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Everything posted by eclud

  1. Hello friends sorry for the inconvenience I have a problem by accident I deleted my folder where I had all my maps of the Dungeons and field Renewal someone could tell me where to download those txt again I would I thank you much
  2. Hi guys, can some one help me with some clean English DATA and luas pre-renewal for client 2012-04-10 please? i try with some datas here but dont work for me, it have some korea text etc etc
  3. Thanks for the info, i just notice my previus server was using RagnaShield and the new hosting/server dont have that feature. I guess i need install a fresh rathena... thanks
  4. Hello guys, i get this error: https://gyazo.com/d1b2110bea82ee9dc10037edc1a0b698 Client is 2012-04-10 My mmo.h 20120410 battle/client.conf packet_ver_flag: 0xFFFFFFF Version 30 I guess i have everything fine but i cant get it working. Any idea? thanks Btw i im using data v 4
  5. Te lo agradezco bastante man, saliendo de trabajar lo pruebo de una. Muchas gracias Funciono mejor de lo que esperaba, muchas gracias bro Man algo anda mal, pasado el tiempo no me deja invocar de nuevo... me sale esto: Saludos Al pasar los 1800 segundos, en lugar de dejarme comprarlo sigue el conteo pero en negativo
  6. Thanks guys, is working great now
  7. Cualquiera de estos man 06guild_01 06guild_02 06guild_03 06guild_04 06guild_05 06guild_06 06guild_07 06guild_08
  8. E leído tu post en el foro ingles, te quedo bastante bien . Mire que la restricción de tiempo funciona por player, podrías ponerlo global? si yo invoco un baphomet todos deben esperar 20 minutos para que puedan invocarlo de nuevo, osea el primero que lo invoque lo gana. Y si no es mucha molesta, colocarle las mapflags y el npc que me lleva hacia el? en verdad espero no molestarte mucho, saludos
  9. Muchas gracias man No es nada, ya esta casi listo, eso si, lo estoy haciendo desde 0, pero si quieres que adapte un script que ya tengas no tengo ni un problema si así te sientes mas cómodo. No man como se te haga mejor, si ya lo tienes casi listo mejor con ese, si eres tan amable de agregarle estas flags: mapflag nowarpto mapflag nomemo mapflag noteleport mapflag nosave SavePoint mapflag nopenalty Saludos
  10. But for duplicates it need to be Warper::Warper 859,{ no? Thanks
  11. Buenas tardes compañeros, ya e creado varios npc con las guías aquí aprendidas, npc básicos de quest, con menus etc. Pero con este de plano no puedo, es algo simple pienso yo... la idea es la siguiente: Ocupo un MVP Arena con tiempo. Por ejemplo el NPC (digamos que se encuentra en prontera), me lleva a la arena... dentro de ella el típico npc donde yo le doy y compro los mvps (Mvps y mini Mvps). Aquí viene la parte interesante, por ejemplo al yo comprar digamos un Baphoment no importa si lo derroto o no. No puedo volver a comprarlo asta que pasen 20 minutos, en pocas palabras solo puedo comprar un baphoment y para comprarlo de nuevo debo esperar 20 minutos. Y esta regla se aplica a todos los mvps y mini mvps, para ser mas especifico, puedo comprar 1 baphoment, 1 ghostring al mismo tiempo, pero solo uno de cada uno. Para comprarlos de nuevo debo esperar 20 minutos. Ojala puedan ayudarme con esto compañeros, desde ya muchas gracias.
  12. I guys i cant find this kind of script... mybe some one have it. Is very simple, i need one MvP room script any map its ok, heres the hard part. The players can invoke the same mvp every 30 minutes. For example if some guy invoke one baphomet and kill it, the guy need to wait 30 minutes to invoke the baphomet again. (he can invoke others mvps in the wait time...) btw this script its ok, mybe some one add the part to wait 30 minutes to invoke the same mvp again... heres the code: // = Script made by RIKIMARU on rathena.org // = Profile Link : // = http://rathena.org/board/user/434-rikimaru/ // = ENJOY THIS SCRIPT! //=================================================================================== // //=====// /==/ /==/ /==/ // // // /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ // //=====// /==/ /=/ /==============/ /========/ /==//===/ /==/ /==/ // //=////// /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/==/==/==/==/ / / / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ ======/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/=====/==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /========/ /==/ /==///////==/ // ================ rAthena Script ================================================== // ============== Information ======================================================= // = MVP Arena + MVP Arena Warper // = Made by : // = Rikimaru //===== Current Version: =================================================== //= 1.3 //===== Compatible With: =================================================== //= rAthena Revision 15908 or Higher <--------------- IMPORTANT //===== Description: ======================================================= //= MVP Arena + Warper with the newest MVP's added to the Script //= LHZ MVP's have a higher cost than normal MVP's,remember that. //===== Additional Comments: =============================================== //= 1.0 Finished the Script [Rikimaru] //= 1.1 Shorted by llchrisll //= 1.2 Added new MVP'S like Boitata and the new LHZ MVP's [Rikimaru] //= 1.3 fixed a little Bug in the arrays,which was caused by me. [Rikimaru] //========================================================================= //= DO NOT REMOVE MY AND CHRIS CREDITS AND CLAIM OUR WORK AS YOURS //========================================================================= quiz_02,335,85,5 script MVP Warper 402,{ // ================== Settings ============================================ set .@n$,"^0000FF[ MVP Warper ]^000000"; // ============= End of Settings ========================================== mes .@n$; mes "I can warp you to the MVP Room,do you want to go there?"; next; switch(select("Yes!:No!")) { case 1: mes .@n$; mes "Okay I'm going to warp you."; warp "guild_vs1",50,50; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Okay bye!"; close; } } //========================= First Script End =============// //================== MVP Summoner ========================// guild_vs1,50,57,5 script MVP Summoner 790,{ set .@nsummon$,"^0000FF[ MVP Summoner ]^000000"; mes .@nsummon$; mes "Hello,I'm able to spawn MVP's."; mes "Which MVP do you want me to spawn?"; mes "1 MVP costs "+.zeny[1]+" Zeny"; mes "LHZ MVPs and Thanatos have a"; mes "cost of "+.zeny[2]+" Zeny."; next; set .@m,select(.smenu$) - 1; mes .@nsummon$; mes "Okay let me check if you have enough Zeny."; if( Zeny < .zeny[.mobze[.@m]] ) { mes "You don't have enough money"; close; } else { close2; set Zeny, Zeny - .zeny[.mobze[.@m]]; atcommand "@spawn "+.mobid[.@m] + " "+.mobam[.@m]; npctalk "[ MVP Summoner]: "+getmonsterinfo(.mobid[.@m],0) +" Spawned!"; end; } OnInit: setarray .zeny[1],20000000,30000000; // 50m,250m Zeny // Mob IDs setarray .mobid[0],1511,1647,1785,1630,1039,1874,2068,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1418,1871,1252,1768,1086,1885,1649,1651,1832,1492,1734,1251,1779,1688,1646,1373,1147,1059,1150,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1623,1650,1583,1708,1312,1751,1648,1658,2236,2238,2240,2241,2156,2235,2237,2087,2239; // Mob Spawn Amount setarray .mobam[0],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1; // Price: Entry as Index from .zeny // 1 = .zeny[1] - 2 = .zeny[2] setarray .mobze[0],1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,1,2; set .smenu$,""; for( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize(.mobid); set .@s,.@s + 1) { // Skips an Monster if it does not exist in the db if(getmonsterinfo(.mobid[.@s],0) == "" || getmonsterinfo(.mobid[.@s],0) == "null") continue; // else adding it to the menu set .smenu$,.smenu$ + "- "+getmonsterinfo(.mobid[.@s],0) + ( (.mobid[.@s+1] == 0)?"":":"); } end; } guild_vs1,31,68,5 duplicate(MVP Summoner) MVP Summoner#1 790 guild_vs1,31,31,5 duplicate(MVP Summoner) MVP Summoner#2 790 guild_vs1,68,31,5 duplicate(MVP Summoner) MVP Summoner#3 790 guild_vs1,68,68,5 duplicate(MVP Summoner) MVP Summoner#4 790 guild_vs1,49,91,5 script HomeTown 837,{ OnInit: warp "prontera",154,183; end; } guild_vs1,8,49,5 script HomeTown 837,{ OnInit: warp "prontera",154,183; end; } guild_vs1,49,8,5 script HomeTown 837,{ OnInit: warp "prontera",154,183; end; } guild_vs1,91,50,5 script HomeTown 837,{ OnInit: warp "prontera",154,183; end; } Thanks guys
  13. Hi guys, this is make me crazy. I have one script (warper) and the npc is working great in prontera: prontera,159,192,3 script Warper::Warper 859 The problem is the duplicateds... no one of them are working properly. For exaple the main npc have the menu etc but the duplicateds dont have the menu! they have only one option... if they are duplicated why dont have the same menu like the main npc? i dont get it! can some one help me please? heres the script code: //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Last Warp Super Warper NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= Kookith //===== Description: ========================================= //= This is a warper. I am sure that is self explanatory. //= Last Warp Feature added! //============================================================ prontera,159,192,3 script Warper::Warper 859,{ mes "[FitosRO Warper]"; mes "Hola!, Puedo llevarte a cualquier Ciudad, Field o Dungeon."; mes "Que te gustaria hacer?"; next; menu "Save",guardar,"Storage",storage,"Guild Storage",gstorage,"Last Warp",lastmap,"Towns",town,"Dungeons",dungeon,"Fields",field;//"WoE",woe; guardar: next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Grabado correctamente."; getmapxy .@m$, .@x, .@y, 0; savepoint .@m$, .@x, .@y; close; end; storage: openstorage; close; end; gstorage: guildopenstorage(); close; end; //woe: menu "Prontera Guild",-; set lastmap$,"prt_gld.gat"; set lastx,160; set lasty,31; warp "prt_gld.gat",160,31; close; town: menu "Prontera",wprontera, // "Gaia (Main Capital)",wgaia, "Alberta",walberta, "Aldebaran",waldebaran, "Amatsu",wamatsu, "Ayothaya",wayot, "Comodo",wcomodo, "Einbech (Mining Village)",weinbech, "Einbroch",weinbroch, "Geffen",wgeffen, "Gonryun",wgonryun, "Hugel",whugel, "Izlude",wizlude, "Jawaii",wjawaii, "Lighthalzen",wlighthalzen, "Louyang",wlouyang, "Lutie",wxmas, "Morroc",wmorroc, "Nameless Island",wnameless, "Niflheim",wniflheim, "Payon",wpayon, "Rachel",wafeltz, "Thor Camp",wthorcamp, "Veins",wveins, "Yuno",wyuno, "Umbala",wumbala, "Brasilis",wbrasilis, "Dewata",wdewata, "Eclage",weclage, "Malangdo",wmalangdo, "Malaya",wmalaya, "Manuk",wmanuk, "Mora",wmora, "Moscovia",wmoscovia, "Splendide",wsplendide, "El Dicastes",weldicastes; field: menu //"Amatsu Fields",wamafild, // "Ayothaya Fields",wayofild, // "Comodo Fields",wcmdfild, // "Einbroch Fields",weinfild, // "Geffen Fields",wgeffild, // "Gonryun Fields",wgonfild, // "Hugel Fields",whufild, // "Lighthalzen Fields",wlhzfild, // "Louyang Field",wloufild, // "Lutie Field",wxmasfild, // "Mjolnir Fields",wmjolnir, // "Moscovia Fields",wmosc, // "Niflheim Fields",wniffild, // "Odin Temple",wodint, // "Payon Forests",wpayfor, // "Prontera Fields",wprtfild, // "Rachel Fields",warunfild, // "Sograt Deserts",wmocfild, // "Umbala Fields",wumfild, // "Veins Fields",wveinsfild, // "Yuno Fields",wyunofild; "Muka Fields",wmukafields, "Comodo Beachs",wcomodobeachs, "Einbroch Field",weinbrochfield, "Kiel Hyre´s Academy",whyreacademy, "Kobold Fields",wkoboldfields, "Novus Field",wnovusfield, "West Orc Village",wwestorcvillage, "Windy Field",wwindyfield, "Yoyo Field",wyoyofield, "Zenhai Marsh",wzenhaimarsh; dungeon: menu "Abyss Lakes",wabyss, "Abbey, Cursed Monastery",wabbey, "Amatsu Dungeon",ama, "Anthell",ant, "Ayothaya Dungeons",wayodun, "Beach Dungeon",beach, // "Bossnia",bossnia, - No monsters in this map "Brasilis Dungeon",brasilis, "Byalan Dungeon",byalan, "Clock Tower",clock, "Coal Mines",coal, // "Dewata Dungeon",dewatadungeon, - Implementar Monster Renewal "Einbroch Dungeons",weindun, "Gefenia",gefenia, "Geffen Dungeon",geffen, "Glast Heim",glast, "Gonryun Dungeon",gon, "Hidden Dungeon",hidden, "Il Dungeon",ildungeon, "Ice Dungeon",iced, "Juperos Dungeons",wjuper, "Kiel Dungeons",wkieldun, "Lighthalzen",wlhzdun, "Louyang Dungeons",wloudun, "Magma Dungeon",magma, // "Malangdo Dungeon",malangdodungeon, - Implementar Monster Renewal "Moscovia Dungeon",wmosk, "Nidhogg's Dungeon",nighoggdungeon, "Odin Temple",odintemple, "Orc Dungeon",orc, "Payon Dungeon",payon, "Culverts",culvert, "Pyramids",pyramids, "Rachel Sanctuary",rachels, // "Scaraba Hole Dungeon",scarabadungeon, - Implementar Monster Renewal "Sphinx",sphinx, "Sunken Ship",sunken, "Thanatos Tower",wthat, "Thor Volcano",wthor, "Toy Factory",toy, "Turtle Dungeon",turtle, "Umbala Dungeons",wumdun; // "Dimensonal Gorge",dimen; - Es por quest gdungeon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Selecciona el nivel."; next; menu "Baldur Guild Dungeon (Guild Dungeon 1)",dgldun1, "Luina Guild Dungeon (Guild Dungeon 2)",dgldun2, "Valkyrie Guild Dungeon (Guild Dungeon 3)",dgldun3, "Britoniah Guild Dungeon (Guild Dungeon 4)",dgldun4; lastmap: if(lastmap$=="") { mes "You have not warped anywhere yet!"; close; } warp lastmap$,lastx,lasty; end; //------------------------------- // Fields //------------------------------- //----------- Mis fields wmukafields: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Muka Field 1",wmukafields1; wcomodobeachs: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Comodo Field 1",wcomodobeachs1; weinbrochfield: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Einbroch Field 1",weinbrochfield1; whyreacademy: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Kiel Hyre´s Academy Field 1",whyreacademy1; wkoboldfields: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Kobold Field 1",wkoboldfields1; wnovusfield: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Novus Field 1",wnovusfield1; wwestorcvillage: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Orc Village Field 1",wwestorcvillage1; wwindyfield: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Windy Field 1",wwindyfield1; wyoyofield: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Yoyo Field 1",wyoyofield1; wzenhaimarsh: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Zenhai Marsh Field 1",wzenhaimarsh1; //----------- Mis fields warunfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Rachel Field 1",drunfild1, "Rachel Field 2",drunfild2, "Rachel Field 3",drunfild3, "Rachel Field 4",drunfild4, "Rachel Field 5",drunfild5, "Rachel Field 6",drunfild6, "Rachel Field 7",drunfild7, "Rachel Field 8",drunfild8, "Rachel Field 9",drunfild9, "Rachel Field 10",drunfild10, "Rachel Field 11",drunfild11, "Rachel Field 12",drunfild12, "Rachel Field 13",drunfild13; wgeffild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Geffen Field 0",dgeffild00, "Geffen Field 1",dgeffild01, "Geffen Field 2",dgeffild02, "Geffen Field 3",dgeffild03, "Geffen Field 4",dgeffild04, "Geffen Field 5",dgeffild05, "Geffen Field 6",dgeffild06, "Geffen Field 7",dgeffild07, "Geffen Field 8",dgeffild08, "Geffen Field 9",dgeffild09, "Geffen Field 10",dgeffild10, "Geffen Field 11",dgeffild11, "Geffen Field 12",dgeffild12, "Geffen Field 13",dgeffild13, "Geffen Field 14",dgeffild14; wmjolnir: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Mjolnir Field 1",dmjolnir1, "Mjolnir Field 2",dmjolnir2, "Mjolnir Field 3",dmjolnir3, "Mjolnir Field 4",dmjolnir4, "Mjolnir Field 5",dmjolnir5, "Mjolnir Field 6",dmjolnir6, "Mjolnir Field 7",dmjolnir7, "Mjolnir Field 8",dmjolnir8, "Mjolnir Field 9",dmjolnir9, "Mjolnir Field 10",dmjolnir10, "Mjolnir Field 11",dmjolnir11, "Mjolnir Field 12",dmjolnir12; wmosc: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Moscovia Field 1",dmosc1, "Moscovia Field 2",dmosc2; wmocfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Sograt Desert 1",dmocfild1, "Sograt Desert 2",dmocfild2, "Sograt Desert 3",dmocfild3, "Sograt Desert 4",dmocfild4, "Sograt Desert 5",dmocfild5, "Sograt Desert 6",dmocfild6, "Sograt Desert 7",dmocfild7, "Sograt Desert 8",dmocfild8, "Sograt Desert 9",dmocfild9, "Sograt Desert 10",dmocfild10, "Sograt Desert 11",dmocfild11, "Sograt Desert 12",dmocfild12, "Sograt Desert 13",dmocfild13, "Sograt Desert 14",dmocfild14, "Sograt Desert 15",dmocfild15, "Sograt Desert 16",dmocfild16, "Sograt Desert 17",dmocfild17, "Sograt Desert 18",dmocfild18, "Sograt Desert 19",dmocfild19; wpayfor: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Payon Forest 1",dpayfild1, "Payon Forest 2",dpayfild2, "Payon Forest 3",dpayfild3, "Payon Forest 4",dpayfild4, "Payon Forest 5",dpayfild5, "Payon Forest 6",dpayfild6, "Payon Forest 7",dpayfild7, "Payon Forest 8",dpayfild8, "Payon Forest 9",dpayfild9, "Payon Forest 10",dpayfild10, "Payon Forest 11",dpayfild11; wprtfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Prontera Field 1",dprtfild1, "Prontera Field 2",dprtfild2, "Prontera Field 3",dprtfild3, "Prontera Field 4",dprtfild4, "Prontera Field 5",dprtfild5, "Prontera Field 6",dprtfild6, "Prontera Field 7",dprtfild7, "Prontera Field 8",dprtfild8, "Prontera Field 9",dprtfild9, "Prontera Field 10",dprtfild10, "Prontera Field 11",dprtfild11; wxmasfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Lutie Field 1",dxmasfild1; wcmdfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Comodo Field 1",dcmdfild1, "Comodo Field 2",dcmdfild2, "Comodo Field 3",dcmdfild3, "Comodo Field 4",dcmdfild4, "Comodo Field 5",dcmdfild5, "Comodo Field 6",dcmdfild6, "Comodo Field 7",dcmdfild7, "Comodo Field 8",dcmdfild8, "Comodo Field 9",dcmdfild9; wyunofild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Yuno Field 1",dyunofild1, "Yuno Field 2",dyunofild2, "Yuno Field 3",dyunofild3, "Yuno Field 4",dyunofild4, "Yuno Field 5",dyunofild5, "Yuno Field 6",dyunofild6, "Yuno Field 7",dyunofild7, "Yuno Field 8",dyunofild8, "Yuno Field 9",dyunofild9, "Yuno Field 10",dyunofild10, "Yuno Field 11",dyunofild11, "Yuno Field 12",dyunofild12; wamafild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Amatsu Field 1",damafild1; wgonfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Gonryun Field 1",dgonfild1; wumfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Umbala Field 1",dumfild1, "Umbala Field 2",dumfild2, "Umbala Field 3",dumfild3, "Umbala Field 4",dumfild4; wniffild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Niflheim Field 1",dniffild1, "Niflheim Field 2",dniffild2; wodint: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Odin Temple 1",wodtemp1, "Odin Temple 2",wodtemp2, "Odin Temple 3",wodtemp3; wloufild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Louyang Field 1",dloufild1; wayofild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Ayothaya Field 1",dayofild1, "Ayothaya Field 2",dayofild2; weinfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Einbroch Field 1",deinfild1, "Einbroch Field 2",deinfild2, "Einbroch Field 3",deinfild3, "Einbroch Field 4",deinfild4, "Einbroch Field 5",deinfild5, "Einbroch Field 6",deinfild6, "Einbroch Field 7",deinfild7, "Einbroch Field 8",deinfild8, "Einbroch Field 9",deinfild9, "Einbroch Field 10",deinfild10; wlhzfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Lighthalzen Field 1",dlhzfild1, "Lighthalzen Field 2",dlhzfild2, "Lighthalzen Field 3",dlhzfild3; whufild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Hugel Field 1",dhufild1, "Hugel Field 2",dhufild2, "Hugel Field 3",dhufild3, "Hugel Field 4",dhufild4, "Hugel Field 5",dhufild5, "Hugel Field 6",dhufild6, "Hugel Field 7",dhufild7; wveinsfild: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Field. You will be warped to the center of that map."; next; menu "Veins Field 1",dvfild1, "Veins Field 2",dvfild2, "Veins Field 3",dvfild3, "Veins Field 4",dvfild4, "Veins Field 5",dvfild5, "Veins Field 6",dvfild6, "Veins Field 7",dvfild7; //------------------------------- // Dungeons //------------------------------- wjuper: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",djuperos1, "Level 2",djuperos3, "Core",djuperos2; wumdun: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Carpenter's Shop in the Tree",dumdun1, "Passage to a Foreign World",dumdun2, "Hvergermil's Fountain",dyggdrasil1; wloudun: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "The Royal Tomb",dloudun1, "Inside the Royal Tomb",dloudun2, "Suei Long Gon",dloudun3; wayodun: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Ancient Shrine Maze",dayodun1, "Inside Ancient Shrine",dayodun2; weindun: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",deindun1, "Level 2",deindun2; wlhzdun: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dlhzdun1, "Level 2",dlhzdun2, "Level 3",dlhzdun3; wabyss: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dabyss1, "Level 2",dabyss2, "Level 3",dabyss3; wthat: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dthat1, "Level 2",dthat2, "Level 3",dthat3, "Level 4",dthat4, "Level 5",dthat5, "Level 6",dthat6, "Level 7",dthat7, "Level 8",dthat8, "Level 9",dthat9, "Level 10",dthat10; // "Level 11",dthat11, // "Level 12",dthat12; wkieldun: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dkieldun1, "Level 2",dkieldun2; ant: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",danthell1, "Level 2",danthell2; beach: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dbeach1, "Level 2",dbeach2, "Level 3",dbeach3; byalan: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dbyalan1, "Level 2",dbyalan2, "Level 3",dbyalan3, "Level 4",dbyalan4, "Level 5",dbyalan5; clock: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dclock1, "Level 2",dclock2, "Level 3",dclock3, "Level 4",dclock4, "Basement 1",dalde1, "Basement 2",dalde2, "Basement 3",dalde3, "Basement 4",dalde4; coal: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dcoal1, "Level 2",dcoal2, "Level 3",dcoal3; culvert: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dculvert1, "Level 2",dculvert2, "Level 3",dculvert3, "Level 4",dculvert4; geffen: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dgeffen1, "Level 2",dgeffen2, "Level 3",dgeffen3, "Level 4",dgeffen4; glast: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Entrance",dglastent, "Castle 1",dglastcast1, "Castle 2",dglastcast2, "Chivalry 1",dglastchiv1, "Chivalry 2",dglastchiv2, "Churchyard",dglastyard, "Culvert 1",dglastcul1, "Culvert 2",dglastcul1, "Culvert 3",dglastcul3, "Culvert 4",dglastcul4, "St.Abbey",dglastchur, "Staircase Dungeon",dglaststep, "Underground Cave 1",dglastcave1, "Underground Cave 2",dglastcave2, "Underground Prison 1",dglastpris1, "Underground Prison 2",dglastpris2; hidden: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dhidden1, "Level 2",dhidden2, "Level 3",dhidden3; iced: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",diced1, "Level 2",diced2, "Level 3",diced3, "Level 4",diced4; magma: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dmagma1, "Level 2",dmagma2; wmosk: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dmosk1, "Level 2",dmosk2, "Level 3",dmosk3; orc: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dorc1, "Level 2",dorc2; payon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dpayon1, "Level 2",dpayon2, "Level 3",dpayon3, "Level 4",dpayon4, "Level 5",dpayon5; pyramids: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dpyramids1, "Level 2",dpyramids2, "Level 3",dpyramids3, "Level 4",dpyramids4, "Basement 1",dpyramidsb1, "Basement 2",dpyramidsb2; sphinx: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dsphinx1, "Level 2",dsphinx2, "Level 3",dsphinx3, "Level 4",dsphinx4, "Level 5",dsphinx5; sunken: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dsunken1, "Level 2",dsunken2; toy: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dtoy1, "Level 2",dtoy2; turtle: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Entrance",dturtleent, "Level 1",dturtle1, "Level 2",dturtle2, "Level 3",dturtle3; ama: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dama1, "Level 2",dama2, "Level 3",dama3; gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dgon1, "Level 2",dgon2, "Level 3",dgon3; gefenia: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dgefenia1, "Level 2",dgefenia2, "Level 3",dgefenia3, "Level 4",dgefenia4; wthor: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dthor1, "Level 2",dthor2, "Level 3",dthor3; rachels: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",drachel1, "Level 2",drachel2, "Level 3",drachel3, "Level 4",drachel4, "Level 5",drachel5; wabbey: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dabbey1, "Level 2",dabbey2, "Level 3",dabbey3; // --- Dungeons agregados por mi brasilis: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",bra_dun1, "Level 2",bra_dun2; nighoggdungeon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",nyd_dun1; odintemple: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",odin_tem1, "Level 2",odin_tem2, "Level 2",odin_tem3; ildungeon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",ildungeon1; // --- Dungeons agregados por mi dimen: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a level"; next; menu "Level 1",-,"Level 2",-; if(@menu == 1) { set lastmap$,"moc_fild21"; set lastx,27; set lasty,196; warp "moc_fild21",27,196; end; } if(@menu == 2) { set lastmap$,"moc_fild22"; set lastx,37; set lasty,195; warp "moc_fild22",37,195; end; } //------------------------------- // Town Warps //------------------------------- wafeltz: set lastmap$,"rachel"; set lastx,130; set lasty,111; warp "rachel.gat",130,111; end; walberta: set lastmap$,"alberta"; set lastx,29; set lasty,236; warp "alberta.gat",29,236; end; waldebaran: set lastmap$,"aldebaran"; set lastx,140; set lasty,115; warp "aldebaran.gat",140,115; end; wamatsu: set lastmap$,"amatsu"; set lastx,197; set lasty,89; warp "amatsu.gat",197,89; end; wayot: set lastmap$,"ayothaya"; set lastx,150; set lasty,113; warp "ayothaya.gat",150,113; end; wcomodo: set lastmap$,"comodo"; set lastx,205; set lasty,69; warp "comodo.gat",205,69; end; weinbech: set lastmap$,"einbech"; set lastx,190; set lasty,79; warp "einbech.gat",190,79; end; weinbroch: set lastmap$,"einbroch"; set lastx,178; set lasty,167; warp "einbroch.gat",178,167; end; whugel: set lastmap$,"hugel"; set lastx,94; set lasty,147; warp "hugel.gat",94,147; end; wlighthalzen: set lastmap$,"lighthalzen"; set lastx,159; set lasty,90; warp "lighthalzen.gat",159,90; end; wgonryun: set lastmap$,"gonryun"; set lastx,159; set lasty,117; warp "gonryun.gat",159,117; end; wgeffen: set lastmap$,"geffen"; set lastx,120; set lasty,64; warp "geffen.gat",120,64; end; wizlude: set lastmap$,"izlude"; set lastx,128; set lasty,87; warp "izlude.gat",128,87; end; wxmas: set lastmap$,"xmas"; set lastx,148; set lasty,131; warp "xmas.gat",148,131; end; wjawaii: set lastmap$,"jawaii"; set lastx,213; set lasty,230; warp "jawaii.gat",213,230; end; wmorroc: set lastmap$,"morocc"; set lastx,159; set lasty,91; warp "morocc.gat",159,91; end; wnameless: set lastmap$,"nameless_n"; set lastx,256; set lasty,215; warp "nameless_n.gat",256,215; end; wniflheim: set lastmap$,"niflheim"; set lastx,85; set lasty,154; warp "niflheim.gat",85,154; end; wpayon: set lastmap$,"payon"; set lastx,156; set lasty,223; warp "payon.gat",156,223; end; wprontera: set lastmap$,"prontera"; set lastx,156; set lasty,183; warp "prontera.gat",156,183; end; wyuno: set lastmap$,"yuno"; set lastx,157; set lasty,165; warp "yuno.gat",157,165; end; wumbala: set lastmap$,"umbala"; set lastx,100; set lasty,159; warp "umbala.gat",100,159; end; wlouyang: set lastmap$,"louyang"; set lastx,218; set lasty,115; warp "louyang.gat",218,115; end; wthorcamp: set lastmap$,"thor_camp"; set lastx,254; set lasty,90; warp "thor_camp.gat",254,90; end; wveins: set lastmap$,"veins"; set lastx,215; set lasty,122; warp "veins.gat",215,122; end; //wgaia: //set lastmap$,"gaia"; //set lastx,89; //set lasty,91; //warp "gaia.gat",89,91; //end; wbrasilis: set lastmap$,"brasilis"; set lastx,197; set lasty,208; warp "brasilis.gat",197,208; end; wdewata: set lastmap$,"dewata"; set lastx,197; set lasty,181; warp "dewata.gat",197,181; end; weclage: set lastmap$,"eclage"; set lastx,230; set lasty,264; warp "eclage.gat",230,264; end; wmalangdo: set lastmap$,"malangdo"; set lastx,170; set lasty,137; warp "malangdo.gat",170,137; end; wmalaya: set lastmap$,"malaya"; set lastx,230; set lasty,202; warp "malaya.gat",230,202; end; wmanuk: set lastmap$,"manuk"; set lastx,284; set lasty,233; warp "manuk.gat",284,233; end; wmora: set lastmap$,"mora"; set lastx,106; set lasty,104; warp "mora.gat",106,104; end; wmoscovia: set lastmap$,"moscovia"; set lastx,221; set lasty,197; warp "moscovia.gat",221,197; end; wsplendide: set lastmap$,"splendide"; set lastx,200; set lasty,148; warp "splendide.gat",200,148; end; weldicastes: set lastmap$,"dicastes01"; set lastx,197; set lasty,190; warp "dicastes01.gat",197,190; end; //------------------------------- // Dungeon Warps //------------------------------- dkieldun1: set lastmap$,"kh_dun01"; set lastx,28; set lasty,226; warp "kh_dun01.gat",28,226; end; dkieldun2: set lastmap$,"kh_dun02"; set lastx,41; set lasty,198; warp "kh_dun02.gat",41,198; end; djuperos1: set lastmap$,"juperos_01"; set lastx,53; set lasty,247; warp "juperos_01.gat",53,247; end; djuperos3: set lastmap$,"juperos_02"; set lastx,37; set lasty,63; warp "juperos_02.gat",37,63; end; djuperos2: set lastmap$,"jupe_core"; set lastx,150; set lasty,285; warp "jupe_core.gat",150,285; end; dumdun1: set lastmap$,"um_dun01"; set lastx,42; set lasty,31; warp "um_dun01.gat",42,31; end; dumdun2: set lastmap$,"um_dun02"; set lastx,51; set lasty,25; warp "um_dun02.gat",51,25; end; dloudun1: set lastmap$,"lou_dun01"; set lastx,218; set lasty,196; warp "lou_dun01.gat",218,196; end; dloudun2: set lastmap$,"lou_dun02"; set lastx,282; set lasty,20; warp "lou_dun02.gat",282,20; end; dloudun3: set lastmap$,"lou_dun03"; set lastx,165; set lasty,38; warp "lou_dun03.gat",165,38; end; dayodun1: set lastmap$,"ayo_dun01"; set lastx,275; set lasty,19; warp "ayo_dun01.gat",275,19; end; dayodun2: set lastmap$,"ayo_dun02"; set lastx,24; set lasty,26; warp "ayo_dun02.gat",24,26; end; deindun1: set lastmap$,"ein_dun01"; set lastx,22; set lasty,14; warp "ein_dun01.gat",22,14; end; deindun2: set lastmap$,"ein_dun02"; set lastx,292; set lasty,290; warp "ein_dun02.gat",292,290; end; dlhzdun1: set lastmap$,"lhz_dun01"; set lastx,150; set lasty,228; warp "lhz_dun01.gat",150,228; end; dlhzdun2: set lastmap$,"lhz_dun02"; set lastx,150; set lasty,18; warp "lhz_dun02.gat",150,18; end; dlhzdun3: set lastmap$,"lhz_dun03"; set lastx,140; set lasty,133; warp "lhz_dun03.gat",140,133; end; dabyss1: set lastmap$,"abyss_01"; set lastx,192; set lasty,207; warp "abyss_01.gat",264,272; end; dabyss2: set lastmap$,"abyss_02"; set lastx,275; set lasty,270; warp "abyss_02.gat",275,270; end; dabyss3: set lastmap$,"abyss_03"; set lastx,116; set lasty,28; warp "abyss_03.gat",116,28; end; dthat1: set lastmap$,"tha_t01"; set lastx,150; set lasty,39; warp "tha_t01.gat",150,39; end; dthat2: set lastmap$,"tha_t02"; set lastx,150; set lasty,136; warp "tha_t02.gat",150,136; end; dthat3: set lastmap$,"tha_t03"; set lastx,220; set lasty,158; warp "tha_t03.gat",220,158; end; dthat4: set lastmap$,"tha_t04"; set lastx,59; set lasty,143; warp "tha_t04.gat",59,143; end; dthat5: set lastmap$,"tha_t05"; set lastx,62; set lasty,11; warp "tha_t05.gat",62,11; end; dthat6: set lastmap$,"tha_t06"; set lastx,89; set lasty,221; warp "tha_t06.gat",89,221; end; dthat7: set lastmap$,"tha_t07"; set lastx,35; set lasty,166; warp "tha_t07.gat",35,166; end; dthat8: set lastmap$,"tha_t08"; set lastx,93; set lasty,148; warp "tha_t08.gat",93,148; end; dthat9: set lastmap$,"tha_t09"; set lastx,29; set lasty,107; warp "tha_t09.gat",29,107; end; dthat10: set lastmap$,"tha_t10"; set lastx,159; set lasty,138; warp "tha_t10.gat",159,138; end; dthat11: set lastmap$,"tha_t11"; set lastx,19; set lasty,20; warp "tha_t11.gat",19,20; end; dthat12: set lastmap$,"tha_t12"; set lastx,130; set lasty,52; warp "tha_t12.gat",130,52; end; danthell1: set lastmap$,"anthell01"; set lastx,35; set lasty,262; warp "anthell01.gat",35,262; end; danthell2: set lastmap$,"anthell02"; set lastx,168; set lasty,170; warp "anthell02.gat",168,170; end; dbeach1: set lastmap$,"beach_dun"; set lastx,266; set lasty,67; warp "beach_dun.gat",266,67; end; dbeach2: set lastmap$,"beach_dun2"; set lastx,255; set lasty,244; warp "beach_dun2.gat",255,244; end; dbeach3: set lastmap$,"beach_dun3"; set lastx,23; set lasty,260; warp "beach_dun3.gat",23,260; end; dbyalan1: set lastmap$,"iz_dun00"; set lastx,168; set lasty,168; warp "iz_dun00.gat",168,168; end; dbyalan2: set lastmap$,"iz_dun01"; set lastx,253; set lasty,252; warp "iz_dun01.gat",253,252; end; dbyalan3: set lastmap$,"iz_dun02"; set lastx,236; set lasty,204; warp "iz_dun02.gat",236,204; end; dbyalan4: set lastmap$,"iz_dun03"; set lastx,32; set lasty,63; warp "iz_dun03.gat",32,63; end; dbyalan5: set lastmap$,"iz_dun04"; set lastx,26; set lasty,27; warp "iz_dun04.gat",26,27; end; dalde1: set lastmap$,"alde_dun01"; set lastx,297; set lasty,25; warp "alde_dun01.gat",297,25; end; dalde2: set lastmap$,"alde_dun02"; set lastx,127; set lasty,169; warp "alde_dun02.gat",127,169; end; dalde3: set lastmap$,"alde_dun03"; set lastx,277; set lasty,178; warp "alde_dun03.gat",277,178; end; dalde4: set lastmap$,"alde_dun04"; set lastx,268; set lasty,74; warp "alde_dun04.gat",268,74; end; dclock1: set lastmap$,"c_tower1"; set lastx,199; set lasty,159; warp "c_tower1.gat",199,159; end; dclock2: set lastmap$,"c_tower2"; set lastx,148; set lasty,283; warp "c_tower2.gat",148,283; end; dclock3: set lastmap$,"c_tower3"; set lastx,65; set lasty,147; warp "c_tower3.gat",65,147; end; dclock4: set lastmap$,"c_tower4"; set lastx,56; set lasty,155; warp "c_tower4.gat",56,155; end; dcoal1: set lastmap$,"mjo_dun01"; set lastx,52; set lasty,17; warp "mjo_dun01.gat",52,17; end; dcoal2: set lastmap$,"mjo_dun02"; set lastx,381; set lasty,343; warp "mjo_dun02.gat",381,343; end; dcoal3: set lastmap$,"mjo_dun03"; set lastx,302; set lasty,262; warp "mjo_dun03.gat",302,262; end; dculvert1: set lastmap$,"prt_sewb1"; set lastx,131; set lasty,247; warp "prt_sewb1.gat",131,247; end; dculvert2: set lastmap$,"prt_sewb2"; set lastx,19; set lasty,19; warp "prt_sewb2.gat",19,19; end; dculvert3: set lastmap$,"prt_sewb3"; set lastx,180; set lasty,169; warp "prt_sewb3.gat",180,169; end; dculvert4: set lastmap$,"prt_sewb4"; set lastx,100; set lasty,92; warp "prt_sewb4.gat",100,92; end; dgeffen1: set lastmap$,"gef_dun00"; set lastx,104; set lasty,99; warp "gef_dun00.gat",104,99; end; dgeffen2: set lastmap$,"gef_dun01"; set lastx,115; set lasty,236; warp "gef_dun01.gat",115,236; end; dgeffen3: set lastmap$,"gef_dun02"; set lastx,106; set lasty,132; warp "gef_dun02.gat",106,132; end; dgeffen4: set lastmap$,"gef_dun03"; set lastx,203; set lasty,200; warp "gef_dun03.gat",203,200; end; dglastent: set lastmap$,"glast_01"; set lastx,370; set lasty,304; warp "glast_01.gat",370,304; end; dglastcast1: set lastmap$,"gl_cas01"; set lastx,199; set lasty,29; warp "gl_cas01.gat",199,29; end; dglastcast2: set lastmap$,"gl_cas02"; set lastx,104; set lasty,25; warp "gl_cas02.gat",104,25; end; dglastchiv1: set lastmap$,"gl_knt01"; set lastx,150; set lasty,15; warp "gl_knt01.gat",150,15; end; dglastchiv2: set lastmap$,"gl_knt02"; set lastx,157; set lasty,287; warp "gl_knt02.gat",157,287; end; dglastyard: set lastmap$,"gl_chyard"; set lastx,147; set lasty,15; warp "gl_chyard.gat",147,15; end; dglastcul1: set lastmap$,"gl_sew01"; set lastx,258; set lasty,255; warp "gl_sew01.gat",258,255; end; dglastcul2: set lastmap$,"gl_sew02"; set lastx,108; set lasty,291; warp "gl_sew02.gat",108,291; end; dglastcul3: set lastmap$,"gl_sew03"; set lastx,171; set lasty,283; warp "gl_sew03.gat",171,283; end; dglastcul4: set lastmap$,"gl_sew04"; set lastx,68; set lasty,277; warp "gl_sew04.gat",68,277; end; dglastchur: set lastmap$,"gl_church"; set lastx,156; set lasty,7; warp "gl_church.gat",156,7; end; dglaststep: set lastmap$,"gl_step"; set lastx,12; set lasty,7; warp "gl_step.gat",12,7; end; dglastcave1: set lastmap$,"gl_dun01"; set lastx,133; set lasty,271; warp "gl_dun01.gat",133,271; end; dglastcave2: set lastmap$,"gl_dun02"; set lastx,224; set lasty,274; warp "gl_dun02.gat",224,274; end; dglastpris1: set lastmap$,"gl_prison"; set lastx,14; set lasty,70; warp "gl_prison.gat",14,70; end; dglastpris2: set lastmap$,"gl_prison1"; set lastx,150; set lasty,14; warp "gl_prison1.gat",150,14; end; dhidden1: set lastmap$,"prt_maze01"; set lastx,176; set lasty,7; warp "prt_maze01.gat",176,7; end; dhidden2: set lastmap$,"prt_maze02"; set lastx,94; set lasty,9; warp "prt_maze02.gat",93,20; end; dhidden3: set lastmap$,"prt_maze03"; set lastx,23; set lasty,8; warp "prt_maze03.gat",23,8; end; diced1: set lastmap$,"ice_dun01"; set lastx,157; set lasty,14; warp "ice_dun01.gat",157,14; end; diced2: set lastmap$,"ice_dun02"; set lastx,151; set lasty,155; warp "ice_dun02.gat",151,155; end; diced3: set lastmap$,"ice_dun03"; set lastx,149; set lasty,22; warp "ice_dun03.gat",149,22; end; diced4: set lastmap$,"ice_dun04"; set lastx,33; set lasty,158; warp "ice_dun04.gat",33,158; end; dmagma1: set lastmap$,"mag_dun01"; set lastx,126; set lasty,68; warp "mag_dun01.gat",126,68; end; dmagma2: set lastmap$,"mag_dun02"; set lastx,47; set lasty,30; warp "mag_dun02.gat",47,30; end; dmosk1: set lastmap$,"mosk_dun01"; set lastx,189; set lasty,46; warp "mosk_dun01.gat",189,46; end; dmosk2: set lastmap$,"mosk_dun02"; set lastx,163; set lasty,33; warp "mosk_dun02.gat",163,33; end; dmosk3: set lastmap$,"mosk_dun03"; set lastx,33; set lasty,136; warp "mosk_dun03.gat",33,136; end; dorc1: set lastmap$,"orcsdun01"; set lastx,32; set lasty,170; warp "orcsdun01.gat",32,170; end; dorc2: set lastmap$,"orcsdun02"; set lastx,21; set lasty,185; warp "orcsdun02.gat",21,185; end; dpayon1: set lastmap$,"pay_dun00"; set lastx,21; set lasty,183; warp "pay_dun00.gat",21,183; end; dpayon2: set lastmap$,"pay_dun01"; set lastx,19; set lasty,33; warp "pay_dun01.gat",19,33; end; dpayon3: set lastmap$,"pay_dun02"; set lastx,19; set lasty,63; warp "pay_dun02.gat",19,63; end; dpayon4: set lastmap$,"pay_dun03"; set lastx,155; set lasty,159; warp "pay_dun03.gat",155,159; end; dpayon5: set lastmap$,"pay_dun04"; set lastx,201; set lasty,204; warp "pay_dun04.gat",201,204; end; dpyramids1: set lastmap$,"moc_pryd01"; set lastx,192; set lasty,9; warp "moc_pryd01.gat",192,9; end; dpyramids2: set lastmap$,"moc_pryd02"; set lastx,10; set lasty,192; warp "moc_pryd02.gat",10,192; end; dpyramids3: set lastmap$,"moc_pryd03"; set lastx,100; set lasty,92; warp "moc_pryd03.gat",100,92; end; dpyramids4: set lastmap$,"moc_pryd04"; set lastx,181; set lasty,11; warp "moc_pryd04.gat",181,11; end; dpyramidsb1: set lastmap$,"moc_pryd05"; set lastx,94; set lasty,96; warp "moc_pryd05.gat",94,96; end; dpyramidsb2: set lastmap$,"moc_pryd06"; set lastx,192; set lasty,8; warp "moc_pryd06.gat",192,8; end; dsphinx1: set lastmap$,"in_sphinx1"; set lastx,288; set lasty,9; warp "in_sphinx1.gat",288,9; end; dsphinx2: set lastmap$,"in_sphinx2"; set lastx,149; set lasty,81; warp "in_sphinx2.gat",149,81; end; dsphinx3: set lastmap$,"in_sphinx3"; set lastx,210; set lasty,54; warp "in_sphinx3.gat",210,54; end; dsphinx4: set lastmap$,"in_sphinx4"; set lastx,10; set lasty,222; warp "in_sphinx4.gat",10,222; end; dsphinx5: set lastmap$,"in_sphinx5"; set lastx,100; set lasty,99; warp "in_sphinx5.gat",100,99; end; dsunken1: set lastmap$,"treasure01"; set lastx,69; set lasty,24; warp "treasure01.gat",69,24; end; dsunken2: set lastmap$,"treasure02"; set lastx,102; set lasty,27; warp "treasure02.gat",102,27; end; dtoy1: set lastmap$,"xmas_dun01"; set lastx,205; set lasty,15; warp "xmas_dun01.gat",205,15; end; dtoy2: set lastmap$,"xmas_dun02"; set lastx,129; set lasty,133; warp "xmas_dun02.gat",129,133; end; dturtleent: set lastmap$,"tur_dun01"; set lastx,154; set lasty,49; warp "tur_dun01.gat",154,49; end; dturtle1: set lastmap$,"tur_dun02"; set lastx,148; set lasty,261; warp "tur_dun02.gat",148,261; end; dturtle2: set lastmap$,"tur_dun03"; set lastx,132; set lasty,189; warp "tur_dun03.gat",132,189; end; dturtle3: set lastmap$,"tur_dun04"; set lastx,100; set lasty,192; warp "tur_dun04.gat",100,192; end; dama1: set lastmap$,"ama_dun01"; set lastx,228; set lasty,11; warp "ama_dun01.gat",228,11; end; dama2: set lastmap$,"ama_dun02"; set lastx,34; set lasty,41; warp "ama_dun02.gat",34,41; end; dama3: set lastmap$,"ama_dun03"; set lastx,119; set lasty,14; warp "ama_dun03.gat",119,14; end; dgon1: set lastmap$,"gon_dun01"; set lastx,153; set lasty,53; warp "gon_dun01.gat",153,53; end; dgon2: set lastmap$,"gon_dun02"; set lastx,28; set lasty,113; warp "gon_dun02.gat",28,113; end; dgon3: set lastmap$,"gon_dun03"; set lastx,68; set lasty,16; warp "gon_dun03.gat",68,16; end; dgefenia1: set lastmap$,"gefenia01"; set lastx,40; set lasty,103; warp "gefenia01.gat",40,103; end; dgefenia2: set lastmap$,"gefenia02"; set lastx,203; set lasty,34; warp "gefenia02.gat",203,34; end; dgefenia3: set lastmap$,"gefenia03"; set lastx,266; set lasty,168; warp "gefenia03.gat",266,168; end; dgefenia4: set lastmap$,"gefenia04"; set lastx,130; set lasty,272; warp "gefenia04.gat",130,272; end; dgldun1: set lastmap$,"gld_dun01"; set lastx,119; set lasty,93; warp "gld_dun01.gat",119,93; end; dgldun2: set lastmap$,"gld_dun02"; set lastx,39; set lasty,161; warp "gld_dun02.gat",39,161; end; dgldun3: set lastmap$,"gld_dun03"; set lastx,50; set lasty,44; warp "gld_dun03.gat",50,44; end; dgldun4: set lastmap$,"gld_dun04"; set lastx,116; set lasty,45; warp "gld_dun04.gat",116,45; end; casino: set lastmap$,"cmd_in02"; set lastx,179; set lasty,129; warp "cmd_in02.gat",179,129; end; dthor1: set lastmap$,"thor_v01"; set lastx,21; set lasty,228; warp "thor_v01.gat",21,228; end; dthor2: set lastmap$,"thor_v02"; set lastx,75; set lasty,205; warp "thor_v02.gat",75,205; end; dthor3: set lastmap$,"thor_v03"; set lastx,34; set lasty,272; warp "thor_v03.gat",34,272; end; drachel1: set lastmap$,"ra_san01"; set lastx,140; set lasty,11; warp "ra_san01.gat",140,11; end; drachel2: set lastmap$,"ra_san02"; set lastx,32; set lasty,21; warp "ra_san02.gat",32,21; end; drachel3: set lastmap$,"ra_san03"; set lastx,10; set lasty,149; warp "ra_san03.gat",10,149; end; drachel4: set lastmap$,"ra_san04"; set lastx,204; set lasty,218; warp "ra_san04.gat",204,218; end; drachel5: set lastmap$,"ra_san05"; set lastx,150; set lasty,9; warp "ra_san05.gat",150,9; end; dabbey1: set lastmap$,"abbey01"; set lastx,51; set lasty,14; warp "abbey01.gat",51,14; end; dabbey2: set lastmap$,"abbey02"; set lastx,150; set lasty,11; warp "abbey02.gat",150,11; end; dabbey3: set lastmap$,"abbey03"; set lastx,120; set lasty,10; warp "abbey03.gat",120,10; end; // ------ dungeons agregados por mi bra_dun1: set lastmap$,"bra_dun01"; set lastx,150; set lasty,150; warp "bra_dun01.gat",150,150; end; bra_dun2: set lastmap$,"bra_dun02"; set lastx,120; set lasty,120; warp "bra_dun02.gat",120,120; end; nyd_dun1: set lastmap$,"nyd_dun01"; set lastx,83; set lasty,218; warp "nyd_dun01.gat",83,218; end; odin_tem1: set lastmap$,"odin_tem01"; set lastx,191; set lasty,137; warp "odin_tem01.gat",191,137; end; odin_tem2: set lastmap$,"odin_tem02"; set lastx,189; set lasty,93; warp "odin_tem02.gat",189,93; end; odin_tem3: set lastmap$,"odin_tem03"; set lastx,308; set lasty,268; warp "odin_tem03.gat",308,268; end; ildungeon1: set lastmap$,"il_fild01"; set lastx,94; set lasty,147; warp "il_fild01.gat",94,147; end; // ------ dungeons agregados por mi //------------------------------- // Field Warps //------------------------------- // Fields warps agregados por mi wmukafields1: set lastmap$,"moc_fild18"; set lastx,172; set lasty,340; warp "moc_fild18.gat",172,340; end; wcomodobeachs1: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild02"; set lastx,185; set lasty,286; warp "cmd_fild02.gat",185,286; end; weinbrochfield1: set lastmap$,"ein_fild04"; set lastx,222; set lasty,299; warp "ein_fild04.gat",222,299; end; whyreacademy1: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild08"; set lastx,233; set lasty,285; warp "yuno_fild08.gat",233,285; end; wkoboldfields1: set lastmap$,"gef_fild08"; set lastx,292; set lasty,271; warp "gef_fild08.gat",292,271; end; wnovusfield1: set lastmap$,"hu_fild02"; set lastx,236; set lasty,220; warp "hu_fild02.gat",236,220; end; wwestorcvillage1: set lastmap$,"gef_fild14"; set lastx,351; set lasty,169; warp "gef_fild14.gat",351,169; end; wwindyfield1: set lastmap$,"ra_fild05"; set lastx,223; set lasty,305; warp "ra_fild05.gat",223,305; end; wyoyofield1: set lastmap$,"prt_fild03"; set lastx,24; set lasty,248; warp "prt_fild03.gat",24,248; end; wzenhaimarsh1: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild03"; set lastx,205; set lasty,135; warp "cmd_fild03.gat",205,135; end; // Fields warps agregados por mi drunfild1: set lastmap$,"ra_fild01"; set lastx,192; set lasty,162; warp "ra_fild01.gat",192,162; end; drunfild2: set lastmap$,"ra_fild02"; set lastx,235; set lasty,166; warp "ra_fild02.gat",235,166; end; drunfild3: set lastmap$,"ra_fild03"; set lastx,202; set lasty,206; warp "ra_fild03.gat",202,206; end; drunfild4: set lastmap$,"ra_fild04"; set lastx,202; set lasty,208; warp "ra_fild04.gat",202,208; end; drunfild5: set lastmap$,"ra_fild05"; set lastx,225; set lasty,202; warp "ra_fild05.gat",225,202; end; drunfild6: set lastmap$,"ra_fild06"; set lastx,202; set lasty,214; warp "ra_fild06.gat",202,214; end; drunfild7: set lastmap$,"ra_fild07"; set lastx,263; set lasty,196; warp "ra_fild07.gat",263,196; end; drunfild8: set lastmap$,"ra_fild08"; set lastx,217; set lasty,201; warp "ra_fild08.gat",217,201; end; drunfild9: set lastmap$,"ra_fild09"; set lastx,87; set lasty,121; warp "ra_fild09.gat",87,121; end; drunfild10: set lastmap$,"ra_fild10"; set lastx,277; set lasty,181; warp "ra_fild10.gat",277,181; end; drunfild11: set lastmap$,"ra_fild11"; set lastx,221; set lasty,185; warp "ra_fild11.gat",221,185; end; drunfild12: set lastmap$,"ra_fild12"; set lastx,175; set lasty,200; warp "ra_fild12.gat",175,200; end; drunfild13: set lastmap$,"ra_fild13"; set lastx,174; set lasty,197; warp "ra_fild13.gat",174,197; end; dgeffild00: set lastmap$,"gef_fild00"; set lastx,46; set lasty,199; warp "gef_fild00.gat",46,199; end; dgeffild01: set lastmap$,"gef_fild01"; set lastx,213; set lasty,204; warp "gef_fild01.gat",213,204; end; dgeffild02: set lastmap$,"gef_fild02"; set lastx,195; set lasty,212; warp "gef_fild02.gat",195,212; end; dgeffild03: set lastmap$,"gef_fild03"; set lastx,257; set lasty,192; warp "gef_fild03.gat",257,192; end; dgeffild04: set lastmap$,"gef_fild04"; set lastx,188; set lasty,171; warp "gef_fild04.gat",188,171; end; dgeffild05: set lastmap$,"gef_fild05"; set lastx,166; set lasty,263; warp "gef_fild05.gat",166,263; end; dgeffild06: set lastmap$,"gef_fild06"; set lastx,248; set lasty,158; warp "gef_fild06.gat",248,158; end; dgeffild07: set lastmap$,"gef_fild07"; set lastx,195; set lasty,191; warp "gef_fild07.gat",195,191; end; dgeffild08: set lastmap$,"gef_fild08"; set lastx,186; set lasty,183; warp "gef_fild08.gat",186,183; end; dgeffild09: set lastmap$,"gef_fild09"; set lastx,221; set lasty,117; warp "gef_fild09.gat",221,117; end; dgeffild10: set lastmap$,"gef_fild10"; set lastx,178; set lasty,218; warp "gef_fild10.gat",178,218; end; dgeffild11: set lastmap$,"gef_fild11"; set lastx,136; set lasty,328; warp "gef_fild11.gat",136,328; end; dgeffild12: set lastmap$,"gef_fild12"; set lastx,240; set lasty,181; warp "gef_fild12.gat",240,181; end; dgeffild13: set lastmap$,"gef_fild13"; set lastx,235; set lasty,235; warp "gef_fild13.gat",235,235; end; dgeffild14: set lastmap$,"gef_fild14"; set lastx,211; set lasty,185; warp "gef_fild14.gat",211,185; end; dmjolnir1: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_01"; set lastx,204; set lasty,120; warp "mjolnir_01.gat",204,120; end; dmjolnir2: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_02"; set lastx,175; set lasty,193; warp "mjolnir_02.gat",175,193; end; dmjolnir3: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_03"; set lastx,208; set lasty,213; warp "mjolnir_03.gat",208,213; end; dmjolnir4: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_04"; set lastx,179; set lasty,180; warp "mjolnir_04.gat",179,180; end; dmjolnir5: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_05"; set lastx,181; set lasty,240; warp "mjolnir_05.gat",181,240; end; dmjolnir6: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_06"; set lastx,195; set lasty,270; warp "mjolnir_06.gat",195,270; end; dmjolnir7: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_07"; set lastx,235; set lasty,202; warp "mjolnir_07.gat",235,202; end; dmjolnir8: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_08"; set lastx,188; set lasty,215; warp "mjolnir_08.gat",188,215; end; dmjolnir9: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_09"; set lastx,205; set lasty,144; warp "mjolnir_09.gat",205,144; end; dmjolnir10: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_10"; set lastx,245; set lasty,223; warp "mjolnir_10.gat",245,223; end; dmjolnir11: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_11"; set lastx,180; set lasty,206; warp "mjolnir_11.gat",180,206; end; dmjolnir12: set lastmap$,"mjolnir_12"; set lastx,196; set lasty,208; warp "mjolnir_12.gat",196,208; end; dmosc1: set lastmap$,"mosk_fild01"; set lastx,99; set lasty,105; warp "mosk_fild01.gat",99,105; end; dmosc2: set lastmap$,"mosk_fild02"; set lastx,204; set lasty,59; warp "mosk_fild02.gat",204,59; end; dmocfild1: set lastmap$,"moc_fild01"; set lastx,219; set lasty,205; warp "moc_fild01.gat",219,205; end; dmocfild2: set lastmap$,"moc_fild02"; set lastx,177; set lasty,206; warp "moc_fild02.gat",177,206; end; dmocfild3: set lastmap$,"moc_fild03"; set lastx,194; set lasty,182; warp "moc_fild03.gat",194,182; end; dmocfild4: set lastmap$,"moc_fild04"; set lastx,184; set lasty,217; warp "moc_fild04.gat",184,217; end; dmocfild5: set lastmap$,"moc_fild05"; set lastx,203; set lasty,213; warp "moc_fild05.gat",203,213; end; dmocfild6: set lastmap$,"moc_fild06"; set lastx,213; set lasty,208; warp "moc_fild06.gat",213,208; end; dmocfild7: set lastmap$,"moc_fild07"; set lastx,224; set lasty,170; warp "moc_fild07.gat",224,170; end; dmocfild8: set lastmap$,"moc_fild08"; set lastx,229; set lasty,177; warp "moc_fild08.gat",229,177; end; dmocfild9: set lastmap$,"moc_fild09"; set lastx,195; set lasty,198; warp "moc_fild09.gat",195,198; end; dmocfild10: set lastmap$,"moc_fild10"; set lastx,209; set lasty,168; warp "moc_fild10.gat",209,168; end; dmocfild11: set lastmap$,"moc_fild11"; set lastx,198; set lasty,216; warp "moc_fild11.gat",198,216; end; dmocfild12: set lastmap$,"moc_fild12"; set lastx,156; set lasty,187; warp "moc_fild12.gat",156,187; end; dmocfild13: set lastmap$,"moc_fild13"; set lastx,185; set lasty,263; warp "moc_fild13.gat",185,263; end; dmocfild14: set lastmap$,"moc_fild14"; set lastx,209; set lasty,219; warp "moc_fild14.gat",209,219; end; dmocfild15: set lastmap$,"moc_fild15"; set lastx,223; set lasty,188; warp "moc_fild15.gat",223,188; end; dmocfild16: set lastmap$,"moc_fild16"; set lastx,206; set lasty,228; warp "moc_fild16.gat",206,228; end; dmocfild17: set lastmap$,"moc_fild17"; set lastx,208; set lasty,238; warp "moc_fild17.gat",208,238; end; dmocfild18: set lastmap$,"moc_fild18"; set lastx,209; set lasty,223; warp "moc_fild18.gat",209,223; end; dmocfild19: set lastmap$,"moc_fild19"; set lastx,85; set lasty,97; warp "moc_fild19.gat",85,97; end; dpayfild1: set lastmap$,"pay_fild01"; set lastx,158; set lasty,206; warp "pay_fild01.gat",158,206; end; dpayfild2: set lastmap$,"pay_fild02"; set lastx,151; set lasty,219; warp "pay_fild02.gat",151,219; end; dpayfild3: set lastmap$,"pay_fild03"; set lastx,205; set lasty,148; warp "pay_fild03.gat",205,148; end; dpayfild4: set lastmap$,"pay_fild04"; set lastx,186; set lasty,247; warp "pay_fild04.gat",186,247; end; dpayfild5: set lastmap$,"pay_fild05"; set lastx,134; set lasty,204; warp "pay_fild05.gat",134,204; end; dpayfild6: set lastmap$,"pay_fild06"; set lastx,193; set lasty,235; warp "pay_fild06.gat",193,235; end; dpayfild7: set lastmap$,"pay_fild07"; set lastx,200; set lasty,177; warp "pay_fild07.gat",200,177; end; dpayfild8: set lastmap$,"pay_fild08"; set lastx,137; set lasty,189; warp "pay_fild08.gat",137,189; end; dpayfild9: set lastmap$,"pay_fild09"; set lastx,201; set lasty,224; warp "pay_fild09.gat",201,224; end; dpayfild10: set lastmap$,"pay_fild10"; set lastx,160; set lasty,205; warp "pay_fild10.gat",160,205; end; dpayfild11: set lastmap$,"pay_fild11"; set lastx,194; set lasty,150; warp "pay_fild11.gat",194,150; end; dprtfild0: set lastmap$,"prt_fild00"; set lastx,184; set lasty,235; warp "prt_fild00.gat",184,235; end; dprtfild1: set lastmap$,"prt_fild01"; set lastx,190; set lasty,206; warp "prt_fild01.gat",190,206; end; dprtfild2: set lastmap$,"prt_fild02"; set lastx,240; set lasty,206; warp "prt_fild02.gat",240,206; end; dprtfild3: set lastmap$,"prt_fild03"; set lastx,190; set lasty,143; warp "prt_fild03.gat",190,143; end; dprtfild4: set lastmap$,"prt_fild04"; set lastx,307; set lasty,252; warp "prt_fild04.gat",307,252; end; dprtfild5: set lastmap$,"prt_fild05"; set lastx,239; set lasty,213; warp "prt_fild05.gat",239,213; end; dprtfild6: set lastmap$,"prt_fild06"; set lastx,185; set lasty,188; warp "prt_fild06.gat",185,188; end; dprtfild7: set lastmap$,"prt_fild07"; set lastx,193; set lasty,194; warp "prt_fild07.gat",193,194; end; dprtfild8: set lastmap$,"prt_fild08"; set lastx,187; set lasty,218; warp "prt_fild08.gat",187,218; end; dprtfild9: set lastmap$,"prt_fild09"; set lastx,210; set lasty,183; warp "prt_fild09.gat",210,183; end; dprtfild10: set lastmap$,"prt_fild10"; set lastx,195; set lasty,149; warp "prt_fild10.gat",195,149; end; dprtfild11: set lastmap$,"prt_fild11"; set lastx,198; set lasty,164; warp "prt_fild11.gat",198,164; end; dxmasfild1: set lastmap$,"xmas_fild01"; set lastx,115; set lasty,145; warp "xmas_fild01.gat",115,145; end; dcmdfild1: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild01"; set lastx,180; set lasty,178; warp "cmd_fild01.gat",180,178; end; dcmdfild2: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild02"; set lastx,231; set lasty,160; warp "cmd_fild02.gat",231,160; end; dcmdfild3: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild03"; set lastx,191; set lasty,172; warp "cmd_fild03.gat",191,172; end; dcmdfild4: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild04"; set lastx,228; set lasty,194; warp "cmd_fild04.gat",228,194; end; dcmdfild5: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild05"; set lastx,224; set lasty,203; warp "cmd_fild05.gat",224,203; end; dcmdfild6: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild06"; set lastx,190; set lasty,223; warp "cmd_fild06.gat",190,223; end; dcmdfild7: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild07"; set lastx,234; set lasty,177; warp "cmd_fild07.gat",234,177; end; dcmdfild8: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild08"; set lastx,194; set lasty,175; warp "cmd_fild08.gat",194,175; end; dcmdfild9: set lastmap$,"cmd_fild09"; set lastx,172; set lasty,172; warp "cmd_fild09.gat",172,172; end; dyunofild1: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild01"; set lastx,189; set lasty,224; warp "yuno_fild01.gat",189,224; end; dyunofild2: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild02"; set lastx,192; set lasty,207; warp "yuno_fild02.gat",192,207; end; dyunofild3: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild03"; set lastx,221; set lasty,157; warp "yuno_fild03.gat",221,157; end; dyunofild4: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild04"; set lastx,226; set lasty,199; warp "yuno_fild04.gat",226,199; end; dyunofild5: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild05"; set lastx,223; set lasty,177; warp "yuno_fild05.gat",223,177; end; dyunofild6: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild06"; set lastx,187; set lasty,232; warp "yuno_fild06.gat",187,232; end; dyunofild7: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild07"; set lastx,231; set lasty,174; warp "yuno_fild07.gat",231,174; end; dyunofild8: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild08"; set lastx,196; set lasty,203; warp "yuno_fild08.gat",196,203; end; dyunofild9: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild09"; set lastx,183; set lasty,214; warp "yuno_fild09.gat",183,214; end; dyunofild10: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild10"; set lastx,200; set lasty,124; warp "yuno_fild10.gat",200,124; end; dyunofild11: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild11"; set lastx,195; set lasty,226; warp "yuno_fild11.gat",195,226; end; dyunofild12: set lastmap$,"yuno_fild12"; set lastx,210; set lasty,304; warp "yuno_fild12.gat",210,304; end; damafild1: set lastmap$,"ama_fild01"; set lastx,190; set lasty,197; warp "ama_fild01.gat",190,197; end; dgonfild1: set lastmap$,"gon_fild01"; set lastx,220; set lasty,227; warp "gon_fild01.gat",220,227; end; dumfild1: set lastmap$,"um_fild01"; set lastx,217; set lasty,206; warp "um_fild01.gat",217,206; end; dumfild2: set lastmap$,"um_fild02"; set lastx,223; set lasty,221; warp "um_fild02.gat",223,221; end; dumfild3: set lastmap$,"um_fild03"; set lastx,237; set lasty,215; warp "um_fild03.gat",237,215; end; dumfild4: set lastmap$,"um_fild04"; set lastx,202; set lasty,197; warp "um_fild04.gat",202,197; end; dniffild1: set lastmap$,"nif_fild01"; set lastx,215; set lasty,229; warp "nif_fild01.gat",215,229; end; dniffild2: set lastmap$,"nif_fild02"; set lastx,167; set lasty,234; warp "nif_fild02.gat",167,234; end; dyggdrasil1: set lastmap$,"yggdrasil01"; set lastx,204; set lasty,78; warp "yggdrasil01.gat",204,78; end; dloufild1: set lastmap$,"lou_fild01"; set lastx,229; set lasty,187; warp "lou_fild01.gat",229,187; end; dayofild1: set lastmap$,"ayo_fild01"; set lastx,173; set lasty,134; warp "ayo_fild01.gat",173,134; end; dayofild2: set lastmap$,"ayo_fild02"; set lastx,212; set lasty,150; warp "ayo_fild02.gat",212,150; end; deinfild1: set lastmap$,"ein_fild01"; set lastx,142; set lasty,225; warp "ein_fild01.gat",142,225; end; deinfild2: set lastmap$,"ein_fild02"; set lastx,182; set lasty,141; warp "ein_fild02.gat",182,141; end; deinfild3: set lastmap$,"ein_fild03"; set lastx,187; set lasty,228; warp "ein_fild03.gat",187,228; end; deinfild4: set lastmap$,"ein_fild04"; set lastx,185; set lasty,173; warp "ein_fild04.gat",185,173; end; deinfild5: set lastmap$,"ein_fild05"; set lastx,216; set lasty,173; warp "ein_fild05.gat",216,173; end; deinfild6: set lastmap$,"ein_fild06"; set lastx,195; set lasty,148; warp "ein_fild06.gat",195,148; end; deinfild7: set lastmap$,"ein_fild07"; set lastx,272; set lasty,220; warp "ein_fild07.gat",272,220; end; deinfild8: set lastmap$,"ein_fild08"; set lastx,173; set lasty,214; warp "ein_fild08.gat",173,214; end; deinfild9: set lastmap$,"ein_fild09"; set lastx,207; set lasty,174; warp "ein_fild09.gat",207,174; end; deinfild10: set lastmap$,"ein_fild10"; set lastx,196; set lasty,200; warp "ein_fild10.gat",196,200; end; dlhzfild1: set lastmap$,"lhz_fild01"; set lastx,240; set lasty,179; warp "lhz_fild01.gat",240,179; end; dlhzfild2: set lastmap$,"lhz_fild02"; set lastx,185; set lasty,235; warp "lhz_fild02.gat",185,235; end; dlhzfild3: set lastmap$,"lhz_fild03"; set lastx,240; set lasty,226; warp "lhz_fild03.gat",240,226; end; dhufild1: set lastmap$,"hu_fild01"; set lastx,268; set lasty,101; warp "hu_fild01.gat",268,101; end; dhufild2: set lastmap$,"hu_fild02"; set lastx,222; set lasty,193; warp "hu_fild02.gat",222,193; end; dhufild3: set lastmap$,"hu_fild03"; set lastx,232; set lasty,185; warp "hu_fild03.gat",232,185; end; dhufild4: set lastmap$,"hu_fild04"; set lastx,252; set lasty,189; warp "hu_fild04.gat",252,189; end; dhufild5: set lastmap$,"hu_fild05"; set lastx,196; set lasty,106; warp "hu_fild05.gat",196,106; end; dhufild6: set lastmap$,"hu_fild06"; set lastx,216; set lasty,220; warp "hu_fild06.gat",216,220; end; dhufild7: set lastmap$,"hu_fild07"; set lastx,227; set lasty,197; warp "hu_fild07.gat",227,197; end; wodtemp1: set lastmap$,"odin_tem01"; set lastx,298; set lasty,167; warp "odin_tem01.gat",298,167; end; wodtemp2: set lastmap$,"odin_tem02"; set lastx,224; set lasty,149; warp "odin_tem02.gat",224,149; end; wodtemp3: set lastmap$,"odin_tem03"; set lastx,266; set lasty,280; warp "odin_tem03.gat",266,280; end; dvfild1: set lastmap$,"ve_fild01"; set lastx,186; set lasty,175; warp "ve_fild01.gat",186,175; end; dvfild2: set lastmap$,"ve_fild02"; set lastx,196; set lasty,370; warp "ve_fild02.gat",196,370; end; dvfild3: set lastmap$,"ve_fild03"; set lastx,222; set lasty,45; warp "ve_fild03.gat",222,45; end; dvfild4: set lastmap$,"ve_fild04"; set lastx,51; set lasty,250; warp "ve_fild04.gat",51,250; end; dvfild5: set lastmap$,"ve_fild05"; set lastx,202; set lasty,324; warp "ve_fild05.gat",202,324; end; dvfild6: set lastmap$,"ve_fild06"; set lastx,150; set lasty,223; warp "ve_fild06.gat",150,223; end; dvfild7: set lastmap$,"ve_fild07"; set lastx,149; set lasty,307; warp "ve_fild07.gat",149,307; end; } //--------------------- //Edit duplicates here! //--------------------- rachel.gat,122,148,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper 859 alberta,110,137,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#3-1 721 aldebaran,147,117,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#4-1 721 amatsu,190,86,1 duplicate(Warper) Warper#5-1 721 ayothaya,147,123,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#6-1 721 comodo,206,77,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#7-1 721 einbech,196,83,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#8-1 721 einbroch,182,172,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#9-1 721 einbroch,243,189,2 duplicate(Warper) Warper#10-1 721 hugel,88,151,5 duplicate(Warper) Warper#11-1 721 lighthalzen,165,94,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#12-1 721 geffen,116,59,0 duplicate(Warper) Warper#13-1 721 izlude,122,94,3 duplicate(Warper) Warper#14-1 721 xmas,149,136,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#15-1 721 morocc,156,95,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#16-1 721 payon,148,228,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#17-1 721 yuno,160,170,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#18-1 721 moc_fild04.gat,207,331,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#19-1 721 izlu2dun.gat,104,82,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#20-1 721 mjolnir_02.gat,85,363,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#21-1 721 prt_fild05.gat,273,215,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#22-1 721 glast_01.gat,370,308,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#23-1 721 yuno_fild03.gat,37,135,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#24-1 721 gef_fild10.gat,71,339,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#25-1 721 pay_arche.gat,39,135,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#26-1 721 moc_ruins.gat,64,166,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#27-1 721 moc_fild19.gat,106,97,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#28-1 721 alb2trea.gat,73,101,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#29-1 721 tur_dun01.gat,148,239,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#30-1 721 gonryun,162,122,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#31-1 721 louyang,221,120,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#32-1 721 umbala,95,164,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#33-1 721 moscovia,220,198,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#34-1 721 veins,217,127,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#35-1 721 rachel,133,115,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#36-1 721
  14. eclud

    Warp Script

    Hi guys, can some one share withme warper script with this features: - Save Point - Last Warp - Warp to Towns - Warp to Fields - Warp to Dungeons - Storage - Guild Storage I will love you if you have this, please help thanks guys EDIT: Thanks, i got it.
  15. Full code: //===== rAthena Script ============================================ //= Quest Warper Script //===== By: ======================================================= //= DZeroX, Darkchild, Neouni //===== Current Version: ========================================== //= 2.2.2 //===== Compatible With: ========================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ============================================== //= Warper that works only after locations are unlocked //===== Additional Comments: ====================================== //= 1.0 - NPCs created //= 1.1 - Add Dungeons by sturm //= 1.2 - Add All char in account unlocked by ace_killer //= 1.3 - Add new 7 towns and 7 dungeons by escoteiro // - Correct bug jawaii town by escoteiro // - Remove some excessive warpras by escoteiro //= 1.4 - Rewrite of the Warpa system [Neouni] // - Corrected some bugs caused by autoconverting the old script //= 1.4a - Rewrite of menu to be custom for each player [Neouni] // - Dungeon listing rewrite // - Town listing rewrite // - GameMaster can Customise Main menu //= 1.4b - Pricing round [Neouni] // - GM menu added for pricing // - Town Warp pricing tags added // - Dungeon Warp pricing tags added //= 1.5 - storage functions pricing [Neouni] // - storage pricing added // - kafra points setting added // - kafra storage code security added // - Healing scripts pricing added // - Heal Part script added //= 1.6 - Dungeon warp [Neouni] (beta only) // - added option to add a extra fee for going down deeper into dungeon // partly by rebuilding the dungeon warping into variable menu's //= 1.6a - alot of fixes for beta release [Neouni] (public release) // - fixed syntax problems // - fixed missing pyramid gats in @DGat$ array // - removed the culver level 5 that didn't exist // and caused quite alot of problems (i didn't check while converting) //-1.7 - Readability of Dungeon menu building increased [Neouni] // - Thanatos Tower & Louyang Dungeon added //-1.8 - changed around unlock variables [Neouni] // - Moved warp variables to mark what you have unlocked to an binary array in login based permanent variable // (warp variables are saved in login database, so all charservers have these unlocked) // - Town Warp unlock array max 21/(unknown max) items used instead of max account #variables 32 ! // - Dungeon Warp unlock array 28/(unknown max) items used instead of max account #variables 32 ! // - (max login ##variables = 16, i used 3) // - old variables are cleared on next save // - Extra Variable clear added for every character, just in case (request by Terces) //-1.8a - Show ammount of users on map [Neouni] // - Default = off, enable in GM menu // - Requested by escoteiro //-1.8b - Small typo fixed in stampcard script [Neouni] // - Reported by escoteiro //-1.9 - Making it more edit friendly [Neouni] // - Made Dungeon warp arrays more readable & editable (QWS_Darray) // - Made town warp arrays more readable & editable (QWS_Tarray) //-2.0 - Special Warp menu added [Neouni] // - when all towns and dungeons are collected a new option on the main menu will show // - it will only show when you setup the mapname of the warp ! // - requested by escoteiro // - several bugs fixed //-2.0a - Dungeon Level Limit & Split dungeon fees // - Limits dungeon based on Depth, access special setup menu thru GM-Menu // - Dungeon fees split up based on Basic , Advanced & Overseas // - Old Dungeon fee system removed, all dungeon fees now set to 0 //-2.0b // - Special warpname menu option name bug fixed //-2.1 Updated names to fall within retrictions. [L0ne_W0lf] //-2.2 #kafra_code is now stored as is. [brianluau] //-2.2.2 Added Save to the menu. (Skorm) //================================================================= //========================Function=&=Script======================== function script Q_Warpra { // Quick hack for backwards compatibility pre 1.8 if (##QWS_UP < 18) callfunc "QWS_BackComp"; // Extra clear variables because marker is saved on all char servers and variables can be on multiple servers if (QWS_ExtraVARClear < 18) callfunc "Extra_Variable_Clear"; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Hola,"; mes "Te puedo llevar a cualquier dungeon o ciudad, pero primero"; mes "debes desbloquearlos."; mes "Para desbloquearlos encuentra a las Helpers."; mes "Que ocupas?"; if(getarg(0) == 0) callfunc "QWS_MMarray",0; if(getarg(0) == 1) callfunc "QWS_MMarray",1; set @MMenu,select(@Mmenulist$[0],@Mmenulist$[1],@Mmenulist$[2],@Mmenulist$[3],@Mmenulist$[4],@Mmenulist$[5],@Mmenulist$[6],@Mmenulist$[7],@Mmenulist$[8],@Mmenulist$[9],@Mmenulist$[10],@Mmenulist$[11]); switch(@Mmenuref[@MMenu-1]+1){ case 1: goto GM_Menu; case 2: warp $QW_SP_WarpMap$, $QW_SP_WarpX, $QW_SP_WarpY; close2; debugmes "Por favor revisa la configuracion del warpra especial."; end; case 3: goto L_town; case 4: goto L_dungeon; case 5: goto L_FewWarps; case 6: goto L_NoUnlock; case 7: goto L_heal_Full; case 8: goto L_heal_Part; case 9: goto L_Storage; case 10: goto L_GStorage; case 11: goto L_save; case 12: goto L_end; default: goto L_end; } //=====================GM-Menu=Functions=========================== GM_Menu: next; //----------------Town-Warp if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) mes "Town warping = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 1) mes "Town warping = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Dungeon-Warp if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) mes "Dungeon warping = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 1) mes "Dungeon warping = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Dungeon-Depth-Limit if ($QW_DL == 1) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DL == 0) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; mes "If on Dungeon Depth limit is set to ^0000FF"+$QW_DDL+"^000000"; //----------------ShowMapUsers if ($QW_MapUserShow == 1) mes "Show Map Users = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_MapUserShow == 0) mes "Show Map Users = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Healfull if ($QW_HF == 1) mes "Healing full = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; //----------------Healpart if ($QW_HP == 1) mes "Healing partly = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if (($QW_HF == 0)&&($QW_HP == 0)) mes "Healing = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Storage if ($QW_Stor == 1) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_Stor == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------GuildStorage if ($QW_GStor == 1) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_GStor == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Save if ($QW_GSav == 1) mes "Save Point = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_GSav == 0) mes "Save Point = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------KafraPoints if ($QW_KPoint == 1) mes "Kafra points collect = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_KPoint == 0) mes "Kafra points collect = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------GMmenu switch(select("Town Warping","Dungeon Warping","Dungeon Level Limit","Show Map Users","Healing full","Healing partly","Storage","Guild Storage","Save Point","Kafra points collect","Set Prices","Special Warp","Exit")) { // Using callsub and a small check to not make 1 part of the script set it on and the other turning it off again case 1: if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) { set $QW_TW_OFF,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_TW_OFF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 2: if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) { set $QW_DW_OFF,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_DW_OFF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 3: goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 4: if ($QW_MapUserShow == 0) { set $QW_MapUserShow,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_MapUserShow,0; goto GM_Menu; case 5: if ($QW_HF == 0) { set $QW_HF,1; set $QW_HP,0; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_HF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 6: if ($QW_HP == 0) { set $QW_HP,1; set $QW_HF,0; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_HP,0; goto GM_Menu; case 7: if ($QW_Stor == 0) { set $QW_Stor,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_Stor,0; goto GM_Menu; case 8: if ($QW_GStor == 0) { set $QW_GStor,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_GStor,0; goto GM_Menu; case 9: if ($QW_GSav == 0) { set $QW_GSav,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_GSav,0; goto GM_Menu; case 10: if ($QW_KPoint == 0) { set $QW_KPoint,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_KPoint,0; goto GM_Menu; case 11: goto Setprice; case 12: goto SpecialWarpMenu; default: close; end; } //======================GM-Menu=Pricing============================ Setprice: if ($QW_DW_FEE != 0) set $QW_DW_FEE,0; next; mes "Scroll thru the list to see all the options"; //----------------Warp-Basic-Price if ($QW_BW_PRICE != 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_BW_PRICE == 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Warp-Advanced-Price if ($QW_AW_PRICE != 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_AW_PRICE == 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Warp-Oversea-Price if ($QW_OW_PRICE != 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_OW_PRICE == 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Basic-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_BW_FEE != 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_BW_FEE == 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Advanced-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_AW_FEE != 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_AW_FEE == 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Overseas-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_OW_FEE != 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_OW_FEE == 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Heal-Full if ($QW_HF_PRICE != 0) mes "Full Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HF_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_HF_PRICE == 0) mes "Full Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Heal-Part if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE != 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_H_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE == 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE != 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_S_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE == 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Storage if (($QW_S_PRICE != 0)&&($QW_S_PRICE != 60)) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_S_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60) mes "Storage = ^0000FF Kafra Mode ^000000"; //----------------Guild-Storage if ($QW_GS_PRICE != 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_GS_PRICE == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; switch(select("Basic - Warps","Advanced - Warps","Overseas - Warps","Basic Dungeon warp fee","Advanced Dungeon warp fee","Overseas Dungeon warp fee","Full Healing","Part Healing","Storage","Guild Storage","Back","Exit")) { case 1: next; if ($QW_BW_PRICE != 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_BW_PRICE == 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Basic - Warps are starter towns and related dungeons"; input $QW_BW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 2: next; if ($QW_AW_PRICE != 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_AW_PRICE == 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Advanced - Warps are towns and dungeons on the same island but not close to any starter town"; input $QW_AW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 3: next; if ($QW_OW_PRICE != 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_OW_PRICE == 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Overseas - Warps are towns and dungeons overseas reachable by boat from alberta"; input $QW_OW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 4: next; if ($QW_BW_FEE != 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_BW_FEE == 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Basic - Warps are starter town related dungeons"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_BW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 5: next; if ($QW_AW_FEE != 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_AW_FEE == 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Advanced - Warps are dungeons not close to any starter town"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_AW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 6: next; if ($QW_OW_FEE != 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_OW_FEE == 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Overseas - Warps are dungeons related to towns overseas reachable by boat from alberta"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_OW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 7: next; if ($QW_HF_PRICE != 0) mes "Full Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HF_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_HF_PRICE == 0) mes "Full Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Instant full healing 1 price"; input $QW_HF_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 8: next; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE != 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_H_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE == 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE != 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_S_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE == 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Healing price per 1 HP"; mes "Healing price per 1 SP"; mes "2 inputs, first HP then SP"; input $QW_HP_H_PRICE; input $QW_HP_S_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 9: next; if (($QW_S_PRICE != 0)&&($QW_S_PRICE != 60)) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_S_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60) mes "Storage = ^0000FF Kafra Mode ^000000"; mes "Storage cost, if set to 60 Kafra pricing will be handled"; input $QW_S_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 10: next; if ($QW_GS_PRICE != 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_GS_PRICE == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Guild Storage, free on Guild Kafras"; input $QW_GS_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 11: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //======================Special=Warp=Menu========================== SpecialWarpMenu: if ($QW_SP_Warpname$ == "") set $QW_SP_Warpname$,"Special Warp"; next; mes "Dale para abajo para ver la informacion"; mes "The Special warp menu option will show in the main menu when all towns & dungeons are unlocked"; mes "And when the map for special warping has been set"; mes "menu option name set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_Warpname$+"^000000"; if ($QW_SP_WarpMap$ == "") mes "map is currently ^FF0000not^000000 set, and Special warp menu is off"; if ($QW_SP_WarpMap$ != "") mes "map is currently set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_WarpMap$+"^000000 and Special Warp menu is on"; mes "coords are set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_WarpX+","+$QW_SP_WarpY+"^000000"; switch(select("Set Special Warp name to show in menu", "Set WarpMap","Set Coords","Go Back to GM_Menu","Exit")){ case 1: next; mes "set the name to show in the menu as option"; input $QW_SP_Warpname$; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 2: next; mes "set the map in the ^0000FFmapname^000000 format"; mes "when this warpmap is set the option for players will show once they meet the requirments"; mes "to disable Special Warp Menu option clear this !"; input $QW_SP_WarpMap$; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 3: next; mes "First input = Xcoord"; mes "Second input = Ycoord"; input $QW_SP_WarpX; input $QW_SP_WarpY; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 4: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //======================Dungeon=Level=Limit======================== DungeonLevelLimit: next; if ($QW_DL == 1) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DL == 0) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; mes "If^00FF00 On ^000000Dungeon Depth limit is set to ^0000FF"+$QW_DDL+"^000000"; switch(select("Toggle Dungeon Depth Limit", "Set Dungeon Depth Limit","Go Back to GM_Menu","Exit")){ case 1: if ($QW_DL == 0) { set $QW_DL,1; goto DungeonLevelLimit; } else set $QW_DL,0; goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 2: next; mes "set limit of Dungeon Depth 0 = entrance"; mes "Depth 1 is a map connected to 0 and so on"; mes "Shortest Route to map counts as depth"; input $QW_DDL; goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 3: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //===========================Towns================================= L_town: callfunc "QWS_Tarray"; // Expected maximum is set to 25 items, if you add more options add more ",@Tmenulist$[xx]" set @TWMenu,select(@Tmenulist$[0],@Tmenulist$[1],@Tmenulist$[2],@Tmenulist$[3],@Tmenulist$[4],@Tmenulist$[5],@Tmenulist$[6],@Tmenulist$[7],@Tmenulist$[8],@Tmenulist$[9],@Tmenulist$[10],@Tmenulist$[11],@Tmenulist$[12],@Tmenulist$[13],@Tmenulist$[14],@Tmenulist$[15],@Tmenulist$[16],@Tmenulist$[17],@Tmenulist$[18],@Tmenulist$[19],@Tmenulist$[20],@Tmenulist$[21],@Tmenulist$[22],@Tmenulist$[23],@Tmenulist$[24]); if (@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex if(Zeny<@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,0; set Zeny, Zeny-@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]/16); warp @pTmap$[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]],@pTXcoords[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]],@pTYcoords[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; close2; // this part safegaurds against errors/typos set Zeny, Zeny+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; end; //=========================Dungeons================================ L_dungeon: callfunc "QWS_Darray"; // Expected maximum is set to 35 items, if you add more options add more ",@Dmenulist$[xx]" set @DWMenu,select(@Dmenulist$[0],@Dmenulist$[1],@Dmenulist$[2],@Dmenulist$[3],@Dmenulist$[4],@Dmenulist$[5],@Dmenulist$[6],@Dmenulist$[7],@Dmenulist$[8],@Dmenulist$[9],@Dmenulist$[10],@Dmenulist$[11],@Dmenulist$[12],@Dmenulist$[13],@Dmenulist$[14],@Dmenulist$[15],@Dmenulist$[16],@Dmenulist$[17],@Dmenulist$[18],@Dmenulist$[19],@Dmenulist$[20],@Dmenulist$[21],@Dmenulist$[22],@Dmenulist$[23],@Dmenulist$[24],@Dmenulist$[25],@Dmenulist$[26],@Dmenulist$[27],@Dmenulist$[28],@Dmenulist$[29],@Dmenulist$[30],@Dmenulist$[31],@Dmenulist$[32],@Dmenulist$[33],@Dmenulist$[34]); if (@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex set @DwarpMenu, (@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]); callfunc "QWS_DLarray"; next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Selecciona tu destino"; // Expected maximum is set to 18 items, if you have dungeons with more levels add more ",@DWLmenulist$[xx]" set @DWLMenu,select(@DWLmenulist$[0], @DWLmenulist$[1], @DWLmenulist$[2], @DWLmenulist$[3], @DWLmenulist$[4], @DWLmenulist$[5], @DWLmenulist$[6], @DWLmenulist$[7], @DWLmenulist$[8], @DWLmenulist$[9], @DWLmenulist$[10], @DWLmenulist$[11], @DWLmenulist$[12], @DWLmenulist$[13], @DWLmenulist$[14], @DWLmenulist$[15], @DWLmenulist$[16], @DWLmenulist$[17]); if (@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex set @Darrayref, @DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1]; set @warpprice, @pDprice[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]+(getd(@pDfee$[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]])*(@DDepth[@Darrayref])); if(Zeny<@warpprice) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,1; set Zeny, Zeny-(@warpprice); if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@warpprice/16); warp @DGat$[@Darrayref],@DXcoords[@Darrayref],@DYcoords[@Darrayref]; close2; // this part safegaurds against errors/typos set Zeny, Zeny+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]; end; //=============================Healing============================= L_heal_Full: set @healfee, $QW_HF_PRICE; if(Zeny<@healfee) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,4; set Zeny, Zeny-@healfee; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@healfee/500); next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Close this window and I will Heal you."; close2; percentheal 100,100; end; L_heal_Part: set @healchoice,select("Full heal","Health Points only","Skill Points only","Exit"); if (@healchoice == 1) callsub PHeal,1,1; if (@healchoice == 2) callsub PHeal,1,0; if (@healchoice == 3) callsub PHeal,0,1; goto L_end; PHeal: next; set @Hp, MaxHp-Hp; set @Sp, MaxSp-Sp; set @HpPrice, @hp*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; set @SpPrice, @sp*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; mes "[Warpra]"; if(getarg(0) == 1) mes ""+@HpPrice+" Zeny for "+@Hp+" health points"; if(getarg(1) == 1) mes ""+@SpPrice+" Zeny for "+@Sp+" skill points"; set @total, @HpPrice+@SpPrice; mes "for a total of "+@total+" zeny"; if (select("Heal me","Let me see the choices again")==2) goto L_heal_Part; if(getarg(0) == 1)set @HpPrice, (MaxHp-Hp)*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; if(getarg(1) == 1)set @SpPrice, (MaxSp-Sp)*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; set @healfee, @HpPrice+@SpPrice; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(getarg(1) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_Short_Both; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_short_HP; if (getarg(1) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_short_SP; set Zeny, Zeny-@healfee; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(getarg(1) == 1) percentheal 100,100; if (getarg(0) == 1) percentheal 100,0; if (getarg(1) == 1) percentheal 0,100; close; end; Zeny_Short_Both: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "choose another option, you can afford both."; mes "I can heal as much as you can afford too."; if (select("OK","Exit") == 2) goto L_end; goto PHeal; Zeny_short_HP: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "do you want me to partly heal your HP ?"; if (select("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; set @Hp, Zeny/$QW_HP_H_PRICE; set @HpPrice, @Hp*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; if (@Hp == 1) mes "your not worth the effort"; if (@Hp == 1) goto L_end; set Zeny, Zeny-@HpPrice; heal @Hp,0; close; end; Zeny_short_SP: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "do you want me to partly heal your SP ?"; if (select("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; set @Sp, Zeny/$QW_HP_S_PRICE; set @SpPrice, @Sp*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; if (@Sp == 1) mes "your not worth the effort"; if (@Sp == 1) goto L_end; set Zeny, Zeny-@SpPrice; heal 0,@Sp; close; end; //=============================Storage============================= L_Storage: next; if(basicskillcheck() > 0 && getskilllv("NV_BASIC") < 6) goto L_StorageJBlow; set @fee, $QW_S_PRICE; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60)&&(BaseJob == Job_Novice) set @fee, 30; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60)&&(BaseJob != Job_Novice) set @fee, 60; if(Zeny<@fee) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,2; set Zeny, Zeny-@fee; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@fee/5); mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Cierra la ventana para abrir tu Storage."; callsub F_CheckKafCode; //check your storage password thru kafra coding, if set close2; openstorage; end; F_CheckKafCode: if(#kafra_code==0) return; mes "Enter your storage password:"; set @code_,0; input @code_; if(@code_ != #kafra_code) { dispbottom "Wrong storage password."; close; } set @kafcode_try,0; set @code_,0; return; L_StorageJBlow: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Ocupas minimo nivel 6 para abrir el Storage"; return; L_GStorage: if(@GID==0) goto L_NoGuild; if(Zeny<$QW_GS_PRICE) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,3; set Zeny, Zeny-$QW_GS_PRICE; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + ($QW_GS_PRICE/5); next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Cierra la ventana para abrir tu ^5533FF" + GetGuildName(@GID) + "^000000 Storage."; close2; guildopenstorage; end; L_NoGuild: next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Lo lamento no tienes Guild."; close; end; L_save: next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Grabado correctamente."; getmapxy .@m$, .@x, .@y, 0; savepoint .@m$, .@x, .@y; L_end: close; end; //============================Few=Warp============================= L_FewWarps: next; mes "[Warpra ]"; mes "Primero debes desbloquearlas para tenerlas."; mes "Para desbloquearlas deberas encontrar a las Helpers."; mes "Cada cuenta, tiene su propio historial."; mes "Quieres ver tu historial?."; if (select("Yes","No")==1) callsub stampcard; close; end; //============================No=Unlock============================ L_NoUnlock: next; mes "[Warpra ]"; mes "No puedo desbloquearlo, mi ayudante la helper se encargara de eso."; close; end; //=========================Short=On=Zeny=========================== L_Short_on_zeny: next; if (getarg(0) == 0) mes "you don't seem to have "+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]+" zeny, to pay for the warp fee to "+@pTmenuitems$[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]+""; if (getarg(0) == 1) mes "you don't seem to have "+@warpprice+" zeny, to pay for the warp fee to "+@DLevelName$[@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1]]+" at "+@pDmenuitems$[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]+""; if (getarg(0) == 2) mes "you don't seem to have "+@fee+" zeny, to pay for the storage fee"; if (getarg(0) == 3) mes "you don't seem to have "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" zeny, to pay for the guild storage fee"; if (getarg(0) == 4) mes "you don't seem to have "+@healfee+" zeny, to pay for your healing"; close; end; //===========================Stamp=Card============================ stampcard: // Counting of the ammount of places you have unlocked next; mes "Veamos tus ciudades desbloqueadas"; callfunc "QWS_TownStamps"; mes "you collected^00FF00 "+@Tstamp+" of "+@MaxTstamp+" ^000000Towns."; if (@Tstamp == 15) mes "They say there is an island you can only get to when married"; if (@Tstamp == 15) emotion 18; next; mes "Veamos tus dungeons desbloqueados"; callfunc "QWS_DungeonStamps"; mes "Tienes ^00FF00 "+@Dstamp+" de "+@MaxDstamp+" ^000000Dungeons"; mes "Para desbloquear un dungeon, busca a la Helper."; mes "Normalmente se encuentran al inicio o en la mitad del lugar."; return; } function script QWS_TownStamps { set @Tstamp,0; set @MaxTstamp,21; //maximum number of towns set @binvalue,1; set @Tstamploop,0; do { if ((@binvalue & ##QWS_T_Unlock) == @binvalue) set @Tstamp,@Tstamp+1; set @binvalue, @binvalue *2; set @Tstamploop, @Tstamploop + 1; }while (@Tstamploop < @MaxTstamp); return; } function script QWS_DungeonStamps { set @Dstamp,0; set @MaxDstamp,29; //maximum number of dungeons set @binvalue,1; set @Dstamploop,0; do { if ((@binvalue & ##QWS_D_Unlock) == @binvalue) set @Dstamp,@Dstamp+1; set @binvalue, @binvalue *2; set @Dstamploop, @Dstamploop + 1; }while (@Dstamploop < @MaxDstamp); return; } //======================Main=Menu=Array============================ function script QWS_MMarray { // Currently 9 items setarray @pMmenuitems$[0], "GameMaster Menu", $QW_SP_Warpname$, "Ciudades", "Dungeons", "Pocos mapas?", "Por que no los desbloqueas?", "Heal", "Heal", "Storage", "Guild Storage", "Save", "Cancel"; set @Mi,0; // That's our loop counter. set @Mj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. //----------------GameMaster-Menu if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Special-Warp callfunc "QWS_TownStamps"; callfunc "QWS_DungeonStamps"; if (@Tstamp == @MaxTstamp)&&(@Dstamp == @MaxDstamp)&&($QW_SP_WarpMap$ != "") { set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; set @Mj,@Mj+1; } set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Town-Warp if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Dungeon-Warp if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Why-So-Few-Warps set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------No-Unlock if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Healfull if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Healpart if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Storage if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------GuildStorage if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Save if ($QW_GSav == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_GSav == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_GSav == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Cancel set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; return; } //======================Town=Menu=Array============================ //----------------Prontera // I do this to find back sections quickly altho almost the same name is a line below it now // setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Prontera"; // Name of Town shown in Town select Menu // setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; // warp prices (Basic ($QW_BW_PRICE), Advanced ($QW_AW_PRICE), Overseas $QW_OW_PRICE) // // setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "prontera"; // mapfilename of town // setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 156; // X warp coords // setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187; // Y warp coords // // QWS_Make_Town_Menu XXX; // // the full wap commands send out by this script for these example would be //warp example_01 123 123 // // use the same XXX number as you used when making your own town warpra // Read below how // // example: // //syntax: //mapname,xcoord,ycoord,directionfacing script Name of NPC NPC-ID,{ // // Full example using fake map & coords // //example_01,213,213,4 script Warpra 112,{ // callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",XXX,"A FAKE TOWN FOR EXAMPLE"; // close; // } // use a free number for XXX, last used is 20, for Yuno function script QWS_Tarray { function QWS_Make_Town_Menu; set @Ti,0; // That's our loop counter. set @Tj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. //----------------Prontera setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Prontera"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "prontera"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 156; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 0; //----------------Alberta setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Alberta"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "alberta"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 27; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 236; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 1; //----------------Aldebaran setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Aldebaran"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "aldebaran"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 145; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 120; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 2; //----------------Amatsu: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Amatsu"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "amatsu"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 197; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 86; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 3; //----------------Ayothaya: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Ayothaya"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "ayothaya"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 150; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 57; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 4; //----------------Comodo: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Comodo"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "comodo"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 188; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 161; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 5; //----------------Einbech: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Einbech"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "einbech"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 172; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 126; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 6; //----------------Einbroch: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Einbroch"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "einbroch"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 230; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 191; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 7; //----------------Geffen: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Geffen"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "geffen"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 119; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 66; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 8; //----------------Gonryun: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Gonryun"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "gonryun"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 150; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 130; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 9; //----------------Hugel: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Hugel"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "hugel"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 95; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 121; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 10; //----------------Izlude: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Izlude"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "izlude"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 128; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 111; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 11; //----------------Jawaii: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Jawaii"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "jawaii"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 243; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 115; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 12; //----------------Lighthalzen: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Lighthalzen"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "lighthalzen"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 158; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 110; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 13; //----------------Louyang: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Louyang"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "louyang"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 210; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 108; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 14; //----------------Lutie setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Lutie"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "xmas"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 148; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 131; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 15; //----------------Morroc: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Morroc"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "morocc"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 159; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 93; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 16; //----------------Niflheim: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Niflheim"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "niflheim"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 195; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 186; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 17; //----------------Payon: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Payon"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "payon"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 152; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 75; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 18; //----------------Umbala: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Umbala"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "umbala"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 130; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 130; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 19; //----------------Yuno: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Yuno"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "yuno"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 160; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 168; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 20; //----------------Cancel setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Cancel"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], 0; set @Tmenulist$[@Tj],@pTmenuitems$[@Ti]; set @Tmenuref[@Tj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; //----------------Make Town Menu Function function QWS_Make_Town_Menu { set @temptownmenubin,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto menu_item; set @templooptownmenu,0; do { set @temptownmenubin, @temptownmenubin * 2; set @templooptownmenu, @templooptownmenu + 1; }while (getarg(0) > @templooptownmenu); // check marker and make menu item menu_item: if ((@temptownmenubin & ##QWS_T_Unlock) != @temptownmenubin) { set @Ti,@Ti+1; return; } if (@pTprice[@Ti] != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" -> "+@pTprice[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" ["+getmapusers(@pTmap$[@Ti])+"]"+" -> "+@pTprice[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" ["+getmapusers(@pTmap$[@Ti])+"]"; set @Tmenuref[@Tj],@Ti; set @Tj,@Tj+1; set @Ti,@Ti+1; return; } } //====================Dungeon=Menu=Arrays========================== //----------------A FAKE DUNGEON FOR EXAMPLE // I do this to find back sections quickly altho almost the same name is a line below it now // setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Fake Dungeon"; // Name of Dungeon shown in Dungeon select Menu // setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; // warp prices (Basic ($QW_BW_PRICE), Advanced ($QW_AW_PRICE), Overseas $QW_OW_PRICE) // setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; // Identifyer for the Dungeon fee caluclation (Basic ("$QW_BW_FEE"), Advanced ("$QW_AW_FEE"), Overseas ("$QW_OW_FEE")) please use setting in relation with option above (Don't forget "") // setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; //number of levels in dungeon (very important if set to high will shift all leveldata!!) // // setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "example_01", "example_02"; // mapfilename of dungeon level // setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Example Level 1", "Example Level 2"; // level name shown in dungeon level select // setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 123, 234; // X warp coords // setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 123, 234;// Y warp coords // setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; // relative depth to entrance to calculate extra warp fee // // QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu XXX // // the full wap commands send out by this scripts for these examples would be // for Example Level 1: //warp example_01 123 123 // // for Example Level 2: //warp example_02 234 234 // // use the same XXX number as you used when making your own dungeon unlocker (Warpra Helper) inside the dungeon // (usually half way near a warp to next level) // Read below how // // example: // //syntax: //mapname,xcoord,ycoord,directionfacing script Name of NPC NPC-ID,{ // // Full example using fake map & coords // //example_01,213,213,4 script Warpra Helper 112,{ // callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",XXX,"A FAKE DUNGEON FOR EXAMPLE"; // close; // } // use a free number for XXX, last used is 28, for Kiel Dungeon function script QWS_Darray { function QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu; set @Di,0; set @Dj,0; set @Dref,0; //----------------ABYSS LAKE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Abyss Lake"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "abyss_01", "abyss_02", "abyss_03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 265, 275, 116; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 273, 270, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 0; //----------------AMATSU DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Amatsu Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ama_dun01", "ama_dun02", "ama_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 227, 32, 119; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 10, 43, 15; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 1; //----------------ANT HELL setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ant Hell Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[2], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "anthell01", "anthell02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 32, 34; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 262, 263; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 2; //----------------AYOTAYA setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ayotaya Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[3], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ayo_dun01", "ayo_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 275, 150; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 17, 13; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 3; //----------------BYALAN setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Byalan Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[4], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "iz_dun00", "iz_dun01", "iz_dun02", "iz_dun03", "iz_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 168, 41, 236, 32, 26; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 168, 37, 204, 63, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 4; //----------------CLOCK TOWER setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Clock Tower Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[5], 8; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "c_tower1", "c_tower2", "c_tower3", "c_tower4", "alde_dun01", "alde_dun02", "alde_dun03", "alde_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Clock Tower Level 1", "Clock Tower Level 2", "Clock Tower Level 3", "Clock Tower Level 4", "Basement 1F", "Basement 2F", "Basement 3F", "Basement 4F"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 200, 268, 64, 32, 197, 262, 276, 122; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 163, 26, 148, 63, 25, 41, 53, 125; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 5; //----------------COAL MINE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Coal Mine Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[6], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "mjo_dun01", "mjo_dun02", "mjo_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 52, 381, 302; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 17, 343, 261; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 6; //----------------CULVERT setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Culvert Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[7], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "prt_sewb1", "prt_sewb2", "prt_sewb3", "prt_sewb4"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 132, 19, 180, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 248, 19, 169, 92; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 7; //----------------EINBECH DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Einbech Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[8], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ein_dun01", "ein_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 22, 292; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 14, 290; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 8; //----------------GEFENIA DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Gefenia Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[9], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gefenia01", "gefenia02", "gefenia03", "gefenia04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 59, 201, 264, 33; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 167, 35, 236, 270; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 9; //----------------GEFFEN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Geffen Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gef_dun00", "gef_dun01", "gef_dun02", "gef_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 104, 115, 106, 203; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 100, 236, 132, 200; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 10; //----------------GLAST HEIM setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Glast Heim Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 17; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "glast_01", "gl_church", "gl_chyard", "gl_in01", "gl_cas01", "gl_cas02", "gl_knt01", "gl_knt02", "gl_prison", "gl_prison1", "gl_step", "gl_sew01", "gl_sew02", "gl_sew03", "gl_sew04", "gl_dun01", "gl_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Glast Heim Entrance", "St. Abbey", "Churchyard", "Inside Glast Heim", "Castle 1", "Castle 2", "Chivalry 1", "Chivalry 2", "Prison 1", "Prison 2", "Steps", "Sewers 1", "Sewers 2", "Sewers 3", "Sewers 4", "Lowest Cave 1", "Lowest Cave 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 370, 156, 147, 121, 199, 104, 150, 157, 14, 150, 117, 258, 108, 171, 68, 133, 224; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 300, 8, 15, 59, 29, 25, 10, 287, 70, 14, 124, 255, 291, 273, 277, 271, 274; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 11; //----------------GONRYUN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Gonryun Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gon_dun01", "gon_dun02", "gon_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 143, 17, 68; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 59, 114, 9; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 12; //----------------HIDDEN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Hidden Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "prt_maze01", "prt_maze02", "prt_maze03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 176, 94, 23; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 6, 19, 8; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 13; //----------------JUPEROS CAVE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Juperos Cave"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "juperos_01", "juperos_02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 53, 36; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 247, 60; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 14; //----------------KIEL DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Kiel Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "kh_dun01", "kh_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "1st Floor", "2nd Floor"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 63, 42; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 10, 197; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 28; //----------------LIGHTHALZEN BIO LAB setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Lighthalzen Bio Lab"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "lhz_dun01", "lhz_dun02", "lhz_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 150, 150, 140; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 287, 18, 137; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 15; //----------------LOUYANG DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Louyang Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "lou_dun02", "lou_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Royal Tomb Level 1", "Royal Tomb Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 282, 165; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 20, 38; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 16; //----------------MAGMA DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Magma Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "mag_dun01", "mag_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 126, 47; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 69, 32; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 17; //----------------ODIN TEMPLE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Odin Temple"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 1; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "odin_tem01"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 96; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 145; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 18; //----------------ORC DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Orc Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "orcsdun01", "orcsdun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 32, 21; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 169, 185; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 19; //----------------PAYON DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Payon Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "pay_dun00", "pay_dun01", "pay_dun02", "pay_dun03", "pay_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 22, 19, 19, 155, 201; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 180, 33, 63, 159, 204; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 20; //----------------PYRAMIDS setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Pyramids Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 6; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "moc_pryd01", "moc_pryd02", "moc_pryd03", "moc_pryd04", "moc_pryd05", "moc_pryd06"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Basement 1", "Basement 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 192, 10, 100, 181, 94, 192; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 9, 192, 92, 11, 96, 8; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 21; //----------------SPHINX setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Sphinx Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "in_sphinx1", "in_sphinx2", "in_sphinx3", "in_sphinx4", "in_sphinx5"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 192, 149, 210, 10, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 9, 81, 54, 222, 99; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 22; //----------------SUNKEN SHIP setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Sunken Ship Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "treasure01", "treasure02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 69, 102; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 24, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 23; //----------------THANATOS TOWER setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Thanatos Tower"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 13; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "tha_t01", "tha_t02", "tha_t03", "tha_t04", "tha_t05", "tha_t06", "tha_t07", "tha_t08", "tha_t09", "tha_t10", "tha_t11", "tha_t12", "thana_boss"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5", "Level 6", "Level 7", "Level 8", "Level 9", "Level 10", "Level 11", "Level 12", "Thanatos Boss"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 150, 150, 220, 59, 62, 206, 35, 105, 88, 168, 90, 129, 85; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 35, 136, 158, 143, 11, 8, 166, 44, 145, 138, 36, 83, 76; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 24; //----------------TOY FACTORY setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Toy Factory Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "xmas_dun01", "xmas_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Factory Warehouse", "Classifying Room"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 205, 129; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 16, 133; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 25; //----------------TURTLE ISTLAND setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Turtle Island Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "tur_dun01", "tur_dun02", "tur_dun03", "tur_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Outside", "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 161, 148, 132, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 34, 256, 190, 192; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 26; //----------------UMBALA setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Umbala Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "um_dun01", "um_dun02", "yggdrasil01"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Carpenter's Shop in The Tree", "Passage to a Foreign World", "Hvergelmir's Fountain"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 205, 48, 40; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 26, 30, 63; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 27; //---------------Ice Cave setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ice Cave"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ice_dun01", "ice_dun02", "ice_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Ice Cave 01", "Ice Cave 02", "Ice Cave 03"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 111, 48, 139; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 32, 30, 120; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 30; //---------------Thor Volcano setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Thor Volcano"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "thor_v01", "thor_v02", "thor_v03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "thor Volcano 01", "Thor Volcano 02", "Thor Volcano 03"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 202, 48, 90; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 99, 30, 138; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 31; //---------------Rachel Sanctuary setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Rachel Sanctuary"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ra_san01", "ra_san02", "ra_san03", "ra_san04", "ra_san05"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "01", "02", "03", "04", "05"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 125, 51, 40, 50, 66; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 183, 23, 237, 50, 114; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 32; //----------------Cancel setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Cancel"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], 0; set @Dmenulist$[@Dj],@pDmenuitems$[@Di]; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; //----------------Make Dungeon Menu Function function QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu { set @tempdungeonmenubin,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto menu_item; set @temploopdungeonmenu,0; do { set @tempdungeonmenubin, @tempdungeonmenubin * 2; set @temploopdungeonmenu, @temploopdungeonmenu + 1; }while (getarg(0) > @temploopdungeonmenu); // check marker and make menu item menu_item: if ((@tempdungeonmenubin & ##QWS_D_Unlock) != @tempdungeonmenubin) { setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } if ($QW_MapUserShow == 1) { set @tempmapusers,0; set @mapusersloop,0; do { set @tempmapusers,(getmapusers(@DGat$[@Dref+@mapusersloop]) + @tempmapusers); set @mapusersloop, (@mapusersloop + 1); }while (@DLevels[@Di] > @mapusersloop); if (@pDprice[@Di] != 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" ["+@tempmapusers+"] -> "+@pDprice[@Di]; if (@pDprice[@Di] == 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" ["+@tempmapusers+"]"; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],@Di; set @Dj,@Dj+1; setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } if (@pDprice[@Di] != 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" -> "+@pDprice[@Di]; if (@pDprice[@Di] == 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],@Di; set @Dj,@Dj+1; setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } } function script QWS_DLarray { //----------------Start building Menu set @DWref,@DLocRef[@DwarpMenu]; // That's our reference to the arrays with leveldata. set @DWi,0; // That's our loop counter. set @DWj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. cleararray @DWLmenulist$[0],"",20; // Clearing the array to get rid off ghost items in menu do { if ($QW_DL == 0)||($QW_DDL >= @DDepth[@DWref]) { set @warpprice, (@pDprice[@DwarpMenu]+ (getd(@pDfee$[@DwarpMenu])*@DDepth[@DWref])); if (@warpprice != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" -> "+@warpprice; if (@warpprice == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]; if (@warpprice != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" ["+getmapusers(@DGat$[@DWref])+"] -> "+@warpprice; if (@warpprice == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" ["+getmapusers(@DGat$[@DWref])+"]"; set @DWLmenuref[@DWj],@DWref; set @DWj,@DWj+1; } set @DWref, @DWref+1; set @DWi,@DWi+1; }while (@DWi < @DLevels[@DwarpMenu]); set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], "Exit"; set @DWLmenuref[@DWj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; } //=================Backwards=Compatibility=Pre=1.8================= function script QWS_BackComp { // reference where i put the towns: "Prontera"[0], "Alberta"[1], "Aldebaran"[2], "Amatsu"[3], "Ayothaya"[4], "Comodo"[5], "Einbech"[6], "Einbroch"[7], "Geffen"[8], "Gonryun"[9], "Hugel"[10], "Izlude"[11], "Jawaii"[12], "Lighthalzen"[13], "Louyang"[14], "Lutie"[15], "Morroc"[16], "Niflheim"[17], "Payon"[18], "Umbala"[19], "Yuno"[20]; // reference where i put the dungeons: "Abyss Lake"[0], "Amatsu Dungeon"[1], "Ant Hell Dungeon"[2], "Ayotaya Dungeon"[3], "Byalan Dungeon"[4], "Clock Tower Dungeon"[5], "Coal Mine Dungeon"[6], "Culvert Dungeon"[7], "Einbech Dungeon"[8], "Gefenia Dungeon"[9], "Geffen Dungeon"[10], "Glast Heim Dungeon"[11], "Gonryun Dungeon"[12], "Hidden Dungeon"[13], "Juperos Cave"[14], "Lighthalzen Bio Lab"[15], "Louyang Dungeon"[16], "Magma Dungeon"[17], "Odin Temple"[18], "Orc Dungeon"[19], "Payon Dungeon"[20], "Pyramids Dungeon"[21], "Sphinx Dungeon"[22], "Sunken Ship Dungeon"[23], "Thanatos Tower"[24], "Toy Factory Dungeon"[25], "Turtle Island Dungeon"[26], "Umbala Dungeon"[27], "Kiel Dungeon[28]; // also clears variables so that the account file variables can be used for something else variable 0 = variable delete on next save // Towns set @towntemp,0; if (#prontera != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1; if (#alberta != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 2; if (#aldebaran != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 4; if (#amatsu != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 8; if (#ayotaya != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 16; if (#comodo != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 32; if (#einbech != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 64; if (#einbroch != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 128; if (#geffen != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 256; if (#gonryun != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 512; if (#hugel != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1024; if (#izlude != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 2048; if (#jawaii != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 4096; if (#lighthalzen != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 8192; if (#louyang != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 16384; if (#xmas != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 32768; if (#morocc != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 65536; if (#niflheim != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 131072; if (#payon != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 262144; if (#umbala != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 524288; if (#yuno != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1048576; // Clear Town variables set #prontera,0; set #alberta,0; set #aldebaran,0; set #amatsu,0; set #ayotaya,0; set #comodo,0; set #einbech,0; set #einbroch,0; set #geffen,0; set #gonryun,0; set #hugel,0; set #izlude,0; set #jawaii,0; set #lighthalzen,0; set #louyang,0; set #xmas,0; set #morocc,0; set #niflheim,0; set #payon,0; set #umbala,0; set #yuno,0; // set Town warp unlock variable set ##QWS_T_Unlock, (##QWS_T_Unlock | @towntemp); //because multiple account servers now stack on 1 variable i used a 'or' to stack them // Dungeons set @dungeontemp,0; if (#abyss != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1; if (#ama_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2; if (#anthell != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4; if (#ayotaya_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8; if (#iz_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16; if (#c_tower != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 32; if (#mjo_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 64; if (#prt_sewb != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 128; if (#einbech_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 256; if (#gefenia != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 512; if (#gef_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1024; if (#gl_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2048; if (#gon_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4096; if (#hid_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8192; if (#juperos != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16384; if (#lighthalzen_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 32768; if (#louyang_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 65536; if (#mag_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 131072; if (#odintemple != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 262144; if (#orcsdun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 524288; if (#pay_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1048576; if (#moc_pryd != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2097152; if (#in_sphinx != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4194304; if (#treasure != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8388608; if (#thanatos_tower != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16777216; if (#xmas_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 33554432; if (#tur_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 67108864; if (#um_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 134217728; if (#ice_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 268435456; if (#thor_v != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 536870912; if (#ra_san != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1073741824; // Clear Dungeon variables set #abyss,0; set #ama_dun,0; set #anthell,0; set #ayotaya_dun,0; set #iz_dun,0; set #c_tower,0; set #mjo_dun,0; set #prt_sewb,0; set #einbech_dun,0; set #gefenia,0; set #gef_dun,0; set #gl_dun,0; set #gon_dun,0; set #hid_dun,0; set #juperos,0; set #lighthalzen_dun,0; set #louyang_dun,0; set #mag_dun,0; set #odintemple,0; set #orcsdun,0; set #pay_dun,0; set #moc_pryd,0; set #in_sphinx,0; set #treasure,0; set #thanatos_tower,0; set #xmas_dun,0; set #tur_dun,0; set #um_dun,0; set #ice_dun,0; set #thor_v,0; set #ra_san,0; // set Town warp unlock variable set ##QWS_D_Unlock, (##QWS_D_Unlock | @dungeontemp); //mark that this character has done the upgrade to 1.8 set ##QWS_UP,18; return; } //===================Extra=Variable=Clear=Pre=1.8================== function script Extra_Variable_Clear { // Clear Town variables set #prontera,0; set #alberta,0; set #aldebaran,0; set #amatsu,0; set #ayotaya,0; set #comodo,0; set #einbech,0; set #einbroch,0; set #geffen,0; set #gonryun,0; set #hugel,0; set #izlude,0; set #jawaii,0; set #lighthalzen,0; set #louyang,0; set #xmas,0; set #morocc,0; set #niflheim,0; set #payon,0; set #umbala,0; set #yuno,0; // Clear Dungeon variables set #abyss,0; set #ama_dun,0; set #anthell,0; set #ayotaya_dun,0; set #iz_dun,0; set #c_tower,0; set #mjo_dun,0; set #prt_sewb,0; set #einbech_dun,0; set #gefenia,0; set #gef_dun,0; set #gl_dun,0; set #gon_dun,0; set #hid_dun,0; set #juperos,0; set #lighthalzen_dun,0; set #louyang_dun,0; set #mag_dun,0; set #odintemple,0; set #orcsdun,0; set #pay_dun,0; set #moc_pryd,0; set #in_sphinx,0; set #treasure,0; set #thanatos_tower,0; set #xmas_dun,0; set #tur_dun,0; set #um_dun,0; set #ice_dun,0; set #thor_v,0; set #ra_san,0; // as the account based variables are limited just run this on every character to save some variables set QWS_ExtraVARClear,18; return; } //================Dungeon=Warpras=That=Only=Unlock================= function script QWS_Dungeon_Warpra { function QWS_D_getbin; function QWS_D_setbin; if ((QWS_D_getbin(getarg(0)) == 0) && (getarg(1) != "")) { mes "[Warpra]"; mes getarg(1)+" unlocked!"; QWS_D_setbin(getarg(0)); return; } else if (QWS_D_getbin(getarg(0)) == 1){ mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Sorry I can only unlock this location."; } else debugmes "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra error, improper syntax ?"; return; function QWS_D_setbin { set @tempsetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binset; set @temploopsetbin,0; do { set @tempsetbindata, @tempsetbindata * 2; set @temploopsetbin, @temploopsetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopsetbin); binset: set ##QWS_D_Unlock,(##QWS_D_Unlock | @tempsetbindata); return; } function QWS_D_getbin { set @tempgetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binget; set @temploopgetbin,0; do { set @tempgetbindata, @tempgetbindata * 2; set @temploopgetbin, @temploopgetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopgetbin); binget: if ((@tempgetbindata & ##QWS_D_Unlock) == @tempgetbindata) return 1; return 0; } } //==========================Town=Warpras=========================== function script QWS_Town_Warpra { function QWS_T_getbin; function QWS_T_setbin; if ((QWS_T_getbin(getarg(0)) == 0) && (getarg(1) != "")) { mes "[Warpra]"; mes getarg(1)+" unlocked!"; QWS_T_setbin(getarg(0)); return; } else if (QWS_T_getbin(getarg(0)) == 1){ callfunc "Q_Warpra",0; } else debugmes "QWS_Town_Warpra error, improper syntax ?"; return; function QWS_T_setbin { set @tempsetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binset; set @temploopsetbin,0; do { set @tempsetbindata, @tempsetbindata * 2; set @temploopsetbin, @temploopsetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopsetbin); binset: set ##QWS_T_Unlock,(##QWS_T_Unlock | @tempsetbindata); return; } function QWS_T_getbin { set @tempgetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binget; set @temploopgetbin,0; do { set @tempgetbindata, @tempgetbindata * 2; set @temploopgetbin, @temploopgetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopgetbin); binget: if ((@tempgetbindata & ##QWS_T_Unlock) == @tempgetbindata) return 1; return 0; } } //============================Warpras============================== //-------------------- Duplicados alb2trea,73,101,4 script Warpra#1 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } ama_fild01,178,325,1 script Warpra#2 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } gef_fild10,71,339,4 script Warpra#3 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } izlu2dun,104,82,4 script Warpra#4 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } mjolnir_02,85,363,4 script Warpra#5 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_fild04,207,331,4 script Warpra#6 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_fild19,106,97,4 script Warpra#7 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_ruins,64,166,4 script Warpra#8 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } niflheim,197,192,3 script Warpra#9 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } pay_arche,39,135,4 script Warpra#10 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } prt_fild05,273,215,4 script Warpra#11 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } tur_dun01,148,239,4 script Warpra#12 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } valkyrie,48,35,8 script Warpra#13 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } yuno_fild03,37,135,4 script Warpra#14 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } //------------------------- Ciudades alberta,32,240,4 script Warpra#15 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",1,"Alberta Town"; close; } aldebaran,146,118,4 script Warpra#16 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",2,"Aldebaran Town"; close; } ayothaya,216,171,5 script Warpra#17 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",4,"Ayotaya Town"; close; } amatsu,193,81,1 script Warpra#18 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",3,"Amatsu Town"; close; } comodo,195,158,4 script Warpra#19 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",5,"Comodo Town"; close; } einbroch,229,196,5 script Warpra#20 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",7,"Einbroch Town"; close; } einbech,173,131,5 script Warpra#21 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",6,"Einbech Town"; close; } geffen,116,66,4 script Warpra#22 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",8,"Geffen Town"; close; } gonryun,152,130,4 script Warpra#23 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",9,"Gonryun Town"; close; } hugel,90,127,5 script Warpra#24 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",10,"Hugel Town"; close; } jawaii,107,182,5 script Warpra#25 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",12,"Jawaii Town"; close; } izlude,132,116,4 script Warpra#26 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",11,"Izlude Town"; close; } lighthalzen,153,100,5 script Warpra#27 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",13,"Lighthalzen Town"; close; } louyang,211,106,4 script Warpra#28 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",14,"Louyang Town"; close; } morocc,157,95,4 script Warpra#29 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",16,"Morroc Town"; close; } nif_fild01,319,77,1 script Warpra#30 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",17,"Niflheim Town"; close; } payon,183,110,4 script Warpra#31 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",18,"Payon Town"; close; } prontera,159,192,3 script Warpra#32 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",21,"Prontera Town"; close; } umbala,133,130,4 script Warpra#33 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",19,"Umbala Town"; close; } xmas,151,136,4 script Warpra#34 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",15,"Lutie Town"; close; } yuno,138,162,4 script Warpra#35 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",20,"Yuno Town"; close; } //---------------------- Dungeons abyss_02,274,266,1 script Warpra#36 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",0,"Abyss Lake"; close; } ama_dun02,192,118,5 script Warpra Helper#1 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",1,"Amatsu Dungeon"; close; } anthell02,170,165,3 script Warpra Helper#2 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",2,"Ant Hell Dungeon"; close; } ayo_dun02,258,193,5 script Warpra Helper#3 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",3,"Ayotaya Dungeon"; close; } ein_dun02,292,282,1 script Warpra Helper#4 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",8,"Einbech Dungeon"; close; } iz_dun03,202,47,2 script Warpra Helper#5 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",4,"Byalan Dungeon"; close; } c_tower3,129,106,4 script Warpra Helper#6 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",5,"Clock Tower Dungeon"; close; } mjo_dun02,39,25,4 script Warpra Helper#7 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",6,"Coal Mine Dungeon"; close; } prt_sewb2,176,30,3 script Warpra Helper#8 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",7,"Culvert Dungeon"; close; } gefenia03,137,34,0 script Warpra Helper#9 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",9,"Gefenia Dungeon"; close; } gef_dun02,218,61,2 script Warpra Helper#10 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",10,"Gefen Dungeon"; close; } glast_01,371,308,3 script Warpra Helper#11 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",11,"Glast Heim Dungeon"; close; } gon_dun01,167,273,4 script Warpra Helper#12 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",12,"Gonryun Dungeon"; close; } juperos_02,127,154,5 script Warpra Helper#13 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",14,"Juperos Cave"; close; } kh_dun01,14,224,3 script Warpra Helper#14 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",28,"Kiel Dungeon"; close; } lhz_dun02,156,151,5 script Warpra Helper#15 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",15,"Lighthalzen Bio Lab"; close; } lou_dun02,168,264,4 script Warpra Helper#16 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",16,"Louyang Dungeon"; close; } mag_dun02,46,41,3 script Warpra Helper#17 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",17,"Magma Dungeon"; close; } odin_tem01,115,148,3 script Warpra Helper#18 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",18,"Odin Temple"; close; } orcsdun01,185,11,3 script Warpra Helper#19 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",19,"Orc Dungeon"; close; } pay_dun03,162,143,3 script Warpra Helper#20 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",20,"Payon Dungeon"; close; } moc_pryd02,101,95,3 script Warpra Helper#21 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",21,"Pyramides Dungeon"; close; } in_sphinx2,274,268,1 script Warpra Helper#22 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",22,"Sphinx Dungeon"; close; } tha_t07,111,162,3 script Warpra Helper#23 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",24,"Thanatos Tower"; close; } treasure02,104,40,3 script Warpra Helper#24 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",23,"Sunken Ship Dungeon"; close; } xmas_dun02,124,131,3 script Warpra Helper#25 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",25,"Toy Factory Dungeon"; close; } um_dun02,44,28,3 script Warpra Helper#26 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",27,"Umbala Dungeon"; close; } tur_dun02,162,23,3 script Warpra Helper#27 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",26,"Turtle Island Dungeon"; close; } prt_maze02,102,69,4 script Warpra Helper#28 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",13,"Hidden Dungeon"; close; } ice_dun02,99,177,3 script Warpra Helper#30 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",30,"Ice Cave"; close; } thor_v03,240,65,3 script Warpra Helper#31 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",31,"Thor Volcano"; close; } ra_san02,44,289,3 script Warpra Helper#32 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",32,"Rachel Sanctuary"; close; } //---- Moskovia, Nameless, Brasiliss, Il Dung And mybe here is the part to unlock some dungs and towns??? //=================Backwards=Compatibility=Pre=1.8================= function script QWS_BackComp { // reference where i put the towns: "Prontera"[0], "Alberta"[1], "Aldebaran"[2], "Amatsu"[3], "Ayothaya"[4], "Comodo"[5], "Einbech"[6], "Einbroch"[7], "Geffen"[8], "Gonryun"[9], "Hugel"[10], "Izlude"[11], "Jawaii"[12], "Lighthalzen"[13], "Louyang"[14], "Lutie"[15], "Morroc"[16], "Niflheim"[17], "Payon"[18], "Umbala"[19], "Yuno"[20]; // reference where i put the dungeons: "Abyss Lake"[0], "Amatsu Dungeon"[1], "Ant Hell Dungeon"[2], "Ayotaya Dungeon"[3], "Byalan Dungeon"[4], "Clock Tower Dungeon"[5], "Coal Mine Dungeon"[6], "Culvert Dungeon"[7], "Einbech Dungeon"[8], "Gefenia Dungeon"[9], "Geffen Dungeon"[10], "Glast Heim Dungeon"[11], "Gonryun Dungeon"[12], "Hidden Dungeon"[13], "Juperos Cave"[14], "Lighthalzen Bio Lab"[15], "Louyang Dungeon"[16], "Magma Dungeon"[17], "Odin Temple"[18], "Orc Dungeon"[19], "Payon Dungeon"[20], "Pyramids Dungeon"[21], "Sphinx Dungeon"[22], "Sunken Ship Dungeon"[23], "Thanatos Tower"[24], "Toy Factory Dungeon"[25], "Turtle Island Dungeon"[26], "Umbala Dungeon"[27], "Kiel Dungeon[28]; // also clears variables so that the account file variables can be used for something else variable 0 = variable delete on next save // Towns set @towntemp,0; if (#prontera != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1; if (#alberta != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 2; if (#aldebaran != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 4; if (#amatsu != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 8; if (#ayotaya != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 16; if (#comodo != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 32; if (#einbech != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 64; if (#einbroch != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 128; if (#geffen != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 256; if (#gonryun != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 512; if (#hugel != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1024; if (#izlude != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 2048; if (#jawaii != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 4096; if (#lighthalzen != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 8192; if (#louyang != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 16384; if (#xmas != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 32768; if (#morocc != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 65536; if (#niflheim != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 131072; if (#payon != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 262144; if (#umbala != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 524288; if (#yuno != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1048576; // Clear Town variables set #prontera,0; set #alberta,0; set #aldebaran,0; set #amatsu,0; set #ayotaya,0; set #comodo,0; set #einbech,0; set #einbroch,0; set #geffen,0; set #gonryun,0; set #hugel,0; set #izlude,0; set #jawaii,0; set #lighthalzen,0; set #louyang,0; set #xmas,0; set #morocc,0; set #niflheim,0; set #payon,0; set #umbala,0; set #yuno,0; // set Town warp unlock variable set ##QWS_T_Unlock, (##QWS_T_Unlock | @towntemp); //because multiple account servers now stack on 1 variable i used a 'or' to stack them // Dungeons set @dungeontemp,0; if (#abyss != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1; if (#ama_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2; if (#anthell != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4; if (#ayotaya_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8; if (#iz_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16; if (#c_tower != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 32; if (#mjo_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 64; if (#prt_sewb != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 128; if (#einbech_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 256; if (#gefenia != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 512; if (#gef_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1024; if (#gl_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2048; if (#gon_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4096; if (#hid_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8192; if (#juperos != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16384; if (#lighthalzen_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 32768; if (#louyang_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 65536; if (#mag_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 131072; if (#odintemple != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 262144; if (#orcsdun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 524288; if (#pay_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1048576; if (#moc_pryd != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2097152; if (#in_sphinx != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4194304; if (#treasure != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8388608; if (#thanatos_tower != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16777216; if (#xmas_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 33554432; if (#tur_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 67108864; if (#um_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 134217728; if (#ice_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 268435456; if (#thor_v != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 536870912; if (#ra_san != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1073741824; // Clear Dungeon variables set #abyss,0; set #ama_dun,0; set #anthell,0; set #ayotaya_dun,0; set #iz_dun,0; set #c_tower,0; set #mjo_dun,0; set #prt_sewb,0; set #einbech_dun,0; set #gefenia,0; set #gef_dun,0; set #gl_dun,0; set #gon_dun,0; set #hid_dun,0; set #juperos,0; set #lighthalzen_dun,0; set #louyang_dun,0; set #mag_dun,0; set #odintemple,0; set #orcsdun,0; set #pay_dun,0; set #moc_pryd,0; set #in_sphinx,0; set #treasure,0; set #thanatos_tower,0; set #xmas_dun,0; set #tur_dun,0; set #um_dun,0; set #ice_dun,0; set #thor_v,0; set #ra_san,0; // set Town warp unlock variable set ##QWS_D_Unlock, (##QWS_D_Unlock | @dungeontemp); //mark that this character has done the upgrade to 1.8 set ##QWS_UP,18; return; } //===================Extra=Variable=Clear=Pre=1.8================== function script Extra_Variable_Clear { // Clear Town variables set #prontera,0; set #alberta,0; set #aldebaran,0; set #amatsu,0; set #ayotaya,0; set #comodo,0; set #einbech,0; set #einbroch,0; set #geffen,0; set #gonryun,0; set #hugel,0; set #izlude,0; set #jawaii,0; set #lighthalzen,0; set #louyang,0; set #xmas,0; set #morocc,0; set #niflheim,0; set #payon,0; set #umbala,0; set #yuno,0; // Clear Dungeon variables set #abyss,0; set #ama_dun,0; set #anthell,0; set #ayotaya_dun,0; set #iz_dun,0; set #c_tower,0; set #mjo_dun,0; set #prt_sewb,0; set #einbech_dun,0; set #gefenia,0; set #gef_dun,0; set #gl_dun,0; set #gon_dun,0; set #hid_dun,0; set #juperos,0; set #lighthalzen_dun,0; set #louyang_dun,0; set #mag_dun,0; set #odintemple,0; set #orcsdun,0; set #pay_dun,0; set #moc_pryd,0; set #in_sphinx,0; set #treasure,0; set #thanatos_tower,0; set #xmas_dun,0; set #tur_dun,0; set #um_dun,0; set #ice_dun,0; set #thor_v,0; set #ra_san,0; // as the account based variables are limited just run this on every character to save some variables set QWS_ExtraVARClear,18; return; }
  16. Hi i im using the oficial npc/custom/etc/quest_warper.txt this is the script: http://upaste.me/28e222294cb8b86d3 the main idea is unlock some dungeons and towns by default, i mean all the dungeons and towns in the script are locked. so i want Dungs: Ayotaya Clock Tower Payon Towns: Rachel Payon Prontera Izlude unlocked by default. i have no problems with the script, the problems was stolao and other members try to unlock these maps by default but fail mybe u can unlock the maps please? thanks a lot.
  17. someone? i rlly need help with this guys. thanks
  18. Replace space with tab. Example: function script QWS_Dungeon_Warpra { to function script QWS_Dungeon_Warpra { ya what he said, it replaced tabs with spaces for some reason... Still dont work, now say this: and the maps are still all locked, thanks
  19. Thanks man but dont work, say this error: [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/custom/etc/quest_warper.txt', line '1802'. Stopping... * w1=function script QWS_Dungeon_Warpra { * w2= * w3= * w4=
  20. Sorry for the Bumps man Dungs: Ayotaya Clock Tower Payon Towns: Rachel Payon Prontera Izlude Please edit this one, http://upaste.me/28e222294cb8b86d3 other member just add "save" to that script. http://upaste.me/28e222294cb8b86d3
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