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Posts posted by Nightmare_Eng

  1. I will try that now, will let you know what happends....

    and thanks for the help been waiting so long for some feed back :P

    First of all I love you! Sound is fixed and can change lvl of skills to use /sob

    and 2nd now the game isn't in English anymore. :P

    BTW I have done the rest of this correctly right?

    This is what I have done and I didn't use any files in the data folder that was all ready there.

    I downloaded the Miruku 15122011.torrent from http://miruku.rathena.org/

    and I fully updated the rsu-kro-rag-lite &rsu-kro-renewal-lite

    then I added in the.... 2011-02-23 Lub Files [Translated] With 2011-03-15aRagexeRE

    When I run the game I get..



    though the Setup.exe don't seem to work at all :/


    It don't matter if its full screen or not, or if sound is high or low it dont link up with what I am using.

    My client opened the game in full screen even though its turned of on the setting.exe

  2. Ok Guys I will go through what I have in case I am missing some files, so if I have a bad file or the whatever it may be and anyone has a clue what it might be I will be very happy if you can help me with this.


    Downloaded Miruku 15122011.torrent

    Link: http://miruku.rathena.org/


    Using the JudasBible and going down the list...

    Link - http://supportmii.co.../JudasBible.pdf


    tortoiseSVN - Got it


    SVN Rathena - Download


    MySQL - Installed and set up all admin's/users and schemas


    Visual Studio 2010 - Compiling window done

    7.Client Side Settings - Says to get 20110118 and to use packet_ver: 26

    *We have 20110315* & *using packet_ver:28*


    Shinyo Diff Patcher - got


    Clients - Says to get 2010-12-28 and up

    *We are using - 011-03-15aRagexeRE.7z*


    Then we selected - All the option on the JudasBible (Page 20 to 30 includeing) "Read Data Folder First"


    Clientinfo.xml: Done


    Lua Files - from http://svn6.assembla...ct/lua%20files/


    Server Side Settings - Done


    Custom Window Title & Custom Login Screen - need to do


    xiAdding GM’s to clientinfo.xml - Done


    X Making a GM account SQL - Done


    Compiling GRF - Done


    Setting up FileZilla - Making/Uploading Patches via Thor (GRF) - Done

    Problems That We have.....

    Skills Problem can't pick what lvl to cast


    Styles is messed up big time O_o


    Sound settings do not get saved, As in you log in the game lower the sound to your liking. "Log of the game" when you log back on the sounds have not been saved and are back to default. (This is VERY ANOYYING!!!)

    If someone understands what is going on with this please help out team as we are out of ideas.

    Thanks for the help

    BabyDevil Team

    P.S We did that Bahmut but still nothing /sob

    :P :P

  3. Well that didant work, infact I cant even start my game now that i made that change. this is what I have going of JudasBible






    Ok I did all of that like you asked, and now when I open the game the setupbox pops up and I click Ok and Cansel but the box will not goaway now. it just keeps going round in a loop and i have to log of my PC to get rid of this. (going to go back and use "read data folder first")

    This is a copy from JudasBible who says to use it, so I dont think this is the problem. as he recommeded it


    this is getting to be very anoying as we cant open the server like this :P

  4. Still not working >.<

    All my files are from the the SVN donwload and link from the JudasBible and out team has been following all the steps. We just cant seem to get it to save the sound settings.... We think that the Setup.exe file isant working becouse no matter what we change with in this, nothing is saved e.g.turn fog on/off and there is no sound bars to move down in this setup box so again is this a broke setup take alook...


    When you get ingame and go to sounds it looks like this...


    Next you would lower the sound or turn it off right? then you would play RO and log off.

    The NEXT time you log in your setting should have been SAVED but nothing is saved at all. So if you turned /fog of in game its now back.... If you turned your sound off, dont matter they get reset when you log back on.....

    Just dont know what to do :P

  5. we want it to remember the players settings not just stop there sounds....

    this information didant solve anything or help as I still dont know how your meant to do this.

    Someone els no what could be the problem of this?

    may be a location on where to look to see if thats the problem becouse I dont have a clue :(

  6. Well this is a new one to me, I log into the game along with my friends, we turn the sound settings down or off and then we play the game for a while and log of. (all good stuff)

    When we log back on the sound has returned to default so we have all the high lvl sounds and music hitting us in the face every time we load the game up again....

    I don't know why this is happening so any help would be very helpful as this is very annoying. I don't know what info what files or info you may need to show/explain i have but am guessing it's the setup file may be :/ (haven't a clue) :(

  7. Greetings everyone, I come before you with a task that I need assistant with for a Renewal set up with the exp.txt file.

    Am looking for help if someone has the code for the next levels of EXP needed from 150 to 255

    the same for job lvl 50 to 120

    I hope am in the right part of the forum as well to be asking this hehe

    anyway thank you for the help, If you need any extra info on what am using please ask as I am new to this and learning lots day by day. /ok

    Hmmm 40 views and no help :( can you even make it above 150?

  8. Thanks for the help guys we got that working now but now we have 2 more problems.

    When we log in the sound is high and we lower it and turn fog off and so on (The nice set up we like) but when you lof of the game and then log back in its saved nothing at all.

    Do we need a new setup file to fix this??

    thanks again for the help

  9. Hi there guys ran into a problem again and need help with this.... Basicly you can log on and then create a character but when you click "ok" it says disconnected from server and then closes the game down. when you re log in the character is not created.


    thanks for the help

    :) Can some one please help me? What should I do or try?

  10. [Error: 32a10037] Untrusted program.

    getting this error when running the client and get rejected from server when trying to log in.

    how do i fix this i hope it'll fix the login error too but anyone thinks there's a different reason for that how do i fix that too?




    re-diffed the client exe and it not showing the untrusted error now.

    now we get as far as starting to create a character but then "disconnected from server"... so help pls

  11. Hi there guys, found myself in a sticky situation after following they JudasBible guide.

    got to the part where we had to download the Lua files but it don't say where there meant to go?

    Next me have a problem with the diffed Client.exe when we try to run the game it just opens the set up window over and over and we can't close it down.

    Is there meant to be a copy of the ragray / Miruku files in the server folder?

    Is there is a New up-to-date guide on this as the JudasBible is a bit out of date and miss leading.

    Thanks for the help Rathena community.

  12. Would like to thank you guys for the link and every bit of info on there is very useful and will get to work on this right away.

    @Neblim your right this is filled with everything one needs to know to start a server! Looks like am staying inside for a while hahahaha

    @Asura Thanks for the link now we know what type of server to pay for, again thanks for the help guys.

    And so the adventure starts here with one step at a time. (:))

  13. Hello to all the friendly RO Players out there.

    I have been playing RO for 7 years now and I have got on to the point where I need to set one up (me and 3 friends, 1 of them is a programmer)

    At the moment all we have is this http://miruku.rathena.org/

    Were wanting to host the game for at least 5 years, as the last number of server we have been on have all shut down, and this is why we want to go ahead and make a good RO home for players to stay and enjoy.

    We want to make this a team goal and make it a worthwhile and enjoyable hobby that we can all share.

    Now we have looked online, but the only post we can find is back in 2006 and were wanting to start it up with the Renewal client as its the new thing for RO.

    If there is a step by step guide at what we need and were to get it from, that would be much Appreciated.

    Thanks for your time/support rAthena community

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