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Posts posted by yepp

  1. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=3453

    File Name: [TOOL] Item DB Automation

    File Submitter: yepp

    File Submitted: 07 Jun 2016

    File Category: Server Managers/Editors

    Content Author: yepp


    - PHP version 5.4 and up is required to run this script.

    - JSON File of your item (examples at the end)


    - Open up a terminal

    - Type in "php item_script.php" (without the quotes)

    Creating JSON File:

    The format should be like this (The ordering: https://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items#Structure_.28Database.29)

    [26007,"Pink_Fluffy_Valkyrie_Helm","Pink Fluffy Valkyrie Helm",4,1,null,0,null,0,null,1,"0xFFFFFFFF",3,2,256,null,0,1,907,null,null,null]


    - If the value is NULL, type it in small letters.

    - Use quotes on string values.

    - Do not add commas on each line.

    Questions? Ask here: https://rathena.org/board/topic/106186-tool-add-items-to-database-easily/

    Click here to download this file

  2. MariaDB is a fork of MySql so it is 99% compatible and it is much better. Everything else is the same.


    mysql -u(username) -p(password) (databasename) or


    mysql -p


    Like that. No difference. I also have CentOS in my server and I love its stability.




    Oh to answer your question, I see that you are using CentOS 7.


    Try this:


    sudo systemctl start mariadb


    To check if it's installed:


    rpm -qa | grep mariadb


    In case mariadb-server is not installed:


    sudo yum install mariadb-server




    - If the value is NULL, type it in small letters

    - Use quotes on string values.



    You could parse the values where NULL could be expected through strtolower(); (if ($string === "NULL"){$string = strtolower($string);} ) and use string check functions (or regex if you like) to ensure strings are encased in quotes.



    I may try that one time. Cool. Thanks for the suggestion! Currently not in the mood for some mod xD




    - PHP version 5.4 and up is required to run this script.
    - JSON File of your item (examples at the end)


    - Open up a terminal
    - Type in "php item_script.php" (without the quotes)

    Creating JSON File:

    The format should be like this (The ordering: https://rathena.org/....28Database.29)

    [26007,"Pink_Fluffy_Valkyrie_Helm","Pink Fluffy Valkyrie Helm",4,1,null,0,null,0,null,1,"0xFFFFFFFF",3,2,256,null,0,1,907,null,null,null]

    - If the value is NULL, type it in small letters
    - Use quotes on string values.
    - Do not add comma on each line.





    Any questions regarding my script are welcome. I'll try to add more features soon including editing and deleting if I'll have the time.

    Hope you like my tool! As this make it easier for me.



    Version 1

    - First release.


    Version 1.1

    - Added prompt in case you changed your mind.

    - Improved checking of empty line in JSON file.


    Version 2

    - Added function to generate client-side resource files from the same JSON file (idnum2itemdisplaynametable, idnum2itemresnametable, etc.)

    - It will either create a new file or append your current file if present.

    Note: accname.lub and accessoryid.lub is not yet added.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Currently hunting down the bug, I just can't understand the structure of the FluxCP. I am starting on the main index.php and looking at the required files.


    Anyway, here's the "I think a bug" I found:


    I can't install it.


    Clicking "Install or Update Everything" will return you to the login page asking the Installer password.

    Typing in an Alternative  Username/Pass and clicking Update {DBnameHere} will return you to the login page with an "Incorrect Password error".


    Well, say that my "config/servers.php" DB user and pass combination is wrong... what's the sense of the "Alternative Username/Pass" inputs? Hmmm...



    -- EDIT --


    Sweet! There's a debugmode on the config/applications.php. Tried enabling it on the installer.php but it doesn't work... never thought there would be another one on the config/applications.php.


    Having an error regarding permissions. It can't load the session library. Looking for fix now.


    -- EDIT --


    I didn't see right away that there was debugmode on the config/applications.php. Sorry :\ third-party issues here. Not related to the FluxCP.

  6. Yep, totally. I did it that way before buying server. Tho at the end I ended up buying different distro for my server (CentOS) xD I was using BunsenLabs Hydrogen on my VB cause it's lightweight and I'm so excited to try simulating rathena. It is based on Debian.


    Anyway, try installing VirtualBox first and choosing OS you would want to use for your server. I recommend Linux tho :v


    I dunno, but aside from I am used to it, it seems almost all servers out there uses Linux. It's fun too. Go download a Linux distro, fiddle around with it for a while so you get used to it. Know basic commands.


    Just comeback when you are ready to simulate a real server on VB.



    -- EDIT --


    Finally got home. Here's the step:




    Step 1: First install VirtualBox on your Host OS.

    Note: Host OS means the OS you are currently on or the main OS you'll install the VirtualBox.


    Step 2: After installing VirtualBox, install OS that will act as your server OS. I prefer Linux and most server uses Linux (well atleast on my experience).

    Note: This will be called Guest OS.


    Step 3: Set the adapter on your Guest OS to be "Host-only Adapter"





    Step 4: Get the IP address of your Guest OS/Simulated Server either by checking it on your Host OS or directly on your Guest OS/Server.


    At the Host side, you can check the IP address using this command


    Windows: "ipconfig /all" and then look for the VirtualBox Host only adapter's IPv4 address.

    Linux: Never tried this on Linux, but I guess you can just type in "ifconfig".


    At the Guest OS/Server side... almost the same. This is how we check the IP address of a real VPS/Dedicated server.


    Windows: just "ipconfig" and look for the IPv4 address.

    Linux: ifconfig too.


    Step 5: Setup whatever server stuffs on your Guest OS. This is applicable not only for rAthena/Hercules stuffs. You can really do this to simulate a real server.




    You're Done! I might open up a thread for this and support users. Thanks for your time reading this hahaha. Hope this helps!

  7. Go for VPS. It seems like you're new to server stuffs. Servers are just computers but with more powerful hardwares because it will be used for heavy stuffs (most of the time).


    And VPS/Dedicated servers are not limited to Linux, there are Windows-based servers. CentOS is just a Linux distro. Examples of Linux Distros: Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, etc.


    You can try practicing server stuffs on your Windows PC. Just install VirtualBox and install whatever OS you would want to use in your server or use the OS the hosting provider you want to buy from uses.

  8. Double and triple checked configs, stuck on "Attempt to connect patch server". Copying url from configs and pasting directly to the browser works. Can download manually and can read them.



    -- EDIT --


    Seems like config is not being embedded or values not read. Tried adding bgm but still no sound. The file size increased tho.


    -- EDIT --


    Using IP address instead of my domain name made it work but the bgm is still not there tho :v hmmm

  9. I have instant job changer that sets character to max lvl and etc etc.


    Most scripts checks accounts and not by character.


    How do I check if they changed jobs already? No 3rd job, only trans.


    I know the logic but I don't how to do it in rAthena/RO's lang. Btw, if you can link me to where I can see all the functions that can be used in scripting, that would be a big help.


    So back to my problem...


    I need to check, if the current character had changed job already not the account...


    If yes then no more job changing.

    If no, of course allow them to change.

  10. (according to aleos import-tmpl should be automatically copied to import on first compile, so the copy step might not be needed)


    You also need to uncomment the corresponding lines and replace x with the jobs you want to have increased max levels.


    You can also just add your own exp requirements to the official exp table.


    Yep, that's how I did it.


    -- Edit --


    I even actually deleted some values on hpsp file. Forgot the full filename. I deleted the values inside those parentheses in the warning message.

    Ex. (4054)

    Find the 4054 and deleted it.

  11. So yea, I setup the server to be pre-re server. Edited max and job level related stuffs... PROPERLY :v

    I followed the wiki unless the wiki is not updated.


    here's a preview of warning I'm having

    [Warning]: Class Rune Knight (4054) does not have a base exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Rune Knight (4054) does not have a job exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Warlock (4055) does not have a base exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Warlock (4055) does not have a job exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Ranger (4056) does not have a base exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Ranger (4056) does not have a job exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Arch Bishop (4057) does not have a base exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Arch Bishop (4057) does not have a job exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Mechanic (4058) does not have a base exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Mechanic (4058) does not have a job exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Guillotine Cross (4059) does not have a base exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Guillotine Cross (4059) does not have a job exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Rune Knight T (4060) does not have a base exp table.
    [Warning]: Class Rune Knight T (4060) does not have a job exp table.

    I'm actually ignoring it, but thought of sharing it here.


    Is there any problem with this? Or I'm good?

  12. I try to fix and make things my own before I ask, but this is a bit confusing now.


    Just a short background, I am a web dev and understand the server-client concept very well. Also, I don't play RO, I just setup stuffs for a friend who plays this game long time already.


    When I first created my own server, I just pick stuffs on the top of the forum because well... if it's on top, then it is hot or popular.


    For the server, I just cloned the rAthena repo.

    For the full client, I downloaded the latest one on the client section (04-27-2016)

    For the small client, I tried many.


    My question is:


    Looking on the server-client I thought if the server is compiled to use for pre-renewal uses, then that's it. Just use any client and log in to that server.


    But I'm wrong. Well, that's what my friend said :v he said there is supposed to be no Doram on the character creation. It is supposed to look like this:





    Mine is not like that. That leads me to thinking that I was wrong. Maybe I should use old client as well too.



    Am I on the right path now? Can someone help? What client should I use? Do I need to use old full client too?


    And on the server side, I commented the define renewal and uncommented pre renewal. Do i need to comment everything else too? or not? I use pre-re=yes flag on the configure anyway, just making sure if that's taking care of everything and don't need to comment/uncomment stuffs.


    -- EDIT --


    currently trying this: https://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/

    Hope this is the answer.


    Not what I expected. But hopes he'll be ok with it. Here's a pic of the character creation:





    -- EDIT --


    Friend told me it was all good now. Thanks to the https://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/ thread, and also to @Secrets for confirming how to setup pre-renewal server.


    Hopes this will be useful for the others in the future. To those looking for how to setup a pre-renewal client and server.

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