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Vinsmoke Sanji

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Everything posted by Vinsmoke Sanji

  1. I was getting the same error than the initial post, but now I can have the options on the item, but it doesn't show. It's working, gives me the status increase, but when I try to see status on the item, just doesn't show
  2. Thank you! It solved! Yeah, I was searching some .grf with these hats, but Mael already saved me. Thank you!
  3. Hi guys! I'm having trouble with some hats. I'm using a pre-renew config and there are some hats that don't show sprites, or even If it shows, I'm getting crash when I try to use. In some cases, even if I can see the sprite, I can't equip. It crashes the client. This is happening when I try to equip Antique Smoking Pipe. Is this a missing sprite on data folder? Would like some help. Ty!!
  4. It's possible to change the bg_join for joinbg? Or the fact that there's a "_" on everything it's a parameter to be respected?
  5. Hello, everyone. I'm just starting to create a server and I've searched a little about the Battleground and I would like to know if it's possible to have @joinbg in the latest rA. I'm a web developer, creating my systems for my server and would like to know more about these @joinbg and commands related. It's possible in rAthena? How? If it's not, then which emulator I would have to use? Please, let me know if this is the wrong place to do this question.
  6. I'm having a problem like this. My console it's all green too, but I can't connect by the hexed. And when I try to connect, there's no error in the console.
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