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Posts posted by ragnazorg

  1. So you're a dedicated server owner and your server crashed but it didn't save your core or crash dumps.

    How to enable it?

    Login with your root account.

    Look for etc/security/limits.conf

    make sure to un-comment this line.

    #* soft core unlimited

    Do remember # means its commented. Now if you want to remove the comment it should be

    *			   soft	core			unlimited

    Then restart your server.

  2. Hi I'm using this for my woe restriction for third jobs and trans

    -    script    resrtiction    -1,{
    if (!agitcheck()) { end; }
    getmapxy .@map$,.@x,.@y,0;
    setarray .@castlemaps$[0],"arug_cas04","schg_cas02","schg_cas03";

    I wonder since !agitcheck checks the running woe what about Battlegrounds?

  3. 1st. Im no longer using simple english read my 1st post. cant understand? go to LA, California and look for me.

    2nd. Do not spam nonsense message here, and do not mess up here.

    3rd. If you are going to post again, I'm not going to compete to a person like you

    compete with a person like you.

    much better to close this thread some fools messing up with this thread.

    much better to remove the user who spam this thread with no credibility/good engrish and is using this board to advertise his services by his signature


    • Upvote 3
  4. I'm an IPB licensed customer and I never received any news like that LOL.

    1st. Im no longer using simple english read my 1st post. cant understand? go to LA, California and look for me.

    2nd. Do not spam nonsense message here, and do not mess up here.

    3rd. If you are going to post again, I'm not going to compete to a person like you

    I never received any news like that.

    1. Oh really? u mad bro?

    2. Non sense message here? Please check my posts if its non sense. Basing form both our capability and judging from all our posts in this new forum I guess people can compare who posts non sense between us.

    3. Oh okay I'm just amazed how you respond to constructive criticisms and for people who are asking facts.



    not unless you're the person who doesn't have real IPB license? and is pretending to be a licensed owner who received a news?

    • Upvote 1
  5. Constructive Criticism ain't bad in a developer forum especially if the criticism proves one point or maybe two or three?

    Giving false facts messes things up.

    Link to their news?

    I said suggest, no criticism.

    I don't see it anywhere in your post unless you'll edit it to correct your mistakes.

    haven't you read that news? maybe almost 2-3 months ago.

    read my 1st post

    I said suggest, no criticism.

    so in turn we eAthenians post to the Forum Software available trusted our fellow server owners.

    say what? I don't understand what you mean by that? Can you please re-phrase.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Imo the best forum software s Vbulletin and IPB and I'm not using null version I use the licensed version.

    Please do not even suggest people to use nulled version since we both know it got flaws and issues aside from the fact that it is ILLEGAL.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Now you successfully purchased a domain with webhosting, and you want your control panel separated in your game server. This guide will help you install and configure Flux in your new website.

    Programs needed:




    Tortoise svn

    Files needed:

    Flux exported

    First of you need to check out Flux CP and export it.

    create a folder right click and click svn check out then type in


    once done drag the folder and choose export all items here then choose auto rename.

    A folder named "export of flux cp" (or whatever your folder name is) will appear.

    Connect to your Hosting and create a folder where you want flux to be installed. (ie. main)

    Upload all the files in your export of flux cp to your main folder (or to whatever folder name you want it to)

    Now edit your application.php and severs.php and configure it.

    and done!


    • Upvote 1
  8. Oh wow nice map they have, I wonder am I allowed to add maps in my server too?

    The answer is, yes you are!

    Server Files Needed:




    Client data files Needed:




    viewpointtable.txt (optional)

    Programs Needed:

    Notepad or Notepad++

    MapCache Maker



    GRF Builder

    And of course your maps you wanted to add:

    rsw, gnd, gat & bmp file of your map

    First extract mapcache maker. Copy the Server Files needed in it. (maps_athena.conf to conf/ map_index.txt and map_cache.dat to db/)

    Now make a GRF with all your new custom maps and the edited client data files needed in it.

    For example your map name is (ro_world)

    Open resnametable.txt


    and save.

    For mapnametable.txt add

    ro_world.rsw#Ragnarok World#

    Ragnarok World is the name I want to appear when I /w

    For mp3nametable.txt add


    Or you can choose your own BGM or any custom BGM you might want to add.

    and add the maps in data/

    Then build the grf. Supposing we saved it at D:/ with the file name roworld.grf so it will be at D:/roworld.grf

    Once done, open your mapcache_maker/conf/maps_athena.conf.

    Look for //map: test in maps_athena.conf and add map: ro_world

    //map: test
    map: ro_world

    Now open mapcache_maker/db/map_index.txt and look for //mymap-2 and add ro_world 1250

    ro world 1250

    Once done open grf-files in mapcache_maker/conf/grf-files.txt

    Look for

    // grf: C:pathtoROdata.grf
    // You may add more in this format
    // grf:

    and add

    // grf: C:pathtoROdata.grf
    // You may add more in this format
    // grf:
    grf: D:/Ragnarok/data.grf (this is if your Ragnarok is installed in D:/ragnarok)
    grf: D:/Ragnarok/rdata.grf (this is if your Ragnarok is installed in D:/ragnarok)
    grf: D:/roworld.grf

    Then save your work.

    Now run runme.bat and you will see your maps being cached.

    Now upload the files in mapcache_maker to your eathena folder.




    Create a patch for your server to add the necessary new client data files and restart your server and done!


    Note: Why do I need putty? ( you need it to restart your server) Why do I need filezilla? (You need it to upload files) Why do I need notepad (You need it to edit your txt files) Why do I need a grf builder? (to create a grf you'll need in doing this) Why do I need mapcache_maker? (The reason is obvious read above.)

    • Upvote 1
  9. So basically for years of being someone who uses eathena and 3ceam just like you guys, I noticed a lot of people saying

    HELP!! My server crashed blabla this blabla that.

    Now how can we help you if your server crashed if you're only telling us a few words or lines without the crash dumps.

    For Linux Servers:

    I bet most of you doesn't have GDB installed.

    If you do not have ROOT access to your server, you can try logging on via SSH and type

    sudo apt-get install gdb
    sudo aptitude install gdb

    Now some of you might say, command not found etc etc.

    If this happens and you do not have ROOT access since you're using a vps you can always ask your Host to install GDB for you.

    Now for Servers who have root access you can install gdb by accessing your root and type

    apt-get install gdb

    Now this is sometimes tricky..

    My server didn't save the crash dumps from my last server crash!!

    to check if its enabled type in

    ulimit -c

    If its set to 0 then it means it is disabled and it will not save your crash dumps. Now what you have to do is type in

    ulimit -c 9999999 (or any big number)

    then to check if its now enabled type in

    ulimit -c


    It will give you its now Unlimited.

    Some problems might arise especially if you're in a VPS and you may have to ask your Hosting Provider to set this up for you since most of their system got it disabled. Meaning, no matter how you set it to unlimited it will still return back to 0.

    Once again your server crashed.

    When you check the directory of your SVN you'll see a file named core, or xxx-server_sql.core, or xxx-server.core.

    Normally your server wont crash if its just login/char server. So we will assume its the map server or just to check if its really the map server

    Login to your SSH and type in


    to exit this command type q

    You'll see the processes your computer/server is running. From here you can verify which server crashed.

    Now going back since you have the core file. For example the core file is in trunk/ and its file name it map-server_sql.core all you have to do is

    cd trunk

    gdb map-server map-server_sql.core

    then type

    bt full

    It will show you the crash dumps and you can paste it on pastebin or copy the files here so some developer can take a look onto it.


    • Upvote 2
    • Like 1
  10. Now you're done paying your vps or dedicated machine. But how are you going to install your Ragnarok server in it?

    Here is a simple guide on how to setup your ragnarok server in linux (the easiest way)

    Programs needed:




    Store your details in a notepad and save it somewhere since you might forget your password.

    Connect to your server using putty.

    Host name will be the IP of your vps.


    Once connected type in your username and password


    Now type in

    apt-get install php5 phpmyadmin mysql-server mysql-client apache2 gcc subversion libmysqlclient15-dev make zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev


    Warning: Do not run eAthena as root!

    To not run as root follow this steps

    adduser eathena (or any username you want)


    Follow the steps and it will ask you information such as password etc it will ask you for confirmation by Y or N. Input Y.

    Now to go to your users folder type in

    cd /home/eathena

    You may want to ask why with home/ by default users will have its directory inside home/.


    Now all pre-needs are set up let's start and install eathena!

    mkdir ragnarok (or any names you wish to use)


    Now leaves you three options or branches you want to install

    For Trunk

    svn co http://eathena-project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

    For Renewal

    svn co http://eathena-project.googlecode.com/svn/branches/renewal/

    and For Stable

    svn co http://eathena-project.googlecode.com/svn/branches/stable/

    Now we all know we can choose Txt or SQL for eathena too and you can't run your eathena without choosing one and compiling it.

    For SQL

    make clean
    ./configure --with-mysql
    make sql

    Now if you're running 64 bit system

    make clean
    ./configure --enable-64-bit
    make sql

    For TXT

    make clean
    make txt

    Now that your eathena is compiled you have to install your database if you're using SQL.

    Open your browser with your server ip/phpmyadmin. (i.e. 123.456.789.01/phpmyadmin). Once you're there, create a new database named 'ragnarok' ( or any name you want). Then, navigate to the database and point to privileges. Add a user 'ragnarok' (or anything you want as username) with password 'ragnarok' (or any password you want) that has all privileges to database 'ragnarok' (server database name). Import your main.sql, item_db.sql, item_db2.sql, mob_db.sql and mob_db2.sql, logs.sql. You can configure the user and password as you wish but make sure you edit the files in your conf/import folder.

    This includes changes in





    Now if you want your server to be more secured

    open login.conf, char_conf, map_conf

    and add

    bind_ip: 123.456.789.01 (or your servers ip)

    This is how it will look like.


    bind_ip: 123.456.789.01
    // MySQL Login SQL Server
    login_server_ip: 123.456.789.01
    login_server_port: 3306
    login_server_id: ragnarok
    login_server_pw: ragnarok
    login_server_db: ragnarok
    // Ipban features (SQL only)
    ipban.enable: yes
    ipban.sql.db_hostname: 123.456.789.01
    ipban.sql.db_port: 3306
    ipban.sql.db_username: ragnarok
    ipban.sql.db_password: ragnarok
    ipban.sql.db_database: ragnarok
    ipban.sql.ipban_table: ipbanlist
    // SQL
    account.sql.db_hostname: 123.456.789.01
    account.sql.db_port: 3306
    account.sql.db_username: ragnarok
    account.sql.db_password: ragnarok
    account.sql.db_database: ragnarok


    userid: S1
    passwd: P1
    char_ip: 123.456.789.01
    bind_ip: 123.456.789.01
    map_ip: 123.456.789.01


    userid: S1
    passwd: P1
    login_ip: 123.456.789.01
    bind_ip: 123.456.789.01
    char_ip: 123.456.789.01


    // MySQL Character SQL server
    char_server_ip: 123.456.789.01
    char_server_port: 3306
    char_server_id: ragnarok
    char_server_pw: ragnarok
    char_server_db: ragnarok
    // MySQL Map SQL Server
    map_server_ip: 123.456.789.01
    map_server_port: 3306
    map_server_id: ragnarok
    map_server_pw: ragnarok
    map_server_db: ragnarok
    // MySQL Log SQL Database
    log_db_ip: 123.456.789.01
    log_db_port: 3306
    log_db_id: ragnarok
    log_db_pw: ragnarok
    log_db_db: ragnarok
    // for TXT -> SQL convertors
    db_server_ip: 123.456.789.01
    db_server_port: 3306
    db_server_id: ragnarok
    db_server_pw: ragnarok
    db_server_logindb: ragnarok

    Now you're ready to run your eathena!

    To start

    ./athena-start start

    To Stop

    ./athena-start stop


    • Upvote 1
  11. Hello,

    I am using eamod and I have my own randomizer for the Battlegrounds where in they can join Battlegrounds even if it already started. It uses a chatroom to send people in the Battleground. What I want the script to do is kick the player inside the pub if the Battleground mode hasn't started yet.

    Thank you.

    bat_room,155,123,4    script    Rushb::RushbR_Random    852,{
       waitingroom "Rush Third",1,"Rushb::OnDoB_RushbR",1;

  12. For the paid services, I really do hope we can contribute a list of scammers since we all know there are a lot of them in eathena. Hopefully in paid service section they can at least donate a certain amount like 5$ or 10$ to the community and maybe those funds will be used for further projects (ie. getting own hosting ) etc. They can or maybe the admin team can approve their advertisements like banners or whatever to a certain extent that their banners must be in this size to make sure the forums will still load fast. Hopefully before approving anyone on the Paid section they must have 1. Legit website 2. Privacy policy 3. TOS and AUP 4. Contact information 5. Refund/Return/Cancellation Policy 6. Samples of work done 7. Referrals by previous clients.

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