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Everything posted by patr3k

  1. so i can put like this: checkwug 0;
  2. is warg also include in setrigind? is warg also include in riding?
  3. where can i insert this to last man standing script? if( Class == Job_Novice ){ mes "Novice cant join."; close; } and this one setmadogear 0; setdragon 0; if( ismounting() ) setmounting; setriding 0; setfalcon 0; setcart 0; attached last man standing script lms.txt
  4. what is the right tab for this script /-------------------------------------------------- prontera,156,167,0 warp poringevent 2,2,poring_w01,106,129 //-------------------------------------------------- poring_w01,100,127,4 script Poring Catcher#evnt2 715,{ //--------------------------------------------------
  5. patr3k


    Emistry, Can you help me with that? I don't know how to do it. Please
  6. patr3k


    for example i want to disable the mount and no skills on this map pvp_n_1-3. how can i do that?
  7. patr3k


    How can i set a certain map that you cannot use your skills and you cannot use any mount like pecopeco,mado,warg etc?
  8. No error in console. I mean when i'm about to rent a pecopeco for "Paladin" using that script. It says, "Sorry, please make sure that you have the required job and skill, also not riding one." But i already learned the skills "Riding lvl 1 (Passive), Cavalry Mastery lvl 5 (Passive)".
  9. I'm using this script. But there's no rental for Paladin. Can someone fix this. thanks! //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Breeder //===== By: ================================================== //= Ace //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN 15400 and up. //= Client that supports new mounts. //===== Description: ========================================= //= Known as "Universal Rental NPC" //= Let's a player rent a pecopeco, falcon, cart, warg //= or ride a dragon, gryphon, and mado. //===== Changelog: =========================================== //= 1.1 Added Peco peco option, forgot to. //= Changed KN_RIDING to RK_DRAGONTRAINING //= for renting dragons. //= 1.2 Added restrictions for renting falcons and wargs. //= Added Warg Mastery skill requirement. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= No bugs found so far. //= Please report bugs to me([email protected]) //============================================================ - script gbreeder 448,{ mes "^FF0000Universal Rental NPC^000000"; mes "Greetings " + strcharinfo(0) + "!"; mes "How may I help you today?"; next; switch(select("Rental Services:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "^FF0000Universal Rental NPC^000000"; mes "Please select from the items below:"; switch(select("PecoPeco:Cart:Falcon:Wolf Flute:Dragon:Gryphon:Mado")) { case 1: // Pecopeco if(BaseClass == Job_Swordman && checkriding() == 0 && getskilllv("KN_RIDING") > 0 && Class == 7 || Class == 14) { setriding; mes "There you go, enjoy your Peco Peco!"; close; } else { mes "Sorry, please make sure that you have the required job and skill, also not riding one."; close; } case 2: // Cart if((BaseClass == Job_Merchant || Base_Job == Job_SuperNovice) && checkcart() == 0 && getskilllv("MC_PUSHCART") > 0) { setcart; mes "There you go, enjoy your cart!"; close; } else { mes "Sorry, please make sure that you have the required job and skill, also not having a cart."; close; } case 3: // Falcon if(BaseJob != Job_Archer && BaseClass == Job_Archer && checkfalcon() == 0 && getskilllv("HT_FALCON") > 0) { if((Class == Job_Ranger || Class == Job_Ranger_T) && checkriding()) { mes "Sorry, You can't rent a falcon while having a warg with you."; close; } else { setfalcon; mes "There you go, have fun with your falcon!"; close; } } else { mes "Sorry, please make sure that you have the required job and skill, also not having a falcon."; close; } case 4: // Warg if(BaseClass == Job_Archer && countitem(6124) == 0 && getskilllv("RA_WUGMASTERY") > 0 && Class == Job_Ranger || Class == Job_Ranger_T) { if(checkfalcon()) { mes "Sorry, You can't rent a warg while having a falcon with you."; close; } else { getitem 6124, 1; mes "There you go, have fun calling your Warg!"; close; } } else { mes "Sorry, please make sure that you have the required job and skill."; close; } case 5: // Dragon if(checkriding() == 0 && getskilllv("KN_RIDING") > 0 && getskilllv("RK_DRAGONTRAINING") > 0 && Class == 4060 || Class == 4054) { atcommand "@mount"; setriding; mes "There you go, don't let your dragon bite you!"; close; } else { mes "Sorry, please make sure that you have the required job and skill, and not riding one."; close; } case 6: // Gryphon if(checkriding() == 0 && getskilllv("KN_RIDING") > 0 && Class == 4066 || Class == 4073) { atcommand "@mount"; setriding; mes "There you go, fly away with your gryphon... if you can."; mes "*Laughing*"; close; } else { mes "Sorry, please make sure that you have the required job and skill, and not riding one."; close; } case 7: // Mado if(BaseJob != Job_Merchant && BaseClass == Job_Merchant && checkriding() == 0 && getskilllv("NC_MADOLICENCE") > 0 && Class == 4064 || Class == 4058) { atcommand "@mount"; setriding; mes "There you go, be proud of your Mado!"; close; } else { mes "Sorry, please make sure that you have the required job and skill, and not riding one."; close; } } case 2: mes "^FF0000Universal Rental NPC^000000"; mes "Alright, come again!"; close; } } //===== Duplicates: ========================================== prontera, 158, 185, 4 duplicate(gbreeder) Rental#1 448 //============================================================
  10. patr3k


    My setup.exe (blue ghost) is not working.. I'm trying the full screen mode but it is not working.. still in window mode.. Any help please.....
  11. patr3k


    okay got it! Thanks a lot!
  12. patr3k


    in myphpadmin: Use tables: do i have to select item_db_re? SQL query on database ragnarok: ( i insert this in the text box?) REPLACE INTO `item_db_re` VALUES (19513,'Chicken_Bill','Chicken Bill',5,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,4096,NULL,1,NULL,699,NULL,NULL,NULL); then submit query?
  13. patr3k


    what do you mean by snippet? can you give me an example how to do it or a guide. Thank you in advance.
  14. patr3k


    How can i update my item_db.sql in my phpmysql if there's changeset in item_db.sql from rAthena?
  15. patr3k

    MvP Tomb

    How can i turn off this MvP tomb?
  16. patr3k

    Turbo Room

    Some of my players getting client error when they entered the turbo room. i don't know what causing it. I already changed lots of npc's already to old one.
  17. I already config everything. I tried it at home. I also uploaded all the files in my hosting. I run my patcher then it updates everything. But some other players can't patch their client it says " failed to patch " or " runtime error". How can i solve this problem?
  18. how can i fix this? Warning: set_time_limit() [function.set-time-limit]: Cannot set time limit in safe mode in /home/XXXX/public_html/cp/index.php on line 73
  19. This script was edited by Kisuka for me. Can you guys edit this for me again please? Account base only not an ip base please please
  20. Can someone help me wtih this script? I want an account base not an ip base. amatsu,116,146,3 script Seyra 90,{ set .@n$, "[seyra]"; setarray .@rwd[0],2115,1,2357,1,2421,1,2524,1; // Rewards: <item id>,<item amount> query_sql ("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`=" + getcharid(3) + "", .@lip$); if ( getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") > 0 || #NewbieGift > 0) { mes .@n$; mes "I'm sorry, the rewards are exclusively for new players."; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Welcome! Here are some free gifts"; mes "for newcomers:"; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rwd); set .@i, .@i + 2 ) mes .@rwd[.@i+1] + " x " + getitemname(.@rwd[.@i]); close2; set #NewbieGift, 1; setd "$" + .@lip$ + "_NG", getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") + 1; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rwd); set .@i, .@i + 2 ) getitem .@rwd[.@i], .@rwd[.@i+1]; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Newbie Gift!",0; end; }
  21. Thanks for the info.
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