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Posts posted by Mushimaru


    you lay out a bunch of changes that you want.

    no one is going to help you with all those listed,

    prolly all this changes needs src modification, (i bet, no one even bother to read the effects you want, that includes me)

    if you want this effects to be implemented,

    fix them your self and ask for minimal support, dont ask for spoon feed,

    if you cant do it, go hire people to do it for you.

    and use English at all times in this section.


    Can you please post if u have a solution?

    Same with this topic https://rathena.org/board/topic/105991-devotion-bug-on-eamod/

    Dont post to say "fix it your self" please.


     this is why i love this forum...people here all are supportive...by the way...as they said, try first yourself and learn...if still cant fix, then post here what have you done...a lot of people here can help you to understand the problem...for your problem, maybe you should provide more detail about what you need..cause i dont really understand what did you want with just listing all those effect...peace~ /bo

  2. Hello,

    So I want to make a custom item with this script

    if( Class==Job_High_Priest ) { bonus bHealPower,30; skill "AL_HEAL",20; skill "AL_BLESSING",20; }


    It works perfectly. But then I want to add permanent assumptio status for it, so


    if( Class==Job_High_Priest ) { bonus bHealPower,30; skill "AL_HEAL",20; skill "AL_BLESSING",20; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,-1,5; }


    Then, the assumptio status change applied. But only the bHealPower bonus works, those skill add scripts (AL_HEAL, AL_BLESSING) didnt, AND my MAX HP dropped to about 40% (from 55k to 20k).


    Im using latest (master) rathena version with client 20151104 and pre-renewal mode.


    - Is my 2nd script correct? If not, please correct me.

    - If it's correct, so is this a bug? Is there any other way to achieve my demand?

    Side question cause I dont wanna make another thread:

    - Is there any script or way to check my equipped weapon type? So I can make a condition (i.e if equipped weapon is 1h or 2h spear type then add spear skills for user).


    the structure of the script is { Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }


    im not really sure...but you can try this

    { if( Class==Job_High_Priest ) { bonus bHealPower,30; skill "AL_HEAL",20; skill "AL_BLESSING",20; } },{ skilleffect "AL_ASSUMPTIO",0; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,-1,5; },{ sc_end SC_ASSUMPTIO; }
  3. My boyfriend is hosting a server for just the two of us and he gave me GM powers. While playing with the GM commands, I typed in @dye 4 and it gave me a slew of errors (which I did not catch), and crashed my game. When I try to get back in, this is the error I receive at character select:




    If anyone could help me POSSIBLY get this resolved, it'd be great. I am very computer illiterate, so if you could dumb it down with a step-by-step and maybe some screenshots, that would be very much appreciated. Thanks.


    try update your kRO to the latest and extract this in your grf...





    { bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,5; bonus bAgi,5; bonus bDex,5; bonus bVit,5; bonus bMaxSP,100; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,5; },{},{}

    thanks you sir

    better learn how to make it by yourself we can help you but, if you learn how to do it you are free to make all that you want, here you can find all the bonus, is in your rathena too in the doc fold, if you have some doubt with that we can help you but firs try, get some errors, check it again and again and then if dont work we will help you :D


    thanks to the advice I try to make my own script  /no1

    I tried to make the script I think its not working what is wrong here 

    +3allstats +3% damage to demi -3% damage to demi reduce cast time 10% reduce skill delay 10% -20% damage to demi-human when equipped by archer and Gunslinger

    { bonus bAllStats,3; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,3; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,3; bonus bDelayRate,-10; if(BaseClass == Job_Archer||(Class == Job_Gunslinger) bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,20; },{},{}


    haha i think a lot of mistake there...i suggest you to refer script on rms...there are lot of example you can learn/copy...


    okey back to your problem...that script if(BaseClass....blablabla) is wrong...you can compare it with the script i had give you before....and i wonder what exactly you want from damage to demi??+3% to demi and -3% to demi? nvm i will just put it and you edit there only if you gonna change it...

    { bonus bAllstat,3; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,3; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,-3; bonus bCastrate,-10; bonus bDelayRate,-10; if( BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Gunslinger ) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,-20; }; },{},{}

    no...you just need to edit client side


    here is the step...lets say your new item id number is 30000


    1. edit data/idnum2resnametable.txt


    2. edit data/idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt


    3. edit data/idnum2itemdesctable.txt

    Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
    All Stats + 1.
    Base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 20 or higher,
    -Str -> Attack + 1
    -Int -> Magic Attack + 1
    -Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property + 1%
    -Agi -> Increase ASPD (After Attack delay -1%)
    -Dex -> Ranged Attack +1%
    -Luk -> Inflict 1% more critical attack.
    Class : ^777777Garment^000000
    Defense : ^77777718^000000
    Weight : ^77777720^000000
    Required Level : ^7777771^000000
    Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

    4 . edit System/iteminfo.lua

    	[30000] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Fallen Angel Wing",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "후드",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Unidentified item, can be identified with [Magnifier].",
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Fallen Angel Wing",
    		identifiedResourceName = "타락천사의날개",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.",
    			"All Stats + 1.",
    			"Base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 20 or higher,",
    			"-Str -> Attack + 1",
    			"-Int -> Magic Attack + 1",
    			"-Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property + 1%",
    			"-Agi -> Increase ASPD (After Attack delay -1%)",
    			"-Dex -> Ranged Attack +1%",
    			"-Luk -> Inflict 1% more critical attack.",
    			"Type : ^777777Garment^000000",
    			"Defense : ^77777718^000000",
    			"Weight : ^77777720^000000",
    			"Required Level : ^7777771^000000",
    			"Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000",
    		slotCount = 1,
    		ClassNum = 3

    4. edit db/pre-ren/item_db.txt

    30000,Fallen_Angel_Wing,Fallen Angel Wing,4,0,,200,,18,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,4,,0,1,3,{ bonus bAllStats,1; bonus bAtk,readparam(bStr)/20; bonus bMatk,readparam(bInt)/20; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,readparam(bVit)/20; bonus bLongAtkRate,readparam(bDex)/20; bonus bCritAtkRate,readparam(bLuk)/20; },{},{}

    5. use command @reloaditemdb


    done~  /ok



    wrong!, he's using 2013, that way is for 2012 and before he needs to make these edits via system/iteminfo.lua/iteminfo.lub and only with lua files there are no txt files involved aside from server side.



    really??...im using this step to duplicate my item db and its seem worked...im using 2015 by the way.... /hum

  6. Here

    { bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,5; bonus bAgi,5; bonus bDex,5; bonus bVit,5; bonus bMaxSP,100; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,5; },{},{}
  7. no...you just need to edit client side


    here is the step...lets say your new item id number is 30000


    1. edit data/idnum2resnametable.txt


    2. edit data/idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt


    3. edit data/idnum2itemdesctable.txt

    Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
    All Stats + 1.
    Base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 20 or higher,
    -Str -> Attack + 1
    -Int -> Magic Attack + 1
    -Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property + 1%
    -Agi -> Increase ASPD (After Attack delay -1%)
    -Dex -> Ranged Attack +1%
    -Luk -> Inflict 1% more critical attack.
    Class : ^777777Garment^000000
    Defense : ^77777718^000000
    Weight : ^77777720^000000
    Required Level : ^7777771^000000
    Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

    4 . edit System/iteminfo.lua

    	[30000] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Fallen Angel Wing",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "후드",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Unidentified item, can be identified with [Magnifier].",
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Fallen Angel Wing",
    		identifiedResourceName = "타락천사의날개",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.",
    			"All Stats + 1.",
    			"Base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 20 or higher,",
    			"-Str -> Attack + 1",
    			"-Int -> Magic Attack + 1",
    			"-Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property + 1%",
    			"-Agi -> Increase ASPD (After Attack delay -1%)",
    			"-Dex -> Ranged Attack +1%",
    			"-Luk -> Inflict 1% more critical attack.",
    			"Type : ^777777Garment^000000",
    			"Defense : ^77777718^000000",
    			"Weight : ^77777720^000000",
    			"Required Level : ^7777771^000000",
    			"Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000",
    		slotCount = 1,
    		ClassNum = 3

    4. edit db/pre-ren/item_db.txt

    30000,Fallen_Angel_Wing,Fallen Angel Wing,4,0,,200,,18,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,4,,0,1,3,{ bonus bAllStats,1; bonus bAtk,readparam(bStr)/20; bonus bMatk,readparam(bInt)/20; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,readparam(bVit)/20; bonus bLongAtkRate,readparam(bDex)/20; bonus bCritAtkRate,readparam(bLuk)/20; },{},{}

    5. use command @reloaditemdb


    done~  /ok

  8. try this

    { bonus bAllStats,2; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,10000; if( BaseJob==Job_Hunter ) { bonus bLongAtkRate,10;  bonus bLongAtkRate,10; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,8; }; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseJob==Job_Alchemist) bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus bDefRate,-5; if(BaseJob==Job_Priest) bonus bHealPower,20; },{},{} 
    • Upvote 1
  9. Client Side


    1. that packet_db_ver is for your client...The executable client..this depend on which client u want to use...


    2. I think all this in separate location because its easy to search for it...for example, got new update with new client, then you can find client section only..same with the others (data folder/kro/rathena folder). And also it depend on your choice...some people like to use old client cause they found it easy to use..so thats why it cant be in single packet.


    3. Yes its involve editing the GUI of the executable client..diffing your client its like to make your own custom executable client...depend on what you want the client to read for your server folder..there's a lot of plugin u can choose...


    Server Side


    1. main.sql and log.sql is a basic sql you needed for a server...if you are going to use txt version, then you dont need to execute others sql file...but if you are planning to use all the database as sql, then yes you need to execute all of it...you can check this in wiki database installation and additional configuration section...https://rathena.org/wiki/SQL_Installation#Database_Installation

    2. item_db.sql is for pre-ren and item_db_re.sql is for renewal...of course its have to be separate..its your choice either to make server for ren or pre-ren..


    3. item_db.sql and item_db2.sql is two separate file..the main item db is item_db.sql...item_db2.sql created for ragnarok developer to separate two database so that he can easily access the database he created...for example he want to add custom item, and dont want to mix it with his main item db, then he can use item_db2.sql as his file to store all database for custom item that he made..but if you plan to use it in one folder, then there's no need to execute the item_db2.sql..just use item_db.sql as the main core database for item...


    i think this is the explanation that you need....and if im wrong please do correct me cause im also still in learning process... /ok

  10. Izlude = seems in the middle left side of the corner you can't seem to walk. (Going to the swordsman quest) + if keep using fly wing always ended up going into the water.


    Prontera = Town is perfectly fine except for when going inside the Prontera Church client crashes.


    Payon = Does anybody have the old map for this one? (Would be great if you could share please and thank you).


    Any advice/suggestion for the first 2 problems?

     use weemapcache for that..


    can get it here https://rathena.org/board/topic/53424-weemapcache/


    open mapcache.dat using weemapcache and add izlude.gat in it and merge then save

  11. Good evening and I'm sorry cause I'm not entirely sure if I'm on the right section. But i would just like to know how would i be able to send someone a verification when they registered an account? thank you.

     in your control panel folder... config/application.php


    'RequireEmailConfirm' => false,  //<====== make this true

    • Upvote 1
  12. ok im just wondering bc we are having an issue with the donates we got all the problems fixed but we are still getting sprites error how do i fix that problem?

     try change your npc id perhaps?...by the way, i dont think this case should be in scripting section...

  13. conf/battle/drop.txt


    edit this for your main drop.


    example :

    // The rate at which cards are dropped

    item_rate_card: 10000
    item_rate_card_boss: 10000
    item_rate_card_mvp: 100
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 10000
    this mean 1% for normal card, 0.01% for mvp card (this is from my server setting)
    and so on~





    list down your rare drop here


    // 909,100 // Jellopies from monsters will drop with 1x drop rate regardless of global drop rate
    // 909,1000 // Jellopies from monsters will drop with 10x drop rate regardless of global drop rate
    // 909,100,1002 // Jellopies from Porings will drop with 1x drop rate. Other monsters that drop Jellopies are unaffected (use global drop rate).
    "item id","rate drop","mob drop"



    tr0n...i wanna ask something...i want to make my collection quest trigger by changes of day...for example, for 1st set collection is for monday....2nd collection for tuesday and so on...so, can it be??


    The OnDay Label could work here, put "OnDayXXXX" infront of every quest and enter your day and month into it

    OnDay0101: first quest // This label is triggered on the first day of January

    OnDay0515: second quest // This one is triggered on the fifteenth day of May.

    OnDay1231: "" // This one is triggered on the last day of December.

    OnDay0229: "" // This label is only triggered when it is February 29th, so once every four years.


    I never tested it and I dont know if it works properly So go test it out and report if it works or not :)



    Tr0n is it possible to make it once per quest?  (you can only quest it once not twice.) and set it to per account?


    Check the settings after OnInit Label. Check Line: '310' Set it to 0 and you can do every quest only once. And if you want to make it account bound

    just change all character related variables to account related ones. Scripting knowledge required. If you aren't able to change it yourself open a request

    topic in proper section and I am sure someone will help you with that :)


    tron i've tried it...but its seem not affected because it was just label and not meant for timer..but let say if i want this script to trigger like woe script, what should i add in this script?

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