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Everything posted by rexxar31

  1. yah. what i mean is, does it need to have custom textures and sprites? there is no view id in the item in itemdb2.txt.
  2. ill try this one ) thanks for the reply EDIT: Does it need sprites and textures?
  3. anyone who can make an item script like Old Blue Box that has a random of 5 items to be obtained when clicked? And random items will be obtained by percent of chance? Ex. yggberry = 10% to be obtained and yggleaf is 1% and another 5-10 items. thanks for advance
  4. sa atcommand.conf ata un.. change mo lang ung command to 0 para mgamit ng normal players.
  5. anyone who has a simple pvp ladder script? just record the kills and deaths of the player along with its ranking? thanks bump
  6. thanks for answering mates )
  7. what is the packet_ver of this client? will it run in eathena server?
  8. thanks sir emistry. i wish i was good as you in scripting.
  9. where is the monster id in there?? the -1 and -3 or the 80 and 5?
  10. any of you have script of anti wpe or rpe?? thanks
  11. its my first time to put that script in my server so i doubt that there is a person inside.. its alright now.. can i ask another question?? how to set the monster to all poring and the boss monsters to all baphomet?? thanks for all mate
  12. sorry how the tagalog post.. btw. thanks mate )
  13. when im upgrading an armor. it wont add the def.. i guess the default is when you upgrade the armor +1 then it should be +1 def.. problem is im not getting any additional def even if it is +10.. how to fix this?
  14. Yes, it is already official that only GMs are allowed to go inside. sorry. i am refering to the item drop of treasure boxes.. how to set it? and how to set the spawn of the treasure box?? thanks
  15. it goes at the else if part.. i mean "Currently the Room is Full. Please try again later."
  16. anyone knows how to put an item in treasure room?? does the gm can only go in there? thanks
  17. sir im using this code.. i just try to edit your script for the item i want.. prontera,141,172,4 script YGG Zone 976,{ function RandomizeItem; while( 1 ){ mes "How can i help you ?"; switch( select( "Information:Farm Items" )){ Case 1: mes "This is a Farm Zone."; mes "You are able to Hunt Monster inside this Room."; mes "Every Monster will award you random items."; next; mes "But there is some Condition.."; mes "You can only go in ^FF0000once every "+.RoomCleanMin+" minutes for 1 times.^000000"; mes "And Maximum of ^FF0000"+.MaxPlayers+" Players per "+.RoomCleanMin+" Minutes.^000000"; mes "Maximum Hunting Limit ^FF0000"+.MaxItemLimit+"^000000"; next; mes "There will be a ^FF0000Room Cleaning^000000 from time to time..."; mes "All players will be kicked out, it is your bad luck if you meet this."; mes "Delay will still apply even though you just go in for 1 Second.."; next; break; Case 2: if( #HuntRoomDelay > gettimetick(2) ){ set .last,#HuntRoomDelay - gettimetick(2); set .@min, .last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 / (60); mes "Wait for ^FF0000"+.@min+" Minutes^000000."; close; }else if( getarraysize( .Hunter ) >= .MaxPlayers ){ mes "Currently the Room is Full. Please try again later."; close; }else{ warp .Map$,0,0; set .Hunter[getarraysize( .Hunter )],strcharinfo(0); set #HuntRoomDelay,gettimetick(2) + ( .DelayMin * 60 ); set #FarmHunt,0; end; } } } OnInit: // Maximum Player can join per X Minutes. set .MaxPlayers,10; // Adding X Minutes of Delay before can go in again. set .DelayMin,10; // Maximum Hunt Limit per round inside the Zone. set .MaxItemLimit,1000; // Map that will be used in thos Zone. set .Map$,"guild_vs5"; // Clear Map Every X Minutes. set .RoomCleanMin,5; // Mapflag Initialization setmapflag .Map$,mf_nogo; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nomobloot; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nomvploot; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nochat; setmapflag .Map$,mf_novending; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nocommand,60; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nogo; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nojobexp; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nobaseexp; while( 1 ){ killmonster .Map$,"All"; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,181; monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Resident",-1,80,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Guardian",-3,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill"; deletearray .Hunter,getarraysize( .Hunter ); announce "[ Farm Zone ] : Farming Zone has been Cleaned up, another 10 Players may go in now.",bc_blue; sleep ( .RoomCleanMin * 60000 ); mapannounce .Map$,"[ Farm Zone ] : Room Clean Up now...All Users will be warped Out.",0; killmonster .Map$,"All"; sleep 3000; } end; OnNormalKill: RandomizeItem( 0,rand(1,5) ); monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-1,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; end; OnBossKill: RandomizeItem( 1,rand(1,3) ); monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill"; end; // Function that used to Generate Random Items function RandomizeItem { set #FarmHunt,#FarmHunt + getarg(1); // Normal Monster in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 0 ) setarray .ItemList[0],607,607,607,607,607,607,607; // Normal Boss in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 1 ) setarray .ItemList[0],13517,13517,13517,13517,13517,13517,13517,13517,13517; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= getarg(1); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getitem .ItemList[ rand( getarraysize( .ItemList ) ) ],1; } deletearray .ItemList,getarraysize( .ItemList ); dispbottom "[ Farm Zone ] : Farmed "+#FarmHunt+" / "+.MaxItemLimit+" Items"; if( #FarmHunt >= .MaxItemLimit ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Limit Reach , you may join again later."; sleep2 2000; warp "prontera",155,181; } return; } } now the problem is.. it is always full even no players are inside?? can you teach me how to fix it?? thanks
  18. most common error during woe accdng to..pg ng switch ka items then pumasok ka sa warp portal sa woe = 73% chance to have an error. How to fix this?
  19. sir emistry. the one that you have given only convert the ygg to box(i can change this to tickets).. can you give me a script that can change the box(tickets) to yggberrys again?? thanks
  20. can you give me a good client?? thanks
  21. still all characters can log in without the verification code. i am refering to this code: - script Sample -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(getgmlevel() < 99) { atcommand "@option 2"; mes "Please Red Colour Key in the Code..."; set .Code,rand(1000,99999); mes "^0000FF"+rand(1,9999)+"^FF0000"+.Code+"^0000FF"+rand(1,9999)+"^000000"; input @Code; if( @Code != .Code ){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); }else{ atcommand "@option 0"; } end; }
  22. thanks mates.. but how about the ygg berry farming room?? any idea how??
  23. does anyone has script for ygg room and npc that convert 100yggberry to 1berry ticket? thanks
  24. thanks.. this is a very big help.
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