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Everything posted by Xen

  1. I found out that there are missing .rsm files from ars_fild03,ars_fild11 & ars_fild22 when i tried opening them in borf editor. the cmd showed that there are missing rsm files. true enough, i tried removing all objects and load it IG and the map already loaded. Any one here knows how to fix this?
  2. Hi i have a problem. Everytime I warp into ars_fild22 "Arsinoe City" My client just freezes up. No errors at my char log and map servers. Also there are some missing files from event/ from the client files. ars_31.bmp something? sorry i tried to recreate the error but i can't seem to see the error box, all my client does now is freeze up. EDIT - I Have resolved the missing ars_xx.bmp missing files with this http://rathena.org/board/topic/53282-maps-scripts-arsinoe-aeries-tears/page-5#entry195711 Only thing left now is that Client still crashes on the main town of arsinoe.
  3. This happened to me before, what i did was, I changed my clientinfo version to 30 and packetver 30 in my packetdb. I also cleaned all three servers login,map, and char then recompiled again. Try to use my Exe see if it works. Got this exe from Judas and I just diffed it. test.rar
  4. Okay I will give it a shot. Okay so I tried diffing a 2012-04-10 and I had a weird problem. At first I was a sinx and equipped bunch of stuff like knife[3] then changed job to RK via @command then i tried equipping knife[3] and these red notes appeared in chat log. I would understand if it was "cannot equip item" but it says otherwise. ---------------------------------------- Edit : Solved all my problems. Thanks to mrmagic. I downloaded from GIT and used 2012-04-10, turns out everything worked out fine now. --- SORRY --- It appears to be that if I wear an Item not of my class, the client displays "This skill is available only to the player". Is that really how it should say? is there a way to change this?
  5. I have attached an image regarding my problem. i can see bunch of random words at the windows of my client and also, i have the correct packet_db and edited my mmo.h accordingly for 2013-07-03aRagexe but im not able to create a new character using the client. can anyone please help me? im currently using rAthena SVN 17704.
  6. Thanks And for the items not being seen, I found out that my client is not compatible with my SVN ver.
  7. how do i apply patch file using vs2010? Thanks.
  8. Well I have been away from RO emu for 2 years now and I find myself somewhat dumbfounded and forgot some things that I need. I saw that there are pre-re and re folders in my db and npc folders. What should I do so that only the re folders are read and pre-re folders are ignored? If I remember correctly there was an option before in the battle conf that allows me to use only the re features. Also when I frshly downloaded the svn I do believe that I can see items in my inventory...but as I deleted some npc's there appeared to be a problem as I cant see any item anymore even if I summon it. Can anyone pleaee help? Thanks in advance!
  9. Hello Guys Im currently working on a project by myself lately. My contact info : Email : [email protected] Contact #: will only be given to future staff Alfheim Ragnarok Online v1.0 Basically this is somewhat based from the popular animé Sword Art Online but from the Aflheim part. I do understand that there is already a SAO mod that started long before I even thought of this. Most of the ideas here are taken from SAO and will be implemented using the current engine of Gravity. Town maps and Field maps used will still come from gravity's existing works. This is to give familiarity for the players. For this project, I will be solely taking care of all the expenses. I am posting this here to encourage any free spirit out there to help me make this project come to life. Well I'm not promising any salaries for people to help me but I am encouraging those who would want to give scripting a go or who is interested in the project and has spare time in their hands. This project is open to ideas and criticisms. SRSLY. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *first jobs only at v1.0 *blvl 99 / jlvl 50 *Whole world is PK - starts at lvl 40 - PK can be done w.in 10 lvl range. - if possible wanted and hero system. - karma alignment - red players can be killed in towns. - Death penalty - no town pk for non-wanted players. *Party - Party exp is always even share. - Drop is also even shared. - Member loots will not be displayed on battle/chat log. *Guild System is implemented - Guild Wars will be implemented on latter patches. *Housing System should be present at the start but no Guild Houses. *Marriage and Adoption - Removed for v1.0 *Bosses are level 80 at Highest - Does not drop cards.NO BOSS CARDS atm. - Exp goes to everyone who hits it. - last hitter bonus gets the rare drop @ 5% - Boss changes target - Boss has max of 5 Mobs only - 3 Bosses per town *Anti GM Abuse - The game will announce every time a GM logs in and out. e.g ( GM lvl 99, XXX, has logged in. ) - One of the more appropriate way for GM's to really do their jobs. - Developer GM's will also be announced. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Warp portal skill will be disabled forever in the game. *proposed 3 Classes per Race : SW,AC,MG,MR,AR,TF,TK,GS ( yes no super novice ). Still in thought 5 Races - Salamander ( Red ) Considered the strongest race in terms of attack. Has Higher STR Additional ATK and DEF. Bonus Quest Skills : (Buff)Flame Enchantment - Enchants self with Fire property attacks. (Buff)Buff Up - Increases ATK & MATK when activated. Consumes HP overtime. (Passive) Flame Power - Increases Fire attacks by 5%. Additional 10% damage using Gun type weapons. - Spriggan ( Black/Gray ) Masters of illusion and treasure seeking. Has Higher AGI LUK, Additional Crit and Flee. Bonus Quest Skills : (Active)Illusion - Disguise themselves as a random MVP. (Active)Smokescreen - Decreases their enemy's view range while inside. "Blind Status". (Passive)Price Tag - Gains bonus zeny every time they kill a monster. - Undine ( Blue ) : Healers and masters of water. Has Higher Int Dex, Additional Mdef, Matk, Hit. Bonus Quest Skills : (Buff)Water Enchantment - Enchants self with Water property attacks. (Active)Gotcha! - Casts a ground spell on a straight path. Slows down enemy's in its path. Cannot be used by Archer, Mage, Acolyte, Thief and Swordsman Class. (Passive) Ocenarium - Increases Water attacks by 5%. Gives 10% More damage to Book type weapons. - Caith ( Yellow ) : Skilled beast tamers with improved eyesight. Has Higher AGI STR, Additional ATK and Flee. Bonus Quest Skills : (Buff)Brothers at arms - increases Party atk speed by 3%. Does not stack with other players using the same skill. (Active)Impetus - Throws a spear on launches an arrow on a straight path. The longer the range, the higher the damage. Only for Swordsman and Archer Class. (Passive)Blood Lust - lusts for blood. Deals 10% more damage to targets with less than 30% HP remaining. *Hopefully also see their HP Bar. - Slyph ( Green ) : Considered the fastest race and users of wind. Higher INT VIT, Additional Matk, Mdef, Def, and HP. Bonus Quest Skills : (Active)Great Wall - Summons a wall of wind around the caster. Has a chance to block projectile target spells. e.g ( Fire bolt, Jupitel Thunder ). Consumes mana overtime. (Passive)Hunter's Prowess - Increases Bow, Mace, Guns, and Axe damage by 10%. (Passive)Catch Me - Increases Movement speed when 40% hp is left. * A script will be made for the server to distinguish the races. - Inter Race PK is allowed. 6 Main Towns ( make use of existing small town maps ) - Prontera : Capital of Alfheim ( or make a custom map ) World Tree will be at the very top part. - Gonryun : Slyph - Rachel : Undine - Geffen : Caith - Amatsu : Salamander - Niflheim : Spriggan *No skills in towns *6 fields per town *5 Dungeons per town - Each dungeon has atleast 4 Floors before reaching the boss. - Dungeon has boss at each end. Spawns twice a day. - Each boss has a 8 Hours spawn interval every time they die. World Tree ( Main Quest ) - This is an open quest. - System will not give an f on how many players try to enter the tree. - first person to reach the portal will be granted the bonus at the end. - portal closes immediately after a player goes in. - all other players will be warped back to their save points. - World Tree is a PK map. - AOE skills will be disabled here. - Lvl 50 Mobs will be spawning the area once the quest starts. - It will be a maze type of Map. You'll see. - Winning player will receive +20 stat to an attribute chosen and have his/her wings upgraded by +3 - Tree will only be open once a week. - A player can only win the quest twice. after that his/her account will be blocked from the last portal before the quest ends. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Specifics : *Remove fly wing and butterfly wing *Teleport Crystals : can only warp back to main towns. - Each race has their own teleport crystal. It brings them back to their main towns. - can be traded *Potions - (small,medium,large)HP, (small,medium,large)MP, Antidotes ( Poison, Paralysis, etc. ) *Cards - orignally planned was to remove it. Will have to review cards that will be available. *Pets - removed for v1.0 *Reduce the item equipment variations - per 10 level equipment variations ( shield lvl 5 , buckler lvl 15, so on and so forth ) - each item has significant differences e.g( buckler is lighter than shield and but less defense than shield ) *Each race has their own wings - Wings are quest for lvl 40 - when equipped it has the TK floating effect ( hopefully ) - cannot be worn in towns - faster movement speed - has stats depends on race - cannot be traded. - race locked. - cannot be refined. Disable for NPC or Master smith upgrade. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Flow : Start as novice @ town of beginnings ( custom map ) training grounds until level 10 choose between 5 races 15 NPC's will be shown NPC will change cloth color according to race teleport them to designated maps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : All credits for the materials mentioned and ideas taken to build up this server goes to their respective authors. I in anyway, am not taking sole credit for everything that I have mentioned above. This server will serve as a mod for Gravity's Ragnarok Online. Gravity and authors of SAO are not in anyway affiliated to this project. So if you think you want to be part of this project, just drop off a mail as I am logged in there mostly than here. See ya
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