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Everything posted by caspa

  1. caspa

    Round Basis

    every time a round finish it will add a +1 round so if round 1 is done round 2 will be announce...... i would also like to put this on you BG_emp script coz it does not work [ mapannounce "bat_a01", "Round "+ .round++ +" start!", 0; ] it only keeps saying round 0 start round 0 start then after that final round starts......
  2. I would just like to know how to make a Per Round Basis Like After The 1st Round The Game Resets Then Announce The 2nd Round Is About To Begin... it is like this [ mapannounce "poring_c01", "Round "+ .round+1 * .round+1 +" For The Poring Catcher, STARTS", 0; ]
  3. annie u rock....................... i love you much....................
  4. anybody has a perfect solution? i'll pay 2$ via paypal........
  5. i've tried what you've posted ryokem and whenever i enter a name even though its online it keeps saying character not found............
  6. plss give me the conversion codes for the errors and the for set code on image number 2..... coz im a stupid person who cant understand even a simple variable changes............... thx in advanced
  7. so i should put || set .score, [.winside]+1; || is this correct?
  8. hahahahahahaha.................. this topic has become who know's the code more rather than fixing the script =D .................... BOOM!!
  9. @ annie : ms. annie can you make this script usable into eathena SVN files or the 3ceAm SVN files plsssssss.......... =========================================================================================== Coz this is what i'll use for the GOTM =D
  10. ================================================================================= I'm Getting Some kind of Error on line 8. P.S : Im using a 3ceAm SVN files ================================================================================ I've also tried the other but its a little bit different on what i ask, coz what i want is like this 1. input name = [ john ] 2. showing list of characters on john account : 3. search character [ john ]-> offline other character [ xverdugo ] - online other character [ mitson ] - offline something like this so even if the paladin john is offline you would still know that he is online becoz his sniper which is xverdugo is ON =D
  11. Is it possible for me to ask you sir Euphy to fix the script into 3ceAm File?
  12. - script bg_emp#control -1,{ OnInit: setarray .rewarditem, 673, 5; // reward to the winning team set .winningscore, 2; // final score to win set .eventlasting, 1200; // abort the system if there's no progress, 1200 seconds = 20 mins sleep 1; disablenpc .rednpcname$; disablenpc .bluenpcname$; end; OnStart: if ( getwaitingroomstate( 0, .rednpcname$ ) < .minplayer2start || getwaitingroomstate( 0, .bluenpcname$ ) < .minplayer2start ) end; set .red, waitingroom2bg( "bat_a01", 171,346, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedDead", .rednpcname$ ); copyarray .team1aid, $@arenamembers, $@arenamembersnum; set .blue, waitingroom2bg( "bat_a01", 162,50, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueDead", .bluenpcname$ ); copyarray .team2aid, $@arenamembers, $@arenamembersnum; delwaitingroom .rednpcname$; delwaitingroom .bluenpcname$; disablenpc .rednpcname$; disablenpc .bluenpcname$; bg_warp .red, "bat_a01", 171,346; bg_warp .blue, "bat_a01", 162,50; setwall "bat_a01", 154,51, 6, 4, 0, "bg_emp_town_blue"; setwall "bat_a01", 164,347, 6, 4, 0, "bg_emp_town_red"; bg_updatescore "bat_a01", 0, 0; sleep 6000; if ( .inprogress == 0 ) goto L_Abort; mapannounce "bat_a01", "Rules are simple. The first one to break the opponent's emperium will get a score.", 0; sleep 3000; if ( .inprogress == 0 ) goto L_Abort; mapannounce "bat_a01", "Score "+ .winningscore +" rounds to win ! ... GET READY", 0; sleep 2000; if ( .inprogress == 0 ) goto L_Abort; while (1) { for ( .@i = 5; .@i > 0; .@i-- ) { mapannounce "bat_a01", .@i +"", 0; sleep 1000; if ( .inprogress == 0 ) goto L_Abort; } if ( .score[1] == .winningscore -1 && .score[2] == .winningscore -1 ) mapannounce "bat_a01", "Final Round start!", 0; else mapannounce "bat_a01", "Round "+ .round++ +" start!", 0; bg_monster .red,"bat_a01",171,346, "--ja--",1915, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnRedDown"; bg_monster .blue,"bat_a01",162,50, "--ja--",1914, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBlueDown"; delwall "bg_emp_town_red"; delwall "bg_emp_town_blue"; sleep .eventlasting * 1000; if ( .inprogress == 0 ) goto L_Abort; .score[ .winside ]++; bg_updatescore "bat_a01", .score[1], .score[2]; killmonster "bat_a01", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnRedDown"; killmonster "bat_a01", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBlueDown"; if ( .winside ) mapannounce "bat_a01", .empkiller$ +" has Destroy "+( ( .winside == 1 )?"Blue":"Red" )+"'s side Emperium. "+( ( .winside == 1 )?"Red":"Blue" )+" team score a point !", 0; if ( .score[1] == .winningscore || .score[2] == .winningscore || !.winside ) break; sleep 5000; if ( .inprogress == 0 ) goto L_Abort; bg_warp .red, "bat_a01", 171,346; bg_warp .blue, "bat_a01", 162,50; setwall "bat_a01", 154,51, 6, 4, 0, "bg_emp_town_blue"; setwall "bat_a01", 164,347, 6, 4, 0, "bg_emp_town_red"; .winside = 0; } if ( .winside ) { mapannounce "bat_a01", ( ( .winside == 1 )?"Red":"Blue" )+" side wins !", 0; .@size = getarraysize( getd(".team"+ .winside +"aid") ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) getitem .rewarditem[0], .rewarditem[1], getd(".team"+ .winside +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ); } else mapannounce "bat_a01", "Time Out. Aborting the match.", 0; sleep 5000; L_Abort: bg_warp .red, "prontera", 155,182; bg_warp .blue, "prontera", 158,182; bg_destroy .red; bg_destroy .blue; delwall "bg_emp_town_red"; delwall "bg_emp_town_blue"; .round = .winside = .score[0] = .score[1] = .inprogress = 0; end; OnRedDown: callsub L_EmpDown, 2; OnBlueDown: callsub L_EmpDown, 1; L_EmpDown: .empkiller$ = strcharinfo(0); .winside = getarg(0); awake strnpcinfo(3); OnRedDead: OnBlueDead: end; } prontera,156,186,5 script gm_start 100,{ if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) { mes "I only talk to gm"; close; } if ( getvariableofnpc( .inprogress, "bg_emp#control" ) ) { mes "abort ?"; next; if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; awake "bg_emp#control"; killmonster "bat_a01", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnRedDown"; killmonster "bat_a01", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBlueDown"; delwaitingroom getvariableofnpc( .rednpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ); delwaitingroom getvariableofnpc( .bluenpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ); disablenpc getvariableofnpc( .rednpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ); disablenpc getvariableofnpc( .bluenpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ); announce strcharinfo(0) +" has abort the battleground", 0; close; } mes "select how many players to start"; next; input .@a; if ( .@a == 0 || .@a > 30 ) close; set getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ), .@a; announce strcharinfo(0) +" has hosted "+ .@a +"vs"+ .@a +" battleground", 0; enablenpc getvariableofnpc( .rednpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ); enablenpc getvariableofnpc( .bluenpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ); donpcevent getvariableofnpc( .rednpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ) +"::OnStart"; donpcevent getvariableofnpc( .bluenpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ) +"::OnStart"; set getvariableofnpc( .inprogress, "bg_emp#control" ), 1; close; } prontera,155,182,5 script Red side#bg_emp 100,{ end; OnStart: waitingroom "Red side", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ) +1, "bg_emp#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ); end; OnInit: set getvariableofnpc( .rednpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ), strnpcinfo(0); end; } prontera,158,182,5 script Blue side#bg_emp 100,{ end; OnStart: waitingroom "Blue side", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ) +1, "bg_emp#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ); end; OnInit: set getvariableofnpc( .bluenpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ), strnpcinfo(0); end; } bat_a01 mapflag battleground 2 bat_a01 mapflag nosave SavePoint bat_a01 mapflag nowarp bat_a01 mapflag nowarpto bat_a01 mapflag noteleport bat_a01 mapflag nomemo bat_a01 mapflag nopenalty bat_a01 mapflag nobranch bat_a01 mapflag noicewall -Also, I'm using 3ceAm
  13. I would like to request for Player Checker NPC...... It's an NPC where you input a certain name, then the npc shows the character that you've input along with all the other character in that account and tells you whether which character is online or he is currently using.....
  14. SOLVED!! thank you so much to @EvilPuncker =D
  15. hahahahahaha!! for your information im just a player in a certain RO and i was talking to a friend admin from that server and he just stated some event type idea but he does not know how to put the time script =D............ so he told me if i could post some topic on how to put the date on script............ because he's going to get busy today and will not have some time for posting something here... because his internet connection during the that particular current time is slow because he is playing in a crowded net shop whereas mostly in that time the net shop is full and a lot of fools are browsing stuff and watching anime's or korean dramas in youtube. =D
  16. sir!! thank you for your concern but i dont want to learn scripting!! i just want you to spoil me and give the script directly!! =D /// no offense!! ========================================== i just want a direct script with a set-up of mes "today is *example* = "August 01, 2012" with no time =D
  17. how to put date on script like ======================== mes " today is "current date" close; } ========================
  18. the sprite for the monk and the baby monk class are the same.. the size reduction occur in the client i just dont know which part!! T_T
  19. where can i edit the code for the size of the baby class characters? i want to edit it that when i change to baby monk class i would get the "baby monk" job however it would stay as the same size as the monk character!! no reduce size................. plssssssssssssss i really need help on this one..............
  20. where can i edit the status icon description?
  21. dude ive got problems regarding the item script,, it works however i can still use the skill the attack and when i attack the 90% icon disappear =========================================== BUMP BUMP BUMP ============================================ ANYBODY out there who can help with this itemscript?
  22. is there a way to put an item script where it function as "when equipped you automatically becomes overweight 90%" ================================================================= i would also like to know if its possible to remove the overweight icon 90%? i just want the message "you cant attack because you are overweight" or something like that!! and no icon would appear.
  23. @ mysterious : dude i already try editing the sprite making it twice bigger than tha normal size so that when it becomes a baby it would reduce its size to the original form however it has no effect,, tha char is still small just like how the size of a baby is and its when it return to normal it looks twice as the normal or it looks like the size of how i edit it.... a little help plsss i really need to find where the size reduction occur. =========================================================== BUMP,,,, anybody out there who could help me with the problem?
  24. http://www.mediafire.com/?1nlp435oc6kl2fb can somebody download this and make this into an npc plsss........
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