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Posts posted by BigBurrito

  1. 100% means FULL damage, meaning if you use to hit 100 per hit, it will reduce the 100% of that hit, meaning it will reduce 100 damage of that hit... therefore the damage will be 0 or (miss). Try 99% which is not much difference, or even 95% is still high, which can be considerate as 100% as the(LOOK at Ahura Mazdah(GM SHIELD)'s script and you will see that not even that item has 100%, it has 95%.... 

  2. Did you try configure the skill.conf??? it is at conf/battle/skill.conf


    // The rate of time it takes to cast a spell (Note 2, 0 = No casting time)
    casting_rate: 100
    // At what dex does the cast time become zero (instacast)?
    castrate_dex_scale: 190
    // How much (dex*2+int) does variable cast turns zero?
    vcast_stat_scale: 530
    look at those, and change to the numbers you desire.. 
  3. nobody :(

    UPDATE: i installed a script(part of an antibot) like this :



    if(getgmlevel() > 0) end;

    if(checkcart() == 1) set @cart,1;


    if(@cart == 1) {
    set @cart,0;
    so automatically if you had a cart, you will have it again, Since the problem is that when you get the cart and relog, the game reads as if you still have the cart even tho you can't visually see it. So this script will check if you have a cart and if you did then it will give give you a new one, and the cart reapears.. the problem that i have now, WITH OR WITHOUT THE SCRIPT, is that when I relog with the items in the cart, the items visually dissapears, but on the window at the botton of (ALT + W) it says i have the items, so if i take off the cart, and talk to the breeder or kafra for a new cart, Items reapears... If i dont have the Script active, then the cart wont appear upon log in, therefore, i ask the breeder to give me a cart, then same problem, cant see the items. I'd have to take off cart and talk to the breeder again, and then the items shows up.. Really weird bug, and I'm worry my players will scared themselves thinking they've lost their items.. Please somebody HELP! :( Thanks in advance if you have any updates, and or advice.. 
  4. So, I dont know if I'm in the right section... but my dilemma is the following: the rates that I've set up is 20000/16000 (200/160), Max level 255/120.. no issue there, rates are good.. I modified a monster, for example the Sword Master (thor 03), it gives me for example at lvl 150, 5.50% of experience(made up), but if I let the monster kill me first, then when i come back and kill the monster, the monster will give me X10 experience, so 55.00%... I'm afraid that the players will exploit this, and lvl up fast which i dont want... Is there a configuration for it in exp.conf? I've read it all, but i dont find it, other than the "max_exp_gain_rate" which i have it in 0... if I put a number there, then I'm afraid novices wont lvl up when killing a poring... I'm missing something? Thanks in advance..

  5. the "vcast_stat_scale: 180"... Mine is in 530.. you might want to change this back, because i think you dont understand that part... just leave the top one, and change that one and try.. I might be wrong tho.. but you could try... 

  6. So, I've been reading a lot about this issue since I myself have the issue. However, I have not find any solution to my problem yet, since all the answers have been similar to this "solved in r17321..." etc.. So my problem is, I rent a cart with my Rental Npc (Euphy's Breeder), so far, good, I get the car... the first issue I encounter was the "Change Cart" skill. When I use it, different Cart options appears, but when I apply one of them, it does not change my car. I may not have the sprites for the cart, that could be, and I would not notice, since I diff to not show sprite error... ok, I would check that later. The mayor issue now, is that, when I log out and in, the Cart disappears. I tried to rent again with the kafra, and it says I have the cart already, which I dont, and with my Renter Npc it says that i do not meet the requirements... I have to reset my skills and rent the cart again so it reappears... 


    I'm using 2012-04-10 client..

    my svn version is a little weird, since i could not get it from " http://svn.rathena.org/svn/rathena/trunk" i had to get it from "https://github.com/rathena/rathena" which I believe is updated... Therefore when i use the @version it gives me a really long long number with letters... In any case. Please if somebody has the answer for my issue, I would be truly grateful with you, because I've been looking for an answer for the last 5 hours!.. Thank you...


    BTW: I'm new at this, this is my first server... 



    EDIT: If I take off the cart with ALT + Q, and "OFF", I can still rent the cart again without having to reset my skills... The problem is when dc/relog the cart disappears, but the npc still reads that I have the cart... 

  7. Ok, dont know if this happened to anybody, but, I noticed that when i turned my PK mode on, in my server the monster killed at dungeons or field will not give any experience unless y turn pvpoff... which is something i dont want.. I want to be able to pvp at dungeons and get experience at the same time...  On the other hand, if i summon a monster at a town, where the pvp is off by default of the mapflags, the monster indeed give me experience... How can i fix this please? help!



    Edit: OOHH WAOOO.. after a minute i realized there was an option at EXP.CONF..... PFFFF well.. sorry for that >.<!!!



  8. Can anyone help me with this.. the cart boost skill is not affecting the movement speed at all.. Dont know why or where to look... I use the skill and the speed still the same..

    Thanks in advance

  9. Haha, so, I was searching further more about pet scripts, and I read that a pet return function in a script is not possible.. Is that true? somebody... I did  try to do something in the pet.c.. it worked on my server when i ran it only in my computer.. but now when i tried to recompile on Putty, it gives me an error.. but with a c++ compiler, it was fine, and it was working too.. Any information and help would be really helpful...


    BTW: what I'm trying to do, is that i want the pet to return to its egg if hunger gets to <20...


    Thanks in advance.. 

    EDIT: ha.. nvm.. after couple of hours of research I got the issue solved... Thanks anyway... 

  10. Is there any way to get petinfo the same way we do with players? Like charinfo[0] etc.. I want to get pet hunger and make it return to its egg so it wont go away for not feeding it.. Thanks in advance..

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