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Posts posted by windston

  1. Hello,

    At least two players who are playing as a TK are having problems with their skills disappearing when the teleport or move between maps.


    I'm having the same issue. Hit 90 with my TK ranker, and at first
    everything was fine, but when I go between maps, my skills disapear
    except for 3. When I go back to the previous map the skills are


    Ok, so now every time I teleport, it changes alternating between 'all skills' and 'no skills'

    Does anyone know what is causing this and what I can do to fix it permanently, I tried just getting them to reset their skills but the issue still remains. If I just remove all of their skills and give them back their skill points, once they add their points back into skills it just start happening again.

  2. Every once in a while the char server will disconnect from the map server and just constantly keep trying to reconnect. During this time players who are already in game can still play but no one can log in and in game players cant get back to the char select screen. The only way I have found to fix it, is to restart the server.

    Does anyone know what is causing this? I really need to fix this.

  3. I have manually patched everything but when I go to compile I get these errors

    1>..\src\map\atcommand.c(9121): error C2065: 'atcommand_reloadachievements' : undeclared identifier
    1>..\src\map\atcommand.c(9121): warning C4047: 'initializing' : 'AtCommandFunc' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
    1>..\src\map\atcommand.c(9122): error C2065: 'atcommand_achievem' : undeclared identifier
    1>..\src\map\atcommand.c(9122): warning C4047: 'initializing' : 'AtCommandFunc' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'

    And these are what my 9121-9122 lines look like


    Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

  4. original topic from eAthena


    I have no idea this script so famous <.<

    I rewrite this script again


    well, no need description I guess


    how to add prize?

    Yeah is it possible to set it to give all winning players items instead of spawning treasure chests?

  5. Is there any way to assure that any items equiped in the costume tab will not give any stat/def bonus's. Im trying to work on a NPC that will transfer normal headgears into costume headgears and I want to make it so the resulting item doesnt give any stats without having to manually do it for every item in the itemdb.txt.


  6. All character names seem to be appearing above their heads instead of under the char.



    So when someone talks the text of their speech and name blend together and make it hard to read. Is there any way to move char names to be underneath, also is there any way to make character names a bit bolder? As they are a bit hard to read right now.

    I am using a 2012-04-10 client.

  7. Yes they are different. The reason for this is that item A is not tradable but B is, so if players want to trade their item A's they need to exchange them at a lower rate to item B.

    Item A -> Item B (1:8)
    For every 1 item A you exchange you recieve 8 item B. (exmaple: A players gives NPC 4 Item A, they recieve 32 item B in exchange)

    Item B -> Item A (10:1)

    For every 10 item B you exchange you recieve 1 item A (example: A player gives NPC 30 Item B, they revieve 3 item A in exchange)

    EDIT: I have managed to write the script myself. If I encounter any errors I will reply again otherwise don't worry about posting anything else in the topic for now.

  8. Hello I need a NPC that allows player to exchange item A to item B, and vice versa.

    The NPC needs two options, a player can trade 1 itemA for 8 itemB.
    Or trade 10 itemB for 1 item A.

    The player must also be able to tell how many they want to exchange with a input box. If the players says they want to exchange 7 item A's, then the NPC will check to make sure they have enough then remove those items from the players inventory and give them 56 (8*7) item B. The same for when trading from item B -> item A.


    You can use any placeholder item id for both of the item A and B. I will change it to my custom item later when I have decided on the item ID.


    Hopefully I explained that well enough.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks.



    my sv have a problem with the click: sometime, when I click far about 6 cells, the character doesn't move, but when I click near the char - it moves.... Normaly, if I click far about 10 cell, the charater always moves - the problem just appears sometime but still annoy me :< .... I'm so confused. Hope someone can help me  :(

    disable official walkpath..if your between an obstacle you can only do no more than 14 walk path cells beyond that you cannot go to that cell...




    hey same here specially when i click my NPC custom my character doesnt move it happens when i update my svn but someone tells me that i need to update my NPC scripts too...the problem is i dont know how to fix or update the scripts
    its an npc problem..you must change close to end if your using a script without dialog..because its more appropriate to use end than close..

    i've done to checking the script of the npc healer and w/  walkpath also, i think the problem is in the update of rathena updates.

    my problem is in the Healer NPC i also try to change the Healer NPC.

    same problem occurred my character stock on a place, but before the updates its working fine



    Yeah I thought it might have started after I updated rathena but wasn't sure, hope it gets fixed soon.

  10. same problem here. my client is 2012-04-10. when I click my Healer npc 7 cells away or just beside the NPC I still cannot move. still need to warp again to make my character move. :D

    Yeah I have same problem with same client, also I am using default healer NPC that comes in rAthena.

  11. Is it possible to have this VIP be activated by an item with a function.


    9119,VIP_28day,VIP Membership(28 days),2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_VIPstart", 2419200; },{},{}

    Something like that? With separate items/functions for silver/gold/plat.


    If so what would the function script look like?

    Or have it so it sets VIP time through an actual NPC that deletes the item from the players inventory, so a GM doesnt have to manually set each account.

  12. That part of the script is in the quests_13_1.txt not the quests_13_2.txt.

    What version is your quests_13_1.txt? I currently use 2.0 and have no problems with it.


    Copy the script in the above link and put it in your current quests_13_1.txt file, it is the same version I use.

    Note: At the end of the script there is a NPC that allows players to bypass Onward to the New World quest and just teleport right to MId Camp, if you do not wish for your players to skip the quest just remove that end part about the warper.

  13. That script seems to upgrade thing all the way to a certain +, like automatically to +4 for example.

    The way the purified refiner works is like this.

    You must have a +7 Gear to start him upgrading.

    He will describe the riskiness of the upgrade attempt of that particular item so you can double check you are upgrading the right item.

    Choose Purified Ore and the upgrade attempt will be made.

    If you pass it is +1

    If you fail it is -1

  14. There is a advanced refinder in Payon called Suhnbi but he uses enriched oridecon and elumium not purified.

    Also he just increases success chance, if you still fail you lose the item.

  15. I put in the Guardian of Yggdrasil script into my server, but players seem to run into a loop of dialog and cannot progress at all. They have also finished all of the new world quests, I tried searching and I keep seeing that I need to change the variables in the Guardian of Yggdrasil script. However I am not too sure which ones to change.

    EDIT: I have fixed the problem.

  16. I have a NPC where players can choose from a bunch of different headgears, but right now have them as lists.


    Here is example of code:

    t1:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "2nd Anniversary Hat",109,5105;
    t2:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "2nd Anniversary Hat",144,5486;
    t3:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "2nd Anniversary Party Hat",144,5106;
    t4:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "4 Years Anniversary Hat",144,5432;
    t5:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Academy 1st Stage Completion Hat",410,5407;
    t6:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Academy Freshman Hat",409,5406;
    t7:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Advanced Mini Propeller",270,5226;
    t8:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Aerial",97,5011;
    t9:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Alice Doll",208,5137;
    t10:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Angel Blessing",260,5207;
    t11:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Angel Helm",290,5025;
    t12:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Angel Wing",38,2254;
    t13:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Angel's Kiss",255,5125;
    t14:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Angeling Hat",204,5132;
    t15:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Angeling Pin",222,5153;
    t16:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Antenna",347,5333;
    t17:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Antlers",71,2284;
    t18:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Apple of Archer",72,2285;
    t19:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Army Cap",48,2261;
    t20:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Australian Flag Hat",304,5264;
    t21:        callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Autumn Leaves",241,5270;

    I want to add more headgears but problem is its sorted alphabetically so I would have to go and change all the t1, t2, t3 ,tx, etc after the new submission.

    So I was wondering if anyone could help me with making it have a input function?

    Like a window comes up and telll the players to insert a item ID, then it checks if that ID is in the list if not tells them to try again but if it is then proceds with the script.

    The Item ID are the last value and are seen as getarg(4) by the script.

    t21: callsub S_GetHeadgear,"top",500, "Autumn Leaves",241,5270;

    So if anyone could help me with this I would be very thankful.

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