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Everything posted by Noturn

  1. Problem solved!! Solution: Don't use special characters on ur windows user name, if u do, move thor patcher to another one without special characters. Same thing is applied to .thor files that u want to generate.
  2. Hello everyone, Do i need to configure anything on my thor patcher if i only want to generate one .thor file? Because everytime that i use the ThorGenerator, it only generate one file with 40 bytes and my patcher dont read it properly with my changes. Thank you.
  3. Hello all, When I change the taekwon job to Soul Linker or Star Knight, all skills of taekwon disappear, anyone can help me with this? I don't know what is going on. Thanks all. @edit Solved
  4. I made one thing like that with the Lilith Faction System. Example of what you can do with this system: -> players of faction A can't attack monsters faction A. -> monsters of faction A can attack monsters faction B.
  5. for free, if it's possible.
  6. Hello all, I was wondering if someone can do a Daily Login screen for 12 or 15 days for me. I have already made a draft o what I want. I've uploaded the logo of my server too. I just need the scope, without the itens. Since the name of my server is Leaf-RO, if someone can make it with leaf/forrest theme ragnarok on background... Thanks Leaf-RO_Logo.zip
  7. Work for both char name and char ID, i did src modification on my custom command, cause a realize that I actually don't need sql script. Thanks
  8. Well, it's because I'm trying to do @kick command on label OnPCDieEvent, but the big problem here is that it have to happend even if the player is in autotrade mode (out of the game). So, I thought that maybe if I save the char information on sql it can work. I really need help with this, so if you can help me. I did this: if (query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char_info` WHERE `char_id` = "+getcharid(0)+"")) but doesn't work at all, I have tried a lot of combinations, but really doesn't work. My label is like this: OnPCDieEvent: if (query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char_info` WHERE `char_id` = "+getcharid(0)+"")){ //It will be true just if had found player data on sql table right? atcommand "@kick "+getcharid(0); } end; @EDIT It's working, thanks guys. Source modification was needed .
  9. Hello everyone, I have one doubt about sql comparisons... So, I have one custon table like this: query_sql "insert into `char_info` (`account_id`, `char_id`, `name`) values ('"+ getcharid(3) +"', '"+ getcharid(0) +"', '" + strcharinfo(0) + "')"; How can I know if the char_id on custom table is the same of who is using the script? How can I compare this two things? Thanks.
  10. Worked, thanks Mr. Enthr!
  11. can you give me default script of atcommand.c.?? then i try it my own thx in advance https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/atcommand.c Check on ACMD_FUNC(go) if it's the same of yours.
  12. Well, maybe it's just on src/map/config/renewal.h //#define RENEWAL_CAST then, recompile.
  13. It just happen with @go command? Like @Eucliwood said, check you map server. If it just happen with @go, could be on atcommand.c.
  14. Hello everyone Can anyone answer me if it's possible to do npc's with a specific location and sprite, but with no name? I mean, don't show the name when I slice the mouse on the npc. Thanks.
  15. Really nice script. Just to report a bug, is that when I click twice on some ore my zeny is consumed, even if I don't have anything selected do refine.
  16. It's Working, thanks again sir Emistry.
  17. Hello Everyone, I need a little help with command @kick. The objective is to kick players even if I'm not on the same map that they are. I tried to did this above, and it's working, but if I try to kick someone that is not in game, my map-server crash. Little help with this? if((pl_sd=map_nick2sd((char *)message)) == NULL) { clif_GM_kick(sd, pl_sd); return 0; }
  18. Thanks again Lady AnnieRuru, really silly mistake of mine
  19. Hello everyone, It's exactly what the title says, I don't want that the stone item be a pre requisite to use the skill Throwstone. I looked on status.c, skill.c, skill.h and battle.c, but nothing founded about this item. I also looked for TF_PICKSTONE, but it's a little confused to me. I hope that someone can help me with this. case TF_THROWSTONE: if (!sc_start(src,bl,SC_STUN,3,skill_lv,skill_get_time(skill_id,skill_lv))) //only blind if success sc_start(src,bl,SC_BLIND,3,skill_lv,skill_get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv)); break; case TF_PICKSTONE: if(sd) { unsigned char eflag; struct item item_tmp; struct block_list tbl; clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); memset(&tbl,0,sizeof(tbl)); // [MouseJstr] item_tmp.nameid = ITEMID_STONE; item_tmp.identify = 1; tbl.id = 0; // Commented because of duplicate animation [Lemongrass] // At the moment this displays the pickup animation a second time // If this is required in older clients, we need to add a version check here //clif_takeitem(&sd->bl,&tbl); eflag = pc_additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_PRODUCE); if(eflag) { clif_additem(sd,0,0,eflag); map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } }
  20. its inside `vendings` tableand the buffs is `sc_data` Thanks lady AnnieRuru. I really appreciate your job.
  21. Thanks sir Emirtry, I understand that SQL can't interfere directly with the game. So I should use npc+sql to make it work. One last question, Do you know where I can find the sql to see the autotrade players? or any sql to see the buffs from each player. Or it's a kind of custom table? Thanks again.
  22. No, I mean a custom table that will just disconnect the players, if theres someway to do it, can you help me? Just disconnect someone via sql, even players with autotrade. Thanks sir Emistry.
  23. Hey people, I have just one doubt, anyone know if it's possible to kill/disconnect someone using sql tables? thanks.
  24. Hello everyone, I just want a little modification on < Euphy's Quest Shop >. This NPC is currently working like this, right? - give some item id quantity AND - give some item id quantity AND - give some item id quantity Here is your reward. It's possible to work like this? - give some item id quantity AND - give some item id quantity AND - give some item id quantity - OR - give some special item id quantity Here is your reward. Thats it, I'm avaiable to clarify the request if it's not clear. Thanks a lot.
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