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Posts posted by krysmeister


    I haven't tried wiping the whole Ragnarok db and doing it all again. I'll try this tomorrow, since it's 12am here in the Philippines. I'll try to update the post once I've tried it. Thanks for the replies.


    You don't need to wipe the whole ragnarok db. just the atcommandlog table in log db.


    I tried and it worked for a short time. I tried switching to a Pre-renewal server and it worked. After recompiling again to a Renewal server, the issue repeated and the client would crash whenever i enter a single @command. I've tried clearing the atcommandlog table and even reverting back to Pre-renewal but the client wouldn't respond after a command.

  2. did happen to me once


    its more of server side problem


    what i did was re-download the whole latest repository and start from scratch, server-side

    it prolly because some of src or conf files you edited had some major changes with them inside

    so you must have your edited files stored to a different location and know the filename and lines you edited and prolly reason why you edited them

    [db files are much easier to restore due the import system] but scr files you might have to run them over again

    simple copy and replace won't cut it for some, so you need to edit them all over again


    and make sure you compile the server with right solution and all success

     I actually had to start all over from scratch and deleted all copies of the existing rathena, latest kRO file and client. Redownloaded them, and setup once again. Though, the issue with the @commands starts whenever I kill a mob.



    hmm weird try this


    go to your sql and clear all atcommandlog



    That's actually weird man. It's working fine now!! Thanks!  /no1


    So it's actually because of atcommand? How can those log affect them? lol


    I haven't tried wiping the whole Ragnarok db and doing it all again. I'll try this tomorrow, since it's 12am here in the Philippines. I'll try to update the post once I've tried it. Thanks for the replies.

  3. Whenever I kill a mob, use command @baselvlup the client would just freeze. When i try to relaunch the client, it say's the server "still recognizes last log-in. again after a few minutes." After trying for several times, @go 0 would no longer work, @spawn and even @jump. It seems all GM commands won't work. 


    I'm just new to the community, and just recently downloaded and followed this tutorial https://rathena.org/board/topic/104452-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2015-client/as I'm not sure about SVN, but I'm pretty sure I've downloaded the latest version of rathena. 



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