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Posts posted by kiros

  1. today i was lurking RMS and after some readings there i cross a point that may be missing to all out there

    that @autoloot for it self isn't to bad but for classes with long range skills gives them a lite advantage

    that can be fixed with a little tweak on this command and that's the cell limit like the view range limit

    in the settings.


    so i ask here if any one know the way to put a cell limit on that command  since 0 (no autoloot) will be to harsh

    for my taste because even other not long ranged classes have skill that do ranged attacks so maybe a cell limit will be nice.


    to the point: @autoloot can be cell ranged limited by the source or a setting?



    Thanks in advance

  2. is not necessary a script you must edit your agit_controller.txt like this



    Announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@maps$[.@i]) + "] castle has been conquered by the [" + GetGuildName(GetCastleData(.@maps$[.@i],1)) + "] guild.",bc_all;


    with this

    Announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@maps$[.@i]) + "] castle has been conquered by the player [" + strcharinfo(0) +"] with the [" + GetGuildName(GetCastleData(.@maps$[.@i],1)) + "] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe;
  3. about the names, remember you can always setup the letters users can use to make new chars in your "char_athena.conf"


    // Set the letters/symbols that you want use with the 'char_name_option' option.
    // Note: Don't add spaces unless you mean to add 'space' to the list.
    char_name_letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890


  4. i think mid rates is the best, a place where people can level fine but not to hard like a low rate where you need to speed countless hours
    but not so fast that in in 1 hour hour you are ready to rape all mvps, also a mid rate is easy to balance in my opinion.


    Mid rates servers are good in

    - building a comunity

    - place where people can have fun leveling but dont take ages to max it

    - commonly there is a mixture of people how want to learn the mechanics and people how already know it this tend to make people talk and make friends

  5. Currently using SVN: 17430,  Any one kindly mind to help me fixing this?


    i was testing the "LevelUpBox" script by WhiteEagle all goes fine the script works but every time a user do a level up

    and the effect is triggered this error happens. .. 


    [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected number.
    [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@effect$' index=0
    [Debug]: Function: specialeffect2
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Levelupbox (invisible/not on a map)
    [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected number.
    [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@effect2$' index=0
    [Debug]: Function: specialeffect2
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Levelupbox (invisible/not on a map)


    this is a small example of that script



    // ============== Credit =====================
    // Scripted by WhiteEagle
    // =============== For =======================
    // Delphin Project
    // ===========================================
    -	script	Levelupbox	-1,{
    set .@item$,501;	// Level 1 with Item "Red Potion";
    set .@effect$,71;	// Specialeffect Spiral White balls
    set .@effect2$,72;	// Specialeffect Bigger Spiral White balls
    set .@effect3$,73;	// Specialeffect Blue/White Small Aura
    if(BaseLevel == 10) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 10!";




  6. is pretty decent but some textures, brushes seems a bit overlapped and lack of detail mostly the bg

    looks blurry and contrast with that character render,,

    and if i am not wrong that render is from RO2 not RO1? any way i give you

    7/10  keep your good work.


    also the link is not broken, apparently it was just cut by the forum editor,, sometimes happens went u have links and do a EDIT on the post but if u look

    closely you can still see the important part of the link... any way here is the link fixed



  7. first on your item_db did you use the correct "view id"  on the item?  example.

    • 1925,headgear,headgear,5,,10,300,,3,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,50,1,20012,{},{},{}


    if that's not the problem then you are missing a drop sprite or the name of the sprite in any of this files is wrong









    for more information you can look the Wiki here http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items

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