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  1. Emistry's post in Warp/Flywing Debuff was marked as the answer   
  2. Emistry's post in help i want to make spawn mob by item was marked as the answer   
    monster "<map name>",<x>,<y>,"<name to show>",<mob id>,<amount>{,"<event label>",<size>,<ai>}; may refer dead branch item for example.
  3. Emistry's post in db bonus increase drop rate was marked as the answer   
    Monster drops ------------- bonus2 bDropAddRace,r,x; Adds x% to player's drop rate when killing a monster with race r. bonus2 bDropAddClass,c,x; Adds x% to player's drop rate when killing a monster with class c.  
  4. Emistry's post in HOW TO SCRIPT was marked as the answer   
    You can actually just follow the Awakening/Berserk Potion trick, which set the equip level to 50, then only level 50 and above only able to use the items.
    603,Old_Blue_Box,Old Blue Box,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,50,,,{ getrandgroupitem(IG_BlueBox),1; },{},{} Your attempt above are workable, but it will remove your item if you character have less than 50 level.
  5. Emistry's post in Card Recycle Need input and getinfo form cards was marked as the answer   
    change these 
    .Amount = countitem(7539); .Amount2 = countitem(7539)/5; for ( .i = 5; .i <= countitem((7539)); ) { delitem 7539, 5; getitem 7619, 1; } into this
    input .@amount, 0, (countitem(7539)/5); if (.@amount) { delitem 7539, (.@amount * 5); getitem 7619, .@amount; }  
  6. Emistry's post in Lotti Girl, but i want with an announcement was marked as the answer   
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .itemsize[.@r]; ++.@i ) { getitem .@itemid[.@i], .@itemamount[.@i]; if (getd( ".p"+ .@r +"[0]" ) < 10) announce "<Lotti> "+strcharinfo(0)+" obtained "+.@itemamount[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(.@itemid[.@i]), bc_all; // <----- THIS LINE } only announce 10% or below.
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .itemsize[.@r]; ++.@i ) { getitem .@itemid[.@i], .@itemamount[.@i]; announce "<Lotti> "+strcharinfo(0)+" obtained "+.@itemamount[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(.@itemid[.@i]), bc_all; // <----- THIS LINE } announce all items
  7. Emistry's post in Unknown NPC was marked as the answer   
    NPC no longer exists, example: happen commonly when you talking to a NPC but someone do a reloadscript before you finish talk with the NPC.
  8. Emistry's post in Use full feature of @servertime was marked as the answer   
    // Choose if server begin with night (yes) or day (no) night_at_start: no // Define duration in msec of the day (default: 7200000 = 2 hours) // Set to 0 to disable day cycle (but not @day GM command). // Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute) day_duration: 0 // Define duration in msec of the night (default: 1800000 = 30 min) // Set to 0 to disable night cycle (but not @night GM command). // Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute) night_duration: 0  
  9. Emistry's post in how to import login.sql in phpmyadmin? was marked as the answer   
  10. Emistry's post in Script to spawn a monster was marked as the answer   
    //================================================== // gef_fild10 - Geffen Field //================================================== gef_fild10,0,0 monster Orc Warrior 1023,179,5000,0,"sample_npc_name::OnKill" gef_fild10,0,0 monster Orc Lady 1273,55,5000,0,"sample_npc_name::OnKill" gef_fild10,0,0 monster Orc Baby 1686,27,5000,0,"sample_npc_name::OnKill" gef_fild10,0,0,0,0 boss_monster Orc Lord 1190,1,7200000,600000,0,"sample_npc_name::OnKill" gef_fild10,46,350,5,5 monster Blue Plant 1079,3,900000,450000,"sample_npc_name::OnKill" gef_fild10,287,61,5,5 monster Blue Plant 1079,3,900000,450000,"sample_npc_name::OnKill" gef_fild10,300,253,5,5 monster Green Plant 1080,3,360000,180000,"sample_npc_name::OnKill" add a npc event to each of the monster in gef_fild10, and load the npc.
    - script sample_npc_name -1,{ OnKill: if (!mobcount(strcharinfo(3), strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBossKill")) { if (.monster_kill < 10000) { .monster_kill++; if (.monster_kill >= 10000) { monster strcharinfo(3), 0, 0, "Lord of Orcs", 1190, 1, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBossKill"; } } else { .monster_kill = 0; } } end; OnBossKill: // rewards end; }  
  11. Emistry's post in NPC for specific guild name was marked as the answer   
    prontera,155,3 script Sample 757,{ .@guild_id = getcharid(2); if (.@guild_id) { if (getguildname(.@guild_id) == "My_guild") { switch (select("Storage:Tool Dealer:Cashshop")) { case 1: openstorage; break; case 2: callshop "yourshop",1; break; case 3: callshop "yourshop",1; break; } } } end; }  
  12. Emistry's post in About getcharip() was marked as the answer   
  13. Emistry's post in @whobuy for latest GIT was marked as the answer   
    what is the merit of still using this command when we already have better option?

  14. Emistry's post in Reduce 100% resistance of demi humans to 80% or less was marked as the answer   
    case SP_SUBRACE: // bonus2 bSubRace,r,x; PC_BONUS_CHK_RACE(type2,SP_SUBRACE); if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->indexed_bonus.subrace[type2]+=val; + if (type2 == RC_DEMIHUMAN && sd->indexed_bonus.subrace[type2] > 80) + sd->indexed_bonus.subrace[type2] = min(80, sd->indexed_bonus.subrace[type2]); break; you can try something like this, max 80% item bonuses reduction from equipments
  15. Emistry's post in Npc with preview was marked as the answer   
    Items ----- You can refer to items by using HTML-like links to certain items: <ITEMLINK>Display Name<INFO>Item ID</INFO></ITEMLINK> Where <Display Name> is the name that will be displayed for your link and <Item ID> being the ID of the item you want to link to when clicked. In 2015 the tag name was changed to <ITEM> resulting in the following syntax: <ITEM>Display Name<INFO>Item ID</INFO></ITEM> The following sample will open a preview window for Red Potion: mes "Did you ever consume a <ITEMLINK>Red Potion<INFO>501</INFO></ITEMLINK>?"; // Or in 2015: mes "Did you ever consume a <ITEM>Red Potion<INFO>501</INFO></ITEM>?"; NOTE: Be aware that item links are rendered incorrectly in 2015+ clients at the moment. replace the item name display line using this format.
  16. Emistry's post in Adoption NPC script was marked as the answer   
    prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ if (!ispartneron()) { mes "Your partner isn't online or not found."; } else if (getchildid()) { mes "You already has a child."; } else { mes "Would you like to adopt someone?"; next; if (select("Yes", "Cancel") == 1) { mes "Enter Child name"; input .@child_name$; switch(adopt(strcharinfo(0), .@child_name$)) { case ADOPT_ALLOWED: mes "Sent message to Baby to accept or deny."; break; case ADOPT_ALREADY_ADOPTED: mes "Character is already adopted."; break; case ADOPT_MARRIED_AND_PARTY: mes "Parents need to be married and in a party with the baby."; break; case ADOPT_EQUIP_RINGS: mes "Parents need wedding rings equipped."; break; case ADOPT_NOT_NOVICE: mes "Baby is not a Novice."; break; case ADOPT_CHARACTER_NOT_FOUND: mes "A parent or Baby was not found."; break; case ADOPT_MORE_CHILDREN: mes "You cannot adopt more than 1 child. (client message)"; break; case ADOPT_LEVEL_70: mes "Parents need to be at least level 70 in order to adopt someone. (client message)"; break; case ADOPT_MARRIED: mes "You cannot adopt a married person. (client message)"; break; } } } close; }  
  17. Emistry's post in Can I change the English translation back to Korean? was marked as the answer   
    just use the original kro files, and dont change anything.
  18. Emistry's post in Warp Rotation was marked as the answer   
    prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 45,2,2,{ end; function func_AddWarp { .@map$ = getarg(0, ""); .@x = getarg(1, 0); .@y = getarg(2, 0); if (getmapusers(.@map$) >= 0) { .map$[.map_size] = .@map$; .x[.map_size] = .@x; .y[.map_size] = .@y; .map_size++; } return; } OnTouch: warp .map$[.index], .x[.index], .y[.index]; end; OnInit: // func_AddWarp("map", x, y); func_AddWarp("prontera", 155, 181); func_AddWarp("payon", 0, 0); func_AddWarp("izlude", 100, 100); func_AddWarp("prt_fild01", 120, 60); OnHour00: .index = rand(.map_size); end; }  
  19. Emistry's post in R> Add custom points in this Random Box Function was marked as the answer   
    function script F_RBox { // change Item ID here setarray .@i1[0],607,608; // Common Items setarray .@i2[0],512,513; // Rare Items setarray .@i3[0],514,515; // Super Rare Items set .@i1rand,rand( getarraysize(.@i1) ); // Randomize Common Items; just change max amount if you add items set .@i2rand,rand( getarraysize(.@i2) ); // Randomize Rare Items; just change max amount if you add items set .@i3rand,rand( getarraysize(.@i3) ); //Randomize Super Rare Items; just change max amount if you add items .@chance = rand(100); // Super Rare Item 1% if (.@chance == 0) { getitem .@i3[.@i3rand],1; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a ["+getitemname(.@i3[.@i3rand])+"] from the Super Rare Box.",0; } else if (.chance <= 10) { // 10% getitem .@i2[.@i2rand],1; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a ["+getitemname(.@i2[.@i2rand])+"] from the Rare Item Box.",0; } else if (.chance <= 15) { // 5% #pvppoints += 1; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a [1 #pvppoints] from the Rare Item Box.",0; } else if (.chance <= 22) { // 7% #HourlyPoints += 2; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a [2 #HourlyPoints] from the Rare Item Box.",0; } else if (.chance <= 50) { // 28% #Cashpoints += 3; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a [3 #Cashpoints] from the Rare Item Box.",0; } // Common Items // 50% else { getitem .@i1[.@i1rand],1; } end; }  
  20. Emistry's post in Magic Attack Auto Spell was marked as the answer   
    bonus5 bAutoSpell,x,y,n,t,i; n/10% chance to cast skill x of level y when attacking (supports skill names) t: Trigger criteria: BF_SHORT: Trigger on melee attack BF_LONG: Trigger on ranged attack ( Default: BF_SHORT+BF_LONG ) BF_WEAPON: Trigger on weapon skills BF_MAGIC: Trigger on magic skills BF_MISC: Trigger on misc skills ( Default: BF_WEAPON ) BF_NORMAL: Trigger on normal attacks. BF_SKILL: Trigger on skills (Default: BF_SKILL if type is BF_MISC or BF_MAGIC, BF_NORMAL if type is BF_WEAPON) i: 0=cast on self 1=cast on enemy, not on self 2=use random skill lv in [1..y] 3=1+2 (random lv on enemy) do you meant trigger autospell on magical attack?
  21. Emistry's post in Kill 100 Andre and Spawn 1 poring(Max 5 porings) script was marked as the answer   
    Replace original anthell spawn script with this.
    anthell01,0,0 monster Andre 1095,15,5000,0,"sample::OnKill" and load this npc script
    - script sample -1,{ OnKill: .mob_count++; if (.mob_count && .mob_count % 100 == 0) { .mob_count = 0; getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_PC); if (mobcount(.@map$, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMobKill") < 5) { monster .@map$, .@x + rand(-3,3), .@y + rand(-3,3), "--ja--", 1002, 1, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMobKill"; } } end; OnMobKill: end; }  
  22. Emistry's post in Help with this Emp Breaker Test room was marked as the answer   
    prontera,173,176,4 script Emperium Breaker 743,{ // What Map will be used set .Map$,"job3_arch01"; // How many Top Breaker will be Recorded set .TopRank,10; // Message to Inform Players while inside the Room setarray .Instruction$[0], "Please Listen here carefully.", "This is Emperium Breaker Test Room , which is use to test your Breaking Time.", "Prepare youself...and do your best to Break it...", "Okay that's All i want to say , get Ready yourself and it will Start Soon."; while( 1 ){ mes "This is Emperium Breaker test Room. "; mes "You are able to calculate your Emperium Breaking Speed in this Room."; next; switch( select( ( getmapusers( .Map$ ) )?"^FF0000NOT Available":"^0000FFAvailable^000000", "Top ^FF0000"+.TopRank+"^000000 Breaker Ladder", ( getgmlevel() < 90 )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Reset Room", ( getgmlevel() < 90 )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Reset Ladder" )){ Case 1: if( getmapusers( .Map$ ) ){ mes "There is another player inside it now."; next; break; } warp .Map$,0,0; killmonster .Map$,"All"; // removemapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReady"; end; Case 2: mes "^ED1ADCLatest Record^000000 : "+LatestRecord/1000+"."+LatestRecord%1000+" Seconds."; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( !$TopRankTime[.@i] ) break; mes "^FF0000Top "+( .@i + 1 )+" : ^0000FF"+$TopName$[.@i]+" "; mes "^FF0000Time Taken : ^ED1ADC[ "+$TopRankTime[.@i]/1000+"."+$TopRankTime[.@i]%1000+" Sec. ]^000000 "; } next; break; Case 3: mapannounce .Map$,"A GM has RESET the Breaker Test Room.",0,0x00FF00; killmonster .Map$,"All"; sleep2 3000; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",156,175; mes "Done Reset. and Player who are inside are warped out."; next; break; Case 4: switch( select( "^0000FFAll Player^000000:^FF0000One Player^000000" ) ){ Case 1: deletearray $TopRankTime[0],getarraysize( $TopRankTime ); deletearray $TopName$[0],getarraysize( $TopName$ ); mes "RESETED WHOLE LADDER."; break; Case 2: mes "Please input the ^FF0000EXACT NAME^000000 of player you want to delete."; input .Name$; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( .Name$ == $TopName$[.@i] ){ deletearray $TopName$[.@i],1; deletearray $TopRankTime[.@i],1; mes "Removed ^FF0000"+.Name$+"^000000 from the List."; } } } next; break; } } OnReady: sleep 3000; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Instruction$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mapannounce .Map$,.Instruction$[.@i],0,0x00FF00; sleep 2500; } for( set .@i,5; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i - 1 ){ mapannounce .Map$,"Count Down : "+.@i+" Seconds.",0,0x00FF00; sleep 1000; } //mapannounce .Map$,"Hit the Emperium Now and Skills Disabled.",0,0x00FF00; setmapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; monster .Map$,29,27,"Breaker Test",1288,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBreaked"; set .Record,0; sleep 500; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer600000: if( !mobcount( .Map$,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBreaked" ) ) end; mapannounce .Map$,"You spent too much time. i think you are AFK , so you are out.",0,0xED1ADC; sleep 3000; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",156,175; stopnpctimer; end; OnBreaked: set .Time,getnpctimer(0); copyarray .@tempName$[0],$TopName$[0],getarraysize( $TopName$ ); copyarray .@tempRecord[0],$TopRankTime[0],getarraysize( $TopRankTime[0] ); set LatestRecord,.Time; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( .Time < $TopRankTime[.@i] || !$TopRankTime[.@i] ){ set $TopRankTime[.@i],.Time; set $TopName$[.@i],strcharinfo(0); copyarray $TopRankTime[.@i + 1],.@tempRecord[0],getarraysize( .@tempRecord ); copyarray $TopName$[.@i + 1],.@tempName$[0],getarraysize( .@tempName$ ); announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Achieved Top "+( .@i + 1 )+" in Emperium Breaking with "+.Time/1000+"."+.Time%1000+" Seconds !!!",bc_all,0xED1ADC; break; } } stopnpctimer; announce "Current Time Taken : "+.Time/1000+"."+.Time%1000+" Seconds. ",bc_self,0xED1ADC; // removemapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; sleep2 5000; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",156,175; end; } job3_arch01 mapflag nocommand 50 job3_arch01 mapflag gvg on job3_arch01 mapflag gvg_castle job3_arch01 mapflag monster_noteleport job3_arch01 mapflag nosave SavePoint  
  23. Emistry's post in Guardian Stone Announcer was marked as the answer   
    if you're using the default script, then you shall change this instead.
    OnGuardianStoneDied: set .@num, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),2)); set .@var$,"$agit_"+substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); setd .@var$+"["+(.@num-1)+"]",1; if (getd(.@var$+"[0]") == 1 || getd(.@var$+"[0]") == 2) set .@destroyed, .@destroyed+1; if (getd(.@var$+"[1]") == 1 || getd(.@var$+"[1]") == 2) set .@destroyed, .@destroyed+1; if (playerattached()) mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"The "+((.@num == 1)?"1st":"2nd")+" Guardian Stone has been destroyed by "+strcharinfo(3)+"!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; else mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"The "+((.@num == 1)?"1st":"2nd")+" Guardian Stone has been destroyed!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; if (.@destroyed == 2) { mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"All of the Guardian Stones have been destroyed!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "RL0#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnDisable"; } donpcevent "gard"+.@num+"#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnReset"; initnpctimer; end;  
  24. Emistry's post in Killing MOB A, everyone in the map gets item was marked as the answer   
    - script sample -1,{ OnInit: .map$ = "prontera"; monster .map$,0,0,"--ja--",1002,1, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKill"; end; OnKill: addrid(5, 0, .map$); .@rate = rand(100); if (.@rate < 20) { // 20% getitem 512, 1; } else if (.@rate < 35) { // 15% getitem 909, 2; } else if (.@rate < 45) { // 10% getitem 985, 3; } end; }  
  25. Emistry's post in Jobmaster HELP! was marked as the answer   
    if ( Zeny < .costamount ) { next; mes .NPCName$; mes "You don't have ^ff0000"+.costamount+"^000000 Zeny!"; close; } change to
    if ( Zeny < .costamount && getgroupid() != 5 ) { next; mes .NPCName$; mes "You don't have ^ff0000"+.costamount+"^000000 Zeny!"; close; }  
    Zeny -= .costamount; change to
    if (getgroupid() != 5 ) { Zeny -= .costamount; }  
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