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Everything posted by Fahhad

  1. Hi i just tried to add this custom item in client 2016 , but it gives me error whenever i click it in-game : GRF : Iteminfo.lua : item_db :
  2. Hi everyone , just asking how can i do that? i'd like to update my rev to the latest one , since there is a lot of new stuff. my rA server files is hosted in a CentOS 7 64bit.
  3. hello guys , i tried to make a local server , its been a long time on making servers , anyway i made a client patched with nemo ver 2015-11-04 , but whenever i open it , it crashes immediately here is some screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/wRTL6 https://imgur.com/a/IqmDg
  4. FIXED - it was my bad enabling this in conf/battle/player.conf // Idle characters can receive autoloot? // Set to the time in seconds where an idle character will stop receiving // items from Autoloot (0: disabled). idle_no_autoloot: 1
  5. glad to hear that you've fixed it by yourself !
  6. show us some errors? a picture of the monitors , your core.h etc so that people here will try to help you out
  7. my server is a low rate server @Cyro , i mean when you use @autoloot for looting everything , it picks some of the mobs and some mobs the items drops on the floor , even while using @autoloot did you understand the problem my dear?
  8. It's Disabled already @Cyro
  9. Hi rA Team , using ths commit https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/c6c8d0bc8884f683f7d66c31e741e0a3031c5e12 of rA github , the thing is when a player uses @autoloot command with 100% rate - it doesn't loot everything , i tried it by myself as a GM , the same thing happens some mobs it loots some mobs doesn't loot from them , any solution for that? i'd be thankful .
  10. nah i found the solution for it , i have to use 8bpp 256 bit picture xD but thank you for the pack you gave me <3
  11. Hello rAthena whenever i try to change the icon with nemo patcher , it crashes once i apply the patch , i used 32x32 ico format file any tip? i would be thankful <3
  12. Thank you Panda <3 , this is more then what i wanted , works like a charm .
  13. thank you for visiting my thread , the problem was this : i was using server database editer , and this editer encoding way , somehow ruined my iteminfo.lua , and the view id turned to 0 for all the weapons , thats why it has hand punching effect , changed my iteminfo.lua and everything worked fine now.
  14. hi guys , i wana ask why my official ro weapons doesnt have an attacking sounds ? and no spirit showing its just hand punching , tried bows , spears blades , nothing worked using latest kRO data+rdata and latest translated data folder patched my 20130807 client with NEMO with this options : load custom lua files instead of iteminfo.lub am i missing something? searched everywhere but no one had the same problem.
  15. that'll be great , thanks for trying
  16. anyone willing to help me out?
  17. Hello rA Team , i want to edit Euphy's script : http://pastebin.com/raw/wTG07rbs to make it give all the players , instead of a single player so it'll be like this : post a package then all the players will get the items if they click the npc .
  18. Usable Item like a Scroll or so , not an equipment mr @Promise
  19. Hello rAthena , the title says it all , i wana make an item that gives players base levels not exp amount? how does that work? and thanks in advance .
  20. Hello rAthena , ill get to the point of this thread , i wana merg this party warping script with the official warper in npc/custom/warper.txt to be under Last Warp Option, i've tried many times but it gives me many errors this is the two scripts i wana merg : prontera,150,180,4 script Test 100,{ deletearray .@aid[0],128; deletearray @aid[0],128; set @j,0; set @select$,""; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; set .@num,$@partymembercount; copyarray .@aid[0],$@partymemberaid[0],.@num; set .@num,getarraysize(.@aid); for(set .@i,0;.@i<.@num;set .@i,.@i+1) if(isloggedin(.@aid[.@i])) { set @aid[@j],.@aid[.@i]; set @j,@j+1; set @select$,@select$+":"+rid2name(.@aid[.@i]); } set @menu,select(@select$)-2; if(isloggedin(@aid[@menu])) { getmapxy(@m$,@x,@y,0,rid2name(@aid[@menu])); if( getmapflag(@m$,mf_pvp) || @m$ == "mapname" || @m$ == "mapname" ) { mes "You cant warp to his map now."; } else { warp @m$,@x,@y; } close; } } and the official one : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/warper.txt
  21. edit your src/map/clif.c like the link up there or update your rathena red = delete green = add save + Recompile Thank you sader1992 ill tell you how i solved it , no svn update or anything , just paste this in your src/map/clif.c and accept overwriting https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rathena/rathena/25cb15161f00e636a1cd4091f7784c1877143e78/src/map/clif.c
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