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Posts posted by KeyWorld

  1. Good job :D

    Just two things:

    - It seems that you use a hack to clean the canvas

    canvas.width = canvas.width;

    . But it cause problem on some browser (tested on webkit): it's the same value, so it doesn't clean the context, use :


    - To improve perf, you should use canvas2D method (rotate, scale, globalAlpha, drawImage, ...) instead of manipulating all pixels for each frames.

    Keep it up :D

  2. Why not a Pay2Administrate server mod ? -> Admins have to pay every month rathena's devs to run the emulator (sarcastic).

    In my own mentality (and a mentality shared by a big part of the french community) administrate athena/rathena is only to have fun and pleasure and share your work and passion with your players. Not to gain money and manage a business (if so, buy the Ragnarök Online licence and run your own official server).

    Just my two cents.

    • Upvote 5
  3. Name: Vincent

    NickName: KeyWorld

    Age: 21 (22 in ~one month)

    Location: Paris, France

    About RO: I started playing RO (in 2006) on FRO (a french pserver administrated by MagicalTux (you know the man who created GRF Builder)).

    I join officially eathena.ws on 2008 - even if I started working on eathena in 2007 on some projects.

    About me: I'm a web developer enthusiast with new (web) technologies and also a good designer when I'm inspired (yeah I'm not just a no-life coder with a white code in a black screen ! I love colors :)).

    I'm someone who love open-source projects and release stuff for free; I'm here to have fun and contribute not to gain money and abusing people.

    I'm a bad guitarist since I was 9 year old (and I continue to make the noize 8D !) and also have a pretty girlfriend whom I am madly in love <3

    • Upvote 2
  4. I didn't reply since it was in "Filipino Support", but now I can :)

    As far I know, Jikari Patcher is based on Neoncube Patcher.

    In neoncube patcher to delete a file you just have to add a "*" after the path in the patch_list :

    New patch_list format

    On 1.0 it is:

    patch_index patch_name (eg: 123 patchname.gpf)

    Now its:

    patch_index dest patch_name where dest is where will patch_name go.


    //this will extract patchname.gpf to the data folder
    123   FLD   patchname.gpf
    //here, patchname2.gpf will be repacked with grf_file
    456  GRF   patchname2.gpf
    //You can also delete files from the data folder.
    678   FLD   datafilenametodelete.xml*
    //Deleting files inside a GRF archive is still supported
    910   GRF  datai_will_delete_you.txt*

    //if you prefer not using data folder, then just don't have a patch with FLD flag

  5. I think something like this (not tested):

    getitem2 <itemid>, <amount>, 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, <group id> & 0xffff, <group id> >> 16;


    	// Apple Group 1
    getitem2 512, 5, 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 1 & 0xffff, 1 >> 16;
    getitem2 512, 3, 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 1 & 0xffff, 1 >> 16;
    // should give you (5+3) apple for the group 1
    // Apple Group 2
    getitem2 512, 4, 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 2 & 0xffff, 2 >> 16;
    getitem2 512, 2, 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 2 & 0xffff, 2 >> 16;
    // should give you (4+2) apple for the group 2
    // Apple Group 3
    getitem2 512, 1, 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 3 & 0xffff, 3 >> 16;
    getitem2 512, 9, 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 3 & 0xffff, 3 >> 16;
    // should give you (1+9) apple for the group 3
    // etc.

    There is no clean solution for doing what you want (I think).

  6. 1) When .@i equal "0" the array size isn't increment (so it erase this value after).

    - set .@exchange[getarraysize(.@exchange)], .@i;
    +  set .@exchange[getarraysize(.@exchange)], .@i+1;
    - set .@count, .@count + doRefund(.@exchange[.@i]);
    + set .@count, .@count + doRefund(.@exchange[.@i]-1);

    2)Equipment aren't stackable but are cumulate with countitem2... ( use < instead of != )

    -	if (countitem2(@inventorylist_id[.@i],@inventorylist_identify[.@i],@inventorylist_refine[.@i],@inventorylist_attribute[.@i], 0,0,0,0) != .@amt) {
    +	if (countitem2(@inventorylist_id[.@i],@inventorylist_identify[.@i],@inventorylist_refine[.@i],@inventorylist_attribute[.@i], 0,0,0,0) < .@amt) {

    • Upvote 1
  7. Well at the same time you probly wouldn't want to use the same encryption method anyway they use UPX encryption which is why it gives false positives with antivirus but if you made your own would be better in that sense something that simply packs data clients might be useful for people who want there customs safe. And of course something that doesn't set off antivirus on false positives would keep it user friendly. But it looks really good anyhow something needs to kill runescape anyways lol. The other thing I was wondering is you mentioned that it requires a good connection does that mean that the game over all require's higher system requirements and if so what does it require?

    And also RSM wise is the structure the same and does it use the same limits or is the creation of new models different. Example

    within the normal game client if you go over 5,000 poly's within a model it starts to have texture problems and if you go over 7,000 vertical textures the model causes you to crash because the game rendering wasn't ment to go so high (besides the fact it takes longer to load more lag within game too)

    The problem (as mentioned in the first post) is Javascript, yeah I can use it to encrypt files/packets etc. but... It's javascript : it's not compile, I can pack/obfuscate it but it's easily to extract and get the encryption method with just some minutes/seconds.

    I mentioned that it required a good connection because all things are download from my host, put after in cache to avoid download them again, but you have to download it (that's why I worked on alternative as my javascript GRF Viewer to read GRF directly from player computer).

    Otherwise it required just a recent browser (just Chrome only for moment, but I'm working on Firefox 8.0 that do some impressive works with their latest update) and a up to date GPU (that support OpenGL ES 2.0).

    I try do to the maximum of stuff in GPU to have a better framerate because javascript is slow.

    About RSM files, no limitation, just a GPU question (about RSM, I don't support animation and opacity for moment).

    Depending on how this project turns out it might be possible to use it on Harmony equipped servers. The current version looks promising, but there is alot of stuff that needs to be addressed before this project can be used in production.

    @KeyWorld: Is there an email address I can use for private inquiries? I sent an email to [email protected] last week, but it seems like this address isn't in use. :)

    About Harmony it's the same think I talked in this post, It's easy to extract the extraction code from javascript, so if roBrowser work on Harmony server, Bots will extract the encryption part of my code to able to connect.

    You can contact me on [email protected], a long time I don't check the other mail (I should put a redirection on it...)

    • Upvote 1
  8. Hi !

    Here my latest online prototype: RSM-Viewer.

    It allow you to visualize RSM file in your browser without downloading an executable using javascript and WebGL.

    It required a modern browser (just working on FF >= 8.0 and Chrome for moment) and your graphic drivers have to be up to date (need to support OpenGL ES 2.0).

    Two ways to use it:

    Animations aren't play.

    It's possible to zoom using the mouse wheel.

    Have fun~

    • Upvote 3
  9. This project seems pretty interesting I heard about it from someone over msn awhile ago but the one question i do have for you is you said that vanguard and other anti hack and bot systems can't be used on this system but what stops people from directly browser hacking and ruining your game like for example using cheat engine to edit value's like money and all of that usually its really easy for people to do that theyre always hacking candystand.com games. While it seems like an awesome project I think the botting and hacking community could really crush something like this or cost you alot of time and money.

    roBrowser is just a client (running in a browser), not a server !

    There is a lot of check client-side to avoid cheat but don't forget that there is also all the server-side check. So yeah you can modify zeny-items with some cheat softwares as all current servers but don't forget that this modifications aren't save in the server.

    The only reason than I don't support Anti-Cheat solution is just that I don't know how they encrypt packets. And if ever I'll find this encryption key, all bots will use it and the encryption method will change.

  10. Doing this change will also invert the player life (the green rectangle at the bottom of player position): green-red : SP; blue : HP, invert the display on the extended version of base_win_mini.

    And I'm sure the client do some check about player HP/SP before sending skills.

    Be aware.

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