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Everything posted by davyliyang

  1. same problem here, >.< did you find a solution? or can anyone suggest what to do? I checked the items it works. Please help
  2. Hi, i want to add some headgears (including custom ones) to monster drops. for example, Angeling hat (id: 5132) can be obtained by angeling. I changed the mob_db.txt but its not dropping. This is what I got. 1096,ANGELING,Angeling,Angeling,77,19800,1,3060,2693,1,355,500,72,238,58,50,33,105,67,200,10,12,1,8,86,0x37B5,200,1072,672,672,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2254,100,2324,60,610,500,2282,1,509,2000,512,28,714,40,5132,1,0,0,4054,1 Am i missing something? I'm also not sure why when i put 1, its 10% in the server. can i put 0.1? Thanks
  3. I will try this, thankyou Also another problem with mapflag was that when a GM uses @killer, it still kills players in the basilica save zone (with mapflag) havn't tried npc skill effects yet, but i will do that. and update this post. Thanks
  4. I want to add items to donation page, what I understand right now is that I need items to item database , then I can add it to donation page? My items database page found no items right now. I tried to manual add items, and it doesn't show up. Could anyone help me walkthrough the donation part? i'm really stuck. My skype ID is : zina.eventzro or any help on the forum would be greatly appreciate it.
  5. I'm trying to add custom monster as pet. I have the tame item and monster in game already. But the tame item doesn't catch the monster. Also when I do @item the monster egg, I can find the egg but when I hatch it, nothing comes out. After I warp to new map, that egg goes back to my inventory.. Please help me. I tried to solve this from other forums but I can't find similar problems. I also tried @makeegg and failed "the monster/egg name/id doesn't exit" Here is what I added: item_db: 30039,Green_Pokeball,Green_Pokeball,2,1000,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ pet 3017; },{},{} 9063,green_meowring_egg,green_meowring_egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} pet_db: 3017,green_meowring,green_meowring,33039,9063,0,537,80,20,20,100,250,20,2000,200,1,0,800,400,200,{ petskillbonus bLuk,20,10,90; } idnum2itemdesctable and num2itemdesctable 9063# An egg in which a ^33CC33Green Meowring^000000 rests. Can be hatched by using a ^3333ccPet Incubator^000000. Class :^777777 Monster Egg^000000 # idnum2itemdisplaynametable and num2itemdisplaynametable 9063#green_meowring_egg# num2itemresnametable and idnum2itemresnametable 9063#Áö¼Ó¼º¾Ë# Please help >.<
  6. I tried to update the hex client for player by add the update.grf file for the patch, but it didnt work.
  7. I read a few other post about this but I didn't find any solution to the MVP exp penalty. It seems that there is a penalty when killing MVP according to players level. but from what i understand from wiki (http://irowiki.org/wiki/Experience) or other source, It should give the same exp no matter who kills or what level they are? How can I fix this please? thank you
  8. Sorry I'm very new to this, i also looked around and tried changing langtype to 10 and didn't work. I tried using email or 000000 still failed to delete the character. I'm using april 9 2012 patch. Please help me. Thank you
  9. I was trying to change the Euphy's warper so I can take out all the mvps. I tried to take out the Mjolnir fild 1 to 4, so the warper starts at 5 to 12. the warpers from 10-12 is working but the single digit ones aren't working (5-9)... This is what I got: F18: setarray @c[0],181,240,195,270,235,202,188,215,205,144,245,223,180,206,196,208; Disp("Mjolnir Field 5:Mjolnir Field 6:Mjolnir Field 7:Mjolnir Field 8:Mjolnir Field 9:Mjolnir Field 10:Mjolnir Field 11:Mjolnir Field 12"); Pick("","moc_fild05","moc_fild06","moc_fild07","moc_fild08","moc_fild09","moc_fild10","moc_fild11","moc_fild12"); Am I missing anything? Not sure why the warper isn't changing according to the list...
  10. I also looked at that but it doesn't give the basilica animation of the walls. is there a way to show the walls?
  11. if its 15x then it would only give 5x original. And right now it gives 15x original when i have it at 3000 for both. Is that suppose to do that?
  12. Hi, I was looking around and realized I couldn't cancel or abandon an eden quest that i've accepted. Is there a way to do it? I'm using renew rathena. Thanks
  13. I am trying to get the exp rates to 30x/30x it shows that when i type @rates, but when I kill a monster same level as character, it only gives 15x? It shouldn't have an exp penalty killing same level monsters. how come it only gives 15x not 30x >.<? Here is my exp.conf
  14. Is it possible to create an NPC that uses basilica? I know setcell works the same but I'm looking for something that actually shows a wall where the safe zone is.
  15. is it possible to have the npc summon the basilica?
  16. Yes like that but it says the walls would not be shown. Is there a way to make the walls show so the players know where it is?
  17. I'm looking to summon a basilica in a map. I saw some setcell tutorials but those ones does not show the basilica. It is only the map. Is there any way to make the basilica show where the save zone is?
  18. I was using SGCP before. I want to switch to flux cp. after i install the flux cp. The server status and player online works. however, I can't login with the old account on the website, If i register new account. it doesn't work in the game. Please help. how do i connect the game account with the new flux cp i installed
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