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Posts posted by c2greentea

  1. This is my "onlogin" reward giver script: http://upaste.me/r/bf5014868cc27d197


    My request is that it must only give rewards for example from account IDs 200000 until 2003000. 


    And question, if they are overweight, what would happen? Will the script continue to give the items and the excess items will just drop, or it wont show for the player at all until he logs in a character that is not overweight?


    Please help willing to tip. TY

  2. My PVP script is the one below. How am I able to add variable "streaks" in it? Both for pvp stats and dispbottom on OnPCKillEvent?

    alter table `char`
    add `kills` int(11) unsigned not null default 0 after unban_time,
    add `deaths` int(11) unsigned not null default 0 after `kills`;
    prontera,161,187,5	script	PVP Master	86,{
    	mes "[PvP Warper]";
    	if ( agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ) {
    		mes "Sorry, PVP Rooms are Locked During WOE.";
    	mes "Which arena do you want to go to?";
    	switch ( select (
    		"View PvP stats of my Char",
    		"PVP Square ["+ getmapusers("cell_game") +"/100]",
    		"PVP NoPotion ["+ getmapusers("cell_game2") +"/100]",
    		"Non Donator PVP ["+ getmapusers("cell_game3") +"/100]",
    		"GvG Arena [^FF0000" + getmapusers("guild_vs3") + "^000000/100]" ) ) {
    	default: // VIEW STATUS
    		mes "Your PvP stats are:";
    		query_sql "select kills, deaths from `char` where char_id = "+ getcharid(0), .@kills, .@deaths;
    		mes "^009500     Kills: " + .@kills;
    		mes "^FF0000     Deaths: " + .@deaths;
    	case 2: // PVP Square
    		if (getmapusers("cell_game") > 99) callsub S_full;
    		warp "cell_game",0,0;
    	case 3: // PVP NoPotion
    		if (getmapusers("cell_game2") > 99) callsub S_full;
    		warp "cell_game2",0,0;
    	case 4: // Non Donator PVP
    		if (getmapusers("cell_game3") > 99) callsub S_full;
    		warp "cell_game3",0,0;
    	case 5: // GVG
    	if ( !getcharid(2) ) {
    		mes " ";
    		mes "Please join a guild before entering...";
    	if (getmapusers("guild_vs3") > 99) callsub S_full;
    		warp "guild_vs3",0,0;
    	mes " ";
    	mes "I'm sorry, this arena is full. Please try again later...";
    	waitingroom "Special PVP/GVG",0;
    //	OnPCKillEvent
    	.@map$ = strcharinfo(3);
    	.@killer$ = strcharinfo(0);
    	.@killed$ = rid2name( killedrid );
    //	if ( killedrid == getcharid(3) ) end; // suicide seems to be counted in this script ...
    	if ( getmapflag( .@map$, mf_gvg ) || getmapflag( .@map$, mf_gvg_castle ) || getmapflag( .@map$, mf_pvp ) ) { // on PVP/GVG maps, and during WoE
    // 	getmapflag( .@map$, mf_battleground ) // <-- left this one out ? XD
    		query_sql "update `char` set kills = kills +1 where char_id = "+ getcharid(0);
    		query_sql "select kills from `char` where char_id = "+ getcharid(0), .@kills;
    		dispbottom "You have killed "+ .@killed$ +". [Total Kills = "+ .@kills +"]";
    		attachrid killedrid;
    		query_sql "update `char` set deaths = deaths +1 where char_id = "+ getcharid(0);
    		query_sql "select deaths from `char` where char_id = "+ getcharid(0), .@deaths;
    		dispbottom "You have been killed by "+ .@killer$ +". [Total Deaths = "+ .@deaths +"]";
  3. Anybody who can make a script where players can be warped to a place, then when the event starts, it will summon random monster that they have to tame. Once it summons, all players will receive up to 10 respective taming item. Monsters will only last up to 5 minutes and they will all die. Then comes the second round. The warper will be enabled again. After a few seconds it will be disabled and starts another round, new random monster with again up to 10 respective taming items will be given to all players. This will go on for up to 3 rounds.


    When the event is done and they have all the eggs, they need to exchange it in the separate npc inside the place for independent points (example: MonsterTamerPoints) storable in sql. They can choose to save up all their points. Then redeem it later for a reward by entering desired number of points to be exchanged for rewards. (example: 1 point = 1x item ID 8343). Players could opt to exchange their acquired eggs every after one round so if they choose to get off after one round, they will still earn points from their acquired eggs.


    So when a player got disconnected or anything, he wont be able to earn points from his event-acquired eggs anymore.


    NOTE: The script will determine if the player has any taming items and eggs in his inventory, if he has any, then he is not allowed to be warped to the place.




    PM me or pls leave your Paypal email address too

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