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Everything posted by hannah

  1. I follow like 10 guides, however, even when i finally set my custom job (ID 4216) i set the sprites in all the folders ands luas i still see a novice sprite Can anyone help me?
  2. Its an oficial sprite from iro
  3. You can do it if the mob spawn is on a determinated cell, for example, foe example areamonster "prontera",95,108,113,87,"Poring",1002,1,"efect::OnMobKilled"; - script event -1,{ OnMobKilled: EFFECTS end; } this is the only way i can figure it out, im not sure if it helps u
  4. Ahi esta la guia =) Usa la wiki para las demas cosas, está todo ahi http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Maps
  5. U can use this prontera,155,187,5 script maxlvl 100,{ OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if(BaseLevel < 99) end; .@cid = getcharid(0); .@sender$ = strnpcinfo(1); .@title$ = "MaxLvl"; .@zeny = 999; .@itemid = 1201; .@amount = 1; .@refine = 5; .@attribute = 0; .@card0 = 4001; .@card1 = 4002; .@card2 = 4003; .@card3 = 4004; .@msg$ = "Congratulations you finally reach the '"+.@title$+"'. You have received "+.@amount+" "+getitemname(.@itemid)+"s and "+.@zeny+" zennies."; sendmail .@cid, .@sender$, .@title$, .@msg$, .@zeny, .@itemid, .@amount, .@refine, .@attribute, .@card0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3; end; } I have this configuration for all my rewards, i hope it help u
  6. I guess u need replace here the maps u want to use for pvp stats, i'm no 100% sure, but maybe tonelli can correct me if i'm wrong //==== On PvP Player Kill End ================================ - script pvppckilldie -1,{ OnInit: set .MaxPlayers,25; set .Options,4; // .Option,4; Bugged? - Implemented Fix [Needs Test] setarray .@maps$[0],"aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[5],"gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[10],"payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[15],"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05"; end; OnPCKillEvent: if(getgmlevel()<1) && (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { if(.@maps$[0-20] == strcharinfo(3)){ end; } else if(getgmlevel()<1) { set pvpkillcount, pvpkillcount+1; set pvpkillspree, pvpkillspree+1; if(pvpkillcount>0) && (pvpdeathcount>0) { dispbottom "PvP Kill Count: "+pvpkillcount+", PvP Death Count: "+pvpdeathcount+", PvP KDR: "+callfunc("KDR_Calc", pvpkillcount, pvpdeathcount)+":1"; } else if(pvpkillcount>0) && (pvpdeathcount==0) { dispbottom "PvP Kill Count: "+pvpkillcount+", PvP Death Count: "+pvpdeathcount+", PvP KDR: "+pvpkillcount+":1"; } else if(pvpkillcount==0) && (pvpdeathcount>0) { dispbottom "PvP Kill Count: "+pvpkillcount+", PvP Death Count: "+pvpdeathcount+", PvP KDR: 0:"+pvpdeathcount+""; } else { dispbottom "PvP Kill Count: "+pvpkillcount+", PvP Death Count: "+pvpdeathcount+", PvP KDR: 0:0"; } for(set $pvppos,0; $pvppos < .MaxPlayers; set $pvppos,$pvppos+1){ if(pvpkillcount>$pvpxrank[$pvppos]){ if($pvpxrank$[$pvppos] != strcharinfo(0)){ setarray $pvpxrank$[$pvppos+1],$pvpxrank$[$pvppos]; setarray $pvpxrank[$pvppos+1],$pvpxrank[$pvppos]; } setarray $pvpxrank$[$pvppos],strcharinfo(0); setarray $pvpxrank[$pvppos],pvpkillcount; if($pvppos<=1){ $pvppos = 1; sleep 1; end; } else if(.Options&4) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" Now Holds Rank "+$pvppos+" on the PvP Ladder",bc_all; } } } sleep 1; }} end; } //=== On PvP Player Kill End =============================== //==== On PvP Player Death =================================== - script pvppcdiekilled -1,{ OnInit: setarray .@maps$[0],"aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[5],"gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[10],"payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[15],"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05"; end; OnPCDieEvent: if(getgmlevel()<1) && (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { if(.@maps$[0-20] == strcharinfo(3)){ end; } else if ( killerrid < 100000000 ) && (getgmlevel()<1) { announce rid2name(killerrid) + " just killed " + strcharinfo(0) + "!",bc_all; message rid2name(killerrid),"You just killed " + strcharinfo(0) +"!"; set pvpdeathcount, pvpdeathcount+1; if(pvpkillspree>xpvpspree) set xpvpspree, xpvpspree = pvpkillspree; pvpkillspree = 0; dispbottom "PvP Death Count is now "+pvpdeathcount+", and PvP Killing Spree Reset."; end; }} } //=== On PvP Player Death End ==============================
  7. U try with an if inside? 619,Unripe_Apple,Unripe Apple,2,1000,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{if (mobid )pet 1002,...;},{},{} i dont know if something like this could work the red part is cause i dont remember how get the mob id x_x!!
  8. wow thanks tons!!! u dont have any idea of how hapy i am now xD thanks!!
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