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Posts posted by Sryx

  1. 3 minutes ago, realRO said:

    Hi thank you for your reply, would you mind sharing me on how to check this fast without waiting the Wednesday date or changing my current Timezone?


    1. Change the 3 to the current day of your server ( 0 = Sun to 6 = Sat )

    2. Advance the OnClock to your server time ( 10 mins or more )

  2. 50 minutes ago, realRO said:

    I wanted to start my event every Wednesday 11:00 ends at 11:30 and 20:00 ends  20:30.


    Here's what I put. Looks like every wednesday 11:00 it is not starting:


    -	script	KoE	-1,{
    	disablenpc "The King#KoE";
    	disablenpc "Get Your Prize Here#KoE";
    	bindatcmd "koe", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Oncommand", 99,99;
    	if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "on" ) ) goto L_start;
    	else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "off" ) ) goto L_end;
    	else {
    		dispbottom "type - '@koe on' to start the event";
    		dispbottom "type - '@koe off' to end the event";
    	gvgon "guild_vs1";
    	announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun!", bc_all;
    	.start = 1;
    	enablenpc "The King#KoE";
    	disablenpc "Get Your Prize Here#KoE";
    	$koegid = 0;
    	donpcevent "::OnRevKoE";
    	maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $koegid, 7;
    	monster "guild_vs1",49,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead";
    	gvgoff "guild_vs1";
    	announce "The King of Emperium Hill is over!", bc_all;


    Try these..


    	if(gettime(4) == 3){ // 3 = Wed
    		gvgon "guild_vs1";
    		announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun!", bc_all;
    		.start = 1;
    		enablenpc "The King#KoE";
    		disablenpc "Get Your Prize Here#KoE";
    		$koegid = 0;
    		donpcevent "::OnRevKoE";
    		maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $koegid, 7;
    		monster "guild_vs1",49,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead";
    	if(gettime(4) == 3){ // 3 = Wed
    		gvgoff "guild_vs1";
    		announce "The King of Emperium Hill is over!", bc_all;


  3. 1 hour ago, sran said:


    Hello community, today I decided to add custom box and downloaded it from here, what happens is that I do not know that lua file I have to add them, add them as custom item, but they are placed as if they were wings, someone could help me by Please thank you


    I think you wan't to make the box as ITEM instead of EQUIP?

    If yes then open you item_db then change the Type to 2.

    // ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV[:maxLevel],Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }


  4. 2 hours ago, AmyImpact said:


    I've been having a problem with Vending Skill lately: If "Safety check" box is checked, when I add more than one item to the vending list, client crashes.
    Then I found out if I change Langtype on clientInfo, it stops crashing the client. But, all of the langtypes except the one I'm using right now, adds another problem as the image uploaded.

    It appears in all of the main chat messages, a prefix like "|00".

    Can anyone help me somehow? How do I remove it?

    I TESTED ALL OF THE LANGTYPES and only Number 10 (Germany) doesn't mess up with the chat box. But it crashes my client when Adding 2 or more items to the list at Vending Skill.

    I really thank you in advance and wishes some angel can help me soon.


    Check you servertype.

    On 2/7/2016 at 1:12 AM, Secrets said:
    • Set your servertype to primary in clientinfo.xml (Client side) since we are using Ragexe not RagexeRE

    Then try to set your langtype to or 0.

  5. 4 hours ago, mirabell said:

    hello i am using a script where i can input bonus script via npc and i notice there is a 70 char limit to the input field. Where can i increase this? Is there any negativity to doing so? Thanks

    Try to diff your client with Extend Chat Box/Extend Chat Room Box/Extend PM it will increase you input from 70 to 234.

  6. 10 minutes ago, skymia said:

    if i buy my own server what should i get?

    I dont have yet any idea on hosting

    others says i will waste my money on ragnarok hosting packages.

    i rather get my own vps but i dont know what to do.

    You will get plain host/server, but you need to learn linux command and yes its much cheaper.

    I recommend this one.


  7. 3 hours ago, Bringer said:

    can you add if the player vending no buff

    -	script	kdsfksdjhfksdj	-1,{
    	bindatcmd "buffall", strnpcinfo(0) +"::Onbuff",99,99;
    	//it also came from annieruru script
    	while ( getusers(1) > .@count ) {
    		.@nb = query_sql("SELECT `account_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ORDER BY `account_id` LIMIT 128 OFFSET "+ .@count, .@aid,.@name$ );
    		.@i = 0;
    		while ( .@i < .@nb ) {
                              if ( !checkvending( .@name$[.@i] ) ){
                              skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,600000,10;
                              skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,600000,10;
    		.@count += 128;


    Didn't test it, tell me if it doesnt work.

  8.   #RP += .point_amt;
      #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time;
      dispbottom "Gained " + .point_amt + " " + .point_name$ + ". Total " + #RP + " points.";

    Find this line then change the #RP to #CASHPOINTS.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 38 minutes ago, Jonald said:

    Hi can you help me with this cash point i dont have the global_reg_value and i using a script for players to have a cash point every 15mins but cash point not working

    You can find the CashPoint variable on acc_reg_num.

    Post your script so people here in rA can check your script.

  10. 6 hours ago, mirabell said:

    hello, is there a patcher that can  update the files in a encrypted grf? Or does the entire grf need to be replaced if there is any updates ?


    Thor Patcher can.

    1. Generate encrypted thor using GRF Editor 

    2. Patch it using Thor Patcher

  11. Try this.

    //my addiiton
    //prontera,156,196,6	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe3-1	837
    turbo_room,100,123,6	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe2-1	837
    payon,118,238,6	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe4-1	837
    prontera,144,109,6	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe5-1	837
    prontera,270,219,4	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe6-1	837
    prontera,147,314,5	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe7-1	837
    prontera,124,69,5	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe8-1	837
    morocc,146,255,6	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe9-1	837
    morocc,148,114,6	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe10-1	837
    izlude,116,127,4	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe11-1	837
    amatsu,125,108,3	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe12-1	837
    alberta,63,247,3	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe13-1	837
    alberta,126,74,3	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe14-1	837
    geffen,120,29,3	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe15-1	837
    geffen,180,108,6	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe16-1	837
    hugel,87,151,6	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe17-1	837
    gonryun,159,144,4	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe18-1	837
    yuno,164,147,3	duplicate(WoE Information)	Warper#woe19-1	837

    Also use tab instead of space.

    <map location><tab><duplicate><tab><npc name><tab><sprite>

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