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Everything posted by Subzero

  1. how to change delay skill arrow vulcan even use 2 kiel -100% delay still have some delay like cooldown about 1-2 sec here my skill db thanks for helping
  2. hello its posibble when player type @soul automatic the script will given the soullink based on character
  3. [Error]: itemdb_readdb: Invalid format (Script column) in line 132 of "db/import
  4. i use this one script i got this error unexpected end of script * 132 : { skill "PR_KYRIE",7; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,1000; bonus bLongAtkRate,15; if(getrefine()>5) { bonus bDex,10; bonus bLuk,15; if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bCritical,70; } } which part i miss it?
  5. case SC_FREEZE: sc_def = status->mdef*100; sc_def2 = status->luk*10 + status_get_lv(bl)*10 - status_get_lv(src)*10; tick_def2 = status_src->luk*-10; //Caster can increase final duration with luk break; Base on this script, i need better details regarding it. Lets say as written above, mdef*100, does this mean a player's mdef x 100? mdef x 100%? as for sc_def2, luk*10? baseluk x 10? tick_def = luk x -10?? <<< is this the duration for frost? Sorry i'm quite new with editing src, so help me pls. where i can make more high Luk easy broke from freeze
  6. hello guys, i'm requesting script for coin to coin example: 10 Gold - 10 Poring Coin 10 Gold - 10 TCG 10 Gold - 10 Berry
  7. im not sure why when i got error when monster attacking me but im thinking maybe because font damage monster attacking but when normal damage sometimes im not getting any error is thats because critical?
  8. You should understand, that it is impossible to create gameguard, which will protect against all cheaters. There will always be people with enough experience to bypass any gameguard. You can do nothing with it. The main purpose of gameguard, it is blocking the majority of the cheaters, not all. Gepard Shield - it is modular anticheat. It means, that some customers allow to use some type of cheats and don't buy additional modules, which can block it. I saw the situation, when the sources of emulator with Gepard Shield server side code was stolen. It helped cheaters to adapt Openkore to the specific server. So, need to check every situation separate. If you have info about players who bypassed Gepard Shield - you can share it with me. I will check it. sir can pm me? i cant send u any message
  9. hello this my current script for normal buffer how about if i want make VIP member group get a CP and Link?(VIP GROUP ID 5 prontera,150,181,4 script Healer#h1-1::Healer 533,{ emotion 21; while( .@i < .sc_size ){ sc_end .sc_status[.@i]; set .@i,.@i + 1; } sc_start SC_BLESSING,.buff_duration,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,.buff_duration,10; sc_start SC_GLORIA,.buff_duration,5; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,.buff_duration,0; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,.buff_duration,10; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,.buff_duration,10; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,.buff_duration,10; percentheal 100,100; dispbottom "Thanks."; while( getbrokenid(1) ) // repair getbrokenid(1); repairall; // atcommand "@repairall"; end; OnInit: set .buff_duration,600000; setarray .sc_status, SC_STONE,SC_FREEZE,SC_STUN,SC_SLEEP,SC_POISON,SC_CURSE,SC_SILENCE,SC_CONFUSION,SC_BLIND,SC_BLEEDING, SC_QUAGMIRE,SC_AETERNA,SC_HALLUCINATION,SC_SLOWDOWN,SC_BERSERK,SC_CHANGEUNDEAD, SC_STRIPWEAPON,SC_STRIPSHIELD,SC_STRIPARMOR,SC_STRIPHELM; set .sc_size,getarraysize( .sc_status ); waitingroom " H e a l e r",0; end; } bump
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