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Everything posted by Shade

  1. Click on the show button beside spoiler.
  2. Hi there, After seeing a few sites design, I decided to try designing one myself. Yes, I know, I have a lot to improve. I am not satisfied with the result but I am not sure what to improve. Hoping you guys could give me some advice and pointers. Q&A: Is it coded? And no it is not coded. Thinking about getting it coded after I am satisfied with the design. Will you release it? Well, not this design for sure. Just looking for some advice to improve on future designs.
  3. Hi, Is it possible to change the duple light trigger from doing physical attack to magic attack instead? Thanks.
  4. Hi, I am pretty sure this has came up sometime ago but I am still not clear about it. It is still possible to make two servers (different IPs and machines) with one login like how iRO splits the server. In other words, when player launch the client, he will login first before choosing server instead of choosing server before logging in. Thanks a lot in advance.
  5. Hi, Tried the link you provided, same thing happened. It crashes when I open up object edit. Maybe I'm missing some important software on my computer?
  6. Hi, I just downloaded browedit on my new computer. It seems fine at first but whenever I change the edit menu from texture to object it crashes. I pretty sure I downloaded it properly, I even tried the self-extractor but it was no use. Do anyone have any idea what's wrong? I am using 64bit Win7. Thanks.
  7. Hi, I am using these bonuses bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,"KN_CHARGEATK",Eff_Stun,1000; autobonus3 "{ percentheal 10,0; }",1000,1000,"KN_CHARGEATK"; bonus2 bSkillCooldown,"KN_CHARGEATK",5000; But none of them have any effects. Do anyone know why? I even tried using skill id 1001. Thanks.
  8. Hi, I am just wondering is there anyway to make ALL players to be able to see all other players' HP and SP bar? I tried to make everyone GM level 1 and let them see HP bar but I am having problem because skills such as hiding and cloaking won't hide the bars. Thanks in advance.
  9. Love the features, just gave three different donation to the developers that helped me. It was so simple.
  10. Thanks again Malufett, I am just wondering what each value actually mean? Why status_percent_damage and status zap do the same thing? So, if I want to change the ugly dance to so the same SP reduction (i.e. consume 80% SP per tick at max level), I just have to edit to this? : case DC_UGLYDANCE: rate = 15+5*skilllv; if(sd && (skill=pc_checkskill(sd,DC_DANCINGLESSON))) rate += 5+skill; status_percent_damage(src, bl, 0, rate, false); break; I am looking forward to understand src codes better but I am not sure if there a guide on it in Wiki or rAthena forum. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi, I am looking forward to edit the SP drain in this two skills, I tried searching skill.c,status.c and battle.c but couldn't find these skills in any of them. Do anyone know where the data for these skill effects are? Thanks in advance.
  12. Thanks ! Are the conditions limited to : Trigger criteria: BF_SHORT: Trigger on melee attack BF_LONG: Trigger on ranged attack ( Default: BF_SHORT+BF_LONG ) BF_WEAPON: Trigger on weapon skills BF_MAGIC: Trigger on magic skills BF_MISC: Trigger on misc skills ( Default: BF_WEAPON ) BF_NORMAL: Trigger on normal attacks. BF_SKILL: Trigger on skills (Default: BF_SKILL if type is BF_MISC or BF_MAGIC, BF_NORMAL if type is BF_WEAPON) I am really hoping to get to know how to do the condition i mentioned above.
  13. Hi, I stumbled across stumbled bonus while browsing for items in item_db, I'm just wondering if there's any documentation on how to use them? autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,100; }",5,10000,0,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; autobonus2 "{ bonus bDef,10; }",3,10000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_FREEZED; I am interested to make other effects like when your HP is lower than a certain percentage, you will get bonuses. Examples, When your HP is lower than 20%, you have 50% chance to use "Heal" When your SP is lower than 10%, your SP regeneration increase by 10% Thanks in advance.
  14. True, there are tons of custom graphics and music that we can use but not client. Just a suggestion, if you could make character's gender independent of each other. Perhaps maybe when a player creates a character, the client would ask (Male/Female) it would be great. I don't have much knowledge on coding and how it might make things complicated though.
  15. Hi, Thanks, I think that might work, but do you mind template me the timer setup? For example, to make it shake for either 1 minute or 3 minutes every 2 minute at random. Would really appreciate that, thanks !
  16. Hi, I am looking forward to have a 1-2 min earthquake effect (with no sound), what command should i use to set the effect and timing? Thanks in advance.
  17. Hi, Keep up the good work and updates with the project, the client is considered one of the greatest bottlenecks of rAthena or any other emulator in this case. Completing such project may be excruciating and a long process, but completing such project would revolutionize the whole Ragnarok private server as a whole. I know this maybe immature or sounds like a word coming from an idiot's mouth or whatever you may call it but I need to know. It is stated somewhere that running private server is not illegal but hacking client is. By using this client, will it consider our own client or hacking Ragnarok client? Does this by any chance change the legality of private servers? Regards, Shade
  18. Actually what I meant is that for example if someone is using phreeoni scroll, he's character will have the yellow effect (lord knight's concentration skill) as long as the status is on.
  19. Hi, Is there any possible way to make effects on character (specialeffect2 # to last as long as an item script ("sc_start SC_ITEMSCRIPT,60000,4047; ") is on? That way players will be able to see if the effect is still going on. Thanks in advance, Shade
  20. Hi, The comments I'm giving is based on my preferences on website. It does not mean I am right and at the same time it does not mean I am wrong either. Design/Creativity: 7/10 Comments: Easy on the eye, clean, good choice of color and arrangements. The sky blue color give a relaxing feeling to the user but adding other colors should add more feelings to it. Cute font but add more variety on your website. Innovative/Function-wise: 4/10 Comment: Other than the login box, server status and players online, I am not sure what other features the website have. Bringing in new ideas would definitely make this website shine. Suggestion(s): I have this feeling that the login box is too big Contemporary features (your own ideas should be an added bonus) Add in variety on colors, fonts and shapes to make it looks a bit more energetic. Wish you all the best and good luck, Shade
  21. Work perfectly thank you very much for your kind help.
  22. That is the item delay for all usable items. I need to make this only for healing items it is possible to use item_group_id? Adding delay on that will also put delay on items such as wing of fly/ butterfly.
  23. Hi, I am planning to close all maps above Aldebaran. I need to know if there's any other way other than Airship and walking north Aldebaran that allows players to go to the maps (that I circled below). I want to make sure that there will be no access to those maps. Thanks in advance.
  24. Hi, Is there anyway to place a global cooldown on all healing item? I tried adding cooldown manually on all healing item on item_delay.txt but players can still use other healing item while waiting for the cooldown for one potion. Also, is there any way to change the text send for waiting item cooldown? "Item failed: Item is cooldown down. Please wait % seconds." Thanks in advance.
  25. Hi, I figured this should be easy to do but I couldn't find or remember the command to do it. I am planning to make two NPCs talk to each other (players can see the conversation as if the NPC typed out the chat). This should happen every two minutes. Example: Conversation 1: NPC1 : Hi, how are you NPC2? - 3 seconds delay - NPC2 : I am doing splendid. How about you? - 5 seconds delay - NPC1: Not so good, have you heard about what happened to Gabriel? - 3 seconds delay - NPC2: Yes, I heard it from Grandma Jenkins. I am sorry for your lost. Conversation 2: NPC2: I don't know why he ask us to wait here. NPC1: Me neither, but he sounded serious when he told us to. Should be something important. NPC2: I guess so. But I still don't like to be kept waiting. - repeat either conversation 1 or 2 (randomly) after two minutes. Thanks in advance.
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