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Posts posted by TrueNoir

  1. 20 hours ago, Vykimo said:

    The converter is outdated... it doesnt fit anymore to lua

    I ended up figuring it out but now i seem to have a problem using the monster lub cause it errors on the parsing when i try to compile the scripts my guess is you cant have any similar monster names used in it?

  2. Yeah I was kind of surprised with the new rewrite into c++ that a plugin manager wasn't added for source edits that way it would be easier to port plugins and keep them separate and be able to manage them easily as well as add them in. Cause currently the way things are every new patch the source edits have to completely be redone making it a pain for people selling source modifications and the people who bought them.

  3. On 3/18/2019 at 10:56 PM, confodere said:

    So, I invited some friends from college to play ragnarok. However, we are studying japanese and everybody decided that it would be better to focus on every japanese option we could.

    However, jRO has those problems with IP, so I decided to make a private server in japanese.

    What is needed to change the language? Is editing the GRF necessary? Is there a way to make japanese input?

    Thanks in advance.

    Well the main thing is just the client translations unless your looking for all the quest npc's to be in japanese too. As far as I know there's no  japanese full translations of quests unless there's a aegis  floating  around that was from JRO but it would be pretty far out of date if you can even find one. But with a set of japanese client files you could play pretty much on any server you wanted.

  4. Does anyone know what commands work on the tipbox i know there's /n for line breaks but is there any other commands that work with it cause it seems to overlay the lettering ontop of each making it unreadable and i'm trying to figure out how to fix it.

    Edit: nvm figured it out it just works weird as hell.

  5. Navigation

    Developers of Rathena may request a free copy to help develop rathena SVN   <Send me a PM or feel free to Email me [email protected]>

    These files are the new update to Navigation. The client files haven't been updated for the past year for navigation and I spent the last 3 weeks translating all new korean npc's and adding all the missing updated ones. I'm charging people for it because its time consuming work to keep client files updated and translated. Your welcome to not pay for the update and spend 3 or more weeks working on them yourself and warping to every npc in game to make sure the location and the coordinates are actually correct. Or you can spend a few bucks and have my completed version which i'll keep adding to as more npc's come out. 

    Note: IF npc's don't exist in the game that's related to it just not being added code wise server side that has nothing to do with navigation. But this does give you all the information to find and locate the npc's.


    Files go into data\LuaFiles514\Lua Files\navigation










    Was tested and confirmed working on 2015-11-04aRagexe_patched.exe

    Should work on other client but some clients use pri prefix files. I only cared about renewal but you could use these to translate the other files if you wanted. Eventually I might do both and i'll just add them here.

    And if I do any updates they won't cost extra i'll just update them on here for people to use cause just looking to get something for my hard work instead of providing it for free and every top server using it like KK THANKX and then using it and advertising they have full 16.2 navigation working with all the npc's they coded. Cause this adds all the locations of every single missing npc from episode 13.2 to 16.2 Around 500 npc's where missing from the game pre-episode 16.2


    Added bonus so you can see how useful it is

    aldeba_in,89,56,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#alb 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    amatsu,102,122,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#ama 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    ayo_in01,15,177,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#ayo 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    brasilis,249,257,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#bra 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Comodo
    comodo,103,136,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#como 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Dewata
    dewata,193,169,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#dewa 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Einbroch
    einbroch,164,316,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#ein 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1
    ein_in01,194,22,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#ein1 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // El Dicastes
    dic_in01,242,119,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#dic 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1
    ecl_in01,72,86,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#ecl 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    geffen_in,75,140,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#gef 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    gonryun,147,88,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#gon 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    hugel,76,165,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#hug 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Izlude
    izlude,117,165,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1
    izlude_a,117,165,0 duplicate(Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz) Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz_a 495
    izlude_b,117,165,0 duplicate(Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz) Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz_b 495
    izlude_c,117,165,0 duplicate(Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz) Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz_c 495
    izlude_d,117,165,0 duplicate(Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz) Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#iz_d 495

    lasagna,166,117,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#las 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Lighthalzen
    lhz_in02,29,219,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#lhz 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    lou_in02,241,168,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#lou 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    xmas_in,32,38,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#xma 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Mora
    mora,110,118,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#mora 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    mosk_in,30,246,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#mosk 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    morocc,169,105,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#morc 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Payon
    payon,157,96,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#pay 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Port Malaya
    malaya,286,175,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#ma 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Prontera
    prontera,137,223,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#prt 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    // Rachel
    ra_in01,243,272,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#ra 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    um_in,104,118,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#um 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    ve_in,263,303,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#ve 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1

    yuno,205,116,0 shop Cat Paw Shrimp Trader#yun 495,515:-1,567:-1,11602:-1


    ^ Missing Shops converted from clientfiles


    If you need to contact me: [email protected]


    • Upvote 1
  6. On ‎4‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 7:11 AM, Tokei said:

    Can you describe what you're trying to do? It's almost impossible to help you based on that alone. What's special about the NPC?

    I put the project on hold but what I'm talking about is if you notice from this video i made https://www.twitch.tv/videos/133547893 the npc's talk when you walk near them. So I was wondering if we have some kind of map flag that can be used when a character walks through a certain group of cells to trigger the npctalk command? I'm trying to make it as close to iro as possible which is why I don't really care to do a ontouch when they click on it.

  7. I dont think its your fault cause i tried to do it with one of the other diff programs too and had pretty much the same result unless something changes in the client that ends up making it so the update doesnt apply properly. But it doesnt give any errors are workings. But I do hope that theres a way to fix it cause that would mean when major changes to the client come people won't be able to use a newer client and are going to have to stick to the old ones. It almost seems like the newer client doesnt properly associate the animation gr2's to the model. The only thing I didnt test was trying to add animation into the base model to see if that worked but I tried alot of different settings with the model and nothing worked though it was funny watching it drag across the floor killing stuff.

  8. I tried using 2013-08-07a with the patch for 3dmobs and it seems that none of the animations with these work and here i thought it was because i was making a mistake with the importing of 3dmodels from file but i'm guessing something changed with the 2013 clients. has anyone had any success with a client newer then 2012?


    Would be great if I could get some help or feedback about newer clients cause I was planning on releasing some of my work o-o


  9. Okay so I followed the guide and I'm having an issue when i use the monster in game the textures look fine and all but none of the animation is working. It does work in the granny viewer when i load the animations in but the game isn't using them and they are named like they should be is there something else thats missing from the guide that helps to associate the animations with the model?

  10. So Ive been running the 2013-08-07aRagexe client and while i have a somewhat working msgstringtable.txt i'm having issues when searching mobs clicking on them is crashing the game so i would imagine its gotta be the msgstringtable cause ive tried like everything else i can think of though when i try all of the [2013-08-07aRagexe msgstringtables that are out in all of these packages they are completely wrong because then everything is off so my request is does anyone have a msgstringtable that knows its working i dont care if its in korean at this point cause i'll spend the 200 hours translating it cause not being able to use the navigation system without crashing is total bullshit.

  11. The one thing I was wondering does the client still have the limitations it had before with number of vertical textures and polygons?  Cause it used to be something like anything over 5000 has texture issues up till 6000 and then anything over 7000 was pretty much a crash so with more complex models you actually had to lower the vertical texture amount and smooth the polygons to something simplistic to avoid it crashing. I would imagine monsters wouldnt be so much the issue since they are usually all 1 texture when they are in 3ds but you mentioned animated rsm's so just curious though like the project since ive been working with models from tera online and im pretty sure i can import some of them as well o-o

  12. {
    		15038, --Distance ID
    		101, -- either npc sprite look or type of npc
    		"Dolangmal", --NpcName
    		"프론", --NPC Description
    		114, --x
    		77 --y

    i was also thinking since its a number between 101 to 103 it could be the positioning of the NPC in the navigation window though i've been busy translating it and havent actually tested that out so i think the final verdict is like so


    but thanks for the input lemongrass o-O!

  13. 	{
    		15038, --Distance ID
    		"Dolangmal", --NpcName
    		"프론", --Mapname?
    		114, --x
    		77 --y

    So i'm trying to figure out how the navigation works properly so i can even add custom npc's to the list i'm not sure what the 3rd number is and im not sure if im right about the mapname either if anyone knows how this work that would be helpful





  14. talking about the navigation system for 2013 clients cause i'm using the latest one supported i believe unless theres still issues with the navigation system on this specific client that i'm unaware of i'm guessing it could be something error related based on lua's or something but im not sure.


    Scratch that I figured out what the issue now that i started decompiling my own lub's for navigation I'm just working on learning how they put together the navigation so I can add more of the new npc's to the navigation and working on making custom npc's for navigation as well. I noticed quite alot is still missing translation too so ive been working on that but I will get back to translating the client more again as well. Client's also tricky because while some things work fine with windows 7 some of the changes effect windows 8 slightly differently so I've been invesitating what might be the cause of this as well o-o

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