";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel.";
    	} else {
    		set .@player$,strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," ");
    		set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$);
    		if(!.@aid) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online.";
    		} else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel.";
    		} else {
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@cid;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject.";
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			set @wait_duelaid,.@oid;
    			set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$);
    			message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		set .@cid,getcharid(0);
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			// Player 2.
    			mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    			if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself.";
    				attachrid @wait_duelaid;
    				// Player 1.
    				mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000";
    				if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) {
    					message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel.";
    					announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue;
    					set .duel,true;
    					setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false;
    					set .@first_id,getcharid(3);
    					explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,",";
    					set .@r,rand(2);
    					set @duel,.@oid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					attachrid .@oid;
    					set @duel,@wait_duelaid;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    					set .@r,!.@r;
    					warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]);
    					setoption 0x40,0;
    					set .@i,30;
    					while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) {
    						if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6)
    							announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						sleep 1000;
    						set .@i,.@i - 1;
    					if(.@i || .cancel) {
    						announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id))
    							announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    						set .cancel,false;
                       			} else {
    						setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true;
    						donpcevent "Duel_Death::OnStuck";
    				} else {
    					message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled.";
    			if(!.duel) {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    				if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    					message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled.";
    					set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    				set @wait_duelaid,0;
    				set @wait_duelcid,0;
    				if(.@id) {
    					attachrid .@id;
    					set @wait_duelaid,0;
    					set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		} else {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline.";
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel.";
    	} else if(@wait_duelaid) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel.";
    		if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel.";
    			set .@id,@wait_duelaid;
    		set @wait_duelaid,0;
    		set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		if(.@id) {
    			attachrid .@id;
    			set @wait_duelaid,0;
    			set @wait_duelcid,0;
    		set .cancel,true;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel.";
    	if(@duel) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel.";
    	} else if(.duel) {
    		if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) {
    			message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map.";
    		} else {
    			setoption 0x40,1;
    			atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp";
    			pcblockskill getcharid(3),1;
    			warp .duel_map$,0,0;
    	} else {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now.";
    	if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) {
    		set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60;
    		set .@oid,getcharid(3);
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue;
    		attachrid @duel;
    		setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown";
    		set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0);
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over";
    		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    		set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ );
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) {
    			query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'");
    		query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'";
    		attachrid .@oid;
    		set .cancel,true;
    	if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60)
    		setoption 0x40,0;
    	while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) {
    		sleep 5000;
    		set .@i,.@i + 5;
    		set .cancel,false;
    	set .duel,false;
    	addrid 5,0,.duel_map$;
    	setoption 0x40,0;
    		atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp";
    		set @duel,0;
    	set .@i,5;
    	while(.@i) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out.";
    		sleep2 1000;
    		set .@i,.@i - 1;
    	warp "prontera",156,161;
    	pcblockskill getcharid(3),0;
    	// Map
    	set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5";
    	// Coordinates
    	set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+  // x,y first player
    		       "103,100";   // x,y second player
    	bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand";
    	bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept";
    	bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject";
    	bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate";
    	// Max duration of a duel (seconds).
    	set .time,10*120;
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	pvp_nocalcrank
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	noreturn
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nocommand	99
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	notrade
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	nochat
    pvp_n_8-5	mapflag	novending


    • MVP 1
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