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Everything posted by greyman15

  1. i've got error in the line 14 ->{insertchar(.@a$,",",(.@b - 3)); set .@c,.@c+3;}
  2. I have a script kind like that but it's not a instant job changer it's a job warper quest e.g. novice >>quest for >> swordsman >>quest for knight it's just like a classic style of job change.. literally you quest your job
  3. Thanks for the script @Icabit just what i'm looking for
  4. What do you mean for the Job changer NPC???
  5. i made the script because he wants it in the first place a classic type of server i' didn't noticed that he want's a renewal class though..
  6. lol.. it's just the classic jobs from 1st job to 2nd job and alternate 2nd job only because you stated that you want a classic server type
  7. this is what im looking for but its not complete does kagero quest warp included in this script? ok here it is: included the alternate 2nd jobs //Job Quest Warper NPC //by: Geiszer "greyman15" //Version 1.0 //Caution: don't touch in if you don't know how to change it.. //-----------------------Script Goes here--------------------// prontera,159,187,3 script Job Quester::Job Quester 733,{ mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Hello there!"; mes "are you qualified to test your"; mes "self to change your job and"; mes "choose what class do you want?"; next; mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Then I'm here to help you on your"; mes "trip to your chosen class."; next; mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Please make a Selection"; next; menu "1st Job Quest",FJob,"2nd Job Quest",SJob,"Alternate Job Quest",ajob,"Super Novice",snov; next; //First Job Quest---------------------------------- FJob: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Please Select what class"; mes "will I warp you."; menu "Acolyte",aco,"Archer",arch,"Mage",mage,"Merchant",merch,"Swordman",sword,"Thief",thief; next; aco: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "prt_church" ,184,36; close; arch: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "payon_in02" ,64,66; close; mage: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "geffen_in" ,157,119; close; merch: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "alberta_in" ,61,43; close; sword: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "izlude_in" ,74,166; close; thief: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "moc_prydb1" ,47,120; close; //Second Job Quest---------------------------------- SJob: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Please Select what class"; mes "will I warp you."; menu "Priest",prst,"Hunter",hunt,"Wizard",wiz,"Blacksmith",blck,"Knight",cav,"Assassin",ass; next; prst: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "prt_church" ,16,36; close; hunt: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "hu_in01" ,382,373; close; wiz: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "gef_tower" ,110,33; close; blck: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "ein_in01" ,19,22; close; cav: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "prt_in" ,82,102; close; ass: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "in_moc_16" ,19,30; close; //Alternate Job Quest-------------------------------------------- ajob: mes "[Job Quester]"; mes "Please select what class"; mes "will I warp you."; menu "Alchemist",alche,"Bard",bard,"Crusader",crus,"Dancer",dance,"Monk",mon,"Rogue",rog,"Sage",sag; next; alche: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "alde_alche" ,27,180; close; bard: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "comodo" ,226,120; close; crus: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "prt_castle" ,45,164; close; dance: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "comodo" ,180,150; close; mon: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "prt_monk" ,59,244; close; rog: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "moc_ruins" ,89,103; close; sag: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "yuno_in02" ,41,61; close; //Super Novice-------------------------------------------- snov: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "aldeba_in" ,219,167; close; }
  8. if you said classic style RO then you'll have to stick to the classic quest the way it is.. //Job Quest Warper NPC //by: Geiszer "greyman15" //Version 1 //Caution: don't touch in it you don't know how to change it.. //-----------------------Script Goes here--------------------// prontera,159,187,3 script Job Quester::Job Quester 733,{ mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Hello there!"; mes "are you qualified to test your"; mes "self to change your job and"; mes "choose what class do you want?"; next; mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Then I'm here to help you on your"; mes "trip to your chosen class."; next; mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Please make a Selection"; next; menu "1st Job Quest",FJob,"2nd Job Quest",SJob,"Super Novice",snov; next; snov: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "aldeba_in" ,219,167; close; //First Job Quest---------------------------------- FJob: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Please Select what class"; mes "will I warp you."; menu "Acolyte",aco,"Archer",arch,"Mage",mage,"Merchant",merch,"Swordman",sword,"Thief",thief; next; aco: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "prt_church" ,184,36; close; arch: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "payon_in02" ,64,66; close; mage: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "geffen_in" ,157,119; close; merch: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "alberta_in" ,61,43; close; sword: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "izlude_in" ,74,166; close; thief: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "moc_prydb1" ,47,120; close; //Second Job Quest---------------------------------- SJob: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Please Select what class"; mes "will I warp you."; menu "Priest",prst,"Hunter",hunt,"Wizard",wiz,"Blacksmith",blck,"Knight",cav,"Assassin",ass; next; prst: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "prt_church" ,16,36; close; hunt: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "in_hunter" ,99,104; close; wiz: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "gef_tower" ,110,33; close; blck: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "ein_in01" ,19,22; close; cav: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "prt_in" ,82,102; close; ass: mes "[Job Quest]"; mes "Well good luck to your quest"; warp "in_moc_16" ,19,30; close; } here I tried my best to do it hope it works.... if something gone wrong in the script text file in the attached file just use this code.. jobquester.txt jobquester - Revised.txt
  9. I need a script for 2nd Job Changer for my server not 2nd Transcend job I want a classic RO game and implement it to my server thanks in advance... or you can share a link to it or your thoughts on how to make it thanks again...
  10. thanks it works!! and also how about the automated disguise event that i download it appears to be working fine but after the announce in-game nothing happens!! this is the script: //===== Athena Script ======================================== //= Disguise Event NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= Masao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Disguise Event //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Version 1.0 if there are any Bugs please let me know. //= Version 2.0 Added multiple Rounds, better functionality //= and check if already someone won the Round. //============================================================ turbo_room,100,99,3 script DisguiseAnnouncer -1,{ OnClock0300: OnClock0700: OnClock1100: OnClock1500: OnClock1900: OnClock2300: set $@Monster,1000+rand(1,323); set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@Monster,0); set $@startdisguise,1; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; announce "The [Disguise Event] is starting now!",0; end; } quiz_02,305,245,4 script Disguise Event 795,{ set .@npcname$,"[^0000FFDisguise NPC^000000]"; if (getgmlevel() >= 60) goto LDisguiseAdmin; if ($@startdisguise==1) goto LDisguise; mes .@npcname$; mes "Hi, how can i help you?"; next; menu "How does it work?",-,"Cancel.",LCancel; mes .@npcname$; mes "This is an very easy Event."; mes "At the beginning of the Event i will disguise myself into a randomly chosen Monster."; mes "After i've done that, you've to put the correct Name into the Box."; next; mes "If the name was correct, you win a Prize! if it was wrong, just try again ;)"; mes "And that's it! Good luck."; close; LCancel: close; LDisguiseAdmin: mes .@npcname$; mes "^FF0000~Hi GM "+strcharinfo(0)+", what can i do for you?~^000000"; switch(select("Start Event:End Event:Check Prize:Set Prizes:Rounds:Nothing")) { case 1: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Would you like to start the Event now?"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: next; set $@Monster,1000+rand(1,323); set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@Monster,0); set $@startdisguise,1; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; announce "The [Disguise Event] starts now in Comodo!",0; close; case 2: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } case 2: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Would you like to End the Event now?"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: next; set $@Monster,0; set $@Round,0; set $@startdisguise,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; announce "The [Disguise Event] has been ended by an GM! There will be no prizes!",0; close; case 2: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } case 3: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "^FF0000~The current winning Prize is ^000000 ^008000"+$prize_item_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_item_id)+".^000000"; next; goto LDisguiseAdmin; case 4: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "^FF0000~What should the Prize be? Please insert the Item ID.~^000000"; input $prize_item_id; next; mes .@npcname$; mes "^FF0000~Now the amount?~^000000"; input $prize_item_amount; next; mes .@npcname$; mes "^FF0000~So, the Prize is^000000 ^008000"+$prize_item_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_item_id)+"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000"; emotion 33; next; goto LDisguiseAdmin; case 5: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Here you can set how many Rounds will be played each time the Event Starts"; input $Rounds; next; mes "^FF0000~So, there will be ^FF0000"+$Rounds+" Rounds played.^000000"; next; goto LDisguiseAdmin; case 6: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } LDisguise: mes .@npcname$; mes "Insert the correct Monstername ;)"; input $@MonsterInput$; if ($@disguisewin==1) { mes "Someone already won this Round!!"; close; } if($@MonsterInput$==$MonsterName$) goto LCorrect; if($@MonsterInput$!=$MonsterName$) goto LCancel; close; LCorrect: announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" won! I was disguised as: "+$MonsterName$+"",0; getitem $prize_item_id,$prize_item_amount; set $@Round,$@Round+1; set $@disguisewin,1; if ($@Round!=$Rounds) goto LRound; if ($@Round==$Rounds) goto LGameover; set $@startdisguise,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; close; LRound: set $@Monster,1000+rand(1,323); set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@Monster,0); set $@disguisewin,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",$@Monster; close; LGameover: set $@Round,0; set $@startdisguise,0; set $@disguisewin,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; npctalk "Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. See you next time."; close; }
  11. the portal in poring catcher event script(automated) appears every time I load the server when I used the command @reloadscript it dissappear and fine the script is working, when i log a character and warp into prontera where the portal for pc event is appearing again.. here's the screenshots: when i use @reloadscript when I log in a new character it appears... help! how to get rid of this portal so everytime i load my server it would not appear again?
  12. hello guys,?? how to setup a RO server using WAN IP or my main IP without failed connection error? does anyone know? i tried to do it but I fail every time i log on 'failed to connect' what should i put in the <address>WAN IP or my IP?</address>
  13. i got fixed mine... well i downloaded a fresh copy of full renewal data folder then i've search for this sprite\Àΰ£Á·\¸öÅë\(³² or ¿©). inside in the downloaded full renewal data folder and merge it to my current .grf file and poof!.. it works... you can download the fresh copy of renewal full data files here http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/
  14. well I've open it and there's no sprite for 2nd trans job either 3rd job sprite there?? were to download the trans 2nd job sprite or maybe you could share us a link not a dead link thanks in advance...
  15. Yes i want to remove the rebirth thing in the script....
  16. thanks man i'll try it @poring hello again the script you edited has nothing changed at all still my character reborn to high novice and high 1st job then 2nd trans all i want is to not my 2nd job base level 99 and job lvl 50 will not reborn how to change that?? thanks for your fast response...
  17. go to your conf/battle/drop.conf and go find the line like this: // The rate adjustment for the MVP items that the MVP gets directly in their inventory item_rate_mvp: 500 <---- edit this item_drop_mvp_min: 1 item_drop_mvp_max: 1000 // The rate adjustment for card-granted item drops. item_rate_adddrop: 500 <---- edit this item_drop_add_min: 1 item_drop_add_max: 5000 the rate sample is 100 = 1x (e.g. 500 = 5.00x or 5x) if you do 10000 it will be 100x rate
  18. in this script can you help me on how to remove all trans 2nd job all i want is normal 2nd job class... but i don't know how so please if someone can edit this script thanks... in advance i don't have talent in scripting for sure if i touch this maybe i'll get errors so please help!! jobchanger.txt
  19. same problem here how to fix it any one guys???
  20. yead I did it earlier before your post I solved my own problem thanks by the way your suggestion was my solution earlier thanks
  21. what do you mean resnametable?? it means I have to put details on it to get it work?? and how to make it apply in the game?? It should need to repack grf or restart the whole server?? And also i use 2011 client version i think it's 2011-11-22aRagexeRE *Bumps! help please anyone T_T *BUMPS HELP PLEASE!!
  22. look on this iamge, I perfectly follow the guide on adding custom items in renewal client side... specially the lua thing(datainfo folder) but when i try to load the items which i already add in the item_db2.txt what I've found is nothing but the drop the viewID and dragging items are fine, the problem is it doesnt appear in the inventory but it exist when dragging and equipping.. what rae the solutions on this?? please don't be hard on me i'm just a newbie in the world of creating server -let me know if i'm posting this in the wrong thread, instead put this thread in the right section.
  23. yeah I forgot it must be the 'No:' at the bottom of the script..
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