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Pink Guy

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Everything posted by Pink Guy

  1. Can someone please help me or give me a NPC script wherein it's a bulletin board and the features are like this... • Players will choose "Make a new Message" or "Read Recent Messages". • Their message must start with S> or T> or B> for the npc to put it in the board. • It will cost them 1,000,000 zeny to put a message in the bulletin. This was implemented in blackout Ragnarok Online before.. I just want the script as well.. I hope someone give me some of their time to help me . To whoever helps me, Thank you Very Much.
  2. In Flavius and other BG Npc, there's like a 70% Chance that it won't work and the participants won't be included as participants so they can kill each other even though they are in the same "team" but actually they're not since they don't have the Symbol on top of their head.
  3. Can someone please give me download link for a bugless Battlegrounds? I don't know if this goes to the scripting section or here but anyway please help me. Thanks.
  4. Thanks Emistry, btw do I need to do something to make this script work like src edits? or I'll just put it in the server?
  5. Whenever I equip it, it looks fine the only thing is nothing changes in alt+q (atk) when I equip it.
  6. Can someone please help me with a announce NPC script that shuffles my desired messages every 15 mins? And can you please make the lines up to 10 messages? thanks.
  7. Here's my script: 30013,P_Incubus_Wings,P_Incubus_Wings,5,0,,0,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,15,2,1,,1,1,1029,{ if(sex==1)bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bStr,1; bonus bAgi,1; bonus bVit,1; bonus bInt,1; bonus bDex,1; bonus bLuk,1; },{},{} I am using it w/ male character but it doesn't appear in alt+q.. nothing happens.. Help please.
  8. just what the title says... help naman... and if possible put 1 example para mas clear ( ty!
  9. I made a novice suit and a novice suit for the "novice riding poring" thing.. can someone teach me how to make it as an Item?
  10. same here.. need it as well
  11. Uh I got a auto broadcast npc script but when I reloaded the script and restart the server (added to script_custom) nothing happens.. can someone help me edit it or tell me what's wrong? Do I need src edits and stuff? - script News -1,{ OnInit: set .Time,180; // Announce every x Seconds. setarray .News$[0], // Random Message to be Announced "Respect all the players of the server especially the GMs.", "Please report all bugs that you find immediately by using @request.", "Do not impersonate any player or GMs on the server.", "Reminder: GM's don't edit their characters(they don't have commands).", "Please Speak in English in the Maintown or suffer the consequences.", "Remember: Your Account and Items is your responsibility.", "Welcome to your RO!!", "Whoever counquers the Opened Castles will get 30 Mithril Coins Per Guild", "No More Salary to the Losing Guilds, You now Support your own Guild", while(1) { announce .News$[ rand( getarraysize( .News$ ) ) ],0; sleep ( .Time * 1000 ); } end; }
  12. I already did that.. look.. //-- CH_SOULCOLLECT 401,0,[color=#ff0000]0[/color],0,600000,0 //-- MO_INVESTIGATE 266,1000,[color=#ff0000]0[/color],0,0,0 //-- MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE 267,1000,[color=#ff0000]0[/color],0:200:400:600:800,0,0 //-- KN_BOWLINGBASH 8203,700,[color=#ff0000]0[/color],0,0,0 HELP PLEASE (.. btw do you guys think it's my client? I am using renewal.. so do you think I need xray?
  13. so pano po i disable ang item na mai send throught mail system? kasi po daming dupers using mail system ehh
  14. So I am running a server which is max lvl 500/120 and the max stat is 450.. So This server needs really good spamming but due to some reasons.. I can't spam some skills that fast. Here's the information: Max attackspeed is 197. min_skill_delay_limit: 0[/font] [font=Arial, Verdana, Tahoma,]delay_rate: 0[/font] [color=#465584][font=Courier,]no_skill_delay: 3 [/color] Oh yeah, I can't spam especially the Finger Offensive and Bowling Bash skill. Please help me I am using eathena revision and Renewal client.
  15. Where can I get mounts that I can add to my server and how would I do it? I want to put like a "mount suit". If someone can help me then that would be really lovely.
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