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Golen Maker

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Everything posted by Golen Maker

  1. rev: 17156+ Hexed: 2011-06-14b using ShinsDiffPatcher rev.41 Hosting VPS login_athena.conf packet_db mmo.h clientinfo langtype tested 1 or 8 Obs: In offline mode works on my pc, now online, can not login. I have an emulator running normally with this vps client 20100730. Using RagexeRE 20110614, can not login. ::: RESOLVED :::
  2. Which client should I use for pre-re 2010, 2011 or 2012? Any suggestion? (xxxx/xx/xx)
  3. The problem continues. Could you pass me some folder date that works? Obs: I'm testing with the client 2012-06-18 I used these files as well. http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2527-34-kamishis-hair-dyes-from-127-hair-dyes-pack/ http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2447-corrected-classes-head-sprites/ ::edit:: I do not know how, but the problem stopped on client 2011/06/14
  4. This wearing this one? http://rathena.org/board/topic/54190-release-basic-rathena-client/
  5. Client: 2010-07-30a When I look at the skills alt + s, the client is closed after an error gravity. This is the hairstyle: Hairstyle 9 of pack 43 hairstyle Can you recommend any client that works this hairstyle?
  6. I'm not getting. When I used the eAthena, used as I posted above and it worked. I think the problem is here. Used 1 in eAthena, here 1 does not work this. :::::: edit :::::: Now it worked, since this recording logs. Just changed it for this
  7. How do I save the chat logs without recording sql? enable_logs: 0xFFFFF sql_logs: no log_filter: 1 log_branch: yes log_zeny: 1 log_mvpdrop: yes log_commands: yes log_npc: yes log_chat: 1 And yet this does not generate logs in log folder.
  8. It did not work. When I talk to the npc, appears this debug in console.
  9. I have a problem in this npc -> RFYLEvent
  10. - Quest Shop v1.5 This is normal, an in announce? Its remove it? nick has created an item name!
  11. Eu usava dessa forma com o ceres, porém plano ro + hospedagem tudo dentro da mesma empresa
  12. Alguém sabe dizer se é possível fazer isto baixo? Meu servidor esta na empresa A e minha hospedagem na empresa B, seria possível da hospedagem na empresa B usando o fluxcp acessar o banco de dados da empresa A normalmente dando a impressão de como se o cp estivesse lá?
  13. As viewID tem relação tanto na item_db2 quanto no visionary_tab.txt A mesma viewid do visionary_tab tem que estar no item na item_db2 se não ou vai da gravity error, aparecer uma sprite de outro item ou aparecer nada. Ex: visionary_tab.txt _Æ÷¸µÄÉÀÌÅ©¸ðÀÚ _¸Æáö¸ðÀÚ _¿õ°Ü¾Þ¹« _º´á¤¸ðÀÚ _ÀÌçḮƮ°¡¸É _ÀÌçḮƮÀç±í !1500 _meucustom01 _meucustom02 _meucustom03 *_°í±Û A viewid dos meus custons digmos que começa apartir de 1500, então vou na item_db2 e defino meus custons conforme as viewID do visionary_tab. Item_db2.txt 5134,Pumpkin_Hat,Pumpkin-Head,5,20,,200,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,1500,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,5; },{},{} 5136,Santa's_Hat_,Louise's Santa Hat,5,20,,100,,3,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,1501,{ bonus bMdef,1; bonus bLuk,1; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_HEAL",3,50; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_BLESSING",10,50; },{},{} 5145,Carnival_Joker_Jester,Carnival Jester,5,10,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,1502,{ bonus bAllStats,3; },{},{} As vezes me confundo se após o !1500 o item recebe a viewID 1500 mesmo ou se É 1501. VocÊ pode conferir isso atravÉs do comando @changelook viewID -> @changelook 1500 ou 1501 em diante.
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