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  1. Pavi

    Using Setd/Getd

    Thank you both so much,I spent forever trying to understand setd/getd! I'll definitely practice more with these,again thanks!
  2. Hey guys,so I was looking at the commands "Setd" and "Getd" I understand that they turn a variable into a string, So here's what I tried... mes "Very well please pick what kind of gaurdian you'd like to summon."; switch(select("-^E41B17Seekers^000000:-^E41B17Pushers^000000:-^E41B17Attackers^000000:-^E41B17Warpers^000000:-^157DECKing Spawns^000000")){ next; case 1: mes @name$; setd .Seekers,"SummonType"; callfunc "Summon_Type"; case 2: mes @name$; setd .Pushers,"SummonType"; callfunc "Summon_Type"; setarray .Seekers[0],2680,2681,2682,2683; //Monster ID arrays setarray .Pushers[0],2684,2685,2686,2687; } function script Summon_Type { for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(getd("SummonType")); set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+strmobinfo(1,getd("SummonType")+[.@i])+" CM Cost- "+getd("SummonType")+[.@i]+" Point Cost- "+getd("SummonType")+[.@i]+":"; set .@selected,select(.@menu$)-1; So,what I was aiming for,was to set the array names to one common name,so I didn't have to use a bunch of functions,I thought the best way to do this would be using the setd/getd,but the script isn't quite working right.Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong and possibly give a clear example of the setd/getd (I tried the wiki one but I didn't quite understand it) P.S: Sorry if this comes off as confusing,it's kinda hard to convey what I'm sorry.
  3. map,123,123,5 script [Test Script] 105,{ mes "Hello what label you want to go??"; mes "label1 or label 2??"; next; input .label$; if((.label$ != "label1") || (.label$ != "label2")){ mes "I'm sorry but your input was not a valid label"; close; } goto .label$; // if input the label is incorrect we have failed message like sorry your label is not correct.. label1: mes "this is label 1"; close; label2: mes "this is label 2"; close; } Try this. I noticed you didn't put a "$" at the end of the .label input, meaning it wouldn't of been counted as a text string.
  4. Pavi

    Array Confusion

    Is there no way to make it similiar to a switch(select( For instance,if they did pick the "Morocc": setarray .@maps$[0],"morocc","alberta","izlude","xmas","comodo"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@maps$); set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+.@maps$[.@i]+" ("+getmapusers(.@maps$[.@i])+"):"; switch(select(.@menu$)){ case 1: next; mes "You've select Morocc"; close;
  5. Pavi

    Array Confusion

    I was just trying to get all the variables in the array to print out in a menu,so I didn't have to put them all in one one by one by myself xD
  6. Hey guys,just messing around with arrays right now,and for some reason my menu won't come up(Well it comes up,but there are no options within it) when I tried making it dynamic,this is actually my first array used menu,so I'm a lil' lost,does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? setarray @cities$[0],"Morocc","Alberta","Izlude","Lutie","Comodo","Yuno","Amatsu","Gonryun","Umbala","Niflheim","Louyang","Jawaii","Ayothaya","Einbroch","Lighthalzen","Einbech","Hugel","Rachel","Veins","Moscovia"; for(set .@n,0; .@n<getarraysize(@cities$); set .@n, .@n+1) { set .@selectcity$[.@m],@cities$[.@n]; set .@m,.@m+1; } set @selectmenu$,getarraysize(.@selectcity$[0]); for(set .@i,1; .@i <getarraysize(.@selectcity$); set .@i,.@i+1) set @selectmenu$, @selectmenu$+":"+.@selectcity$[.@i]; select(.@selectmenu$);
  7. I suggest looking at this post,the original creator is CarlosHenrq on eAthena,it's a source edit adding getitemparty,a scripting command that does just that,gives the whole party an item. Link to original post: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=252556 Link to the patch: http://carlos-scripts.googlecode.com/svn/snippets/eAthena/3ceam/getitemparty.patch Hope this is somewhat what you were looking for.
  8. Are you sure your PCRE is installed?Try using the MouseJstr script(Pasted Below,it's also found in doc/sample/npc_pcre.txt) If the MouseJstr doesn't work,then your PCRE isn't installed correctly,if it does then let me take a look at your full script. prontera,152,181,5<%TAB%> script<%TAB%>MouseJstr<%TAB%>763,{[/color] // hello Lquote0: npctalk "How do you do. Please state your problem."; end; // computer Lquote1: switch(rand(4)) { case 0: npctalk "Do computers worry you?"; break; case 1: npctalk "What do you think about machines?"; break; case 2: npctalk "Why do you mention computers?"; break; case 3: npctalk "What do you think machines have to do with your problem?"; break; } end; // name Lquote2: npctalk "I am not interested in names"; end; // sorry Lquote3: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Please don't apologize"; break; case 1: npctalk "Apologies are not necessary"; break; case 2: npctalk "What feelings do you have when you apologize"; break; } end; // I remember $@p2$ Lquote4: switch(rand(6)) { case 0: npctalk "Do you often think of "+$@p2$+"?"; break; case 1: npctalk "Does thinking of "+$@p2$+" bring anything else to mind?"; break; case 2: npctalk "What else do you remember?"; break; case 3: npctalk "Why do you recall "+$@p2$+" right now?"; break; case 4: npctalk "What in the present situation reminds you of "+$@p2$+"?"; break; case 5: npctalk "What is the connection between me and "+$@p2$+"?"; break; } end; // do you remember Lquote5: switch (rand(4)) { case 0: npctalk "Did you think I would forget "+$@p2$+" ?"; break; case 1: npctalk "Why do you think I should recall "+$@p2$+" now"; break; case 2: npctalk "What about "+$@p2$+""; break; case 3: npctalk "You mentioned "+$@p2$+""; break; } end; // if Lquote6: switch(rand(4)) { case 0: npctalk "Do you really think its likely that "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "Do you wish that "+$@p2$+"?"; break; case 2: npctalk "What do you think about "+$@p2$+"?"; break; case 3: npctalk "Really-- if "+$@p2$+"?"; break; } end; // i dreamt Lquote7: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Really-- "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "Have you ever fantasized "+$@p2$+" while you were awake?"; break; case 2: npctalk "Have you dreamt "+$@p2$+" before?"; break; } end; // dream about Lquote8: npctalk "How do you feel about "+$@p2$+" in reality?"; end; // dream Lquote9: switch(rand(4)) { case 0: npctalk "What does this dream suggest to you?"; break; case 1: npctalk "Do you dream often?"; break; case 2: npctalk "What persons appear in your dreams?"; break; case 3: npctalk "Don't you believe that dream has to do with your problem?"; break; } end; // my mother Lquote10: switch(rand(2)) { case 0: npctalk "Who else in your family "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "Tell me more about your family"; break; } end; // my father Lquote11: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Your father"; break; case 1: npctalk "Does he influence you strongly?"; break; case 2: npctalk "What else comes to mind when you think of your father?"; break; } end; // I want Lquote12: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "What would it mean if you got "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "Why do you want "+$@p2$+""; break; case 2: npctalk "Suppose you got "+$@p2$+" soon"; break; } end; // I am glad Lquote13: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "How have I helped you to be "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "What makes you happy just now"; break; case 2: npctalk "Can you explain why you are suddenly "+$@p2$+""; break; } end; // I am sad Lquote14: switch(rand(2)) { case 0: npctalk "I am sorry to hear you are depressed"; break; case 1: npctalk "I'm sure its not pleasant to be sad"; break; } end; // $@p2 are like "+$@p3$+" Lquote15: npctalk "What resemblance do you see between "+$@p2$+" and "+$@p3$+""; end; // "+$@p2$+" is like "+$@p3$+" Lquote16: switch(rand(4)) { case 0: npctalk "In what way is it that "+$@p2$+" is like "+$@p3$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "What resemblance do you see?"; break; case 2: npctalk "Could there really be some connection?"; break; case 3: npctalk "How?"; break; } end; // alike Lquote17: switch(rand(2)) { case 0: npctalk "In what way?"; break; case 1: npctalk "What similarities are there?"; break; } end; // same Lquote18: npctalk "What other connections do you see?"; end; // I was "+$@p2$+" Lquote19: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Were you really?"; break; case 1: npctalk "Perhaps I already knew you were "+$@p2$+""; break; case 2: npctalk "Why do you tell me you were "+$@p2$+" now?"; break; } end; // was I Lquote20: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "What if you were "+$@p2$+" ?"; break; case 1: npctalk "Do you thin you were "+$@p2$+""; break; case 2: npctalk "What would it mean if you were "+$@p2$+""; break; } end; // I am Lquote21: switch(rand(2)) { case 0: npctalk "In what way are you "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "Do you want to be "+$@p2$+" ?"; break; } end; // am I Lquote22: switch(rand(4)) { case 0: npctalk "Do you believe you are "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "Would you want to be "+$@p2$+""; break; case 2: npctalk "You wish I would tell you you are "+$@p2$+""; break; case 3: npctalk "What would it mean if you were "+$@p2$+""; break; } end; // am Lquote23: switch(rand(2)) { case 0: npctalk "Why do you say AM?"; break; case 1: npctalk "I don't understand that"; break; } end; // are you Lquote24: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Why are you interested in whether I am "+$@p2$+" or not?"; break; case 1: npctalk "Would you prefer if I weren't "+$@p2$+""; break; case 2: npctalk "Perhaps I am "+$@p2$+" in your fantasies"; break; } end; // you are Lquote25: npctalk "What makes you think I am "+$@p2$+" ?"; end; // because Lquote26: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Is that the real reason?"; break; case 1: npctalk "What other reasons might there be?"; break; case 2: npctalk "Does that reason seem to explain anything else?"; break; } end; // were you Lquote27: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Perhaps I was "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "What do you think?"; break; case 2: npctalk "What if I had been "+$@p2$+""; break; } end; // I can't Lquote28: switch(rand(2)) { case 0: npctalk "Maybe you could "+$@p3$+" now"; break; case 1: npctalk "What if you could "+$@p3$+" ?"; break; } end; // I feel Lquote29: npctalk "Do you often feel "+$@p2$+" ?"; end; // I felt Lquote30: npctalk "What other feelings do you have?"; end; // $@p1$ I $@p2$ you $@p3$ Lquote31: npctalk "Perhaps in your fantasy we "+$@p3$+" each other?"; end; // why don't you Lquote32: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Should you "+$@p3$+" yourself?"; break; case 1: npctalk "Do you believe I don't "+$@p3$+""; break; case 2: npctalk "Perhaps I will "+$@p3$+" in good time"; break; } end; // yes Lquote33: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "You seem quite positive"; break; case 1: npctalk "You are sure?"; break; case 2: npctalk "I understand"; break; } end; // no Lquote34: switch(rand(3)) { case 0: npctalk "Why not?"; break; case 1: npctalk "You are being a bit negative"; break; case 2: npctalk "Are you saying NO just to be negative?"; break; } end; // someone Lquote35: npctalk "Can you be more specific?"; end; // everyone Lquote36: switch(rand(4)) { case 0: npctalk "surely not everyone"; break; case 1: npctalk "Can you think of anyone in particular?"; break; case 2: npctalk "Who for example?"; break; case 3: npctalk "You are thinking of a special person?"; break; } end; // always Lquote37: switch(rand(4)) { case 0: npctalk "Can you think of a specific example?"; break; case 1: npctalk "When?"; break; case 2: npctalk "What incident are you thinking of?"; break; case 3: npctalk "Really-- always?"; break; } end; // what Lquote38: switch(rand(5)) { case 0: npctalk "Why do you ask?"; break; case 1: npctalk "Does that question interest you?"; break; case 2: npctalk "What is it you really want to know?"; break; case 3: npctalk "What do you think?"; break; case 4: npctalk "What comes to your mind when you ask that?"; break; } end; // perhaps Lquote39: npctalk "You do not seem quite certain"; end; // are Lquote40: switch(rand(2)) { case 0: npctalk "Did you think they might not be "+$@p2$+""; break; case 1: npctalk "Possibly they are "+$@p2$; break; } end; // default Lquote41: switch(rand(6)) { case 0: npctalk "Very interesting"; break; case 1: npctalk "I am not sure I understand you fully"; break; case 2: npctalk "What does that suggest to you?"; break; case 3: npctalk "Please continue"; break; case 4: npctalk "Go on"; break; case 5: npctalk "Do you feel strongly about discussing such things?"; break; } end; OnInit: defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\shello.*", "Lquote0"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\scomputer.*", "Lquote1"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sname.*", "Lquote2"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\ssorry.*", "Lquote3"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+remember\\s+(.*)", "Lquote4"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sdo\\s+you\\s+remember\\s+(.*)", "Lquote5"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sif\\s+(.*)", "Lquote6"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+dreamt\\s+(.*)", "Lquote7"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sdream\\s+about\\s+(.*)", "Lquote8"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sdream\\s+(.*)", "Lquote9"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\smy\\s+mother\\s+(.*)", "Lquote10"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\smy\\s+father\\s+(.*)", "Lquote11"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+want\\s+(.*)", "Lquote12"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+am\\s+glad\\s+(.*)", "Lquote13"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):\\s+(.*)\\s+i\\s+am\\s+sad\\s+(.*)", "Lquote14"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):\\s+(.*)\\s+are\\s+like\\s+(.*)", "Lquote15"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):\\s+(.*)\\s+is\\s+like\\s+(.*)", "Lquote16"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\salike\\s+(.*)", "Lquote17"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\ssame\\s+(.*)", "Lquote18"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+was\\s+(.*)", "Lquote19"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\swas\\s+i\\s+(.*)", "Lquote20"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+am\\s+(.*)", "Lquote21"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sam\\s+i\\s+(.*)", "Lquote22"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sam\\s+(.*)", "Lquote23"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sare\\s+you\\s+(.*)", "Lquote24"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\syou\\s+are\\s+(.*)", "Lquote25"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sbecause\\s+(.*)", "Lquote26"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\swere\\s+you\\s+(.*)", "Lquote27"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+(cant|can't|cannot)\\s+(.*)", "Lquote28"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+feel\\s+(.*)", "Lquote29"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+felt\\s+(.*)", "Lquote30"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\si\\s+(.*)\\s+you\\s+(.*)", "Lquote31"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\swhy\\s+(don't|dont)\\s+you\\s+(.*)", "Lquote32"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\syes\\s+(.*)", "Lquote33"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sno\\s+(.*)", "Lquote34"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\ssomeone\\s+(.*)", "Lquote35"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\severyone\\s+(.*)", "Lquote36"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\salways\\s+(.*)", "Lquote37"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\swhat\\s+(.*)", "Lquote38"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sperhaps\\s+(.*)", "Lquote39"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\sare\\s+(.*)", "Lquote40"; defpattern 1, "([^:]+).*)", "Lquote41"; activatepset 1; end; }
  9. (\src\map\battle.c) switch (skill_num) { case AS_SONICBLOW: if (sc && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ASSASIN) ATK_ADDRATE(map_flag_gvg(src->m)?25:100); //+25% dmg on woe/+100% dmg on nonwoe[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Change 25:100 to 25:25
  10. Hey guys,Lemme just jump right in,I'm not the best with SQL commands within scripts,and was practicing recently,this is what I was going for....I created a table.. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_giver` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `reward_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `reward_amount` int(11) NOT NULL, `reward_zeny` int(11) NOT NULL, `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `char_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `collected` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ; And I wanted the max amount of slots to be used is 10. set @nb,query_sql("INSERT INTO `reward_giver` VALUES(NULL,'"+ escape_sql(@reward_item) +"','"+ escape_sql(@reward_amount) +"','"+ escape_sql(@zeny_amount) +"','"+ escape_sql(@charid) +"','"+ escape_sql(@name$) +"','"+ escape_sql(@target$) +"','"+ escape_sql(@collected) +"')"); set $@reward_given,$@reward_given+1; The thing I needed help with was this...after a reward is given,I want the slot to be emptied,and the rest of the slots to move up So if I had slot 2,and I received I reward i want slot 3 to become slot 2,and slot 4 to become slot 3 so on and so forth. I'd imagine I'd use the query_sql(UPDATE command but..I'm not really sure...Thank you in advanced
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