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Everything posted by laonglaing

  1. okay i was able to implement the daily kafrapoints and reset it @12mn server time. can i dm you for some other question? @Emistry
  2. thanks for this. so its imposible to reset ingame. i see. so what about limit the usage of kafrapoints for a day. example. you have given 1000 kafrapoints for the week. and you only want the players to use upto 100 points per day. is it possible? if its imposible to reset the kafra points of players while they are online, im thinking now to reset it every weekly maintenance.
  3. Thank you for this! so basically this is only where sharpshoot damage adjustment and its mechanics on skill_db.txt or skill_db.yml
  4. hello! Im pretty new in making script, and i have this idea wherein players will have a certain points daily and will be reset the value if not used or anything was left and im thinking to use either #KAFRAPOINTS or #CASHPOINTS. I just wanted to ask where are these values being stored? in the database which table? how can i implement this in a script?
  5. I'm trying to learn how Sharpshoot/FAS Skill works. as i want to do some damage modification when the skill bounce on other player/mobs. tried to check skill.cpp using skill id SN_SHARPSHOOTING but cant find relevant information. can someone enlighten me about this/
  6. yeah. old rathena. i haven't tried the latest version. though, after an hour posting this, I was able to do what i want to do. i just call the method that do the original skill behavior when BCT_ENEMY is the target.
  7. try to comment it out. though i haven't tried it yet. but it will remove the checking of partner. you can go further on how the skill works then just remove or comment out the part that checks a partner.
  8. hello! not sure if this is the right/correction section. but would like to ask as what the title says to programmatically get values in skill_db.txt when using a skill. i am trying to implement in skill.cpp for a certain melee skill wherein if i use the skill to enemy/other player/mobs it will behave as it is. but if i target a party member, it will splash to enemy as well. was able to create a code for this, apparently the code depends on the value of "inf" (column 4) in skill_db.txt . if the value is 16, the party member target of skill with splash to enemy works. but i still want to work by default if i target an enemy which requires the value of "inf" to be 1. any help or suggestion is much appreciated.
  9. does this feature already removed in the latest rathena? i cant find the ADJUST_SKILL_DAMAGE part in core.h
  10. tried to use this but im not sure why it is still not limiting the knight job in a castle. i set the maxlimit to 3 and added the loading of the script in scripts_custom.conf what am i missing?
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