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Posts posted by Mercurial

  1. Yes, BrainL is the "technical admin" of this board however I believe Jguy has been given and has taken the lead to administer the board , :D so we goth both of them at them moment :)

    And everything else will follow, we need a new Dev team now :D

  2. Thanks for the interetest :D,

    Yes, I agree to make urls search engine friendly , no problem with that :D

    the 3rd idea is interesting but I'm sure you can do better with your current project haha :) ( spr , act parser in JS + canvas omg XD )

    Good idea though, they can pre calculate their stats by trying out the equipment :D!

    Thank you very much!

  3. @Green hey the design you gave was a bit too much , it was like a whole RO homepage lol, but it was impressive nonetheless

    though we need something more simple / modern and straight to the point :) ,

    @Brenth haha thanks for your interest but don't push yourself too far :D, we just need some volunteers that has good imagination dont pay for the stuff OMG :D

    I will be posting a skeleton project that will have some functions like registration / server status and stuff , but a design will really be nice ,it will inspire me :D

    post if here if you think you have it :D

    for everyone else please read the first post :P

  4. Sounds good , I suggest a light modern web 2.0, design

    honestly though I really love the current IPB design I hope it will be better than the current one, good job on the forum skins though :)

  5. Hello everyone , I have decided to develop a new Control Panel System for rAthena , :D

    So I need some people to imagine and do some mockups of what you think would be a good CP Design

    Here are the plans for this cp

    • Web 2.0 Modern design (HTML5, CSS3 , jQuery) :)
    • Smooth Ajax and animation transition
    • Easy Customization - Flexibility (CSS Themes, Easy Addins and Extensions, Make it your homepage if you will)
    • Social Network Authentication Integration ( Login/Register with your Facebook , Twitter , Google Plus ) account
    • PVP ladder rank post to facebook anyone?
    • Addons ( CMS Addon, Voting Addon,PVP Ladder, Donation Addon and etc... )
    • Security ( No SQL Injection , cross site scripting and shit like that, well we will try atleast :P )
    • Super fast loading, PHP Javascript and CSS Packing and Minification built in :D

    and well all the other stuff will follow , after the core stuff is done :D, Because I think it is time to revolutionize some parts of eA :D and I think this is the part where I can help.

    You can submit samples here and ofcourse you will be given credit for your work :D

    You can make mockups for atleast the (Main page, Registration Form and the Account Page<where you can edit settings>)

    use your imagination ,Its even your chance to illustrate that feature in a cp you been dreaming of, I can help realize that

    I just need designs, I can do the coding :P

    Ofcourse there is no official roadmap yet, but hey this is a start /x

    So anyone for the the challenge?

    Thanks for reading


  6. prontera,158,173,4	script	Quest NPC	88,{
    mes .npc$;
    mes "Want to make a trade?";
    switch(select("What are the require items?","What do you have?")) {
    	case 1: // Required Items
    		mes .npc$;
    		mes "300 Poring Coins";
    		mes "500 Mithril Coins";
    		mes "1 Ghostring Card";
    	case 2: // What do you have
                     // Build Menu
    	  for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(.items); set .@a, .@a + 1) {
     	           set .@menu$,  (.@menu$ == "" ? getitemname(.items[.@a]) + " Quest" : .@menu$ + ":" + getitemname(.items[.@a]) + " Quest");
    	  set .@my_item, select(.@menu$) - 1;
    	  // Check for Required Items
    	  if(countitem(7539) < 300 || countitem(674) < 500 || countitem(4047) < 1) {
                        mes .npc$;
                        mes "Not enough coins";
                     // Pass Complete (Check Weight)
              else if (!checkweight(.items[.@my_item], 1)) {
    	     mes "You cannot handle this items load...";
                     // Complete Quest
              else {
                       mes .npc$;
                       mes "Awesome! Here is your item!";
                       delitem 7539, 300;
                       delitem 674, 500;
                       delitem 5057, 1;
                       getitem .items[.@my_item], 1;
                       mes "Have a nice day!";
    set .npc$, "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
    setarray .items[0],19000,19001,19002,19003,19004,19005,19006,19007,19008,19009,19010,19011,19012,19013,19014,19015,19016,19017,19018,

    Tiny Bit Shorter, and MUCH easier to add / remove items from, simply modify the array below the OnInit, to include or exclude item id's... (Keep in mind this limits to 128)

    haha you overkilleed it man :)

  7. id say we keep updated as much as possible :) , it avoids a possible securty exploit infection, the newer the harder to ffind an exploit, its rare but can happen,

    just my opinion

    and it loads fine for me

    have a good day man

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