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Status Updates posted by anacondaq

  1. I'm Ukranian in Ukraine. Russia begun war against my country, and doing right now genocide. Destroying cities, even mine own, killing thousands of people, civil people, burn to the ground cities. If you wish to support me in this hard time (I will try to re-route money for people who I know to support them under this awful conditions). You can make a donation by the link: https://nowpayments.io/donate/anacondaq (crypto)
    Alternatively, you can send money to Ukraine: https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/ 

    I've spent almost decade to provide free help, free support, free developments, free answers, free packages to all of you. This is very interesting time personally for me, to see: are there still people on this planet, or only silent shells?

    RO Offline Pack 2020 - till now can be found here.

  2. Thank you very much for rAthena development team for fixing bugs, errors, different mistakes! You rock guys!

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