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  • Github: cheewei

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  1. hey guys , i wish to make a new server.. some of the forum shows that we can actually purchase a private ragnarok server via ro-vps website. is this the best solution to get myself a private ragnarok serevr?
  2. hey guys.. i download the new old glast heim provided in this page. ( https://rathena.org/board/topic/80699-old-glast-heim-instance/ ) but i am keep getting this error.... does anyone know how to fix this...? . thanks a lot .....
  3. ah... thanks a lot for your info.... that's save my neck....
  4. after the balmung is equip. the aspd is SO SO SO LOW!. anyone know how to fix this?.. i am using 2013 08 07 client. thanks a lot..
  5. hey guy.. i have something wan to edit.. here is the picture : finally the problem of cart window alt+w and bank system is fix... but there is still some korean word in the game.... what should i do to fix the korean word in BANK , GUILD and BIFROST window..?? hope i get solution asap... thank for anyone that willing to teach me.... thank a lot...
  6. EMISTRY... it is still the same....
  7. hello guys.. i am using this client and everything run almost perfect... but i have this problem .... here is the photo example... 1: 2: in the 1st picture.. the cart window (alt+w) somehow error or bug.. it's never able to open.. in the 2nd picture. the banking system is disable... i wish to get solution in these problem.... hope anyone who know how to fix this please guide me ....... thanks a lot.
  8. hello guys.. i am using this client and everything run almost perfect... but i have this problem .... here is the photo example... 1: 2: in the 1st picture.. the cart window (alt+w) somehow error or bug.. it's never able to open.. in the 2nd picture. the banking system is disable... i wish to get solution in these problem.... hope anyone who know how to fix this please guide me ....... thanks a lot.
  9. hey guys.. i have yet another problem regarding % HEALING ITEM if i use yggdrasil berry , yes it will recover my hp yto 100% no matter what my current hp are. if i use yggdrasil berry , no , it's only RECOVER 50% OF CURRENT HP . for example my hp is now 100/5000. it's only recover 50 because it is base on current hp % but not maximum hp % here is the item db 607,Yggdrasilberry,Yggdrasil Berry,0,5000,,300,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ percentheal 100,100; },{},{} 608,Seed_Of_Yggdrasil,Yggdrasil Seed,0,5000,,300,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ percentheal 50,50; },{},{} anyone who know how to solve this problem please guide or teach me how to fit it... thank a lot.....
  10. thank for reply... no i don't edit anything about novending map. because i just change the client i am using from 20120410 to 20130807. here is the picture vending when i try to open cart at place i can vending in the 1st picture. i am trying to drag something to available item for vending but it has no effect hope this will let you understand my problem easier...
  11. hey guys.. i have another problem here.. i just figure out,... why i can't open the cart , and it's keep showing Vending is prohibited in this map!!! before is i am use 20120410 client , it's work perfect with no problem!, when i change to 20130807 renewal client , it keep showing this problem.... here is the example photo.... i really really scratching head and don know how to fix this... please anyone who know please guide me..... thank a lot...
  12. yes only at pvp. even i summon 1000 monster i map it's still never fatal, just laggy, no, i don't have rdata
  13. hey guy.. i have this problem and can't even solved... when player in pvp map . it doesn't matter which map . it will error frequently. the error happen when a skill is perform , it doesn't matter which skill it is. randomly it will error , but not each time the skill perform. i try to change my data.grf from iro to data.grf kro but it still wont work... here is the example: i am using 20130807 client, everything work smoothly just the pvp issue.... anyone who know how to fix the problem please teach or guide me what should i do to get it fix.... thank a lot for your help...
  14. Thanks a lot bro . the problem solve...
  15. Hello guys. i have another problem today.. how do i actually edit iteminfo.lua? before this i am using old client 2012 and add custom item via idnum2itemdesctable,idnum2itemdisplaynametable and idnum2itemresnametable. Now i am using 20130807 client and it use iteminfo.lua instead to manage item. After i try to add something in the iteminfo.lua. it's apear error and item in game become X or apple Edit Iteminfo.lua After click client Error 1 After click client Error 2 In game Item Error Everything go smooth before i edit the iteminfo,lua in system folder and no error. Here is the actual problem i am trying to fix.. the custom item 30002, slotable/equip/image but just it's show apple in inventory or the time we drop it. Can anyone please guide me how to fix this problem . Or i am using the Wrong method to add Custom Item via Iteminfo.lua Hope people who know please tech me how to do it.. thanks a lot.
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