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Everything posted by boosack20

  1. thanks sir.. I will test it. the box wont open.. Here is the script: 20198,Guild_Box1,Guild Members Box,18,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem2 20195,1,1,7,,,,,,; },{},{} sorry sir.. its working now..
  2. Hi, I create a custom coin and headgear. the effect of this headgear is that there is a 1% chance to get the custom coin when a monster is killed. My problem is that everytime I kill a monster the coin drops. 15/15 coin drop. Please Help Thanks.
  3. Hi, I would like to create an item like a gift box for guild package. Sample of this is +7 valk set. my question is would it be possible to get a +7item inside the box? if yes, How would it be? Thanks.
  4. @Jesky - thanks for the help. @sandbox - thank you. It helped me to understand on how to do this.
  5. There is another topic that have costume npc which turns your items to another.. but his npc removes the cards, refine and so on.. on my request I just want to change the costume of the sprite.
  6. Hi, I want a NPC that convert your sprite into others. More like a costume or any other headgears. Sample would be my valkryie helm then using the costume to turn apple o' archer.. Thanks.
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