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Ragnar Lothbrok

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Posts posted by Ragnar Lothbrok

  1. Color: Black / Red

    Name: Will Suranol

    Size: 420 x 60

    Anime: Assassin Cross

    Animation: RO Developer

    Rate 1 - 10


    ( i can't upload it i dont know why... )

    WILL SURANOL. not Will Suranoi. /sob

    sorry i re-edit it

    Rate 1 - 10


    Color : Light Colors

    Name: Null Ragnarok Online

    Size : 420x60

    Anime : 3rd class job

    Signature Animation : slides to right "Null"

    slides to left "Ragnarok Online"

    slide to top "99/70","3k/3k/1k"

    thanks in Advance... /no1

    Great! Thank you so much!

    rate 1 - 10


    oops sir Cyber can you change it to 3k/3k/10k??

    sorry i forgot the zero...


  2. Color : Light Colors

    Name: Null Ragnarok Online

    Size : 420x60

    Anime : 3rd class job

    Signature Animation : slides to right "Null"

    slides to left "Ragnarok Online"

    slide to top "99/70","3k/3k/1k"

    thanks in Advance... /no1

  3. Guys, ano prob pg di pinatch ng thor patcher ang mga items na pinapatch moh? i mean okei nmn lahat ng items, i try all items before i patch wala error, pero bkit gnun pg dating sa patcher ayaw nia i patch? okei nmn ung config ng thor patcher kasi ngamit kuna dati at nkpg patch ako pero ngyun mg papatch ulit ako ng items ayaw na.... ano kay prob pg gnun?? pa help nmn please..

  4. Matbe your all familliar with this, its the chicken npc that cast all abnormal status, you need to click and click and click until you squeez it,

    my problem is if the player equip a unti stun or any anti abnormal status, he will no longer be able recieve abnoormal status on that game... how can i bypass or disable those anti abnormal status when the event starts??

    sorry for my bad english....

  5. Thank You Guys!!!! /no1

    { bonus bMaxHPrate,3; bonus bMaxSPrate,3; bonus bAllStats,1; bonus bAspdRate,2; bonus bFlee,10; if(readparam(bStr)>=50) { bonus bAtk,10; bonus bAtkRate,3 } if(readparam(bVit)>=50) { bonus bMaxHPrate,2; bonus bDef,3; bonus bMdef,3; bonus bLongAtkDef,5; } if(readparam(bInt)>=50) { bonus bMaxSPrate,3; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,1; } if(readparam(bDex)>=50) { bonus bCastrate,2; bonus bHit,15; bonus bLongAtkRate,5; } if(readparam(bLuk)>=50) { bonus bCritical,10; bonus bCritAtkRate,2; } }

    i got error sit :

    [Error]: itemdb_readdb: Invalid format (Script column) in line 673 of "db/item_d

    b2.txt" (item with id 485), skipping.

  6. can anyone make this an item script effect :

    MAX HP/SP + 3%, Allstats + 1

    [if user has 50 base AGI]

    ASPD + 2%, Flee + 10.

    [^333399If user has 50 base STR]

    ATK + 10, Increase damage on all monsters by 3%

    [if user has 50 base VIT]

    HP + 2%, DEF/MDEF + 3, Reduce damage on long-range attacks by 5%

    [if user has 50 base INT]

    SP/MATK + 3%, Ignore magic defense on all monsters by 1%

    [if user has 50 base DEX]

    Reduce Casting Delay by 2%, Hit + 15, Increase damage on bow weapon by 5%

    [if user has 50 base LUK]

    CRIT + 10. Increase critical damage on all monsters by 2%.

  7. Thank you Euphy & to you Arcencial...

    is this correct?

    - script MapDisguise -1,{


    setmapflag "<map>",mf_loadevent;



    disguise <mobID/Name>;

    atcommand "@fakename Name";

    while (strcharinfo(3) == "<map>")

    sleep2 5000;


    atcommand "@fakename";



    tried it and it works!

    but some times this message shows : You must enter a name @fakename failed..

    and when i login to the server OnPCLoadMapEvent: always run..

    is there a fix for this?


    why @disguise/disguise is not working on Pally and LK w/ Peco Peco on...

    can you help me how to make this work?

  8. btw Thanks you guys!

    can you add others effect of Gospel/Battle Enchant

    Runes Effect + Gospel Effect

    Runes Effect = DD,Hide,Clone,Haste,Regen

    Gospel Effect = DD,D SP, +20 all stats, Def, Flee,


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