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Everything posted by shaffieq

  1. I have fix this by editing the switch; switch(select("MVP Rank","My Ranking")) { - (Without Reset) switch(select("MVP Rank","My Ranking","Reset")) { - (With Reset Button, only enable it when you want to do Reset, can be access to all player) if i want to reset, i need to load the option with reset button and reset it, then edit back the script without Reset option
  2. Ninja i have choose reset in the game but still nothing happen.
  3. shaffieq


    Hello guys, i have contact AndRO to develop Anroid version for my server, but until today i havent get any reply from them. May i know are they still taking order, and it would be much appreciate if you can prolong this message to them. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello, I am using Limited Item 4.0 by Emistry to disable certain item on a certain map. It works fine but its limited to 63 item only. It would be much appreciate if you can edit the script and make it 80 item instead. Thanks in advance Here's the script; - script Limited Items -1,{ function AddLimitedItem; OnInit: // GM Level to Bypass .gm_level = 99; // Check Every X Seconds .check_delay = 5; // Apply on Which Maps and what Zone No. setarray .map$, // "<mapname>","<zone number>", "guild_vs1","0", "guild_vs2","1", "guild_vs3","2", "guild_vs4","3", "guild_vs5","4"; // Initialize Mapflags set .map_size,getarraysize( .map$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .map_size; .@i += 2 ){ setmapflag .map$[.@i],mf_loadevent; set .map_menu$,.map_menu$ + "^0055FF[Zone "+.map$[.@i+1]+"]^000000" + .map$[.@i] +":"; } // Zone List + Limited Items for each zone. (max 63 item per zone) // AddLimitedItem( <zone>,<item>,<limit>,..,<item>,<limit> ); AddLimitedItem( 0,4049,2 ); AddLimitedItem( 1,607,2,608,3,4002,1 ); AddLimitedItem( 2,607,5,608,1,4002,1,5022,1 ); AddLimitedItem( 3,607,1,608,0,5022,-2,7227,1,4002,1 ); AddLimitedItem( 4,607,1,608,0,5022,-2,7227,1,4002,1 ); end; OnTalk: mes "Please select a Map."; next; .@i = select( .map_menu$ ) - 1; .@zone = atoi( .map$[ 1 + ( .@i * 2 ) ] ); mes "[Zone : "+.@zone+"] "+.map$[ .@i * 2 ]; copyarray .@limit_item[0],getd( ".zone_"+.@zone+"[0]" ),getarraysize( getd( ".zone_"+.@zone ) ); .@size = getarraysize( .@limit_item ); if( !.@size ){ debugmes "Invalid Zone : "+.@zone; }else{ .@i = 0; while( .@i < .@size ){ .@itemid = .@limit_item[.@i]; .@limit = .@limit_item[ .@i+1 ]; .@mode = ( ( .@limit < 0 )? -1:1 ); .@limit = .@limit * .@mode; .@eq = getiteminfo( .@itemid,2 ); .@name$ = getitemname( .@itemid ) + ( ( .@eq == 5 )?" ["+getitemslots( .@itemid )+"]":"" ); if( .@mode < 0 ){ mes "^FF0000[Min. "+( .@limit )+"] ^777777"+.@name$+"^000000"; }else if( .@mode > 0 ){ mes "^FF0000["+(( .@limit > 0 )?"Max. "+.@limit:"Disabled" )+"] ^777777"+.@name$+"^000000"; } .@i += 2; } } close; function AddLimitedItem { .@arg_count = getargcount(); .@zone = getarg(0); .@i =1; while( .@i < .@arg_count && .@size <= 127 ){ .@itemid = getarg( .@i ); if( getitemname( .@itemid ) != "null" ){ setarray .@limit_item[ .@size ],.@itemid,getarg( .@i+1 ); .@size += 2; .@i++; } .@i++; } if( .@size ){ copyarray getd(".zone_"+.@zone+"[0]"),.@limit_item[0],.@size; // debugmes "Zone "+.@zone+" : Total "+( .@size/2 )+" items"; } return; } OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( getgmlevel() < .gm_level ){ .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); while( .@map < .map_size && .map$[.@map] != .@map$ ) .@map++; dispbottom "Map "+.@map; if( .@map < .map_size ){ .@map++; .@zone = atoi( .map$[.@map] ); .@size = getarraysize( getd( ".zone_"+.@zone ) ); while( strcharinfo(3) == .@map$ && .@size ){ .@i = callsub( OnCheckItem,.@zone ); if( .@i < 0 ) end; else if( .@i ){ mes " "; message strcharinfo(0),"Limited Items Exceeded."; mes "Please ensure all the Items above meet the requirements as stated above."; close2; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } sleep2 ( .check_delay * 1000 ); } } } end; OnCheckItem: .@zone = getarg(0); copyarray .@limit_item[0],getd( ".zone_"+.@zone+"[0]" ),getarraysize( getd( ".zone_"+.@zone ) ); .@size = getarraysize( .@limit_item ); if( !.@size ){ debugmes "Invalid Zone : "+.@zone; return -1; } while( .@i < .@size ){ .@itemid = .@limit_item[.@i]; .@limit = .@limit_item[ .@i+1 ]; .@mode = ( ( .@limit < 0 )? -1:1 ); .@limit = .@limit * .@mode; .@count = countitem( .@itemid ) ); if( getiteminfo( .@itemid,2 ) == IT_CARD ) .@count += isequippedcnt( .@itemid ); .@eq = getiteminfo( .@itemid,2 ); .@name$ = getitemname( .@itemid ) + ( ( .@eq == 5 )?" ["+getitemslots( .@itemid )+"]":"" ); if( .@mode < 0 && .@count < .@limit ){ mes "^FF0000[Min. "+( .@limit )+"] ^777777"+.@name$+"^000000"; .@fail++; }else if( .@mode > 0 && .@limit >= 0 && .@count > .@limit ){ mes "^FF0000["+(( .@limit > 0 )?"Max. "+.@limit:"Disabled" )+"] ^777777"+.@name$+"^000000"; .@fail++; } .@i += 2; } return .@fail; } // npc that allow to view the map + zone info prontera,155,181,5 script Sample#view 757,{ doevent "Limited Items::OnTalk"; }
  5. wow no one reply on this thread, im having the same issue as yours
  6. Thank you so much it work well for me, but is there any option to reset the MVP Ladder?
  7. Hello guys, i just create a header for my forum, what do u think? should i remove the footer below or leave it? Thank you in advance
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