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Everything posted by fight_the_fallen

  1. Hi guys, so I am pretty sure this version is back from eAthena, its pretty customized ANYWAY whenever i run the login server, it gets to listening just fine, then i start char server, and i get this: [Notice]: Abnormal end of connection (ip: Unknown packet 0x2719 [Info]: Closed connection from ''. [Info]: Connection request of the char-server 'Oplex' @ (account: 'oplex', pass: '6c5952dfc253a96efa8406c872e6b309', ip: '') [Notice]: Invalid password (account: 'oplex', pass: 'gigasoft', received pass: ' 6c5952dfc253a96efa8406c872e6b309', ip: [Notice]: Connection of the char-server 'Oplex' REFUSED now, mind you, i can change the password in the database to the password it is trying to send, and it will work, but if i change the password in the .conf files, it will drastically change the password it tries to access the database with, if you need any other info, just let me know.
  2. well any idea on how to change how it works? i have one server with a class that can use all the weapons correctly, but i am just recovering the project so i have no way of knowing how lol
  3. its allllllways my topics that dont get answered lol...dammit
  4. this MAY be a hard one for people to understand, but here it goes: how and where does a weapon get told what sprite action is to be used? or the sprite file told what action to use for different weapons? I.E. how does a bow tell the archer sprite to use that visual action instead of, say, the knife action? and please be as detailed as possible because i intend on adding to the current sprites so i can use ALL weapons with each one flawlessly
  5. alright, i guess its not gonna happen, so with a last try im gonna bump this and never return until this gets fulfilled xD
  6. well it doesnt seem like you have what im looking for, sorry xD im requesting job sprites that have the correct additional motions to use guns, knives, and everything think of a blacksmith using a gun, or a mage using a spear
  7. OHHH!!! thank you hahaha now im getting this error [Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/custom/FirstHunt.txt script error on npc/custom/FirstHunt.txt line 1 parse_callfunc: expected ')' to close argument list } ose;re you done yet?";,HUNTING) == 0){ou've finished.";
  8. just practicing scripting and i cant seem to get this one right anyone want to help? haha the error is: [Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/custom/FirstHunt.txt script error on npc/custom/FirstHunt.txt line 0 Unexpected end of string. } ose;re you done yet?";,HUNTING) == 0){ou've finished."; The Script: new_1-1,139,92,2 script Novice Hunter 118,{ if(poring_H == 0){ mes "[Gyro]"; mes "HEY!"; mes "Do you think you can give me a little help here?"; mes "I can't seem to kill this ^F0FF12Poring^000000,"; mes "can you do it for me? next; mes "[Gyro]"; mes "I assure you,"; mes "you will be properly rewarded."; switch(select(Sure!:Nah)){ case 1: mes "[Gyro]"; mes "OH! Thank you so much!"; mes "Just come back to me when you've finished."; set poring_H,1; setquest 60400; close; case 2: mes "[Gyro]"; mes "Awwww..."; mes "okayy."; close; } } else if(poring_H == 1){ if(checkquest(60400,HUNTING) == 2){ mes "[Gyro]"; mes "Thank you so much!"; mes "Here is your reward."; getitem 4049,1; set poring_H,0; close; } else if(checkquest(60400,HUNTING) == 0){ mes "[Gyro]"; mes "Are you done yet?"; close; } } }
  9. i need these for some customs on my server in case someone doesnt know what i mean, an example would be assassin sprites for use of spears, guns, axes, and the rods i hope someone can help me with this and if someone who is good at spriting, map making, and all that graphic stuff is bored with themself and looking for a project, or even a place to test all of this stuff and learn, just pm me :3 i need a graphics person on my team
  10. XDDD okay i found the problem, it was reading that i had NPC as the ID bahahaa, sorry guys, i got rid of NPC after the name and it started working thank you everyone
  11. Thank you now with another npc, im getting "status_set_viewdata:No View Data for Class 0" in my mapserv new_1-1,59,138,4 script Mischievous Kid npc 107,4,4,{ //... close; OnTouch: getitem 7049,1; Npctalk "GO AWAY!"; end; } EDIT: those are in fact tabs where they are supposed to be
  12. okay so im trying to get into scripting again and i started by making a simple npc just for fun, BUT when i click it, the dialogue box doesnt open, nothing happens at all lol, ill post my script here, tell me if you see anything wrong ALSO what is the code for making an npc say stuff out loud like a regular player (words above the head, not a chat room) when a player gets within a certain proximity to the npc Thank you! new_1-1,57,114,2 script Greeter NPC 108,{ mes "[Greeter King]"; mes "Hello Player"; next; getitem 5170,1; mes "[Greeter King]"; mes "Here is your free item"; mes "........."; mes "GET LOST!!!"; close; }
  13. well i dont think your really need a screenie man, just look at any other gravity error with the whole list of numbers and values, except instead of all of those numbers and values, it just says Miss54, simply that. it seems to happen whenever ANYTHING goes wrong, no matter what it is, i just get a Miss54 error. EDIT: also, i updated all of my files, and i still get the error on stuff xD
  14. i just get a gravity error that doesnt have all the numbers they usually do, it just says Miss54 i have no idea what this is, but it seems to happen whenever im fighting strong monsters also, as a side note, does anyone have the files for ALL up-to-date item descriptions and sprites? the more i look, the more incomplete mine looks
  15. When i open Brynner's Client Repack 2012-06-05 v1 Client, i get the ReqShadowFactor error and it says attempting to call nil value and keeps opening over and over. as far as i can tell, i have a correct ShadowTable.lub, but no LUA for it, maybe that is the issue, but i have no idea where to find one
  16. I have been searching for a good while and i can't find any that support private servers, its getting very annoying trying to find one so im just going to request one from the kind people of this forum ^^ if anyone is versed in creating AI, or if anyone has an AI that supports Filir-Eleanor, it would be greatly appreciated, its crippling my gameplay atm even if its just an AI that makes my homunc aggressive, that would work
  17. when i go to summon a new homunculus i just use up an embryo and nothing happens, cant resurrect or rest or anything, idk whats wrong with it i downloaded a new AI, it still doesnt work at all, i press call homunculus and i make the motion, use an embryo, and nothing comes up, try resurrect and nothing. even tried switching ai back to basic and back again, nothing is working lol skill reset, created new character, and nothing works i dont know if this is client side or what, but im assuming its server side
  18. well, aldebaran castles, payon castles, prontera castles, they each have different treasure boxes, they all drop different stuff. i want to change the spawn of the treasure in JUST prontera castles so the boxes that spawn could be a treasure box from ANY of the other castles. say i spawn 4 chests, the normal amount, in Kriemhild, they would all be kriemhild specific chests. Now what i want to happen, is when the chests spawn in Kriemhild, lets go with 4 chests again, i can get one from a payon castle, or one from ANY other castle, just randomize which chests spawn. i hope i cleared up any confusion
  19. how would i go about changing the way treasure boxes spawn so when the treasure boxes spawn they have a chance of being a box that spawns in any other guild castle?
  20. i dont have this file and i read up on what it was and frankly i dont feel like using it, but if i have to i guess i have to. anyone know how to get it? and if you know how to bypass it and just use good old idnum2item's?
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