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  1. hola gente de rathena como están necesito su ayuda si me pueden ayudar por favor. le adjunto la scrip del npc que la he sacado de otro foro y una foto, e implementado las alas que quiero que el npc las cambio por los item que el pide, como si pueden observar la foto parecen unos hat que yo he borrado los item, pero nose donde eliminar los hat, para que no aparezcan en la quest si me pudieran ayudar les agradeceria mucho por favor cera el post ya encontrela solucion gracias por su ayuda hightwing.txt
  2. hola gente de rathena como están necesito su ayuda si me pueden ayudar por favor. le adjunto la scrip del npc que la he sacado de otro foro y una foto, e implementado las alas que quiero que el npc las cambio por los item que el pide, como si pueden observar la foto parecen unos hat que yo he borrado los item, pero nose donde eliminar los hat, para que no aparezcan en la quest si me pudieran ayudar les agradeceria mucho ya lo solucione gracias tenia una copia d mi npc hajaja XD hightwing.txt
  3. hola gente de rathena como están necesito su ayuda si me pueden ayudar por favor. le adjunto la scrip del npc que la he sacado de otro foro y una foto, e implementado las alas que quiero que el npc las cambio por los item que el pide, como si pueden observar la foto parecen unos hat que yo he borrado los item, pero nose donde eliminar los hat, para que no aparezcan en la quest si me pudieran ayudar les agradeceria mucho hightwing.txt
  4. hola gente de rAthena tengo un pequeño problema al modificar la def en mi server. Al momento de subir de nivel en mi server renewal me aumenta la def, específicamente lo que ocurre es que por cada 2 niveles me da uno de def. Donde se encuentra esa formula para poder modificarla , para que no me suba la def cuando suba de lvl. si me podrían ayudar se los agradecería mucho
  5. hello I'm trying to implement custom item example (wings, hat ...) but does not show the sprite equipped, I've done everything I've reviewed one by one all the right directions the EXE is 2013/08 / 07a if someone can help me fix the problem
  6. flako_207

    Item Custom

    Hola amigos, tengo un gran dilema comensamos armar un servidor con unos amigos, lo cual a colocar item el problema es que al momento de equipar no se ven en el PJ las alas pero si se equipan he hecho de todo he seguido las guías y todo pero aun nada me podrían ayudar Perdón se me olvido comentar que la versión ocupara es la 45
  7. the faults is "Disconnecting session with ......... p:0x626a.l:19" in memo No active "Disable Packet Encryption" -> Server "Disconnecting session with ......... p:0x22c7.l:19" Solution : in memo No active "Disable Packet Encryption" -> Server "Disconnecting session with ......... p:0x22c7.l:19" I wrote wrong [x] Packet First Key Encryption = ? = 0x0c244256->server [x] Packet Second Key Encryption = ? = 0x48e146DD ->server [x] Packet Second Key Encryption = ? very thanks,
  8. I use memo but it gave me an error, like, what would diff settings If you could give. said // Packet obfuscation? 100%google
  9. help me please, I do not know how I can configure package cito: as i read further on that thread, DIFF with: Packet First Encryption,Second Encryption and third with same in packet_db.txt's packet_use_keys xDiff faults my Xdiff Exception Source: mscorlib Exception Type: System.FormatException Exception Message: La cadena de entrada no tiene el formato correcto. Exception Target Site: StringToNumber en System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) en System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) en System.Byte.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) en System.Byte.Parse(String s) en xDiffPatcher.DiffChange.GetNewValue(DiffPatch p) en xDiffPatcher.DiffFile.ApplyPatch(DiffPatch patch, Byte[]& buf, BinaryReader r) en xDiffPatcher.DiffFile.Patch(String inputFile, String fileName) en xDiffPatcher.frmMain.btnSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) Additional info: Diff File: 2013-08-07aRagexe.xdiff Patches: [x] Allow Chat Flood (? lines) [ ] Allow space in guild name [ ] Cancel to Login Window [x] Change Gravity Error Handler [ ] GM Chat Color [ ] Guild Chat Color [ ] Main Chat Color [ ] Other Party Chat Color [ ] Your Party Chat Color [ ] OtherPlayer Chat Color [ ] Your Player Chat Color [x] Custom Window Title [ ] Disable 1rag1 type parameters [ ] Disable 4 Letter UserCharacter Limit [ ] Disable 4 Letter UserID Limit [ ] Disable 4 Letter UserPassword Limit [ ] Disable ba_frostjoke.txt [ ] Disable dc_scream.txt [x] Disable Ragexe Filename Check [x] Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen [x] Disable HShield [ ] Disable Packet Encryption [x] Disable Swear Filter [x] Enable 64k Hairstyle [x] Enable Custom 3D Bones [x] EnableDNSSupport [x] Enable Multiple GRFs [ ] Enable Official Custom Fonts [x] Enable Title Bar Menu [x] Enforce Official Login Background [ ] Extended Chat Box [ ] Extended Chat Room Box [ ] ExtendNpcBox [ ] Extended PM Box [ ] Fix Camera Angles [ ] Fix Camera Angles (LESS) [ ] Fix Camera Angles (FULL) [ ] Fix Camera Angles [ ] Fix Camera Angles (LESS) [ ] Fix Camera Angles (FULL) [x] @ Bug Fix (Recommended) [ ] HKLM To HKCU [x] Ignore Missing File Error [x] Ignore Missing Palette Error [ ] Increase Screenshot Quality [x] Increase Headgear ViewID to 5000 [ ] Increase Zoom Out 50% [x] Increase Zoom Out 75% [ ] Increase Zoom Out Max [ ] Increase Zoom Out 50% [x] Increase Zoom Out 75% [ ] Increase Zoom Out Max [ ] Load ItemInfo.lua before lub [x] KOREA ServiceType XML Fix [x] Only First Login Background [x] Only Second Login Background [x] Only First Login Background [x] Only Second Login Background [x] Packet First Key Encryption = ? = 0x0c244256->server [x] Packet Second Key Encryption = ? = 0x48e146DD ->server [x] Packet Second Key Encryption = ? [ ] Disable Quake skill effect [x] Read Data Folder First [x] Read msgstringtable.txt [ ] Read questid2display.txt [ ] Remove GM Sprites [x] Remove Gravity Ads [x] Remove Gravity Logo [ ] Remove Hourly Annonce [x] Remove Serial Display [x] Restore Login Window [x] Disable Nagle Algorithm [ ] Shared Body Palettes Type1 [ ] Shared Body Palettes Type2 [ ] Shared Body Palettes Type1 [ ] Shared Body Palettes Type2 [ ] Shared Head Palettes Type1 [ ] Shared Head Palettes Type2 [ ] Shared Head Palettes Type1 [ ] Shared Head Palettes Type2 [x] Skip License Screen [ ] Skip Resurrection Buttons [ ] Use SSO Login Packet [x] Translate Client In English [x] Ascii & Arial on All Langtypes [ ] Use Custom Aura Sprites [ ] Use Normal Guild Brackets [ ] Use Plain Text Descriptions [x] Use Ragnarok Icon [x] eXtract MsgStringTable.txt [x] eXtract txt file strings gracias por su ayuda (100% google)
  10. help me please, I do not know how I can configure package cito: as i read further on that thread, DIFF with: Packet First Encryption,Second Encryption and third with same in packet_db.txt's packet_use_keys xDiff faults my Xdiff Exception Source: mscorlib Exception Type: System.FormatException Exception Message: La cadena de entrada no tiene el formato correcto. Exception Target Site: StringToNumber en System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) en System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) en System.Byte.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) en System.Byte.Parse(String s) en xDiffPatcher.DiffChange.GetNewValue(DiffPatch p) en xDiffPatcher.DiffFile.ApplyPatch(DiffPatch patch, Byte[]& buf, BinaryReader r) en xDiffPatcher.DiffFile.Patch(String inputFile, String fileName) en xDiffPatcher.frmMain.btnSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) Additional info: Diff File: 2013-08-07aRagexe.xdiff Patches: [x] Allow Chat Flood (? lines) [ ] Allow space in guild name [ ] Cancel to Login Window [x] Change Gravity Error Handler [ ] GM Chat Color [ ] Guild Chat Color [ ] Main Chat Color [ ] Other Party Chat Color [ ] Your Party Chat Color [ ] OtherPlayer Chat Color [ ] Your Player Chat Color [x] Custom Window Title [ ] Disable 1rag1 type parameters [ ] Disable 4 Letter UserCharacter Limit [ ] Disable 4 Letter UserID Limit [ ] Disable 4 Letter UserPassword Limit [ ] Disable ba_frostjoke.txt [ ] Disable dc_scream.txt [x] Disable Ragexe Filename Check [x] Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen [x] Disable HShield [ ] Disable Packet Encryption [x] Disable Swear Filter [x] Enable 64k Hairstyle [x] Enable Custom 3D Bones [x] EnableDNSSupport [x] Enable Multiple GRFs [ ] Enable Official Custom Fonts [x] Enable Title Bar Menu [x] Enforce Official Login Background [ ] Extended Chat Box [ ] Extended Chat Room Box [ ] ExtendNpcBox [ ] Extended PM Box [ ] Fix Camera Angles [ ] Fix Camera Angles (LESS) [ ] Fix Camera Angles (FULL) [ ] Fix Camera Angles [ ] Fix Camera Angles (LESS) [ ] Fix Camera Angles (FULL) [x] @ Bug Fix (Recommended) [ ] HKLM To HKCU [x] Ignore Missing File Error [x] Ignore Missing Palette Error [ ] Increase Screenshot Quality [x] Increase Headgear ViewID to 5000 [ ] Increase Zoom Out 50% [x] Increase Zoom Out 75% [ ] Increase Zoom Out Max [ ] Increase Zoom Out 50% [x] Increase Zoom Out 75% [ ] Increase Zoom Out Max [ ] Load ItemInfo.lua before lub [x] KOREA ServiceType XML Fix [x] Only First Login Background [x] Only Second Login Background [x] Only First Login Background [x] Only Second Login Background [x] Packet First Key Encryption = ? = 0x0c244256->server [x] Packet Second Key Encryption = ? = 0x48e146DD ->server [x] Packet Second Key Encryption = ? [ ] Disable Quake skill effect [x] Read Data Folder First [x] Read msgstringtable.txt [ ] Read questid2display.txt [ ] Remove GM Sprites [x] Remove Gravity Ads [x] Remove Gravity Logo [ ] Remove Hourly Annonce [x] Remove Serial Display [x] Restore Login Window [x] Disable Nagle Algorithm [ ] Shared Body Palettes Type1 [ ] Shared Body Palettes Type2 [ ] Shared Body Palettes Type1 [ ] Shared Body Palettes Type2 [ ] Shared Head Palettes Type1 [ ] Shared Head Palettes Type2 [ ] Shared Head Palettes Type1 [ ] Shared Head Palettes Type2 [x] Skip License Screen [ ] Skip Resurrection Buttons [ ] Use SSO Login Packet [x] Translate Client In English [x] Ascii & Arial on All Langtypes [ ] Use Custom Aura Sprites [ ] Use Normal Guild Brackets [ ] Use Plain Text Descriptions [x] Use Ragnarok Icon [x] eXtract MsgStringTable.txt [x] eXtract txt file strings gracias por su ayuda (100% google)
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