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Everything posted by sharmey

  1. I got a little question. The smoke at the map are way to much, but at browedit i can't edit it. Where can i change it, or do you can edit the loop on the effect please?
  2. I tried your tips but it endet the same. Here are pics , maybe they can help you to help me
  3. Hello everybody I installed a few days ago my flux cp and now I have the problem, when somebody registers himself the e-mail to confirm the account won't be send. My problem isn't really that they don't confirm it, but when they forgot their password the e-mail to reset the password won't be send either. The mail from our server is linked to our domain mail, not from gmail by example. The mail server is on the same server with the flux cp. (Sorry for my bad english T_T) Hopefully you know what I mean and maybe someone can help me. Thanks
  4. It worked perfect. Many many thanks
  5. Hello everybody I hope you can help me. I want to change some skills (Endow by example) that don't disappear when the character dies. I know how to change it with buff food but don't know how to change it at skills. Maybe you have a clue for me, where I can search or a solution. Thanks
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