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Posts posted by OscarScorp

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm looking to move some of the 3rd job skills to the 2nd job skill tree.
    For now, I want to move Axe Tornado and Axe Boomerang (from Mechanic) to Blacksmith's skill tree, but even if I edited a few files server and client side, I am able to use and level up these skills but these show up in the 3rd job tab in my skill tree window.
    (Img 1) Blacksmith's Skill tree window: https://imgur.com/rKex4Ny
    (Img 2) Blacksmith's 3rd job tab: https://imgur.com/WxoxqTd
    Also, Mechanic remains with the same skill tree (including supposedly removed abilities), overlapping skills: https://imgur.com/Xxe32cT
    (As you can see, I've modified the positioning of a few skills, pay no attention to this)

    What I need help with is to move these skills to the 2nd job tab and make them no longer show up in the 3rd job tab. Is there a way to do this?

    Edited files within a Data folder (opened) and not Grf, but have Client.exe to read Data folder first.
    Client side:



    		[0] = SKID.BS_IRON,
    		[1] = SKID.BS_STEEL,
    		[5] = SKID.BS_SWORD,
    		[10] = SKID.BS_ADRENALINE,
    		[15] = SKID.BS_ORIDEOCON,
    		[18] = SKID.BS_OVERTHRUST,
    		[24] = SKID.BS_MAXIMIZE,
    		[31] = SKID.BS_ADRENALINE2,
    		[40] = SKID.BS_GREED,
      	[JOBID.JT_MECHANIC] = {
    		[7] = SKID.NC_REPAIR,
    		[10] = SKID.NC_MAINFRAME,
    		[12] = SKID.NC_POWERSWING,
    		[14] = SKID.NC_PILEBUNKER,
    		[15] = SKID.NC_VULCANARM,
    		[16] = SKID.NC_HOVERING,
    		[17] = SKID.NC_SHAPESHIFT,
    		[22] = SKID.NC_COLDSLOWER,
    		[23] = SKID.NC_F_SIDESLIDE,
    		[29] = SKID.NC_ARMSCANNON,
    		[30] = SKID.NC_B_SIDESLIDE,
    		[31] = SKID.NC_ANALYZE,



    Also modified skillinfolist.lub to remove skill prequisites.

    Server side:

    10,2280,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //NC_AXETORNADO#Axe Tornado# //Blacksmith
    10,2278,5,2280,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //NC_AXEBOOMERANG#Axe Boomerang# //Blacksmith
    10,2281,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //NC_SILVERSNIPER#FAW - Silver Sniper# //Blacksmith


    Any help will be appreciated!

  2. Thanks for the link Cyro!
    Sadly, it does not cover every point I'm looking for.

    For example, I'm encountering this issue where, when the new skill is learned through an NPC (because it's a Platinum Skill) and the player levels up JOB, this new skill is forgotten (grayed out, unable to use). The player is forced to talk to the Platinum Skill NPC again in order to re-enable the new skill.

    This appears in console when logging in:

    [Warning]: mmo_char_fromsql: ignoring invalid skill (id=10500,lv=1) of character CHAR (AID=2000001,CID=150001)

    Fixed by changing the Skill ID to 800 (found somewhere that IDs should be between 721 and 850 to "play it safe"), but this only resolves the issue of not showing a Warning error on console.
    Forgetting skill when leveling Job up and logging in still remains.

  3. Hello everyone,

    I have been looking for a proper and updated guide for creating a new custom skill / ability, but so far I've only found pieces of code here and there, and links to "rathena guides" lead me to 404 error, no page found.

    If someone could help me out linking me a complete guide would be very much appreciated, otherwise, we could work together to build a proper and complete guide to create a new custom skill. Meaning, it should include:
    - Modifying server-side files (such as skill.cpp, battle.c, skill.h, and so on).
    - Adding Cooldown, Casting time to skill.
    - Making a Passive, Active or Toggle ability.
    - Adding a visual effect from the existing ones when using this ability.
    - Modifying client-side files (such as skillid.lub, skilldescript.lub, skillinfolist.lub, skilltreeview.lub).
    - Adding a custom BMP and SPR sprite to the Skill.
    - Making it Platinum Quest required skill, meaning it should not be able to apply Skill Points when attempting to learn/level it up, because it would fail to learn/level up at the end.
    - Common issues such as: "Skill forgotten/disabled when logging out, have to talk to Platinum Skill NPC to re-obtain/re-learn it,
     [Warning]: skill_castend_nodamage_id: Unknown skill used:10501.
     [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:10500.
    - Which text will be yelled in-game (i.e. "Double Strafe !!") or to make it so it does not say/yell anything at all.
    - Revising anything else needed (such as new skill being affected by Vulture's Eye and Snake's Eye range,
     skill which requires a Cart equipped in order to be used,
     or skill unable to drag and drop to F12 bar.)

    I will be waiting for your response,
    Thanks in advance!

  4. http://irowiki.org/wiki/Shield_Chain



    • Weapon ATK and Weapon refinement affect the damage .
    • Can use elemental property to dealing extra damage, but its forced to Neutral. Thats means ghost property still reduces the damage.


    Not working on my rAthena, no damage is increased or element is applied if a weapon is equipped.


    Found this but link is dead or broken provided by Ind to me: https://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-5411-rapid-smiting/?gopid=7391


    Element works now, but Damage granted by Weapon issue still remains.

    Note: Issue also applies to Shield Boomerang. Weapon damage is not being added to Shield Boomerang's damage.

  5. Hello everyone,


    I have an issue regarding Warlock's Reading Spell Book skill. It consumes SP of the desired Spell when saving it on Reading Spell Book, then when using Release it also burns SP from the Release skill (20) and the desired Spell.


    Example, if the user charges Crimson Rock which costs 100 SP, the user will spend:

    - 40 sp when casting Reading Spell Book

    - 100 sp when selecting Crimson Rock book

    - 20 sp when casting Release lv2 + additional 100sp.


    Not sure if this is how officially works but according to irowiki nothing confirms this amount of sp spent.

    I would like to change it so it only consumes the desired spell (such as Crimson Rock) when using Reading Spell Book, but not spending the same amount of sp when using release.


    I will check this post whenever I'm able to, thanks in advance!

  6. Hello everyome


    I once played in a server whereas when the player enchants their armor with Apprentice Craftsman NPC, the armor name (text) will now be green, making it easy for player to identify enchanted armors and non-enchanted armors.


    In my server, using rAthena does not happen when I attempt the enchant, I would like to know if it's possible to make this happen.




    Any help will be appreciated :)

    Thanks in advance.

  7. Solved.


    //if (sd)
           //sd->ud.attackabletime = sd->canuseitem_tick = sd->ud.canact_tick;

    I also edited skill_cast_db.txt from:

    // Structure of Database:
    // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time



    Player is now able to move and use other skills after the combo finishes, but the player now can use items while performing the combo hehe... not sure if that's intended or too op.

  8. @Stolao Alright, I think I know how to do that, will try later.


    @nanakiwurtz, indeed, I do that in-game and my client won't show the last character of each line, such as the screenshot attached, it won't show the letter N of "ON".

    @Stolao, I've encountered https://rathena.org/wiki/Clif_Specialeffect, which I can add to the src of the skill, but I can't find where it specifies the target where the effect will be shown. I want the target to have the effect, instead of the caster.


    Does anyone happen to know where I can find the text I'm looking for?

  9. In my server, Flash Combo skill has a 2 second general delay which makes the caster unable to use any other skill, item or even move (walk).


    This happened after an update I made, since before the skill was showing !! only with no text for each combo step. In the src code, was using FLASHCOMBO_ATK_STEP1, 2, 3 and 4.


    After the manual update now it shows the proper names of the skills, therefore using the official skills in order, but the new issue is now there's a 2 second general delay after using Flash Combo.


    My question is, how can I remove this 2 second general delay?


    Here's my skill_cast_db.txt, which I didn't modified at all.

    // Structure of Database:
    // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time

    As you can see, it has no After cast walk delay.



    Here's my skill.c

    case SR_FLASHCOMBO: {
    		const int delay[] = { 0, 250, 500, 2000 };
    		if (sd)
    			sd->ud.attackabletime = sd->canuseitem_tick = sd->ud.canact_tick;
    		for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(combo); i++)			
    			//skill_addtimerskill(src,tick + 500 * i,bl->id,0,0,combo[i],skill_lv,BF_WEAPON,flag|SD_LEVEL);
    			skill_addtimerskill(src,tick + delay[i],bl->id,0,0,combo[i],skill_lv,BF_WEAPON,flag|SD_LEVEL);

    Any help will be appreciated :)

  10. Thanks for the replies guys,


    @Eat Sleep Dota,

    I'm not too advanced on the C code, I call myself a newbie on it, meaning my skills go so far, like, I can create the skill but I have no idea how to attach it to a variable(?) to check for the PKstatus, therefore adding a line in the skill.c to check if the player is in this mode, making it able to receive damage from their own Claymore Traps.


    About the timer reset on hit, that would be awesome but then again, I'm not too experienced with C code.



    I want the player to be able to receive damage from their own traps:

    - Always on BG and WoE Maps, regardless of the PK mode being on/off.

    - Outside these maps, only if the caster has PK mode on, meaning the player can have the mode OFF and receive no damage from their own traps if the user is outside BG and WoE maps.


    * I would love to have it so it also affects PvP maps but since I've edited the script so it's PvP mode in the whole server, I'm not too sure if I can achieve this last part.

  11. Hello everyone,


    I have a server with a working PK mode which enables the user to enter a mode where it can attack and be attacked by others users only if they also have the PK mode turned on.

    This affects the entire server to have all maps with PvP flags.


    Everything was fine until Quagmire and traps such as Claymore Trap also affects the caster, in which cases, leads to the user not even wanting to use the skill since it's a huge risk when leveling.


    We have made some changes so skills such as Quagmire and Claymore Trap does not affect the caster, this may also happen within WoE/BG.


    Problem is, Shadow Chaser-users who wish to use Manhole > Shadow Form > proceed to lay multiple Claymore Traps and step on them to deal damage to the target in the Manhole, won't be able to trigger the Claymore Traps with this protection.


    What I would like to have is to change the code so the mines/quagmire can affect you, regardless if you are inside or outside of WoE/BG maps, only if you activate the PK mode. Meaning, if you have PK mode OFF, these traps/claymore won't affect you if you step on them.

    Another alternative which can also work, is to change the code so it always affect you if you are in WoE/BG maps.


    Code within skill.c

    	case HT_LANDMINE:
    	case MA_LANDMINE:
    	case RL_B_TRAP:
    			struct skill_condition req = skill_get_requirement(sd,skill_id,skill_lv);
    			ARR_FIND(0, MAX_SKILL_ITEM_REQUIRE, i, req.itemid[i] && (req.itemid[i] == ITEMID_TRAP || req.itemid[i] == ITEMID_TRAP_ALLOY));
    			if( i != MAX_SKILL_ITEM_REQUIRE && req.itemid[i] )
    				req_item = req.itemid[i];
    			if( map_flag_gvg(src->m) || map[src->m].flag.battleground )
    				limit *= 4; // longer trap times in WOE [celest]
    			//if( battle_config.vs_traps_bctall && map_flag_vs(src->m) && (src->type&battle_config.vs_traps_bctall) )
    			//	target = BCT_ALL;

    As you can see, there are two commented lines so the casters won't get affected by these skills. How can I change this so casters can affect themselves only in WoE/BG maps or only if PK mode is enabled?


    This is my PK mode in my atcommand.c, taken from https://rathena.org/board/topic/65606-pk-mode-onoff/

    	nullpo_retr(-1, sd);
    	if (!sd->state.pk_mode) {
    	sd->state.pk_mode = 1;
    	clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "PK mode OFF. You're safe, for now...");
    	} else {
    	sd->state.pk_mode = 0;
    	clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "<Player Killing (PK) ON>");
    	return 0;
  12. Oh thanks for inviting me!


    My rAthena revision is: 1772x
    the last X is unknown since my Ro for some reason won't show the last character for every line :S 



    I haven't updated my rAthena since June (2015) or so, I'm not too experienced and the last time I did that it screwed up some of my scripts and custom skills in my server.

  13. Oh you receive bonus damage?

    In my server, there's no damage difference.


    The original effect is to grant bonus matk damage to the weapon (basic attacks) which should not miss and makes proyectiles such as arrows and bullets to not be spent when shooting.


    As you can see, in my server happens the following:

    - As RK user, I can cast Enchant Blade since I changed it to target-friendly in skill_db.

    - As Novice user, I get the Enchant Blade buff but damage is not added. I also miss.


    There's also the thing where the effect always shows up on top of the RK caster but not on the target (in this case, the Novice).



  14. Hello everyone, I am looking for Temporal Boots enchantment item script, specifically for the one placed in the 3rd slot.


    I already have the Expert Archer, Fighting Spirit, etc enchants, which are located in the 4th slot.

    The enchants I am missing are the ones located in the 3rd slot.


    These enchants should be:

    Bear's Power

    When being (physically?) attacked, adds a chance to proc +200 STR for 5 seconds and transforms into a Bigfoot. Consumes 500 HP/sec during activation.


    Adds a chance to proc +200 DEX for 5 seconds when attacking (physically?). Can be activated by skills, like Cart Cannon. Consumes 50 SP/sec during activation.


    Lucky Day
    When physically (and magically?) attacking (and being physically/magically attacked?), adds a chance to proc +200 LUK for 5 seconds. (Adds a chance to obtain a treasure box when killing monsters during activation?)


    Muscle Fool
    When being physically attacked, adds a low chance to proc +1000 DEF (Hard) for 5 seconds, -50% ATK and MATK during activation.


    Runaway Magic
    Each magic attack has a chance to proc +200 INT for 10 seconds. Consumes 200 SP/sec during activation.


    Speed of Light
    Each physical attack has a chance to proc +100% ASPD and +100 Perfect Dodge for 5 seconds. Consumes 400 HP and 40 SP per second during activation.


    More information can be found in the irowiki site: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Enchantment#Temporal_Boots_.28Old_Glast_Heim.29_Enchants

  15. Hello everyone,


    I would like to change Enchant Blade effect to how it worked at first, so you can give it to other players with the benefits of:

    1 - Not spending any type of ammo with this buff.

    2 - Grant bonus attack damage.


    I have managed to modify it in skill_db so it's target-able, so point #1 works, but not #2.


    Anyone here can help me out with this?

    Thanks in advance!

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