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Everything posted by lolmin21

  1. Hello, Im requesting that script can enable/disable by gm in disguise event which can set prize, amount, and how many round. Also for dice event. Thank you.
  2. Hi, Im would like to have jobchange with reward like zeny or item with this script. Thank you. JobChanger.txt
  3. to Not sure sorry If doesn't work. Thank you. Its working.
  4. Need help in fixing error, can't understand with this error show up in putty : script error on npc/custom/kafraExpress/ke_main.txt line 324 parse_callfunc: expected ')' to close argument list In game its normally can use and did not get any error. p/s: By the way, it's not my script, i'm just edit it Hihihihi ke_main.txt
  5. Need help to make it normal back. Problem in Warper. Cannot warp into "PVP Map" prontera,152,191,4 script PvP Warper 628,{ mes "[ ^0065DFPvp Warper^000000 ]"; mes "I am the first Keeper, are you ready?."; if (select("Yes!","Urrr No.") == 2) close; mes "[ ^0065DFPvp Warper^000000 ]"; mes "Which Arena you want to go to??"; menu "Solo PVP [" + getmapusers("prt_pvp") + " / 50]",Larena1, "Normal PVP [" + getmapusers("arena_vs1") + " / 50]",Larena2, "1 VS 1 [" + getmapusers("guild_vs4") + " / 2]",Larena3, "Quit",Lcancel; Lcancel: close; Larena1: if (getmapusers("prt_pvp") > 49) goto Lsorry; callfunc "Ramvp_1"; warp "prt_pvp",0,0; close; Larena2: if (getmapusers("arena_vs1") > 49) goto Lsorry; callfunc "Ramvp_1"; warp "arena_vs1",0,0; close; Larena3: if (getmapusers("guild_vs4") > 1) goto Lsorry; callfunc "Ramvp_1"; warp "guild_vs4",50,45; close; Lsorry: mes "[ ^0065DFPvp Warper^000000 ]"; mes "Sorry but this Arena is already full, maybe you can try another one!"; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Battle PVP",0; end; } prt_pvp mapflag pvp arena_vs1 mapflag pvp guild_vs4 mapflag pvp prt_pvp mapflag nocommand 50 arena_vs1 mapflag nocommand 50 guild_vs4 mapflag nocommand 50 arena_vs1 mapflag nosave SavePoint prt_pvp mapflag nosave SavePoint arena_vs1 mapflag pvp_noparty arena_vs1 mapflag partylock arena_vs1 mapflag pvp_noguild
  6. Need help in this script trinity,118,66,4 script Test1 435,{ mes "[Test]"; mes "Nice to meet you "+ strcharinfo ( 0 ) +", my name is Ana"; mes "Welcome to ^E066FFthis RO!^000000"; mes "I'll help you out I'd like to warp you here"; next; mes "This is following item to warp"; mes "10 Gold"; // Take Locations setarray .@maps$[0],"Prontera","Morocc","Geffen","Izlude"; setarray .@mapx[0],158,100,200,300; setarray .@mapy[0],174,100,200,300; // Set Items Needed setarray .@items,501,502,503,504; // Generate Menu for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(.@maps$); set .@a, .@a + 1) { if (countitem(.@items[.@a])) { set .@menu_maps$[getarraysize(.@menu_maps$)], .@maps$[.@a]; set .@menu_index[getarraysize(.@menu_index)], .@a; } } // Generate the Menu String set .@menu$, .@menu_maps$[0]; for (set .@a, 1; .@a < getarraysize(.@menu_maps$); set .@a, .@a + 1) { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":" + .@menu_maps$[.@a]; } // Query Selection set .@a, select(.@menu$) - 1; warp .@menu_maps$[.@a], .@mapx[.@a], .@mapy[.@a]; end; } Debug & Error Features Script: -Require Item Quest -Only 1 time use item required(first time only, next free)
  7. It will be like this? Debug not appear again OnTimer10000: if(getmapusers("quiz_01") == 1){ killmonsterall "quiz_01"; mapannounce "quiz_01","You have survive and WIN, approach the Reward NPC please.",0; enablenpc "Reward NPC"; } end; // <--- Already put outside the bracket Thank you.
  8. Add the BMP files here: data\texture\유저인터페이스\map\ ---------------- Thank you for helping, its work
  9. Why minimap not appear when custom map added Some file that me download it from, have texture/bmp How to add that???
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