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Everything posted by GreenMagic793

  1. Yes, I'm already aware that it's possible... The question is how to do it.
  2. Hey guys, I've searched all over Google for this info, and I cannot find it. How exactly do I change the color of a player's name? I'm pretty sure I just need to hex my client, but I don't know where to look in the exe for this info. What do I need to hex to change this? Thanks.
  3. Hey guys, I'm using the 'rand' command to generate random server broadcasts. The problem is, I've noticed that the order in which I place the rand statements determines which broadcast has the highest chance of displaying. So, the very first rand statement that leads to a broadcast plays 90% of the time because it has the highest chance. Is there any way to make the outcome of multiple rand statements all the same chance? Thanks.
  4. Hey guys, What I'd like to do is tell you guys a little bit about my current server project, and I'd basically like you to give me constructive feedback about what you think. Here's the basic concept of the server: I've turned the clock backwards. No renewal, no trans classes, some dungeons and items taken out, etc. You have the 2-1 and 2-2 classes, as well as extended classes. Dungeons and items are old-school as well. Perhaps my biggest change is that I have removed every single NPC in the game other than monsters. In their place, I have created my own new and revised kafra, shops, quests, and literally everything else. I've also made some cool additions. I have brand new types of monsters and items, I've updated equipment with new effects and abilities, I've made new skills available for certain classes, dynamic weather, a custom main town, dozens of custom NPC's of all different types, a new type of coin system, a reputation and warning system, and a lot more. Additionally, all items that were once available through certain quest NPC's are now given as rewards in entirely new quests. If I had to summarize what exactly the "idea" of this server is, it's that I've focused on what makes RO really great and then expanded it. I've gotten rid of anything that I believe makes the game slower or less interesting, and I've created an environment where players can focus on what makes the game so great: building an awesome character, collecting cool items, forming friendships and seeing a cool little world. So, how would you feel about playing a server like this? It's a complete mixup of the formula, but it retains the purity of the original pre-renewal RO at its core.
  5. I think you're approaching this from the wrong direction. You shouldn't need to "enable" anything to run a Christmas event... An event like this is added through a script, just like an NPC or quest. If you want Christmas events, either download or make the script yourself from scratch. If all you wanted was, say, an NPC that offered half price Christmas cookies and a bunch of santa porings running around then I could make that for you in a minute. If you want some super long and complex event Christmas event with a quest and whatnot, I would suggest looking through the script releases and you might find something you like, otherwise you'll need to do the dirty work yourself. In short, there is not magical setting that you simply untick and Christmas events start popping up, that's not how it works. Just find a Christmas event script you like, add it to your customs folder, enable it in scripts_custom.txt and enjoy. I hope this is of some help to you, good luck and merry Christmas!
  6. Hey guys, Is it possible to use a variable to set an NPC's coordinates? I want to be able to change an NPC's coordinates from the top of the file without digging through thousands of lines of code changing each individual NPC's placement. So, instead of having to go and change coordinates, can I make the coordinates a variable which I can then set and change whenever I want? If so, how can I do this? Thanks.
  7. Agreed, no need for confusing class names with all different variations in different parts of the database... Just use the class numbers which can be easily found by simply typing @job while logged into the game.
  8. Make sure that the High Priest class is defined as Job_High_Priest and not something else. Also, one problem: prontera,30,30 isn't a real coordinate. Try making it 144,223 and see if it works.
  9. Then you didn't do it correctly.
  10. That's a hugely helpful chart, thanks.
  11. Hey guys, How do I set a variable as a word? I know that, for example, I can set a variable as a string with something like this: set #bankpoints,"" + strcharinfo(2) + ""; But, what if I just want to make that variable equivelant to a word? So, for example, what if I just wanted to have it be like this: set #bankpoints,"You are rich!"; I've tried doing it by simply using quotes and other things, but it doesn't seem to work, am I missing something? Thanks.
  12. I'm not a huge fan of the menu array in that script but try this... Go to line 93. At the very end of that line, add this in between the last ) and ; ,@Mmenulist$[12]) So it should look like this: ,@Mmenulist$[11]),@Mmenulist$[12]); Now, go down to line 120. UNDERNEATH line 120 (so, in other words, line 121) put this: case 12: goto L_save; Now, under that "GM Menu Functions" title, add this: L_save: And right underneath that, put the code that I gave you. If you did it correctly, it should work. Hopefully I didn't forget anything. Good luck.
  13. Yes, there are ways this could be done, most likely with a combination of variables and map flags. Also, I could probably fudge it up using "atcommand @warpto" or something along those lines. The possibilities of this script are endless. The flexibility of having a re-usable item with scripts attached is incredible. My own personal version of this script is over 1000 lines long and is riddled with features like a built-in chat network, a reputation system, a support panel, etc. If you or anyone else were interested in having it, let me know, I'd be willing to give it to a few people if I think it is going to be used for a good cause, but I probably will never release it publicly.
  14. Let me know if you get it working.
  15. So the addition of the '@' symbol is what differentiates between persistent and temporary values? Interesting... I'm assuming that applies to every other variable as well? Let me see if I can explain what I understand so far and maybe you can tell me if I'm on the right track. So each symbol like '@', '#', '.' etc, are all used to store values, and each one stores data on a different basis, like account-wide, globally, etc. correct? So by simply adding a @ symbol after the first symbol, it makes the variable non-persistent? So, I understand, then #bankpoints# would be an account-wide, persistent value, and #@bankpoints# would be a temporary value? If I'm on the right track, then I totally get this now, woo hoo! One last question... What is the difference between, say, #bankpoints and #bankpoints#? Are they just two separate variables, or does adding the extra # on the end have some purpose? Thanks.
  16. Put it in a card...? I'm not exactly sure what you were trying to do, but this doesn't have anything to do with a card. You need to make a new custom item, and then have that item call on the YourGuide.txt script that I uploaded. Follow these exact instructions: 1) Open item_db2.txt 2) Add this code: 14815,YOURGUIDE,Your Guide,11,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_WARP"; },{},{} 3) Next, download the YourGuide.txt script I uploaded before. 4) Open your npc folder. Inside that folder, make a new folder called "custom1". 5) Place YourGuide.txt inside the custom1 folder. 5) Now, open npc/scripts_custom. 5) Add this line: npc: npc/custom1/YourGuide.txt. 6) Now you need to make your custom item. I'm assuming you know how to do this. If you don't, you need to do some research and figure out how. You need to edit files in your data folder. You also need to make sure that you've done everything correctly and that you have the right item ID. If you follow all of the steps I just gave you, and you know how to make a custom item, then this should 100% work. I know because I tested it myself on my own server and it works perfectly, so if something is wrong, re-examine your steps. Keep at it, good luck!
  17. No problem, hope it all works for you. Let me know how it goes!
  18. I've attached the file. All you need to do is create an item with that item script and add this new script to your custom npc folder and it should work. Don't forget to enable it in scripts_custom. This new one I designed for your player not only warp to specific locations, but also view some character information such as the amount of zeny in their bank account, their character name, guild, ID number, and also the real time and date. Again, if you have any trouble getting it to work let me know. Best of luck. YourGuide.txt
  19. I'm going to make something pretty cool for you. I'll post it in about 15 minutes.
  20. I'm not sure what you're asking mate. If you need a script that will let you warp to specific areas so the item will work, then I can make it for you, just give me the name of the maps you want players to warp to, and the coordinates.
  21. This can be done, in fact, I've already created this myself. All you need to do is create an item which isn't destroyed upon use, and then have it call on a function, like a warper. In result, when you click on that item, it will bring up the NPC that you've set it to call upon, so if your NPC is nothing but a box with a list of warp options, then you're good to go. Firstly, go to your item_db2.txt or wherever you keep your custom items and add this line of code: 14815,WARPCARD,Warp Card,11,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_WARP"; },{},{} This is the code for the custom item that's going to let you use this feature. I'm assuming you know how to make this item exist in the game, so just give it the item name and ID you desire and create it. When the user clicks on the item it won't be destroyed, making it a permanently usable way for warping or doing anything else you desire. Now that you have the code for the item, you want to set the function that the item is going to call upon. Go into the script you want to invoke, and add this to the very top of the script: function script F_WARP { Now, any time a player clicks on your warp card, it will execute the script that you've placed that function in. So, if you placed that code at the top of the standard Warper.txt script, it would open up the warper each time your player uses the card. I hope this helps, if you have further need of assistance, let me know! Best of luck.
  22. I didn't get to actually try this out till recently, but you were correct. I just put my shop script in the invoking script and gave it a unique name and it worked. I guess it just needs to be in the file. Thanks mate.
  23. Hey guys, I'm pretty familiar with variables (I use them in almost every script I make), but quite honestly, my knowledge of variables is somewhat of a piecemeal of seeing them used in other scripts and simply copying what I see. I know where and when to use certain variables, but I don't know why I'm using them. I understand the basic jist of how variables work, but what I'm not understanding is the difference between, say, "$var$" and $@var$. Is this basically a combining of variables, such that the variable applies to more than one thing? At this point, all I really understand about variables is that they allow you to store values very easily, and depending on which variable you use, the value will be linked to a different function like an account ID, player ID, etc. But I'm not understanding the underlying complexities of variables and how multiple variables can be combined to achieve different effects. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  24. mes "[Kafra]"; mes "Your Save Point has been established."; getmapxy(@m$,@x,@y,0); savepoint @m$,@x,@y; close; There you go.
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