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Posts posted by Bianca


    t Ragexe. and use NEMO to diff.

    Edit mmo.h //Packet db up to version of client

    Edit core.h //Comment Packet Obfu..

    Edit db\packet_db //Up to version of client



    Now It's working! 100% fine no error found.



    it keep showing a empty error box, can anyone help me with this?


    i changed the packed version and mmo.h. Trying to use NEMO, but not sure exactly how it works, it keep saying fail in part x when i click on some of the basic recommneded feature.


    What is core.h? what did you edit @TARTs



    core.h is in server site >>>>>>>>>>>>>> /src/config/core.h

    1. Open rAthena/config/core.h or  src/config/core.h

    2. Modify this row

    #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION  to

    //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION <-- (if error occurs in the end of the guide such as server disconnects you after character select, as per user iantoom, do not modify. Do not check Disable Packet Encryption in the Diff Ragexe using nemo, refer to the Setup Client-Side below)

    3. Save

    4. Re-compile your server again

    #Credit from this topic https://rathena.org/board/topic/104452-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2015-client/ by einjerin


    • Upvote 1

    hello and thanks for ur guide.....

    i'm newbie in rathena

    i've compile server and diff client from this topic


    first >>> everything is error

    but i try to solve my problem from our board for week

    at last i can solve all problem

    my server is work >>> ok no error

    my client is work >>> ok no error

    but ...


    now i've new problem

    my game still in Korean lang.








    like stupid... i don't know how to use translation... T-T

    can anyone help please...

    how can i translation my game T-T

    Thank you


    download from here https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE using tortoise.

    put all this file into data folder or make your GRF.


    Thank You very much /thx

    i'll try tonight.  /ok

  3. hello and thanks for ur guide.....

    i'm newbie in rathena
    i've compile server and diff client from this topic


    first >>> everything is error

    but i try to solve my problem from our board for week

    at last i can solve all problem

    my server is work >>> ok no error

    my client is work >>> ok no error

    but ...


    now i've new problem

    my game still in Korean lang.








    like stupid... i don't know how to use translation... T-T
    can anyone help please...
    how can i translation my game T-T

    Thank you

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