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Everything posted by fenderstyle69

  1. Hi, Hope you can help me , i'm going crazy. Everytime i try to create a MALE character on a Male account, it makes a female character.. I've tried without 64k hairstyle patch but it's still the same thing.. i'm using 2015-05-13a Hexed client ( i dont want Doram race .. ) Thanks for helping me .. P.s : i got this error on creation
  2. Well, after few days without answer i tried to edit a script myself, it's not what i want but it's all i was able to do alone with no scripting competence >< if it can help someone, The warper is warping to the mvp room for 300k, the invoker can summon 1 mvp every hour but nobody can talk to him, not only a single player :x //============================================================// // This script is made by Plug and Play // // Contact us on Facebook http://facebook.com/plugandplayPH // // Website : http://plugandplay.cf // // VIP MVP Summoner v.2 // // Hercules Support : Free Release // // Do not removed the credit // //============================================================// // --> Description <-- // // Can summon any mvp listed in each category // // Item is needed to summon a Mvp // // Limit Summon Count to avoid summon abuse // // You need to configure SET script to make it work // // Report Bug : Bump the Topic or send a PM // //============================================================// // --> New Version <-- // // VIP MVP Summoner v.2 // // Enable to use item in reseting the MVP Count Status // //============================================================// quiz_02,23,357,4 script Invocateur 730,{ set .@char_time,char_timer+1; if( .DelayTime > gettimetick(2) ){ set .last,.DelayTime - gettimetick(2); set .@min, .last % (24*60*60) % (60*60) / (60); set .@sec, .last % (24*60*60) % (60*60) % (60); mes "Wait for ^FF0000"+.@min+" minutes "+.@sec+" seconds^000000"; close; } mes "[ Invocateur ]"; mes "Bonjour ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000"; mes "Je peux t'invoquer un MVP dans cette liste,"; mes "Mais seulement tu devras attendre une heure avant de pouvoir reinvoquer un MVP"; next; menu "^FF0000Invoquer un MVP^000000",normalmvp,"Partir",exit_area,"Reset",reset; normalmvp: if( .DelayTime <= gettimetick(2)) { mes "[ MVP Summoner ]"; mes "Choose ^FF0000Normal MVP^000000"; mes "Quel MVP veux-tu ?"; for (set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(.NormalMVPList); set @i,@i+1) set .@NormalMVP_Menu$,.@NormalMVP_Menu$ + ""+getmonsterinfo(.NormalMVPList[@i],0)+":"; next; set .@NormalMVPSelect,select( .@NormalMVP_Menu$ ) - 1; mes "[ MVP Summoner ]"; mes "Do you want to summon"; mes getmonsterinfo(.NormalMVPList[.@NormalMVPSelect],0); next; menu "Yes Summon Now",summon_Normal_now,"Nope, Not Now",not_summon_Normal; } summon_Normal_now: message strcharinfo(0),"You summoned "+getmonsterinfo(.NormalMVPList[.@NormalMVPSelect],0); monster .mvpmap_summon$,.x_coordinate,.y_coordinate,getmonsterinfo(.NormalMVPList[.@NormalMVPSelect],0),.NormalMVPList[.@NormalMVPSelect],1; set .DelayTime,gettimetick(2) + ( .@char_time * 60 ); close; reset: set #NormalMVPCount,0; not_summon_Normal: close; end; exit_area: warp "prontera",155,186; end; OnInit: //============ Maximum Summon Settings ================// set .NormalMVP_Max,1; //========== Summon Map Setting ==============// //use /where to get the exact coor // use 0 in both x and y if you want it random coordinate set .mvpmap_summon$,"quiz_02"; set .x_coordinate,32; // Horizontal set .y_coordinate,339; // Vertical //======== Item Requirements and Amount Needed =========// setarray .itemrequired[0],501; //Normal MVP = 501 | Rare MVP = 502 | LHZ = 503 setarray .itemcount[0],10; //now many item needed in each array ( 501=10 | 502=20 | 503=30 ) //======= List of Normal MVPS ========// setarray .NormalMVPList,1038, // Osiris 1039, // Baphomet 1046, // Doppelganger 1059, // Mistress 1086, // Golden Thief Bug 1087, // Orc Hero 1112, // Drake 1115, // Eddga 1147, // Maya 1150, // Moonlight Flower 1157, // Pharaoh 1159, // Phreeoni 1190, // Orc Lord 1251, // Stormy Knight 1252, // Garm 1272, // Dark Lord 1312, // Turtle General 1373, // Lord of the Dead 1389, // Dracula 1418, // Evil Snake Lord 1492, // Incantation Samurai 1511, // Amon Ra 1583, // Tao Gunka 1623, // RSX 1630, // Bacsojin 1658, // General Egnigem 1685, // Vesper 1719, // Detale 1779, // Ktullanux 1785, // Atroce 1885, // Gopinich 1688, // Lady Tanee 1708, // Thanatos 1734, // Kiel D-01 1751, // Randgris 1768, // Gloom Undernight 1832, // Ifrit 1871, // Fallen Bishop 1874, // Berzebub 1917, // Wounded Morocc 2022, // Nidhoggr's Shadow 1646, // Lord Knight 1647, // Assassin Cross 1648, // Whitesmith 1649, // High Priest 1650, // Sniper 1651; // High Wizard end; } //end of header // ================ MVP Summoner Manager ===========================// prontera,152,196,4 script MVP Room 588,{ mes "[ MVP Room ]"; mes "Bonjour ^CC0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000"; mes "Souhaites-tu entrer en MVP Room?"; mes "Celà te reviendra à ^CC0000300 000z^000000."; next; menu "Payer",pay,"Partir",partir; pay: mes "[ MVP Room ]"; if( Zeny < 300000) { mes "Tu n'as pas assez d'argent."; close; } mes "Allons-y"; set Zeny,Zeny - 300000; warp .mvpmap_respawn$,.x_respawn,.y_respawn; close; partir: mes "[ MVP Room ]"; mes "Tres bien, au revoir alors."; close; OnInit: //========== Summon Map Setting ==============// //use /where to get the exact coor set .mvpmap_respawn$,"quiz_02"; set .x_respawn,46; // Horizontal set .y_respawn,384; // Vertical } // LOG OUT Setting - script MVP Summoner Logout -1,{ }
  3. Thanks for your reply, but i had already test this script and it's not what i need The room expire after 60 mins but you can spawn whatever you want in it, i need a simple mvp list with different time restriction on the mvp , for the entier player account. ex : if you summon Thanatos, you have to wait 1 or 2 hours to summon another mvp , if you summon GTB you have to wait 3 hours to summon again etc ..
  4. Hi rAthena community, I would ask you some help with a script, i tried to do it myself but i failed. I want timers on my mvp summoner, for exemple : in the mvp list, we can see Thanatos[1hour] Bacsojin[30 mins] The npc can show times remaining before next summon, and the timer apply on the whole player account .. Hope you can help me, thanks for reading
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