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Everything posted by pukapukay

  1. Hi there how to contact you?

  2. hi, there, My server got leaks. and it cause lag's / spike 0002 : db.c line 1387 size 40 address 0x0xa8b773dc 0004 : map.c line 2151 size 12 address 0x0xa8a639fc 0001 : db.c line 1387 size 40 address 0x0xaa06954c 0022 : map.c line 2151 size 12 address 0x0xa91e0b6c 0012 : map.c line 2151 size 12 address 0x0xa9148a6c 0001 : pc.c line 2855 size 23 address 0x0xad8a0454 0002 : pc.c line 2856 size 31 address 0x0xad8a0814 0003 : pc.c line 2855 size 41 address 0x0xa9a75c74 0004 : pc.c line 2856 size 34 address 0x0xa9a75cb4 I am using ramod Zyphyr
  3. PLease somebody help me... That script got error.. . It says"You cant exchange anymore for today." But 3days past already somebody help me please
  4. If I'm correct this is the syntax of Setarray setarray <array name>[<first value>],<value>{,<value>...<value>}; https://rathena.org/wiki/Setarray Setarray Array Name [Value ],ItemID,HowMany; If you would like to add another rewards it must be Setarray .Reward[1],ItemiD,x; - I am newbie on scripting . Sorry if its not right.. But guessing That's the reason why it has [0] on Reward[0]
  5. Hi, Help! I want my Coin in inventory can sell to NPC that has a limit to sell for everyday maximum limit is 10 . Please Help prontera,170,160,2 script Zeny Coin Trader 109,{ if ( #coin_exchange_limit && #coin_exchange_limit < .today_date && #coin_exchange_limit > .daily_max ) { } mes "Zeny Coin Trader"; mes "Hi " + strcharinfo(0) + ", nice to meet you )"; next; mes "Zeny Coin Trader"; mes "."; mes "I can BUY and SELL"; mes "Lucent Official Coin"; next; mes "Zeny Coin Trader"; mes "I can Only buy or sell coins"; mes "for Maximum of 10"; next; while( 1 ) { switch( select("I want to SELL Lucent Official Coin:I want to BUY Lucent Official Coin") ) { case 1: mes "Zeny Coin Trader"; mes "Are you Sure, Your going to sell your coins?"; switch(select("Yes! I have a lot of Coins!")) { mes "Ok Here You go"; Case 1: next; if ( !countitem(674) ) { mes "Zeny Coin Trader"; mes "I can buy that for 1,000,000 Zeny."; mes "Tell me How Many Lucent Coin You will SELL?."; next; mes "You didnt have Lucent Official Coin."; }else{ mes "You have "+countitem(674)+" Lucent Official Coin."; input @Amount,0,countitem(674); next; if ( !@Amount || (( .Rates * @Amount ) + Zeny ) > 1000000000 ) { mes "You didnt have Lucent Official Coin."; } else { delitem 674,@Amount; mes "Converted "+@Amount+" of Lucent Official Coin into Zeny."; mes "Gained Total of "+( .Rates * @Amount )+" of Zeny."; set Zeny,Zeny + ( .Rates * @Amount ); } } } next; close; case 2: if ( .daily_max && #coin_exchange_limit >= .daily_max ) { mes "You cant exchange anymore for today."; } else if ( Zeny < .Rate ) { mes "You didnt have enough Zeny."; } else { mes "You have "+Zeny+" Zeny."; mes "How many Lucent Official Coin you want ?"; set .@max,( Zeny / .Rate ); if ( .daily_max ) if ( .@max > ( .daily_max - #coin_exchange_limit ) ) mes "You can get maximum of "+( Zeny / .Rate )+" Lucent Official Coin."; input @Amount,0,.@max; if ( !@Amount ) { mes "Deal Cancelled."; } else { set Zeny,Zeny - ( @Amount * .Rate ); mes "Converted "+( @Amount * .Rate )+" Zeny into "+@Amount+" Lucent Official Coin."; getitem 674,@Amount; set #coin_exchange_limit,#coin_exchange_limit + @Amount; } } next; break; } } close; OnInit: // 1 Lucent Official Coin = How Many Zeny ? set .daily_max,10; set .Rates,1000000; set .Rate,1500000; OnClock0000: set .today_date,atoi( gettimestr( "%Y%m%d",10 ) ); end; } | Btw. Thanks To Emistry. For Helping 10 limit on Buying Coin , Now. I want to make a limit on Selling Coin SORRY BAD ENGLISH--
  6. is there a possible script that the player can view how many vendors and player are online .. Using @showonline
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