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Everything posted by netcyan

  1. I'm using Herc, and i have same problem, when i type @enablebombring it says unknown command bumb
  2. I just tried it almost the same, and new error comes [Error]: script error in file 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt' line 45 column 1 set_label: dup label 42: end; 43: } 44: end; * 45: OnTimer1000: ^ 46: set @minute, @minute + 1; 47: if(@minute == 1){ 48: set @minute,0; [Warning]: npc_parsename: Duplicate unique name in file 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt', line '15'. Renaming 'hourlypoints' to '1_-1_0_0'. [Debug]: this npc: display name 'hourlypoints' unique name 'hourlypoints' map=(not on a map), x=0, y=0 [Debug]: other npc in 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt' : display name 'hourlypoints' unique name 'hourlypoints' map=(not on a map), x=0, y=0 bump
  3. - script hourlypoints -1,thanks, now it seems that it doesn't have error, but this is what it says. [Warning]: npc_parsename: Duplicate unique name in file 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt', line '15'. Renaming 'hourlypoints' to '1_-1_0_0'. [Debug]: this npc: display name 'hourlypoints' unique name 'hourlypoints' map=(not on a map), x=0, y=0 [Debug]: other npc in 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt' : display name 'hourlypoints' unique name 'hourlypoints' map=(not on a map), x=0, y=0 just tried it and its not giving cash points. - script hourlypoints#hourly1 -1, By the way if you have loaded the npc once via @loadnpc, don't load it again via @loadnpc. Just use @reloadscript if you have changed something on the script. Now i suggest you restart your server and load it again, if you have already put it on scripts_custom.conf before starting your server there's no need to load it again. going to try that give me a few minutes, and just want to ask do I need to put a map on this? getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if(@map$ == .@map$ && @x == .@x && @y == .@y) { set @afk, @afk + 1; } else { set @afk, 0; } set @map$, .@map$; set @x, .@x; set @y, .@y;
  4. thanks, now it seems that it doesn't have error, but this is what it says. [Warning]: npc_parsename: Duplicate unique name in file 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt', line '15'. Renaming 'hourlypoints' to '1_-1_0_0'. [Debug]: this npc: display name 'hourlypoints' unique name 'hourlypoints' map=(not on a map), x=0, y=0 [Debug]: other npc in 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt' : display name 'hourlypoints' unique name 'hourlypoints' map=(not on a map), x=0, y=0 just tried it and its not giving cash points. - script hourlypoints -1,thanks, now it seems that it doesn't have error, but this is what it says. [Warning]: npc_parsename: Duplicate unique name in file 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt', line '15'. Renaming 'hourlypoints' to '1_-1_0_0'. [Debug]: this npc: display name 'hourlypoints' unique name 'hourlypoints' map=(not on a map), x=0, y=0 [Debug]: other npc in 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt' : display name 'hourlypoints' unique name 'hourlypoints' map=(not on a map), x=0, y=0 just tried it and its not giving cash points.
  5. I tried to put it on conf and @loadnpc still the same.. this is the error im getting. [status]: Event 'OnInit' executed with '1633' NPCs. [status]: Event 'OnInterIfInit' executed with '0' NPCs. [status]: Event 'OnInterIfInitOnce' executed with '0' NPCs. [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/gmh_freenpc/hourlybonus.txt', line '15'. Stopping... * w1=- script hourlypoints -1,{ * w2= * w3= * w4=
  6. I did not try to declare it on .conf yet, i'm going to try it now.
  7. just want to ask where can I put the HourlyBonus.txt script, because when i tried to put in on one of my npc folder. it doesn't work, i've adjusted the time to 5mins so I can see faster if it works or not but its not working, so i've decide to change it back again To the original content and waited for 1 hr lol, still did not work.. Script attached. hourlybonus.txt
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