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Everything posted by daanizin999

  1. Helo, i use rAthena from last github, and i have a bug with skill Enchant Deadly Poison (378), when is disable i cant use skill, i make script to solve .. prontera,150,192,4 script Habilidades de Platina 94,{ mes "[NPC de habilidade de platina]"; mes "Eu posso lhe dar as habilidades especiais disponíveis para o seu trabalho."; mes "Gostaria dessas habilidades agora?"; next; if (select("Sim Por favor: Não") == 2) { mes "[NPC de habilidade de platina]"; mes "Tenha um bom dia ...>.>"; close; } callfunc "F_GetPlatinumSkills"; atcommand "@allskills"; if(Class==4065) { skill 378,5,0; skill 407,1,0; } mes "[NPC de habilidade de platina]"; mes "Ai está!"; close; } The Skill Atived and i can use skill, but when a warp other maps, skill hide, desatived.
  2. Eai guys , I'm currently using eAmod ( eAthena ) I know it's old and talz , but want to use himself, but has a problem, this a bug , I do items normally ( Ygg , scrolls , consumivieis in general) use they good , then when relogo the character items are it, but it is not possible to use them more, they " lose " the effect after relog the character, are all the items, they do not disappear , lose only the effect and not the or to click to use , is "frozen " type , equipment fitted , but not of consumables to use . Thank you in advance anyone who can help . ^^ Eai guys , I'm currently using eAmod ( eAthena ) I know it's old and talz , but want to use himself, but has a problem, this a bug , I do items normally ( Ygg , scrolls , consumivieis in general) use they good , then when relogo the character items are it, but it is not possible to use them more, they " lose " the effect after relog the character, are all the items, they do not disappear , lose only the effect and not the or to click to use , is "frozen " type , equipment fitted , but not of consumables to use . Thank you in advance anyone who can help . ^^
  3. Eai galera, estou usando atualmente o eAmod ( eAthena ), sei que é antigo e talz, mas quero usar ele mesmo, mas tem um problema, esta com um bug, eu faço os itens normalmente ( ygg, pergaminhos, consumivieis em geral) utilizo eles de boa, depois quando relogo o personagem os itens estão la, mas nao é possivel utilizá-los mais, eles "perdem" o efeito após relogar o personagem, sao todos os itens, eles nao somem, somente perdem o efeito e nao da nem pra clicar pra usar, fica tipo "congelado", os equipamentos equipam, mas os consumiveis nao da pra utilizar. Agradeço desde já quem puder ajudar. ^^
  4. Hello, I wonder if someone using rAthena, already managed to get the MAC ADDRESS without using any shield, I already got fzer this in Hercules, but not in rAthena, wanted to know if there is something already tested and working, thanks
  5. tenho duvida tbm, pode add skype? : danieel.cruz
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