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Mr BrycE

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Posts posted by Mr BrycE

  1. does it mean that, setting up a new custom item does't work?

    because, i already have the bmp for the quints. ( i added them with complete, sprites and textures )

  2. i want to ask help about this, im doing it wrong >.<



    setarray .Runes[0],20369,20368,20367,20366,20376,20377;
    for( set .@r,0; .@r < getarraysize( .Runes ); set .@r,.@r + 1 ){
    set .@RunesMenu$,.@RunesMenu$ + getitemname( .Runes[.@r] )+":";
    		set .@Runes,select( .@RunesMenu$ ) - 1;
    >>>>>>>	if(countitem( .@Runes) >= 10)  {   <<<<<<<<<<
    		mes "^0000FF[ Zane ]^000000";
    		mes "Not Enough Requirements my Lord";


    what i want to do is, to check if the chosen id is = to 10pcs

  3. Hi, i want to ask.


    I have a custom item for example

    an etc item, like a gold coin.


    I want to duplicate it with another name, but with different db# and db description.


    should i add another drop item in the drop folder for the duplicate one?


    OR the accessory id , accname. lua file will just copy the the drop if i put the same id number as the 1st one in the db?

    as for the resnametable the name should be like in accname.lua to work? it's because the drop sprite is the same. am i right?


    please leave an advise, because im planning to duplicate many items before i start. 


  4.  it's been a while since i update to latest revision ,(bout a month? i guess)

    and now after updating to rev. 17526


    all my skills are gray(even if my group number is 99 and the setting is set to true, and a number of error showed up.. like



    Error: pc_skill: Skill with id 0 does not exist in the skill database.


    [Error]: sv_readdb: Too many columns in line 64 of "db/pre-re/skill_db.txt" (found 18, maximum is 17). <-- most of the skills are like this ending up like here...

    [status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_db.txt'.

    I double check the colums in the pre-re and they are exactly 17



    same with..

    [Error]: sv_readdb: Too many columns in line 30 of "db/pre-re/skill_require_db.txt" (found 33, maximum is 32).

    ending up to..

    [status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_require_db.txt'.
    and also this...

    .[Error]: abra_db: Invalid skill ID 5

    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 16 of "db/abra_db.txt".
    [status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/abra_db.txt'.

    this one too...

    [Error]: spellbook_db: Invalid skill ID 14
    [Error]: spellbook_db: Passive skills cannot be memorized (14/)

    here are the others..

    [status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/magicmushroom_db.txt'.

    [Error]: sv_readdb: can't read db/skill_reproduce_db.txt

    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 34 of "db/skill_improvise_db.txt".


    the warnings they are plenty but i only put 3.

    [Warning]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Wrong mob skill target 'around' for non-ground skill 80 () for GLOOMUNDERNIGHT.
    [Warning]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Wrong mob skill target 'around' for non-ground skill 80 () for KASA.
    [Warning]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Wrong mob skill target 'around' for non-ground skill 116 () for KNOCKER.
    i, myself is trying to find the solution and as i review the logs i found that tons of error after updating. i don't have any clue, so i posted.
    file name issues.
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